Globalization in Blazor TreeMap Component

15 Dec 20221 minute to read

The Blazor TreeMap component supports globalization for the following elements:

  • Data Label
  • Tooltip

Globalization is the process of designing and developing a component that works in different cultures or locales. The Format property is used to globalize number, date, and time values in the TreeMap component.

In the following code example, tooltip and Data Label is globalized to currency format in Deutsch culture.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.TreeMap

<SfTreeMap WeightValuePath="GDP" DataSource="GrowthReports" Format="C">
    <TreeMapTooltipSettings Visible=true>

@code {
    public class GDPReport
        public string State { get; set; }
        public double GDP { get; set; }
        public double Percentage { get; set; }
        public int Rank { get; set; }
    public List<GDPReport> GrowthReports = new List<GDPReport> {
            new GDPReport {State="United States", GDP=17946, Percentage=11.08, Rank=1},
            new GDPReport {State="China", GDP=10866, Percentage= 28.42, Rank=2},
            new GDPReport {State="Japan", GDP=4123, Percentage=-30.78, Rank=3},
            new GDPReport {State="Germany", GDP=3355, Percentage=-5.19, Rank=4},
            new GDPReport {State="United Kingdom", GDP=2848, Percentage=8.28, Rank=5},
            new GDPReport {State="France", GDP=2421, Percentage=-9.69, Rank=6},
            new GDPReport {State="India", GDP=2073, Percentage=13.65, Rank=7},
            new GDPReport {State="Italy", GDP=1814, Percentage=-12.45, Rank=8},
            new GDPReport {State="Brazil", GDP=1774, Percentage=-27.88, Rank=9},
            new GDPReport {State="Canada", GDP=1550, Percentage=-15.02, Rank=10}


Refer to Blazor Localization topic to localize Syncfusion Blazor components.

Localization in Blazor TreeMap