Get iconCss dynamically in Blazor TreeView Component
9 Jan 20258 minutes to read
In the TreeView component, get the original bound data using the GetTreeData
method. For this method, if the id of the tree node is passed, it returns the corresponding node information, or otherwise the overall tree nodes information will be returned. This method can be used to get the bound IconCss class in the NodeChecking
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations
<SfTreeView TValue="TreeItem" SortOrder="@Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations.SortOrder.Ascending" ShowCheckBox="true" AutoCheck="false" @ref="tree">
<TreeViewEvents TValue="TreeItem" NodeChecking="BeforeCheck"></TreeViewEvents>
<TreeViewFieldsSettings DataSource="@TreeDataSource" Id="NodeId" Text="NodeText" Expanded="Expanded" Child="Child" IconCss="Icon"></TreeViewFieldsSettings>
@if (SelectedIcon != null)
SfTreeView<TreeItem> tree;
List<TreeItem> TreeDataSource = new List<TreeItem>();
string SelectedIcon = null;
string SelectedID = null;
async void BeforeCheck(NodeCheckEventArgs args)
if (args.Action == "check")
SelectedID = args.NodeData.Id;
List<TreeItem> IconData = this.tree.GetTreeData(SelectedID);
SelectedIcon = $"Icon class is: {IconData[0].Icon}";
protected override void OnInitialized()
TreeDataSource.Add(new TreeItem
NodeId = "01",
NodeText = "Music",
Icon = "folder",
Child = new List<TreeItem>()
new TreeItem { NodeId = "01-01", NodeText = "Gouttes.mp3", Icon = "audio" }
TreeDataSource.Add(new TreeItem
NodeId = "02",
NodeText = "Videos",
Icon = "folder",
Child = new List<TreeItem>()
new TreeItem { NodeId = "02-01", NodeText = "Naturals.mp4", Icon = "video" },
new TreeItem { NodeId = "02-02", NodeText = "Wild.mpeg", Icon = "video" },
class TreeItem
public string NodeId { get; set; }
public string NodeText { get; set; }
public string Icon { get; set; }
public bool Expanded { get; set; }
public bool Selected { get; set; }
public List<TreeItem> Child;
.e-treeview .e-list-img {
width: 25px;
height: 25px;
/* Loading sprite image for TreeView */
.e-treeview .e-list-icon {
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-image: url("css/treeview/images/file_Icons.png");
height: 20px;
/* Specify the Icon positions based upon class name */
.e-treeview .e-list-icon.folder {
background-position: -197px -552px
.e-treeview .e-list-icon.docx {
background-position: -197px -20px
.e-treeview .e-list-icon.ppt {
background-position: -197px -48px
.e-treeview .e-list-icon.pdf {
background-position: -197px -104px
.e-treeview .e-list-icon.images {
background-position: -197px -132px
.e-treeview {
background-position: -197px -188px
.e-treeview {
background-position: -197px -244px
.e-treeview {
background-position: -197px -272px
.e-treeview .e-list-icon.exe {
background-position: -197px -412px