Virtualization in Blazor TreeView Component
21 Feb 20254 minutes to read
The TreeView supports UI Virtualization to improve the performance for a large amount of data. This feature initially gathers all the data, but doesn’t render out the entire data source on initial rendering. It loads the N number of items in the initial rendering and the remaining set number of items will load on each scrolling action in the TreeView container. To setup the Virtualization, define the EnableVirtualization as true and TreeView container height by Height property.
The following sample shows the example of Virtualization.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations
<SfTreeView TValue="TreeData" EnableVirtualization="true" Height="400">
<TreeViewFieldsSettings DataSource="@TreeDataSource" Id="Id" ParentID="Pid" Text="Name" HasChildren="HasChild" Expanded="Expanded"></TreeViewFieldsSettings>
@code {
// Specifies the DataSource value for TreeView component.
List<TreeData> TreeDataSource = new List<TreeData>()
new TreeData() { Id = "1", Name = "Software Developers", HasChild = true, Expanded = true },
new TreeData() { Id = "2", Name = "UX/UI Designers", HasChild = true, Expanded = false },
new TreeData() { Id = "3", Name = "Quality Testers", HasChild = true, Expanded = false },
new TreeData() { Id = "4", Name = "Technical Support", HasChild = true, Expanded = false },
new TreeData() { Id = "5", Name = "Network Engineers", HasChild = true, Expanded = false }
List<TreeData> DefaultData = new List<TreeData>()
new TreeData() { Name = "Nancy" },
new TreeData() { Name = "Andrew" },
new TreeData() { Name = "Janet" },
new TreeData() { Name = "Margaret" },
new TreeData() { Name = "Steven" },
new TreeData() { Name = "Laura" },
new TreeData() { Name = "Robert" },
new TreeData() { Name = "Michael" },
new TreeData() { Name = "Albert" },
new TreeData() { Name = "Nolan" },
new TreeData() { Name = "Jennifer" },
new TreeData() { Name = "Carter" },
new TreeData() { Name = "Allison" },
new TreeData() { Name = "John" },
new TreeData() { Name = "Susan" },
new TreeData() { Name = "Lydia" },
new TreeData() { Name = "Kelsey" },
new TreeData() { Name = "Jessica" },
new TreeData() { Name = "Shelley" },
new TreeData() { Name = "Jack" }
int count = 10005;
protected override void OnInitialized()
for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
List<TreeData> TreeViewData = Enumerable.Range(0, 5000)
.Select(j =>
return new TreeData { Id = i.ToString() + "-" + j.ToString(), Name = DefaultData[j % DefaultData.Count].Name + " - " + count.ToString(), Pid = i.ToString() };
class TreeData
public string? Id { get; set; }
public string? Pid { get; set; }
public bool HasChild { get; set; }
public bool Expanded { get; set; }
public string? Name { get; set; }
Virtualization is not compatible with expand and collapse animation. Select all action will select only visible items in UI.