Version Convention for Blazor NuGet packages

19 Aug 20211 minute to read

In a year, Syncfusion releases new volumes once every three months.

Syncfusion Blazor component follows sequence-based identifiers to process software releases based on the Major.Minor.Build.Revision format to track all the release changes. It helps other developers to keep track of our changes in every release.

For example, if we release a package version as, the version numbers will be indicated like below.

  • 18 as Major release – Which changes every year.
  • 4 as Volume release – We release a new Volume once every three months, and this is the fourth release for this year.
  • 0 as Build Number - Particular Build Number is mentioned and it will always be marked as zero.
  • 43 as Patch Number - Particular Service Pack release or Patch release number, it increases every release.