Funnel in Blazor Accumulation Chart Component

28 Dec 202310 minutes to read

Funnel Chart is often used to represent stages in a sales process and to show the amount of potential revenue for each stage. To render the Funnel Chart, set the series Type as Funnel.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts

<SfAccumulationChart Title="Mobile Browser Statistics">
        <AccumulationChartSeries DataSource="@StatisticsDetails" XName="Browser" YName="Users"
                                 Name="Browser" Type="AccumulationType.Funnel">

    <AccumulationChartLegendSettings Visible="false"></AccumulationChartLegendSettings>

    public class Statistics
        public string Browser { get; set; }
        public double Users { get; set; }

    public List<Statistics> StatisticsDetails = new List<Statistics>
       new Statistics { Browser = "Chrome", Users = 37 },
       new Statistics { Browser = "UC Browser", Users = 17 },
       new Statistics { Browser = "iPhone", Users = 19 },
       new Statistics { Browser = "Others", Users = 4  },
       new Statistics { Browser = "Opera", Users = 11 },
       new Statistics { Browser = "Android", Users = 12 },

Blazor Funnel Chart

Funnel Size

The size of the funnel chart can be customized by using the Width and Height properties.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts

<SfAccumulationChart Title="Mobile Browser Statistics">
    <AccumulationChartLegendSettings Visible="false"></AccumulationChartLegendSettings>

        <AccumulationChartSeries DataSource="@StatisticsDetails" XName="Browser" YName="Users"
                                 Name="Browser" Type="AccumulationType.Funnel" Width="60%" Height="80%">

    public class Statistics
        public string Browser { get; set; }
        public double Users { get; set; }

    public List<Statistics> StatisticsDetails = new List<Statistics>
       new Statistics { Browser = "Chrome", Users = 37 },
       new Statistics { Browser = "UC Browser", Users = 17 },
       new Statistics { Browser = "iPhone", Users = 19 },
       new Statistics { Browser = "Others", Users = 4  },
       new Statistics { Browser = "Opera", Users = 11 },
       new Statistics { Browser = "Android", Users = 12 },

Customizing Funnel Size in Blazor Funnel Chart


The Blazor Funnel Chart example can be explored to learn to render and configure the funnel chart.

Funnel neck size

The neck size of the funnel chart can be customized by using the NeckWidth and NeckHeight properties.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts

<SfAccumulationChart Title="Mobile Browser Statistics">
        <AccumulationChartSeries DataSource="@StatisticsDetails" XName="Browser" YName="Users"
                                 Name="Browser" Type="AccumulationType.Funnel" NeckWidth="15%" NeckHeight="18%">

    <AccumulationChartLegendSettings Visible="false"></AccumulationChartLegendSettings>

    public class Statistics
        public string Browser  { get; set; }
        public double Users { get; set; }

    public List<Statistics> StatisticsDetails = new List<Statistics>
       new Statistics { Browser = "Chrome", Users = 37 },
       new Statistics { Browser = "UC Browser", Users = 17 },
       new Statistics { Browser = "iPhone", Users = 19 },
       new Statistics { Browser = "Others", Users = 4  },
       new Statistics { Browser = "Opera", Users = 11 },
       new Statistics { Browser = "Android", Users = 12 },

Customizing Funnel Neck Size in Blazor Funnel Chart

Gap between funnel segments

Funnel chart provides options to customize the space between the segments by using the GapRatio property of the series. It accepts the values ranging from 0 to 1.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts

<SfAccumulationChart Title="Mobile Browser Statistics">
        <AccumulationChartSeries DataSource="@StatisticsDetails" XName="Browser" YName="Users"
                                 Name="Browser" GapRatio="0.2" Type="AccumulationType.Funnel" NeckWidth="15%" NeckHeight="18%">

    <AccumulationChartLegendSettings Visible="false"></AccumulationChartLegendSettings>

    public class Statistics
        public string Browser  { get; set; }
        public double Users { get; set; }

    public List<Statistics> StatisticsDetails = new List<Statistics>
       new Statistics { Browser = "Chrome", Users = 37 },
       new Statistics { Browser = "UC Browser", Users = 17 },
       new Statistics { Browser = "iPhone", Users = 19 },
       new Statistics { Browser = "Others", Users = 4  },
       new Statistics { Browser = "Opera", Users = 11 },
       new Statistics { Browser = "Android", Users = 12 },

Blazor Funnel Chart with Gap

Funnel explode

Points can be exploded on mouse click by setting the Explode property to true. The point on load can be exploded using ExplodeIndex. Explode distance can be set by using ExplodeOffset property.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts

<SfAccumulationChart Title="Mobile Browser Statistics">
        <AccumulationChartSeries DataSource="@StatisticsDetails" XName="Browser" YName="Users"
                                 Name="Browser" Type=" AccumulationType.Funnel" ExplodeIndex="3" Explode="true" ExplodeOffset="10%">

    <AccumulationChartLegendSettings Visible="false"></AccumulationChartLegendSettings>

    public class Statistics
        public string Browser { get; set; }
        public double Users { get; set; }

    public List<Statistics> StatisticsDetails = new List<Statistics>
       new Statistics { Browser = "Chrome", Users = 37 },
       new Statistics { Browser = "UC Browser", Users = 17 },
       new Statistics { Browser = "iPhone", Users = 19 },
       new Statistics { Browser = "Others", Users = 4  },
       new Statistics { Browser = "Opera", Users = 11 },
       new Statistics { Browser = "Android", Users = 12 },

Explode in Blazor Funnel Chart

Smart Data Label

Labels will be arranged automatically on the left side of the funnel and pyramid chart when they overlap with each other.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts

<SfAccumulationChart Title="World Population" EnableAnimation="false">
    <AccumulationChartLegendSettings Visible="false"></AccumulationChartLegendSettings>

        <AccumulationChartSeries DataSource="@StatisticsDetails" XName="Country" YName="Users"
                                 Type="AccumulationType.Funnel" Explode="false" Width="50%" Height="80%" NeckWidth="15%" NeckHeight="18%">
            <AccumulationDataLabelSettings Visible="true" Name="Country" Position="AccumulationLabelPosition.Outside">
                <AccumulationChartConnector Length="6%"></AccumulationChartConnector>

    public class Statistics
        public string Country { get; set; }
        public double Users { get; set; }
    public List<Statistics> StatisticsDetails = new List<Statistics>
        new Statistics { Country = "China", Users = 1409517397 },
        new Statistics { Country = "India", Users = 1339180127 },
        new Statistics { Country = "United States", Users = 324459463 },
        new Statistics { Country = "Indonesia", Users = 263991379  },
        new Statistics { Country = "Brazil", Users = 209288278 },
        new Statistics { Country = "Pakistan", Users = 197015955 },
        new Statistics { Country = "Nigeria", Users = 190886311 },
        new Statistics { Country = "Bangladesh", Users = 164669751 },
        new Statistics { Country = "Russia", Users = 143989754 },
        new Statistics { Country = "Mexico", Users = 129163276 },
        new Statistics { Country = "Japan", Users = 127484450 },
        new Statistics { Country = "Ethiopia", Users = 104957438 },
        new Statistics { Country = "Philippines", Users = 104918090 },
        new Statistics { Country = "Egypt", Users = 97553151 },
        new Statistics { Country = "Vietnam", Users = 95540800 },
        new Statistics { Country = "Germany", Users = 82114224 },

Blazor Funnel Chart with Smart Data Label


Refer to the Blazor Charts feature tour page for its groundbreaking feature representations and also explore the Blazor Accumulation Chart Example to know various features of accumulation charts and how it is used to represent numeric proportional data.

See also