Events in Blazor Charts Component
22 Apr 202424 minutes to read
In this section, we have provided a list of chart component events that will be triggered for appropriate chart actions.
The events should be provided to the chart using ChartEvents component.
, we have added few additional events for the chart component.
Event Name |
OnZoomStart |
OnZoomEnd |
OnLegendItemRender |
OnDataLabelRender |
OnPointRender |
OnAxisLabelRender |
OnAxisLabelClick |
OnAxisActualRangeCalculated |
OnAxisMultiLevelLabelRender |
, some event names are different from the previous releases. The following are the event name changes fromv18.3.*
Event Name(v18.3.* ) |
Event Name(v18.4.* ) |
Resized | SizeChanged |
ScrollChanged | OnScrollChanged |
OnScrollEnd | OnScrollChanged |
OnScrollStart | OnScrollChanged |
AfterExport | OnExportComplete |
OnPrint | OnPrintComplete |
DragStart | OnDataEdit |
DragEnd | OnDataEditCompleted |
LegendClick | OnLegendClick |
MultiLevelLabelClick | OnMultiLevelLabelClick |
OnSelectionComplete | OnSelectionChanged |
OnDragComplete | OnSelectionChanged |
, We have removed the following previous release events from chart component.
Event Name |
OnAnimationComplete |
OnChartMouseClick |
OnChartMouseDown |
OnChartMouseLeave |
OnChartMouseMove |
OnChartMouseUp |
PointMoved |
BeforeExport |
Load |
OnPointDoubleClick |
PointMoved |
ChartMouseMove event triggers when mouse moved over the chart.
The following properties are available in the ChartMouseEventArgs.
- MouseX - Specifies the current mouse x coordinate.
- MouseY - Specifies the current mouse y coordinate.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts
<ChartEvents ChartMouseMove="OnMouseEvent"></ChartEvents>
<ChartPrimaryXAxis ValueType="Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts.ValueType.Category"></ChartPrimaryXAxis>
<ChartSeries DataSource="@Sales" XName="Month" YName="SalesValue" Type="ChartSeriesType.Column">
<ChartZoomSettings EnableSelectionZooming="true"></ChartZoomSettings>
public class SalesInfo
public string Month { get; set; }
public double SalesValue { get; set; }
public List<SalesInfo> Sales = new List<SalesInfo>
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jan", SalesValue = 35 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Feb", SalesValue = 28 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Mar", SalesValue = 34 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Apr", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "May", SalesValue = 40 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jun", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jul", SalesValue = 35 }
public void OnMouseEvent(ChartMouseEventArgs args)
// Here, you can customize your code.
ChartMouseClick event triggers when the chart got clicked.
The following properties are available in the ChartMouseEventArgs.
- MouseX - Specifies the current mouse x coordinate.
- MouseY - Specifies the current mouse y coordinate.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts
<ChartEvents ChartMouseClick="OnMouseEvent"></ChartEvents>
<ChartPrimaryXAxis ValueType="Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts.ValueType.Category"></ChartPrimaryXAxis>
<ChartSeries DataSource="@Sales" XName="Month" YName="SalesValue" Type="ChartSeriesType.Column">
<ChartZoomSettings EnableSelectionZooming="true"></ChartZoomSettings>
public class SalesInfo
public string Month { get; set; }
public double SalesValue { get; set; }
public List<SalesInfo> Sales = new List<SalesInfo>
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jan", SalesValue = 35 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Feb", SalesValue = 28 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Mar", SalesValue = 34 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Apr", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "May", SalesValue = 40 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jun", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jul", SalesValue = 35 }
public void OnMouseEvent(ChartMouseEventArgs args)
// Here, you can customize your code.
ChartMouseUp event triggers when the mouse left button is released over the chart element.
The following properties are available in the ChartMouseEventArgs.
- MouseX - Specifies the current mouse x coordinate.
- MouseY - Specifies the current mouse y coordinate.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts
<ChartEvents ChartMouseUp="OnMouseEvent"></ChartEvents>
<ChartPrimaryXAxis ValueType="Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts.ValueType.Category"></ChartPrimaryXAxis>
<ChartSeries DataSource="@Sales" XName="Month" YName="SalesValue" Type="ChartSeriesType.Column">
<ChartZoomSettings EnableSelectionZooming="true"></ChartZoomSettings>
public class SalesInfo
public string Month { get; set; }
public double SalesValue { get; set; }
public List<SalesInfo> Sales = new List<SalesInfo>
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jan", SalesValue = 35 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Feb", SalesValue = 28 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Mar", SalesValue = 34 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Apr", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "May", SalesValue = 40 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jun", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jul", SalesValue = 35 }
public void OnMouseEvent(ChartMouseEventArgs args)
// Here, you can customize your code.
ChartMouseDown event triggers when the mouse left button is pressed over the chart element.
The following properties are available in the ChartMouseEventArgs.
- MouseX - Specifies the current mouse x coordinate.
- MouseY - Specifies the current mouse y coordinate.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts
<ChartEvents ChartMouseDown="OnMouseEvent"></ChartEvents>
<ChartPrimaryXAxis ValueType="Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts.ValueType.Category"></ChartPrimaryXAxis>
<ChartSeries DataSource="@Sales" XName="Month" YName="SalesValue" Type="ChartSeriesType.Column">
<ChartZoomSettings EnableSelectionZooming="true"></ChartZoomSettings>
public class SalesInfo
public string Month { get; set; }
public double SalesValue { get; set; }
public List<SalesInfo> Sales = new List<SalesInfo>
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jan", SalesValue = 35 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Feb", SalesValue = 28 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Mar", SalesValue = 34 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Apr", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "May", SalesValue = 40 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jun", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jul", SalesValue = 35 }
public void OnMouseEvent(ChartMouseEventArgs args)
// Here, you can customize your code.
After the zoom selection is made, the OnZoomStart event is triggered.
The following property is available in the ZoomingEventArgs.
- AxisCollection – Specifies the collection of the axis.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts
<ChartEvents OnZoomStart="OnZoomingEvent"></ChartEvents>
<ChartPrimaryXAxis ValueType="Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts.ValueType.Category"></ChartPrimaryXAxis>
<ChartSeries DataSource="@Sales" XName="Month" YName="SalesValue" Type="ChartSeriesType.Column">
<ChartZoomSettings EnableSelectionZooming="true"></ChartZoomSettings>
public class SalesInfo
public string Month { get; set; }
public double SalesValue { get; set; }
public List<SalesInfo> Sales = new List<SalesInfo>
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jan", SalesValue = 35 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Feb", SalesValue = 28 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Mar", SalesValue = 34 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Apr", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "May", SalesValue = 40 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jun", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jul", SalesValue = 35 }
public void OnZoomingEvent(ZoomingEventArgs args)
// Here, you can customize your code.
OnZoomEnd event triggers after the zoom selection is completed.
The following property is available in the ZoomingEventArgs.
- AxisCollection – Specifies the collection of the axis.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts
<ChartEvents OnZoomEnd="OnZoomingEvent"></ChartEvents>
<ChartPrimaryXAxis ValueType="Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts.ValueType.Category"></ChartPrimaryXAxis>
<ChartSeries DataSource="@Sales" XName="Month" YName="SalesValue" Type="ChartSeriesType.Column">
<ChartZoomSettings EnableSelectionZooming="true"></ChartZoomSettings>
public class SalesInfo
public string Month { get; set; }
public double SalesValue { get; set; }
public List<SalesInfo> Sales = new List<SalesInfo>
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jan", SalesValue = 35 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Feb", SalesValue = 28 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Mar", SalesValue = 34 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Apr", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "May", SalesValue = 40 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jun", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jul", SalesValue = 35 }
public void OnZoomingEvent(ZoomingEventArgs args)
// Here, you can customize your code.
OnZooming event triggers after the zoom selection is completed.
The following property is available in the ZoomingEventArgs.
- AxisCollection – Specifies the collection of the axis.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts
<ChartEvents OnZooming="OnZoomingEvent"></ChartEvents>
<ChartPrimaryXAxis ValueType="Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts.ValueType.Category"></ChartPrimaryXAxis>
<ChartSeries DataSource="@Sales" XName="Month" YName="SalesValue" Type="ChartSeriesType.Column">
<ChartZoomSettings EnableSelectionZooming="true"></ChartZoomSettings>
public class SalesInfo
public string Month { get; set; }
public double SalesValue { get; set; }
public List<SalesInfo> Sales = new List<SalesInfo>
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jan", SalesValue = 35 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Feb", SalesValue = 28 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Mar", SalesValue = 34 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Apr", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "May", SalesValue = 40 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jun", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jul", SalesValue = 35 }
public void OnZoomingEvent(ZoomingEventArgs args)
// Here, you can customize your code.
OnLegendItemRender event triggers before the legend is rendered.
The following properties are available in the LegendRenderEventArgs.
- Fill – Specifies the fill color of the legend item’s icon.
- MarkerShape – Specifies the shape of the marker.
- Shape – Specifies the shape of the legend item’s icon.
- Text – Specifies the text to be displayed in the legend item.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts
<ChartEvents OnLegendItemRender="LegendEvent"></ChartEvents>
<ChartPrimaryXAxis ValueType="Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts.ValueType.Category"></ChartPrimaryXAxis>
<ChartSeries DataSource="@Sales" Name="Column" XName="Month" YName="SalesValue" Type="ChartSeriesType.Column">
<ChartSeries DataSource="@Sales" Name="Line" XName="Month" YName="SalesValue" Type="ChartSeriesType.Line">
public class SalesInfo
public string Month { get; set; }
public double SalesValue { get; set; }
public List<SalesInfo> Sales = new List<SalesInfo>
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jan", SalesValue = 35 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Feb", SalesValue = 28 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Mar", SalesValue = 34 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Apr", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "May", SalesValue = 40 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jun", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jul", SalesValue = 35 }
public void LegendEvent(LegendRenderEventArgs args)
// Here, you can customize your code.
OnDataLabelRender event triggers before the data label for series is rendered.
The following properties are available in the TextRenderEventArgs.
- Border – Specifies the color and the width of the data label border.
- Color – Specifies the text color of the data label.
- Font – Specifies the font information of the data label.
- Template – Provides information about the data point to be used in the data label template.
- Text – Specifies the text to be displayed in the data label.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts
<ChartEvents OnDataLabelRender="DataLabelEvent"></ChartEvents>
<ChartPrimaryXAxis ValueType="Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts.ValueType.Category"></ChartPrimaryXAxis>
<ChartSeries DataSource="@Sales" XName="Month" YName="SalesValue" Type="ChartSeriesType.Column">
<ChartDataLabel Visible="true"></ChartDataLabel>
public class SalesInfo
public string Month { get; set; }
public double SalesValue { get; set; }
public List<SalesInfo> Sales = new List<SalesInfo>
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jan", SalesValue = 35 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Feb", SalesValue = 28 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Mar", SalesValue = 34 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Apr", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "May", SalesValue = 40 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jun", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jul", SalesValue = 35 }
public void DataLabelEvent(TextRenderEventArgs args)
// Here, you can customize your code.
OnPointRender event triggers before each point for the series is rendered.
The following properties are available in the PointRenderEventArgs.
- Border – Specifies the color and the width of the point border.
- Fill – Specifies the fill color of the point.
- Height – Specifies the current point’s height.
- Shape – Specifies the marker shape of the point.
- Width – Specifies the current point’s width.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts
<ChartEvents OnPointRender="PointRenderEvent"></ChartEvents>
<ChartPrimaryXAxis ValueType="Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts.ValueType.Category"></ChartPrimaryXAxis>
<ChartSeries DataSource="@Sales" XName="Month" YName="SalesValue" Type="ChartSeriesType.Column">
<ChartMarker Visible="true">
public class SalesInfo
public string Month { get; set; }
public double SalesValue { get; set; }
public List<SalesInfo> Sales = new List<SalesInfo>
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jan", SalesValue = 35 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Feb", SalesValue = 28 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Mar", SalesValue = 34 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Apr", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "May", SalesValue = 40 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jun", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jul", SalesValue = 35 }
public void PointRenderEvent(PointRenderEventArgs args)
// Here, you can customize your code.
OnAxisLabelRender event triggers before each axis label is rendered.
The following properties are available in the AxisLabelRenderEventArgs.
- LabelStyle – Specifies the font information of the axis label.
- Text – Specifies the text to be displayed in the axis label.
- Value – Specifies the value of the axis label.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts
<ChartEvents OnAxisLabelRender="AxisLabelEvent"></ChartEvents>
<ChartPrimaryXAxis ValueType="Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts.ValueType.Category"></ChartPrimaryXAxis>
<ChartSeries DataSource="@Sales" XName="Month" YName="SalesValue" Type="ChartSeriesType.Column">
public class SalesInfo
public string Month { get; set; }
public double SalesValue { get; set; }
public List<SalesInfo> Sales = new List<SalesInfo>
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jan", SalesValue = 35 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Feb", SalesValue = 28 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Mar", SalesValue = 34 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Apr", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "May", SalesValue = 40 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jun", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jul", SalesValue = 35 }
public void AxisLabelEvent(AxisLabelRenderEventArgs args)
// Here, you can customize your code.
OnAxisLabelClick event triggers when x axis label is clicked.
The following fields are available in the AxisLabelClickEventArgs.
- Axis – Specifies the current axis.
- Chart – Specifies the chart instance.
- Index – Specifies the index of the axis label.
- LabelID – Specifies the current axis label’s element id.
- Location – Specifies the location of the axis label.
- Text – Specifies the text of the axis label.
- Value – Specifies the value of the axis label.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts
<ChartEvents OnAxisLabelClick="AxisLabelClickEvent"></ChartEvents>
<ChartPrimaryXAxis ValueType="Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts.ValueType.Category"></ChartPrimaryXAxis>
<ChartSeries DataSource="@Sales" XName="Month" YName="SalesValue" Type="ChartSeriesType.Column">
public class SalesInfo
public string Month { get; set; }
public double SalesValue { get; set; }
public List<SalesInfo> Sales = new List<SalesInfo>
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jan", SalesValue = 35 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Feb", SalesValue = 28 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Mar", SalesValue = 34 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Apr", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "May", SalesValue = 40 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jun", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jul", SalesValue = 35 }
public void AxisLabelClickEvent(AxisLabelClickEventArgs args)
// Here, you can customize your code.
OnAxisActualRangeCalculated event triggers before each axis range is calculated.
The following properties are available in the AxisRangeCalculatedEventArgs.
- Interval – Specifies the current interval of the axis.
- Maximum – Specifies the current maximum value of the axis.
- Minimum – Specifies current minimum value of the axis.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts
<ChartEvents OnAxisActualRangeCalculated="AxisActualRangeEvent"></ChartEvents>
<ChartPrimaryXAxis ValueType="Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts.ValueType.Category"></ChartPrimaryXAxis>
<ChartSeries DataSource="@Sales" XName="Month" YName="SalesValue" Type="ChartSeriesType.Column">
<ChartMarker Visible="true">
public class SalesInfo
public string Month { get; set; }
public double SalesValue { get; set; }
public List<SalesInfo> Sales = new List<SalesInfo>
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jan", SalesValue = 35 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Feb", SalesValue = 28 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Mar", SalesValue = 34 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Apr", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "May", SalesValue = 40 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jun", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jul", SalesValue = 35 }
public void AxisActualRangeEvent(AxisRangeCalculatedEventArgs args)
// Here, you can customize your code.
OnAxisMultiLevelLabelRender event triggers while rendering multilevellabels.
The following properties are available in the AxisMultiLabelRenderEventArgs.
- Alignment – Specifies the alignment of the axis label.
- Text – Specifies the text to be displayed in the axis label.
- TextStyle – Specifies the text style of the axis label.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts
<ChartEvents OnAxisMultiLevelLabelRender="AxisMultiLevelLabelEvent"></ChartEvents>
<ChartPrimaryXAxis ValueType="Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts.ValueType.Category">
<ChartCategory Start="0" End="3" Text="First_Half"></ChartCategory>
<ChartCategory Start="3" End="6" Text="Second_Half"></ChartCategory>
<ChartSeries DataSource="@Sales" XName="Month" YName="SalesValue" Type="ChartSeriesType.Column">
<ChartMarker Visible="true">
public class SalesInfo
public string Month { get; set; }
public double SalesValue { get; set; }
public List<SalesInfo> Sales = new List<SalesInfo>
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jan", SalesValue = 35 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Feb", SalesValue = 28 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Mar", SalesValue = 34 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Apr", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "May", SalesValue = 40 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jun", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jul", SalesValue = 35 }
public void AxisMultiLevelLabelEvent(AxisMultiLabelRenderEventArgs args)
// Here, you can customize your code.
SizeChanged event triggers after resizing the chart.
The following fields are available in the ResizeEventArgs.
- CurrentSize – Specifies the current size of the chart.
- PreviousSize – Specifies the previous size of the chart.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts
<ChartEvents SizeChanged="@SizeChangedEvent"></ChartEvents>
<ChartPrimaryXAxis ValueType="Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts.ValueType.Category"></ChartPrimaryXAxis>
<ChartSeries DataSource="@Sales" XName="Month" YName="SalesValue" Type="ChartSeriesType.Column">
public class SalesInfo
public string Month { get; set; }
public double SalesValue { get; set; }
public List<SalesInfo> Sales = new List<SalesInfo>
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jan", SalesValue = 35 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Feb", SalesValue = 28 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Mar", SalesValue = 34 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Apr", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "May", SalesValue = 40 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jun", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jul", SalesValue = 35 }
public void SizeChangedEvent(ResizeEventArgs args)
// Here, you can customize your code.
OnScrollChanged event triggers while scrolling the chart.
The following properties are available in the ScrollEventArgs.
- Axis – Specifies the current axis that is scrolled.
- CurrentRange – Specifies the current range of the axis.
- PreviousAxisRange – Specifies the current axis.
- PreviousRange – Specifies the previous range of the axis.
- PreviousZoomFactor – Specifies the previous zoom factor value.
- PreviousZoomPosition – Specifies the previous zoom position value.
- Range – Specifies the range of the axis.
- ZoomFactor – Specifies the current zoom factor value.
- ZoomPosition – Specifies the current zoom position value.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts
<ChartEvents OnScrollChanged="ScrollChangeEvent"></ChartEvents>
<ChartPrimaryXAxis ValueType="Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts.ValueType.Category" ZoomFactor="0.5" ZoomPosition="0.2">
<ChartAxisScrollbarSettings Enable="true"></ChartAxisScrollbarSettings>
<ChartSeries DataSource="@Sales" XName="Month" YName="SalesValue" Type="ChartSeriesType.Column">
public class SalesInfo
public string Month { get; set; }
public double SalesValue { get; set; }
public List<SalesInfo> Sales = new List<SalesInfo>
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jan", SalesValue = 35 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Feb", SalesValue = 28 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Mar", SalesValue = 34 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Apr", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "May", SalesValue = 40 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jun", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jul", SalesValue = 35 }
public void ScrollChangeEvent(ScrollEventArgs args)
// Here, you can customize your code.
OnExportComplete event triggers after exporting the chart.
The following field is available in the ExportEventArgs.
- DataUrl – Specifies the DataUrl of the exported file.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts
<button class="btn-success" @onclick="Export">Export</button>
<SfChart @ref="chart">
<ChartEvents OnExportComplete="ExportCompleteEvent"></ChartEvents>
<ChartPrimaryXAxis ValueType="Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts.ValueType.Category">
<ChartSeries DataSource="@Sales" XName="Month" YName="SalesValue" Type="ChartSeriesType.Column">
SfChart chart;
public class SalesInfo
public string Month { get; set; }
public double SalesValue { get; set; }
public List<SalesInfo> Sales = new List<SalesInfo>
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jan", SalesValue = 35 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Feb", SalesValue = 28 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Mar", SalesValue = 34 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Apr", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "May", SalesValue = 40 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jun", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jul", SalesValue = 35 }
public void Export()
chart.Export(ExportType.JPEG, "Charts");
public void ExportCompleteEvent(ExportEventArgs args)
// Here, you can customize your code.
OnDataEdit event triggers while dragging the data point.
The following fields are available in the DataEditingEventArgs.
- NewValue – Specifies the new value of the current point.
- OldValue – Specifies the previous value of the current point.
- Point – Specifies the current point which is being edited.
- PointIndex – Specifies the index of the current point.
- Series – Specifies the current chart series whose point is being edited.
- SeriesIndex – Specifies the index of the current series.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts
<ChartEvents OnDataEdit="DataEditEvent"></ChartEvents>
<ChartPrimaryXAxis ValueType="Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts.ValueType.Category">
<ChartSeries DataSource="@Sales" XName="Month" YName="SalesValue" Type="ChartSeriesType.Column">
<ChartDataEditSettings Enable="true"></ChartDataEditSettings>
public class SalesInfo
public string Month { get; set; }
public double SalesValue { get; set; }
public List<SalesInfo> Sales = new List<SalesInfo>
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jan", SalesValue = 35 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Feb", SalesValue = 28 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Mar", SalesValue = 34 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Apr", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "May", SalesValue = 40 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jun", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jul", SalesValue = 35 }
public void DataEditEvent(DataEditingEventArgs arg)
// Here, you can customize your code.
OnDataEditCompleted event triggers when the point drag is completed.
The following fields are available in the DataEditingEventArgs.
- NewValue – Specifies the new value of the current point.
- OldValue – Specifies the previous value of the current point.
- Point – Specifies the current point which is being edited.
- PointIndex – Specifies the index of the current point.
- Series – Specifies the current chart series whose point is being edited.
- SeriesIndex – Specifies the index of the current series.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts
<ChartEvents OnDataEditCompleted="DataEditEvent"></ChartEvents>
<ChartPrimaryXAxis ValueType="Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts.ValueType.Category">
<ChartSeries DataSource="@Sales" XName="Month" YName="SalesValue" Type="ChartSeriesType.Column">
<ChartDataEditSettings Enable="true"></ChartDataEditSettings>
public class SalesInfo
public string Month { get; set; }
public double SalesValue { get; set; }
public List<SalesInfo> Sales = new List<SalesInfo>
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jan", SalesValue = 35 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Feb", SalesValue = 28 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Mar", SalesValue = 34 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Apr", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "May", SalesValue = 40 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jun", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jul", SalesValue = 35 }
public void DataEditEvent(DataEditingEventArgs arg)
// Here you can customize your code
OnLegendClick event triggers after legend click.
The following properties are available in the LegendClickEventArgs.
- LegendShape – Specifies the shape of the legend item.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts
<ChartEvents OnLegendClick="LegendClickEvent"></ChartEvents>
<ChartPrimaryXAxis ValueType="Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts.ValueType.Category"></ChartPrimaryXAxis>
<ChartSeries DataSource="@Sales" Name="Column" XName="Month" YName="SalesValue" Type="ChartSeriesType.Column">
<ChartSeries DataSource="@Sales" Name="Line" XName="Month" YName="SalesValue" Type="ChartSeriesType.Line">
public class SalesInfo
public string Month { get; set; }
public double SalesValue { get; set; }
public List<SalesInfo> Sales = new List<SalesInfo>
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jan", SalesValue = 35 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Feb", SalesValue = 28 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Mar", SalesValue = 34 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Apr", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "May", SalesValue = 40 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jun", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jul", SalesValue = 35 }
public void LegendClickEvent(LegendClickEventArgs args)
// Here, you can customize your code.
OnMultiLevelLabelClick event triggers after clicking on multilevellabelclick.
The following fields are available in the MultiLevelLabelClickEventArgs.
- Axis – Specifies the axis of the clicked label.
- CustomAttributes – Specifies the custom objects for multi level labels.
- End – Specifies the end value of the multi level labels.
- Level – Specifies the current level of the label.
- Start – Specifies the start value of the multi level labels
- Text – Specifies the text of the current label.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts
<ChartEvents OnMultiLevelLabelClick="MultiLabelClickEvent"></ChartEvents>
<ChartPrimaryXAxis ValueType="Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts.ValueType.Category">
<ChartCategory Start="0" End="3" Text="First_Half"></ChartCategory>
<ChartCategory Start="3" End="6" Text="Second_Half"></ChartCategory>
<ChartSeries DataSource="@Sales" XName="Month" YName="SalesValue" Type="ChartSeriesType.Column">
<ChartMarker Visible="true">
public class SalesInfo
public string Month { get; set; }
public double SalesValue { get; set; }
public List<SalesInfo> Sales = new List<SalesInfo>
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jan", SalesValue = 35 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Feb", SalesValue = 28 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Mar", SalesValue = 34 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Apr", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "May", SalesValue = 40 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jun", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jul", SalesValue = 35 }
public void MultiLabelClickEvent(MultiLevelLabelClickEventArgs args)
// Here, you can customize your code.
OnSelectionChanged event triggers after the selection is completed.
The following property is available in the SelectionCompleteEventArgs.
- SelectedDataValues – Specifies the selected Data X, Y values.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts
<SfChart SelectionMode="SelectionMode.Point">
<ChartEvents OnSelectionChanged="SelectionChangedEvent"></ChartEvents>
<ChartPrimaryXAxis ValueType="Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts.ValueType.Category">
<ChartSeries DataSource="@Sales" XName="Month" YName="SalesValue" Type="ChartSeriesType.Column">
public class SalesInfo
public string Month { get; set; }
public double SalesValue { get; set; }
public List<SalesInfo> Sales = new List<SalesInfo>
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jan", SalesValue = 35 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Feb", SalesValue = 28 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Mar", SalesValue = 34 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Apr", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "May", SalesValue = 40 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jun", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jul", SalesValue = 35 }
public void SelectionChangedEvent(SelectionCompleteEventArgs args)
// Here, you can customize your code.
event triggers after chart load.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts
<ChartEvents Loaded="LoadedEvent"></ChartEvents>
<ChartPrimaryXAxis ValueType="Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts.ValueType.Category"></ChartPrimaryXAxis>
<ChartSeries DataSource="@Sales" XName="Month" YName="SalesValue" Type="ChartSeriesType.Column">
public class SalesInfo
public string Month { get; set; }
public double SalesValue { get; set; }
public List<SalesInfo> Sales = new List<SalesInfo>
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jan", SalesValue = 35 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Feb", SalesValue = 28 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Mar", SalesValue = 34 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Apr", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "May", SalesValue = 40 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jun", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jul", SalesValue = 35 }
public void LoadedEvent(LoadedEventArgs args)
// Here, you can customize your code.
OnPointClick event triggers on point click.
The following fields are available in the PointEventArgs.
- Chart – Specifies the current chart instance.
- PageX – Specifies the current window page x location.
- PageY – Specifies the current window page y location.
- Point – Specifies the current point which is clicked.
- PointIndex – Specifies the index of the current point.
- Series – Specifies the current series.
- SeriesIndex – Specifies the current series index.
- X – Specifies the x coordinate of the current mouse click.
- Y – Specifies the y coordinate of the current mouse click.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts
<ChartEvents OnPointClick="PointClickEvent"></ChartEvents>
<ChartPrimaryXAxis ValueType="Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts.ValueType.Category"></ChartPrimaryXAxis>
<ChartSeries DataSource="@Sales" XName="Month" YName="SalesValue" Type="ChartSeriesType.Column">
public class SalesInfo
public string Month { get; set; }
public double SalesValue { get; set; }
public List<SalesInfo> Sales = new List<SalesInfo>
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jan", SalesValue = 35 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Feb", SalesValue = 28 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Mar", SalesValue = 34 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Apr", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "May", SalesValue = 40 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jun", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jul", SalesValue = 35 }
public void PointClickEvent(PointEventArgs args)
// Here, you can customize your code.
TooltipRender event triggers before the tooltip for series is rendered.
The following properties are available in the TooltipRenderEventArgs.
- HeaderText – Specifies the header text for the tooltip.
- Text – Specifies the text for the tooltip.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts
<ChartEvents TooltipRender="TooltipEvent"></ChartEvents>
<ChartPrimaryXAxis ValueType="Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts.ValueType.Category"></ChartPrimaryXAxis>
<ChartSeries DataSource="@Sales" XName="Month" YName="SalesValue" Type="ChartSeriesType.Column">
<ChartTooltipSettings Enable="true"></ChartTooltipSettings>
public class SalesInfo
public string Month { get; set; }
public double SalesValue { get; set; }
public List<SalesInfo> Sales = new List<SalesInfo>
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jan", SalesValue = 35 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Feb", SalesValue = 28 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Mar", SalesValue = 34 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Apr", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "May", SalesValue = 40 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jun", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jul", SalesValue = 35 }
public void TooltipEvent(TooltipRenderEventArgs args)
// Here, you can customize your code.
SharedTooltipRender event triggers before the sharedtooltip for series is rendered.
The following properties are available in the SharedTooltipRenderEventArgs.
- HeaderText – Specifies the header text for the tooltip.
- Text – Specifies the text for the tooltip.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts
<ChartEvents SharedTooltipRender="SharedTooltipEvent"></ChartEvents>
<ChartPrimaryXAxis ValueType="Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts.ValueType.Category"></ChartPrimaryXAxis>
<ChartSeries DataSource="@Sales" XName="Month" YName="SalesValue" Type="ChartSeriesType.Column">
<ChartSeries DataSource="@Sales" XName="Month" YName="SalesValue" Type="ChartSeriesType.Column">
<ChartTooltipSettings Enable="true" Shared="true"></ChartTooltipSettings>
public class SalesInfo
public string Month { get; set; }
public double SalesValue { get; set; }
public List<SalesInfo> Sales = new List<SalesInfo>
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jan", SalesValue = 35 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Feb", SalesValue = 28 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Mar", SalesValue = 34 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Apr", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "May", SalesValue = 40 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jun", SalesValue = 32 },
new SalesInfo { Month = "Jul", SalesValue = 35 }
public void SharedTooltipEvent(SharedTooltipRenderEventArgs args)
// Here, you can customize your code.
Refer to our Blazor Charts feature tour page for its groundbreaking feature representations and also explore our Blazor Chart Example to know various chart types and how to represent time-dependent data, showing trends at equal intervals.