Blazor WebAssembly Diagram in Blazor Diagram Component
29 Nov 20249 minutes to read
This article provides a step-by-step instructions to configure Syncfusion® Blazor Diagram in a simple Blazor WebAssembly application using Visual Studio 2019.
Note: Starting with version (2019 Volume 4), you need to include a valid license key (either paid or trial key) within your applications. Refer to this help topic for more information.
Note: .NET Core SDK 3.1.3 requires Visual Studio 2019 16.6 or later.
Syncfusion® Blazor components are compatible with .NET Core 5.0 Preview 6 and it requires Visual Studio 16.7 Preview 1 or later.
Create a Blazor WebAssembly project in Visual Studio 2019
Install the essential project templates in the Visual Studio 2019 by running the below command line in the command prompt.
dotnet new -i Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Templates::3.2.0-rc1.20223.4
Choose Create a new project from the Visual Studio dashboard.
Select Blazor App from the template and click Next button.
Now, the project configuration window will popup. Click Create button to create a new project with the default project configuration.
Choose Blazor WebAssembly App from the dashboard and click Create button to create a new Blazor WebAssembly application. Make sure .NET Core and ASP.NET Core 3.1 is selected at the top.
Note: ASP.NET Core 3.1 is available in Visual Studio 2019 version.
Importing Syncfusion® Blazor component in the application
Now, install Syncfusion.Blazor NuGet package to the newly created application by using the
NuGet Package Manager
. Right-click the project and select Manage NuGet Packages. -
Search Syncfusion.Blazor keyword in the Browser tab and install Syncfusion.Blazor NuGet package in the application.
The Syncfusion® Blazor package will be installed in the project, once the installation process is completed.
Install Syncfusion.EJ2.Blazor NuGet package to the application using the NuGet Package Manager. Ensure to check the Include prerelease option for our Beta release.
You can add the client-side style resources from NuGet package in the
element of the ~/Pages/_Host.cshtml page.
<environment include="Development">
<link href="_content/Syncfusion.Blazor.Themes/bootstrap4.css" rel="stylesheet" />
For Internet Explorer 11 refer the polyfills. Refer the documentation for more information.
<environment include="Development">
<link href="_content/Syncfusion.Blazor.Themes/bootstrap4.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src=""></script>
Adding component package to the application
Open ~/_Imports.razor file and import the Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram package.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams
Add SyncfusionBlazor service in Startup.cs
Open the Startup.cs file and add services required by Syncfusion® components using services.AddSyncfusionBlazor() method. Add this method in the ConfigureServices function as follows.
using Syncfusion.Blazor;
namespace BlazorApplication
public class Startup
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
Note: To enable custom client side resource loading from CRG or CDN. You need to disable resource loading by AddSyncfusionBlazor(true)
and load the scripts in the HEAD element of the ~/Pages/_Host.cshtml page.
<environment include="Development">
<script src=""></script>
Adding Diagram component to the Application
Diagram component can be rendered by using the SfDiagram
tag helper in ASP.NET Core Blazor application.
The following example shows a basic Diagram component.
<SfDiagram Width="100%" Height="600px">
Adding Nodes and Connectors
Let us create and add a Nodes
with specific position, size, label and shape. Connect two or more Nodes by using a Connectors
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams
@using System.Collections.ObjectModel
@using DiagramShapes = Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.Shapes
@using DiagramSegments = Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.Segments
<SfDiagram Height="600px" Nodes="@NodeCollection" Connectors="@ConnectorCollection" NodeDefaults="@NodeDefaults"
int connectorCount = 0;
// Reference to diagram
SfDiagram diagram;
// Defines diagram's nodes collection
public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection { get; set; }
// Defines diagram's connector collection
public ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector> ConnectorCollection { get; set; }
// Defines default values for DiagramNode object
public DiagramNode NodeDefaults { get; set; }
// Defines default values for DiagramConnector object
public DiagramConnector ConnectorDefaults { get; set; }
protected override void OnInitialized()
private void InitDiagramModel()
NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>();
ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>();
CreateNode("Start", 50, FlowShapes.Terminator, "Start");
CreateNode("Init", 140, FlowShapes.Process, "var i = 0;'");
CreateNode("Condition", 230, FlowShapes.Decision, "i < 10?");
CreateNode("Print", 320, FlowShapes.PreDefinedProcess, "print(\'Hello!!\');");
CreateNode("Increment", 410, FlowShapes.Process, "i++;");
CreateNode("End", 500, FlowShapes.Terminator, "End");
DiagramConnectorSegment rightSegment = new DiagramConnectorSegment()
Type = DiagramSegments.Orthogonal,
Length = 30,
Direction = Direction.Right
DiagramConnectorSegment bottomSegment = new DiagramConnectorSegment()
Type = DiagramSegments.Orthogonal,
Length = 300,
Direction = Direction.Bottom
DiagramConnectorSegment leftSegment = new DiagramConnectorSegment()
Type = DiagramSegments.Orthogonal,
Length = 30,
Direction = Direction.Left
DiagramConnectorSegment topSegment = new DiagramConnectorSegment()
Type = DiagramSegments.Orthogonal,
Length = 200,
Direction = Direction.Top
CreateConnector("Start", "Init");
CreateConnector("Init", "Condition");
CreateConnector("Condition", "Print");
CreateConnector("Condition", "End", "Yes", rightSegment, bottomSegment);
CreateConnector("Print", "Increment", "No");
CreateConnector("Increment", "Condition", null, leftSegment, topSegment);
private void CreateConnector(string sourceId, string targetId, string label = default(string), DiagramConnectorSegment rightSegment = null, DiagramConnectorSegment bottomSegment = null)
DiagramConnector diagramConnector = new DiagramConnector()
Id = string.Format("connector{0}", ++connectorCount),
SourceID = sourceId,
TargetID = targetId
if (label != default(string))
var annotation = new DiagramConnectorAnnotation()
Content = label,
Style = new AnnotationStyle() { Fill = "white" }
diagramConnector.Annotations = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnectorAnnotation>() { annotation };
if (rightSegment != null)
diagramConnector.Segments = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnectorSegment>() { rightSegment, bottomSegment };
private void InitDiagramDefaults()
DiagramNodeAnnotation defaultAnnotation = new DiagramNodeAnnotation()
Style = new AnnotationStyle()
Color = "white",
Fill = "transparent"
NodeDefaults = new DiagramNode()
Width = 140,
Height = 50,
OffsetX = 300,
Annotations = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNodeAnnotation>() { defaultAnnotation },
Style = new NodeShapeStyle() { Fill = "#357BD2", StrokeColor = "white" }
ConnectorDefaults = new DiagramConnector()
Type = DiagramSegments.Orthogonal,
TargetDecorator = new ConnectorTargetDecorator() { Shape = DecoratorShapes.Arrow, Width = 10, Height = 10 }
private void CreateNode(string id, double y, FlowShapes shape, string label, bool positionLabel = false)
DiagramNodeAnnotation annotation = new DiagramNodeAnnotation() { Content = label };
if (positionLabel)
annotation.Margin = new NodeAnnotationMargin() { Left = 25, Right = 25 };
DiagramNode diagramNode = new DiagramNode()
Id = id,
OffsetY = y,
Shape = new DiagramShape() { Type = DiagramShapes.Flow, FlowShape = shape },
Annotations = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNodeAnnotation>() { annotation }