Migration from the SfDiagram(classic) to SfDiagramComponent control
12 Dec 202424 minutes to read
This comprehensive guide outlines the step-by-step API migration process for transitioning from the classic SfDiagram to the modern SfDiagramComponent in Blazor applications. It provides detailed instructions, code examples, and best practices to ensure a smooth upgrade experience.
NuGet packages
Package for SfDiagram | Package for SfDiagramComponent |
Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams | Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram |
Namespace changes
Control | Namespace for SfDiagram | Namespace for SfDiagramComponent |
Diagram | Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams | Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram |
SymbolPalette | Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams | Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram.SymbolPalette |
Overview | Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams | Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram.Overview |
The SfDiagramComponent
Blazor component offers superior performance compared to the SfDiagram
Blazor control, especially in Blazor WebAssembly applications.
- Users who need to programmatically interact with diagram elements for their business logic or specific requirements often prefer C# code for these operations. However, the Syncfusion® EJ2 Diagram is primarily written in TypeScript. In Blazor applications, synchronizing each interaction from the client browser to C# code requires JSInterop calls, which can significantly impact performance. To overcome this performance bottleneck, a separate native Blazor diagram component has been developed, eliminating the need for frequent JSInterop calls and enhancing overall efficiency.
Feature wise API difference between SfDiagram(classic) and SfDiagramComponent
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Defines a collection of shapes to be rendered in the diagram |
Property: Nodes <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Annotations = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNodeAnnotation>() { new DiagramNodeAnnotation() { Content = "node", } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Annotations = new DiagramObjectCollection<ShapeAnnotation>() { new ShapeAnnotation() { Content="node", } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Defines a unique id for the node |
Property: Nodes[i].Id <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node1", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].ID <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node1", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets the RotateAngle property for the node |
Property: Nodes[i].RotateAngle <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { RotateAngle = 50, OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].RotationAngle <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, RotationAngle = 50, OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets the AddInfo property for the node |
Property: Nodes[i].AddInfo <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { AddInfo = "Node's Addition Information", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].AdditionalInfo <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Dictionary<string, object> NodeInfo = new Dictionary<string, object>(); NodeInfo.Add("NodeInfo", "Node's Addition Information"); Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, AdditionalInfo=NodeInfo, OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets the border color of the node | Not supported |
Property: Nodes[i].BorderColor <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, BorderColor="blue", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets the border width of the node | Not supported |
Property: Nodes[i].BorderWidth <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, BorderWidth=5, OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets the branch base on the parent for Mind map layout |
Property: Nodes[i].Branch <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Branch = BranchTypes.Left, OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Layout.GetBranch <SfDiagramComponent Width="100%" Height="810px"> <DataSourceSettings ID="Name" ParentID="Category" DataSource="DataSource"></DataSourceSettings> <Layout Type="LayoutType.MindMap" Orientation="LayoutOrientation.TopToBottom" GetBranch="GetBranch"> <LayoutMargin Left="30" Right="30" Top="30" Bottom="30"></LayoutMargin> </Layout> </SfDiagramComponent> @code { public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; private BranchType GetBranch(IDiagramObject obj) { if((obj as Node).ID == "node3"){ return BranchType.Root; } return BranchType.Right; } }
Positioning the node automatically or not. Applicable if the layout option is enabled |
Property: Nodes[i].ExcludeFromLayout <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { ExcludeFromLayout = true, OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].CanAutoLayout <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, CanAutoLayout=false, OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Defines the index of the column in the grid |
Property: Nodes[i].ColumnIndex <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { ColumnIndex=2, OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
You can add the node to a swimlane by utilizing the children property of the lane within the swimlane. For further details on Swimlane functionality, please refer to the Swimlane documentation. |
Defines how many columns to be merged in the grid |
Property: Nodes[i].ColumnSpan <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { ColumnSpan=3, OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
You can add the node to a swimlane by utilizing the children property of the lane within the swimlane. For further details on Swimlane functionality, please refer to the Swimlane documentation. |
Defines the index of the row in the grid |
Property: Nodes[i].RowIndex <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { RowIndex=2, OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
You can add the node to a swimlane by utilizing the children property of the lane within the swimlane. For further details on Swimlane functionality, please refer to the Swimlane documentation. |
Defines how many rows to be merged in the grid |
Property: Nodes[i].RowSpan <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { RowSpan=3, OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
You can add the node to a swimlane by utilizing the children property of the lane within the swimlane. For further details on Swimlane functionality, please refer to the Swimlane documentation. |
Defines space around the node |
Property: Nodes[i].Margin <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Margin=new NodeMargin(){ Left = 10 } OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Margin <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, Margin = new DiagramThickness() { Left = 10 }, OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Defines reference point(Pivot) of the node |
Property: Nodes[i].Pivot <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Pivot = new NodePivotPoint() { X = 0, Y=0 }, OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Pivot <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, Pivot = new DiagramPoint(){ X=0, Y =0 }, OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Defines the visibility of the node |
Property: Nodes[i].Visible <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Visible = false, OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].IsVisible <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, IsVisible = false, OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Defines the shadow appearance of a node |
Property: Nodes[i].Shadow <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Shadow = new DiagramShadow(){ Angle = 5, Color = "red", Distance = 10, Opacity = 6 }, OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Shadow <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, Shadow = new Shadow(){ Angle = 6, Color = "red", Distance =10, Opacity = 7 }, OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Control the behavior of the flip object | Not supported |
Property: Nodes[i].FlipMode <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, FlipMode = DiagramFlipMode.None, OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets the layout properties using the node property |
Property: Nodes[i].LayoutInfo <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { LayoutInfo = new DiagramNodeLayoutInfo() { Type = SubTreeAlignments.Balanced }, OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Layout.GetLayoutInfo <SfDiagramComponent Width="100%" Height="810px"> <DataSourceSettings ID="Name" ParentID="Category" DataSource="DataSource"></DataSourceSettings> <Layout Type="LayoutType.HierarchicalTree" HorizontalSpacing="30" VerticalSpacing="30" GetLayoutInfo="GetLayoutInfo" /> </SfDiagramComponent> @code { private TreeInfo GetLayoutInfo(IDiagramObject obj, TreeInfo options) { if (!options.HasSubTree) { options.AlignmentType = SubTreeAlignmentType.Left; options.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical; options.Offset = -30; } } public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; }
Defines the size of the symbol preview |
Property: Nodes[i].PreviewSize <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { PreviewSize = new SymbolSizeModel() { Height=100, Width=100 }, OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: SymbolPalette.SymbolDragPreviewSize <SfSymbolPaletteComponent Height="300px" Width="200px" Palettes="@Palettes" SymbolDragPreviewSize="@symbolDragPreviewSize"></SfSymbolPaletteComponent> @code { DiagramObjectCollection<Palette> Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>(); DiagramSize symbolDragPreviewSize; DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase> PaletteNodes = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>(); DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase> PaletteConnectors = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { InitPaletteModel(); } private void InitPaletteModel() { symbolDragPreviewSize = new DiagramSize() {Width = 100, Height = 100 }; CreatePaletteNode(NodeFlowShapes.Terminator, "Terminator"); CreatePaletteConnector("Link1", ConnectorSegmentType.Orthogonal, DecoratorShape.Arrow); Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>() { new Palette(){Symbols =PaletteNodes, Title="Flow Shapes", ID="Flow Shapes" }, new Palette(){Symbols = PaletteConnectors, Title = "Connectors" , IsExpanded = true}, }; } private void CreatePaletteNode(NodeFlowShapes flowShape, string id) { Node node = new Node() { ID = id, Shape = new FlowShape() { Type = NodeShapes.Flow, Shape = flowShape }, Style = new ShapeStyle() {Fill="#6495ED", StrokeColor = "#757575" }, }; PaletteNodes.Add(node); } private void CreatePaletteConnector(string id, ConnectorSegmentType type, DecoratorShape decoratorShape) { Connector connector = new Connector() { ID = id, Type = type, SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() { X = 0, Y = 0 }, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint() { X = 100, Y = 100 }, Style = new ShapeStyle() { StrokeWidth = 1, StrokeColor = "#6495ED" }, TargetDecorator = new DecoratorSettings() { Shape = decoratorShape, Style = new ShapeStyle() { StrokeColor = "#6495ED", Fill = "#6495ED" } } }; PaletteConnectors.Add(connector); } }
Defines the size of the drop symbol from palette |
Property: Nodes[i].DragSize <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { DragSize = new SymbolSizeModel() { Height=100, Width=100 }, OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: SymbolPalette.SymbolDragPreviewSize <SfSymbolPaletteComponent Height="300px" Width="200px" Palettes="@Palettes" SymbolDragPreviewSize="@symbolDragPreviewSize"></SfSymbolPaletteComponent> @code { DiagramObjectCollection<Palette> Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>(); DiagramSize symbolDragPreviewSize; DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase> PaletteNodes = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>(); DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase> PaletteConnectors = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { InitPaletteModel(); } private void InitPaletteModel() { symbolDragPreviewSize = new DiagramSize() {Width = 100, Height = 100 }; CreatePaletteNode(NodeFlowShapes.Terminator, "Terminator"); CreatePaletteConnector("Link1", ConnectorSegmentType.Orthogonal, DecoratorShape.Arrow); Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>() { new Palette(){Symbols =PaletteNodes, Title="Flow Shapes", ID="Flow Shapes" }, new Palette(){Symbols = PaletteConnectors, Title = "Connectors" , IsExpanded = true}, }; } private void CreatePaletteNode(NodeFlowShapes flowShape, string id) { Node node = new Node() { ID = id, Shape = new FlowShape() { Type = NodeShapes.Flow, Shape = flowShape }, Style = new ShapeStyle() {Fill="#6495ED", StrokeColor = "#757575" }, }; PaletteNodes.Add(node); } private void CreatePaletteConnector(string id, ConnectorSegmentType type, DecoratorShape decoratorShape) { Connector connector = new Connector() { ID = id, Type = type, SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() { X = 0, Y = 0 }, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint() { X = 100, Y = 100 }, Style = new ShapeStyle() { StrokeWidth = 1, StrokeColor = "#6495ED" }, TargetDecorator = new DecoratorSettings() { Shape = decoratorShape, Style = new ShapeStyle() { StrokeColor = "#6495ED", Fill = "#6495ED" } } }; PaletteConnectors.Add(connector); } }
Defines the information of the symbol |
Property: Nodes[i].SymbolInfo <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { SymbolInfo = new SymbolInfo() { Fit = true, Height= 50, Width = 50 }, OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: SymbolPalette.GetSymbolInfo <SfSymbolPaletteComponent Height="300px" Width="200px" Palettes="@Palettes" GetSymbolInfo="GetSymbolInfo"></SfSymbolPaletteComponent> @code { DiagramObjectCollection<Palette> Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>(); DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase> PaletteNodes = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>(); DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase> PaletteConnectors = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { InitPaletteModel(); } private void InitPaletteModel() { CreatePaletteNode(NodeFlowShapes.Terminator, "Terminator"); CreatePaletteConnector("Link1", ConnectorSegmentType.Orthogonal, DecoratorShape.Arrow); Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>() { new Palette(){Symbols =PaletteNodes, Title="Flow Shapes", ID="Flow Shapes" }, new Palette(){Symbols = PaletteConnectors, Title = "Connectors" , IsExpanded = true}, }; } private void CreatePaletteNode(NodeFlowShapes flowShape, string id) { Node node = new Node() { ID = id, Shape = new FlowShape() { Type = NodeShapes.Flow, Shape = flowShape }, Style = new ShapeStyle() {Fill="#6495ED", StrokeColor = "#757575" }, }; PaletteNodes.Add(node); } private void CreatePaletteConnector(string id, ConnectorSegmentType type, DecoratorShape decoratorShape) { Connector connector = new Connector() { ID = id, Type = type, SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() { X = 0, Y = 0 }, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint() { X = 100, Y = 100 }, Style = new ShapeStyle() { StrokeWidth = 1, StrokeColor = "#6495ED" }, TargetDecorator = new DecoratorSettings() { Shape = decoratorShape,<br> Style = new ShapeStyle() { StrokeColor = "#6495ED", Fill = "#6495ED" } } }; PaletteConnectors.Add(connector); } private SymbolInfo GetSymbolInfo(IDiagramObject symbol) { SymbolInfo SymbolInfo = new SymbolInfo(); string text = null; text = (symbol as Node).ID; SymbolInfo.Description = new SymbolDescription() { Text = text }; return SymbolInfo; } }
Sets the style of the node |
Property: Nodes[i].Style <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Style = new NodeShapeStyle(){ Fill = "red", StrokeColor = "blue", StrokeDashArray = "2,2", Opacity = 0.9, StrokeWidth = 3 }, OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Style <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, Style = new ShapeStyle(){ Fill = "red", StrokeColor = "blue", StrokeDashArray = "2,2", Opacity = 0.9, StrokeWidth = 3 }, OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Apply the linear gradient style of the node |
Property: Nodes[i].Style.Gradient <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Style = new NodeShapeStyle(){ Gradient = new DiagramGradient() { Type = GradientType.Linear,X1 = 0, X2 = 50, Y1 = 0, Y2 = 50, Stops = new ObservableCollection<DiagramsGradientStop>() { new DiagramsGradientStop() { Color = "red", Offset = 0, Opacity = 0.5},new DiagramsGradientStop() { Color = "green", Offset = 80, Opacity = 1} }, }, OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Style.Gradient <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, Style = new ShapeStyle(){ Gradient = new LinearGradientBrush() {X1 = 0, X2 = 50, Y1 = 0, Y2 = 50,GradientStops = new DiagramObjectCollection<GradientStop>() { new GradientStop() { Color = "red", Offset = 0, Opacity = 0.5},new GradientStop() { Color = "green", Offset = 80, Opacity = 1 }},} }, OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Apply the radial gradient style of the node |
Property: Nodes[i].Style.Gradient <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Style = new NodeShapeStyle(){ Gradient = new DiagramGradient() { Type = GradientType.Radial, Cx = 0, Cy = 0, Fx = 50, Fy = 50, R = 50, Stops = new ObservableCollection<DiagramsGradientStop>() { new DiagramsGradientStop() { Color = "red", Offset = 0, Opacity = 0.5},new DiagramsGradientStop() { Color = "green", Offset = 80, Opacity = 1} }, }, OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Style.Gradient <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, Style = new ShapeStyle(){ Gradient = new RadialGradientBrush(){ CX = 0, CY = 0, FX = 50, FY = 50, R = 50, GradientStops = new DiagramObjectCollection<GradientStop>(){new GradientStop() { Color = "red", Offset = 0, Opacity = 0.5},new GradientStop() { Color = "green", Offset = 80, Opacity = 1 }}} }, OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Sets the Basic shapes of the Node |
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.BasicShape <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Shape=new DiagramShape(){Type=Shapes.Basic,BasicShape=BasicShapes.Ellipse} Annotations = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNodeAnnotation>() { new DiagramNodeAnnotation() { Content = "node", } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.Shape Sets the shape as a BasicShape <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Shape = new BasicShape() { Type = NodeShapes.Basic, Shape = NodeBasicShapes.Ellipse }, Annotations = new DiagramObjectCollection<ShapeAnnotation>() { new ShapeAnnotation() { Content="node", } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets the corner radius property to specify the radius of the rounded rectangle. |
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.CornerRadius <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Shape=new DiagramShape(){Type=Shapes.Basic,BasicShape=BasicShapes.Rectangle, CornerRadius = 10 } Annotations = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNodeAnnotation>() { new DiagramNodeAnnotation() { Content = "node", } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.CornerRadius Sets the shape as a BasicShape <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Shape = new BasicShape() { Type = NodeShapes.Basic, Shape = NodeBasicShapes.Rectangle, CornerRadius = 10 }, Annotations = new DiagramObjectCollection<ShapeAnnotation>() { new ShapeAnnotation() { Content="node", } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets the Flow shapes of the Node |
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.FlowShapes <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Shape=new DiagramShape(){Type=Shapes.Flow, FlowShape = FlowShapes.DirectData } Annotations = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNodeAnnotation>() { new DiagramNodeAnnotation() { Content = "node", } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.Shape Sets the shape as a FlowShape <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Shape = new FlowShape() { Type = NodeShapes.Flow, Shape = NodeFlowShapes.DirectData }, Annotations = new DiagramObjectCollection<ShapeAnnotation>() { new ShapeAnnotation() { Content="node", } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets the Image shapes of the Node |
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.Source <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Shape=new DiagramShape(){ Type=Shapes.Image,Source="/diagram/images/syncfusion.png"} Annotations = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNodeAnnotation>() { new DiagramNodeAnnotation() { Content = "node", } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.Source Sets the shape as a ImageShape <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Shape = new ImageShape() { Type = NodeShapes.Image, Source = "/diagram/images/syncfusion.png" }, Annotations = new DiagramObjectCollection<ShapeAnnotation>() { new ShapeAnnotation() { Content="node", } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets the stretch the image of the node |
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.Scale <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Shape=new DiagramShape(){ Type=Shapes.Image,Source="/diagram/images/syncfusion.png", Scale=Stretch.Meet } Annotations = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNodeAnnotation>() { new DiagramNodeAnnotation() { Content = "node", } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.Scale Sets the shape as a ImageShape <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Shape = new ImageShape() { Type = NodeShapes.Image, Source = "/diagram/images/syncfusion.png", Scale = DiagramScale.Meet, }, Annotations = new DiagramObjectCollection<ShapeAnnotation>() { new ShapeAnnotation() { Content="node", } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Align the image based on the x and y values in the node boundary |
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.Align <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Shape=new DiagramShape(){ Type=Shapes.Image,Source="/diagram/images/syncfusion.png", Align = ImageAlignment.XMinYMin } Annotations = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNodeAnnotation>() { new DiagramNodeAnnotation() { Content = "node", } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.Align Sets the shape as a ImageShape <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Shape = new ImageShape() { Type = NodeShapes.Image, Source = "/diagram/images/syncfusion.png", ImageAlign = ImageAlignment.XMinYMax }, Annotations = new DiagramObjectCollection<ShapeAnnotation>() { new ShapeAnnotation() { Content="node", } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Create a text node and sets the content for Text shape |
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.Content <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Shape=new DiagramShape(){Type=Shapes.Text, Content="Text Node"} }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.Content Sets the shape as a TextShape <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Shape = new TextShape() { Content = "Text Node" } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Create the Path shapes and set the data for the path node |
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.Data <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Shape=new DiagramShape(){ Type=Shapes.Path, Data="M35.2441,25 L22.7161,49.9937 L22.7161,0.00657536 L35.2441,25 z M22.7167,25 L-0.00131226,25 M35.2441,49.6337 L35.2441,0.368951 M35.2441,25 L49.9981,25"} }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.Data Sets the shape as a PathShape <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Shape = new PathShape() { Type = NodeShapes.Path, Data="M35.2441,25 L22.7161,49.9937 L22.7161,0.00657536 L35.2441,25 z M22.7167,25 L-0.00131226,25 M35.2441,49.6337 L35.2441,0.368951 M35.2441,25 L49.9981,25" } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets the HTML shapes of the Node |
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.Type @using Syncfusion.Blazor.Inputs <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection"> <DiagramTemplates> <NodeTemplate> @{ <SfTextBox Placeholder="My text"></SfTextBox> } </NodeTemplate> </DiagramTemplates> </SfDiagram> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Shape=new DiagramShape(){ Type=Shapes.HTML } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.Type @using Syncfusion.Blazor.Inputs <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection"> <DiagramTemplates> <NodeTemplate> @{ <SfTextBox Placeholder="My text"></SfTextBox> } </NodeTemplate> </DiagramTemplates> </SfDiagramComponent> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Shape = new Shape() { Type = NodeShapes.HTML } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets the SVG shapes of the Node |
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.Type @using Syncfusion.Blazor.Inputs <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection"> <DiagramTemplates> <NodeTemplate> @{ if ((context as Node).Shape.Type == NodeShapes.SVG) { <svg viewBox="0 0 100 100" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <g fill="white" stroke="green" stroke-width="5"> <circle cx="40" cy="40" r="25" /> <circle cx="60" cy="60" r="25" /> </g> </svg> } } </NodeTemplate> </DiagramTemplates> </SfDiagram> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Shape=new DiagramShape(){ Type=Shapes.Native } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.Type @using Syncfusion.Blazor.Inputs <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection"> <DiagramTemplates> <NodeTemplate> @{ if ((context as Node).Shape.Type == NodeShapes.SVG) { <svg viewBox="0 0 100 100" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <g fill="white" stroke="green" stroke-width="5"> <circle cx="40" cy="40" r="25" /> <circle cx="60" cy="60" r="25" /> </g> </svg> } } </NodeTemplate> </DiagramTemplates> </SfDiagramComponent> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Shape = new Shape() { Type = NodeShapes.SVG } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Set the BPMN events |
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.BpmnShape <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Shape=new DiagramShape(){Type = Shapes.Bpmn, BpmnShape = BpmnShapes.Event, Event = new DiagramBpmnEvent() { Event = BpmnEvents.Start }} }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Shape Set the shape as a BpmnEvent <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Shape = new BpmnEvent() { EventType = BpmnEventType.Start } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Set the event for BPMN event shape |
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.Event.Event <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Shape=new DiagramShape(){Type = Shapes.Bpmn, BpmnShape = BpmnShapes.Event, Event = new DiagramBpmnEvent() { Event = BpmnEvents.Start }} }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.EventType <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Shape = new BpmnEvent() { EventType = BpmnEventType.Start } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Set the BPMN events trigger |
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.Event.Trigger <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Shape=new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Bpmn, BpmnShape = BpmnShapes.Event, Event = new DiagramBpmnEvent() { Event = BpmnEvents.NonInterruptingIntermediate, Trigger = BpmnTriggers.Message } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.Trigger <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Shape = new BpmnEvent() { EventType = BpmnEventType.Start, Trigger = BpmnEventTrigger.Message } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Set the BPMN Gateway |
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.Gateway.Type <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Shape=new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Bpmn, BpmnShape = BpmnShapes.Gateway, Gateway = new DiagramBpmnGateway() { Type = BpmnGateways.None } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.GatewayType <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Shape = new BpmnGateway() { GatewayType = BpmnGatewayType.None } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Set the BPMN DataObject shape |
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.DataObject <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Shape=new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Bpmn, BpmnShape = BpmnShapes.DataObject, DataObject = new DiagramBpmnDataObject() { Collection = true, Type = BpmnDataObjects.Input } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Shape Sets shapes as BPMNDataObject <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Shape = new BpmnDataObject() { IsCollectiveData = true, DataObjectType = BpmnDataObjectType.None, } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets the collection property for the BPMN DataObject |
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.DataObject.Collection <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Shape=new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Bpmn, BpmnShape = BpmnShapes.DataObject, DataObject = new DiagramBpmnDataObject() { Collection = true, Type = BpmnDataObjects.Input } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.IsCollectiveData Sets shapes as BPMNDataObject <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Shape = new BpmnDataObject() { IsCollectiveData = true, DataObjectType = BpmnDataObjectType.None, } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets the type of the BPMN DataObject |
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.DataObject.Type <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Shape=new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Bpmn, BpmnShape = BpmnShapes.DataObject, DataObject = new DiagramBpmnDataObject() { Collection = true, Type = BpmnDataObjects.Input } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.DataObjectType Sets shapes as BPMNDataObject <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Shape = new BpmnDataObject() { IsCollectiveData = true, DataObjectType = BpmnDataObjectType.None, } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Set the BPMN DataSource shape |
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.BpmnShape <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Shape=new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Bpmn, BpmnShape = BpmnShapes.DataSource } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Shape Sets a shape as a BpmnDataStore <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Shape = new BpmnDataStore() }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets the BPMN Activity Task shape |
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.Activity.Activity <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 100, OffsetY = 100, Width = 100, Height = 100, Shape=new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Bpmn, BpmnShape = BpmnShapes.Activity,Activity = new DiagramBpmnActivity() { Activity = BpmnActivities.Task }, } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.ActivityType Sets a shape as a BpmnActivity <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Shape = new BpmnActivity(){ ActivityType = BpmnActivityType.Task } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets the task property of the BPMN Activity |
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.Activity.Task.Type <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 100, OffsetY = 100, Width = 100, Height = 100, Shape=new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Bpmn, BpmnShape = BpmnShapes.Activity, Activity = new DiagramBpmnActivity() { Activity = BpmnActivities.Task, Task = new DiagramBpmnTask() { Type = BpmnTasks.Send } } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.TaskType Sets a shape as a BpmnActivity <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 100, OffsetY = 1001, Shape = new BpmnActivity(){ ActivityType = BpmnActivityType.Task, TaskType = BpmnTaskType.Send } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets the collapsed sub-process shape in BPMN activity |
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.Activity.SubProcess.Collapsed <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 100, OffsetY = 100, Width = 100, Height = 100, Shape=new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Bpmn, BpmnShape = BpmnShapes.Activity, Activity = new DiagramBpmnActivity() { Activity = BpmnActivities.SubProcess, SubProcess = new DiagramBpmnSubProcess() { Collapsed = true } } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.ActivityType Sets a shape as a BpmnActivity <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 100, OffsetY = 1001, Shape = new BpmnActivity(){ ActivityType = BpmnActivityType.CollapsedSubProcess } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Defines the Loop property in BPMN activity shape |
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.Activity.SubProcess.Loop <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 100, OffsetY = 100, Width = 100, Height = 100, Shape=new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Bpmn, BpmnShape = BpmnShapes.Activity, Activity = new DiagramBpmnActivity() { Activity = BpmnActivities.SubProcess, SubProcess = new DiagramBpmnSubProcess() { Collapsed = true, Loop = BpmnLoops.Standard } } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.Loop Sets a shape as a BpmnActivity <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 100, OffsetY = 1001, Shape = new BpmnActivity(){ ActivityType = BpmnActivityType.CollapsedSubProcess, Loop = BpmnLoopCharacteristic.Standard } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Defines the Compensation property in BPMN activity shape |
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.Activity.SubProcess.Compensation <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 100, OffsetY = 100, Width = 100, Height = 100, Shape=new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Bpmn, BpmnShape = BpmnShapes.Activity, Activity = new DiagramBpmnActivity() { Activity = BpmnActivities.SubProcess, SubProcess = new DiagramBpmnSubProcess() { Collapsed = true, Compensation = true } } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.IsCompensation Sets a shape as a BpmnActivity <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 100, OffsetY = 1001, Shape = new BpmnActivity(){ ActivityType = BpmnActivityType.CollapsedSubProcess, IsCompensation = true } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Defines the Compensation property in BPMN activity shape |
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.Activity.SubProcess.Compensation <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 100, OffsetY = 100, Width = 100, Height = 100, Shape=new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Bpmn, BpmnShape = BpmnShapes.Activity, Activity = new DiagramBpmnActivity() { Activity = BpmnActivities.SubProcess, SubProcess = new DiagramBpmnSubProcess() { Collapsed = true, Compensation = true } } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.IsCompensation Sets a shape as a BpmnActivity <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 100, OffsetY = 1001, Shape = new BpmnActivity(){ ActivityType = BpmnActivityType.CollapsedSubProcess, IsCompensation = true } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Defines the Call property in BPMN activity shape |
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.Activity.SubProcess.Call <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 100, OffsetY = 100, Width = 100, Height = 100, Shape=new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Bpmn, BpmnShape = BpmnShapes.Activity, Activity = new DiagramBpmnActivity() { Activity = BpmnActivities.SubProcess, SubProcess = new DiagramBpmnSubProcess() { Collapsed = true, Call = true } } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.IsCall Sets a shape as a BpmnActivity <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 100, OffsetY = 1001, Shape = new BpmnActivity(){ ActivityType = BpmnActivityType.CollapsedSubProcess, IsCall = true } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Defines the Boundary property in BPMN subprocess activity shape |
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.Activity.SubProcess.Boundary <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 100, OffsetY = 100, Width = 100, Height = 100, Shape=new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Bpmn, BpmnShape = BpmnShapes.Activity, Activity = new DiagramBpmnActivity() { Activity = BpmnActivities.SubProcess, SubProcess = new DiagramBpmnSubProcess() { Collapsed = true, Boundary = BpmnBoundary.Call } } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.SubProcessType Sets a shape as a BpmnActivity <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 100, OffsetY = 1001, Shape = new BpmnActivity(){ ActivityType = BpmnActivityType.CollapsedSubProcess, SubProcessType = BpmnSubProcessType.Event } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets the Event sub process of bpmn activity |
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.Activity.SubProcess.Events <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 100, OffsetY = 100, Width = 100, Height = 100, Shape=new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Bpmn, BpmnShape = BpmnShapes.Activity, Activity = new DiagramBpmnActivity() { Activity = BpmnActivities.SubProcess, SubProcess = new DiagramBpmnSubProcess() { Collapsed = true, Type = BpmnSubProcessTypes.Event, Events = new ObservableCollection<DiagramBpmnSubEvent>() { new DiagramBpmnSubEvent() { Event = BpmnEvents.Start, Trigger = BpmnTriggers.Message } } } } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Not supported |
Sets the Transaction sub process of bpmn activity |
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.Activity.SubProcess.Transaction <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 100, OffsetY = 100, Width = 100, Height = 100, Shape=new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Bpmn, BpmnShape = BpmnShapes.Activity, Activity = new DiagramBpmnActivity() { Activity = BpmnActivities.SubProcess, SubProcess = new DiagramBpmnSubProcess() { Collapsed = true, Type = BpmnSubProcessTypes.Event, Transaction = new DiagramBpmnTransactionSubProcess() { Cancel = new CancelSubEvent(){ Visible = true,Offset = new BpmnSubEventOffset() { X = 0.25, Y = 1 } } Failure = new FailureSubEvent(){ Offset = new BpmnSubEventOffset() { X = 0.75, Y = 1 }} } } } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Not supported |
Defines the children of the BPMN sub process using the Processes property |
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.Activity.SubProcess.Processes <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode startNode = new DiagramNode() { Id = "Start", Margin = new NodeMargin() { Left = 10, Top = 50 }, Width = 50, Height = 50, Shape=new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Bpmn, BpmnShape = BpmnShapes.Event, Event = new DiagramBpmnEvent() { Event = BpmnEvents.Start } } }; NodeCollection.Add(startNode); DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "ActivityProcessNode", OffsetX = 200,OffsetY = 200, Constraints = NodeConstraints.AllowDrop, Width = 300, Height = 300, Shape=new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Bpmn, BpmnShape = BpmnShapes.Activity, Activity = new DiagramBpmnActivity() { Activity = BpmnActivities.SubProcess, SubProcess = new DiagramBpmnSubProcess() { Collapsed = false, Type = BpmnSubProcessTypes.Event, Processes = new string[] { "Start" } } } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.Children Sets the shape as BpmnExpandedSubProcess <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node startNode = new Node() { ID = "Start", Margin = new DiagramMargin() { Left = 10, Top = 50 }, Width = 50, Height = 50, Shape = new BpmnActivity() { ActivityType = BpmnActivityType.Task } } }; NodeCollection.Add(startNode); Node node1 = new Node() { Id = "ActivityProcessNode", OffsetX = 200,OffsetY = 200, Constraints = NodeConstraints.AllowDrop, Width = 300, Height = 300, Shape = new BpmnExpandedSubProcess() { Children = new DiagramObjectCollection<string>() { "node1" } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Create a BPMN group node |
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.BpmnShape <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node1", OffsetX = 100, OffsetY = 100, Width = 100, Height = 100, Shape=new DiagramShape(){Type = Shapes.Bpmn, BpmnShape = BpmnShapes.Group } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Not supported |
Create a BPMN Text annotation and set the direction of the text annotation shape |
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.Annotations <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Shape=new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Bpmn, BpmnShape = BpmnShapes.DataObject, DataObject = new DiagramBpmnDataObject() { Collection = true, Type = BpmnDataObjects.Input }, Annotations = new ObservableCollection<DiagramBpmnAnnotation>() { new DiagramBpmnAnnotation() { Text = "BPMNShape", Angle=60, Length=50, Width=50, Height=50 } } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.TextAnnotationDirection Set the shape as a BpmnTextAnnotation <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Shape = new BpmnTextAnnotation() { TextAnnotationDirection = TextAnnotationDirection.Auto } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets the Target of the text annotation shape |
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.Annotations <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Shape=new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Bpmn, BpmnShape = BpmnShapes.DataObject, DataObject = new DiagramBpmnDataObject() { Collection = true, Type = BpmnDataObjects.Input }, Annotations = new ObservableCollection<DiagramBpmnAnnotation>() { new DiagramBpmnAnnotation() { Text = "BPMNShape", Angle=60, Length=50, Width=50, Height=50 } } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.TextAnnotationTarget Set the shape as a BpmnTextAnnotation <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { ID = "node1", OffsetX = 500,OffsetY = 500, Width = 100, Height = 100, Shape = new BpmnActivity() { ActivityType = BpmnActivityType.Task } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); Node node2 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node2", OffsetX = 600, OffsetY = 350, Shape = new BpmnTextAnnotation() { TextAnnotationDirection = TextAnnotationDirection.Bottom, TextAnnotationTarget = "node1" } }; NodeCollection.Add(node2); } }
Sets a UML classifier shape |
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.Classifier <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Shape=new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.UmlClassifier, Classifier = ClassifierShape.Class } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Not supported |
Sets a UML activity shape |
Property: Nodes[i].Shape.UmlActivityShape <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Shape=new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.UmlActivity, UmlActivityShape = UmlActivityShapes.Action } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Not supported |
Annotation for Node
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Defines a collection of annotation to be render in the node |
Property: Nodes[i].Annotations Sets a annotation property as ObservableCollection<DiagramNodeAnnotation> <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Annotations = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNodeAnnotation>() { new DiagramNodeAnnotation() { Content = "node", } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Annotations Sets a annotation property as DiagramObjectCollection<ShapeAnnotation> <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Annotations = new DiagramObjectCollection<ShapeAnnotation>() { new ShapeAnnotation() { Content="node", } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets the AddInfo property for the annotation |
Property: Nodes[i].Annotations[i].AddInfo <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Annotations = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNodeAnnotation>() { new DiagramNodeAnnotation() { AddInfo = "Node's Addition Information", Content = "node", } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Annotations[i].AdditionalInfo <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Dictionary<string, object> AnnotationInfo = new Dictionary<string, object>(); AnnotationInfo.Add("AnnotationInfo", "Annotation's Addition Information"); Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Annotations = new DiagramObjectCollection<ShapeAnnotation>() { new ShapeAnnotation() { AdditionalInfo=AnnotationInfo,Content="node", } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets the AnnotationType property for the annotation |
Property: Nodes[i].Annotations[i].AnnotationType <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Annotations = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNodeAnnotation>() { new DiagramNodeAnnotation() { AnnotationType = AnnotationType.String, Content = "node", } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Annotations[i].UseTemplate Gets or sets a value indicating whether annotation should be rendered as a template using value defined in AnnotationTemplate property. <SfDiagramComponent Width="1200px" Height="700px" Nodes="@nodes"> <DiagramTemplates> <AnnotationTemplate> @if (context is Annotation annotation) { if (annotation.ID.Contains("TemplateAnnotation1")) { string ID = annotation.ID + "TemplateContent"; <div id="@ID" style="height: 100%; width: 100%; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;"><button>Button</button></div> } } </AnnotationTemplate> </DiagramTemplates> </SfDiagramComponent> @code { private DiagramObjectCollection<Node> nodes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { ID = "node1",OffsetX = 100,OffsetY = 100,Width = 70,Height = 70, Annotations = new DiagramObjectCollection<ShapeAnnotation>() { new ShapeAnnotation() { ID = "TemplateAnnotation1", UseTemplate = true, Height = 30,Width = 60, Content = "Annotation", Offset = new DiagramPoint(){ X = 0.5,Y = 1.5} } }, Shape = new BasicShape() { Type = NodeShapes.Basic, Shape = NodeBasicShapes.Star } }; nodes.Add(node1); } }
Sets the DragLimit property for the annotation |
Property: Nodes[i].Annotations[i].DragLimit <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Annotations = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNodeAnnotation>() { new DiagramNodeAnnotation() { DragLimit = new NodeAnnotationDragLimit() { Left = 10 }, Content = "node", } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Not supported |
Sets the Id property for the annotation |
Property: Nodes[i].Annotations[i].Id <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Annotations = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNodeAnnotation>() { new DiagramNodeAnnotation() { Id = "Label1", Content = "node", } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Annotations[i].ID <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Annotations = new DiagramObjectCollection<ShapeAnnotation>() { new ShapeAnnotation() { ID = "Label1", Content="node", } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets the Hyperlink property for the annotation |
Property: Nodes[i].Annotations[i].Hyperlink <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Annotations = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNodeAnnotation>() { new DiagramNodeAnnotation() { Hyperlink = new NodeHyperlink() { Color = "red", Content = "HyperlinkContent", Link = "https://blazor.syncfusion.com/" }, Content = "node", } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Annotations[i].Hyperlink <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Annotations = new DiagramObjectCollection<ShapeAnnotation>() { new ShapeAnnotation() { Hyperlink = new HyperlinkSettings() { Color = "red", Content = "HyperlinkContent", Url = "https://blazor.syncfusion.com/" }, Content="node", } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets the Style property for the annotation |
Property: Nodes[i].Annotations[i].Style <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Annotations = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNodeAnnotation>() { new DiagramNodeAnnotation() { Content = "node", Style = new AnnotationStyle() { Bold = true, Color = "orange", FontFamily = "Arial", FontSize = 20, Italic=true,TextAlign= TextAlign.Right, TextDecoration = TextDecoration.Underline,TextOverflow = TextOverflow.Ellipsis, TextWrapping = Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.TextWrap.WrapWithOverflow } } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Annotations[i].Style <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Annotations = new DiagramObjectCollection<ShapeAnnotation>() { new ShapeAnnotation() { Content="node",Style = new TextStyle(){Bold = true, Color = "orange", FontFamily = "Arial", FontSize = 20, Italic=true,TextAlign= TextAlign.Right, TextDecoration = TextDecoration.Underline, TextOverflow = TextOverflow.Ellipsis,TextWrapping = Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram.TextWrap.WrapWithOverflow } } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets the RotateAngle property for the annotation |
Property: Nodes[i].Annotations[i].RotateAngle <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Annotations = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNodeAnnotation>() { new DiagramNodeAnnotation() { Content = "node", RotateAngle = 10 } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Annotations[i].RotationAngle <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Annotations = new DiagramObjectCollection<ShapeAnnotation>() { new ShapeAnnotation() { Content="node", RotationAngle = 10 } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets the Margin property for the annotation |
Property: Nodes[i].Annotations[i].Margin <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Annotations = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNodeAnnotation>() { new DiagramNodeAnnotation() { Content = "node", Margin = new NodeAnnotationMargin() { Bottom = 10 } } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Annotations[i].Margin <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Annotations = new DiagramObjectCollection<ShapeAnnotation>() { new ShapeAnnotation() { Content="node", Margin = new DiagramThickness(){ Left = 10 } } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets the Offset property for the annotation |
Property: Nodes[i].Annotations[i].Offset <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Annotations = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNodeAnnotation>() { new DiagramNodeAnnotation() { Content = "node", Offset = new NodeAnnotationOffset() { X =0.5, Y = 1 } } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Annotations[i].Offset <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Annotations = new DiagramObjectCollection<ShapeAnnotation>() { new ShapeAnnotation() { Content="node", Offset = new DiagramPoint() { X=0.5, Y =1} } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets the Template property for the annotation |
Property: Nodes[i].Annotations[i].Template <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Annotations = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNodeAnnotation>() { new DiagramNodeAnnotation() { Content = "node", Template = "<div>" } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Annotations[i].UseTemplate Gets or sets a value indicating whether annotation should be rendered as a template using value defined in AnnotationTemplate property. <SfDiagramComponent Width="1200px" Height="700px" Nodes="@nodes"> <DiagramTemplates> <AnnotationTemplate> @if (context is Annotation annotation) { if (annotation.ID.Contains("TemplateAnnotation1")) { string ID = annotation.ID + "TemplateContent"; <div id="@ID" style="height: 100%; width: 100%; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;"><button>Button</button></div> } } </AnnotationTemplate> </DiagramTemplates> </SfDiagramComponent> @code { private DiagramObjectCollection<Node> nodes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { ID = "node1",OffsetX = 100,OffsetY = 100,Width = 70,Height = 70, Annotations = new DiagramObjectCollection<ShapeAnnotation>() { new ShapeAnnotation() { ID = "TemplateAnnotation1", UseTemplate = true, Height = 30,Width = 60, Content = "Annotation", Offset = new DiagramPoint(){ X = 0.5,Y = 1.5} } }, Shape = new BasicShape() { Type = NodeShapes.Basic, Shape = NodeBasicShapes.Star } }; nodes.Add(node1); } }
Sets the Type property for the annotation |
Property: Nodes[i].Annotations[i].Type <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Annotations = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNodeAnnotation>() { new DiagramNodeAnnotation() { Content = "node", Type= AnnotationTypes.Shape } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
The annotation for both node and connector can be established through the Annotations property without specifying the type. |
Ports for Node
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Defines a collection of ports to be render in the node |
Property: Nodes[i].Ports Sets a port property as ObservableCollection<DiagramPort> <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Ports = new ObservableCollection<DiagramPort>() { new DiagramPort() { Offset = new NodePortOffset(){ X = 0, Y=0 }, Visibility = PortVisibility.Visible } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Ports Sets a port property as DiagramObjectCollection<PointPort> <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Ports = new DiagramObjectCollection<PointPort>() { new PointPort() { Offset = new DiagramPoint(){ X = 0, Y=0 }, Visibility = PortVisibility.Visible } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets a offset property for the port |
Property: Nodes[i].Ports[i].Offset <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Ports = new ObservableCollection<DiagramPort>() { new DiagramPort() { Offset = new NodePortOffset(){ X = 0, Y=0 }, Visibility = PortVisibility.Visible } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Ports[i].Offset <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Ports = new DiagramObjectCollection<PointPort>() { new PointPort() { Offset = new DiagramPoint(){ X = 0, Y=0 }, Visibility = PortVisibility.Visible } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets a id property for the port |
Property: Nodes[i].Ports[i].Id <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Ports = new ObservableCollection<DiagramPort>() { new DiagramPort() { Id = "Port1", Offset = new NodePortOffset(){ X = 0, Y=0 }, Visibility = PortVisibility.Visible } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Ports[i].ID <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Ports = new DiagramObjectCollection<PointPort>() { new PointPort() { ID = "Port1", Offset = new DiagramPoint(){ X = 0, Y=0 }, Visibility = PortVisibility.Visible } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets a AddInfo property for the port |
Property: Nodes[i].Ports[i].AddInfo <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Ports = new ObservableCollection<DiagramPort>() { new DiagramPort() { AddInfo = "Port Info", Offset = new NodePortOffset(){ X = 0, Y=0 }, Visibility = PortVisibility.Visible } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Ports[i].AdditionalInfo <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Dictionary<string, object> NodeInfo = new Dictionary<string, object>(); NodeInfo.Add("NodeInfo", "Node's Addition Information"); Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Ports = new DiagramObjectCollection<PointPort>() { new PointPort() { ID = "Port1", AdditionalInfo = NodeInfo, Offset = new DiagramPoint(){ X = 0, Y=0 }, Visibility = PortVisibility.Visible } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets a Margin property for the port |
Property: Nodes[i].Ports[i].Margin <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Ports = new ObservableCollection<DiagramPort>() { new DiagramPort() { Id = "Port1", Margin = new PortMargin(){ Bottom = 10 }, Offset = new NodePortOffset(){ X = 0, Y=0 }, Visibility = PortVisibility.Visible } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Ports[i].Margin <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Ports = new DiagramObjectCollection<PointPort>() { new PointPort() { ID = "Port1", Margin= new DiagramThickness(){ Bottom =10}, Offset = new DiagramPoint(){ X = 0, Y=0 }, Visibility = PortVisibility.Visible } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets a Style property for the port |
Property: Nodes[i].Ports[i].Style <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Ports = new ObservableCollection<DiagramPort>() { new DiagramPort() { Style = new PortShapeStyle() { Fill = "red", Opacity = 1, StrokeColor="black", StrokeDashArray="2,2", StrokeWidth = 3 }, Offset = new NodePortOffset(){ X = 0, Y=0 }, Visibility = PortVisibility.Visible } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Ports[i].Style <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Ports = new DiagramObjectCollection<PointPort>() { new PointPort() { ID = "Port1", Style = new ShapeStyle() { Fill = "red", Opacity = 1, StrokeColor="black", StrokeDashArray="2,2", StrokeWidth = 3 }, Offset = new DiagramPoint(){ X = 0, Y=0 }, Visibility = PortVisibility.Visible } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Fixed User handle for Node
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Defines a collection of fixed user handle to be render in the node |
Property: FixedUserHandles Sets a FixedUserHandles property as ObservableCollection<DiagramNodeFixedUserHandle> <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, FixedUserHandles = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNodeFixedUserHandle>() { new DiagramNodeFixedUserHandle() { PathData = "M60.3,18H27.5c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2h5.5V23.5h32.7V18z M68.5,28.9h-30c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2c0,3,2.4,5.5,5.5,5.5h30c3,0,5.5-2.4,5.5-5.5V34.4C73.9,31.4,71.5,28.9,68.5,28.9z M68.5,72.5h-30V34.4h30V72.5z" } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: FixedUserHandles Sets a FixedUserHandles property as DiagramObjectCollection<NodeFixedUserHandle> <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, FixedUserHandles = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeFixedUserHandle>() { new NodeFixedUserHandle() { PathData = "M60.3,18H27.5c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2h5.5V23.5h32.7V18z M68.5,28.9h-30c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2c0,3,2.4,5.5,5.5,5.5h30c3,0,5.5-2.4,5.5-5.5V34.4C73.9,31.4,71.5,28.9,68.5,28.9z M68.5,72.5h-30V34.4h30V72.5z" } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets a IconStrokeColor property |
Property: Nodes[i].FixedUserHandles[i].IconStrokeColor <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, FixedUserHandles = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNodeFixedUserHandle>() { new DiagramNodeFixedUserHandle() { PathData = "M60.3,18H27.5c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2h5.5V23.5h32.7V18z M68.5,28.9h-30c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2c0,3,2.4,5.5,5.5,5.5h30c3,0,5.5-2.4,5.5-5.5V34.4C73.9,31.4,71.5,28.9,68.5,28.9z M68.5,72.5h-30V34.4h30V72.5z", IconStrokeColor = "blue", } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].FixedUserHandles[i].IconStroke <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, FixedUserHandles = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeFixedUserHandle>() { new NodeFixedUserHandle() { PathData = "M60.3,18H27.5c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2h5.5V23.5h32.7V18z M68.5,28.9h-30c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2c0,3,2.4,5.5,5.5,5.5h30c3,0,5.5-2.4,5.5-5.5V34.4C73.9,31.4,71.5,28.9,68.5,28.9z M68.5,72.5h-30V34.4h30V72.5z", IconStroke = "red" } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets a IconStrokeWidth property |
Property: Nodes[i].FixedUserHandles[i].IconStrokeWidth <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, FixedUserHandles = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNodeFixedUserHandle>() { new DiagramNodeFixedUserHandle() { PathData = "M60.3,18H27.5c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2h5.5V23.5h32.7V18z M68.5,28.9h-30c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2c0,3,2.4,5.5,5.5,5.5h30c3,0,5.5-2.4,5.5-5.5V34.4C73.9,31.4,71.5,28.9,68.5,28.9z M68.5,72.5h-30V34.4h30V72.5z", IconStrokeWidth=5 } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].FixedUserHandles[i].IconStrokeThickness <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, FixedUserHandles = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeFixedUserHandle>() { new NodeFixedUserHandle() { PathData = "M60.3,18H27.5c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2h5.5V23.5h32.7V18z M68.5,28.9h-30c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2c0,3,2.4,5.5,5.5,5.5h30c3,0,5.5-2.4,5.5-5.5V34.4C73.9,31.4,71.5,28.9,68.5,28.9z M68.5,72.5h-30V34.4h30V72.5z", IconStrokeThickness = 5 } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets a HandleStrokeColor property |
Property: Nodes[i].FixedUserHandles[i].HandleStrokeColor <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, FixedUserHandles = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNodeFixedUserHandle>() { new DiagramNodeFixedUserHandle() { PathData = "M60.3,18H27.5c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2h5.5V23.5h32.7V18z M68.5,28.9h-30c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2c0,3,2.4,5.5,5.5,5.5h30c3,0,5.5-2.4,5.5-5.5V34.4C73.9,31.4,71.5,28.9,68.5,28.9z M68.5,72.5h-30V34.4h30V72.5z", HandleStrokeColor = "blue", } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].FixedUserHandles[i].Stroke <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, FixedUserHandles = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeFixedUserHandle>() { new NodeFixedUserHandle() { PathData = "M60.3,18H27.5c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2h5.5V23.5h32.7V18z M68.5,28.9h-30c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2c0,3,2.4,5.5,5.5,5.5h30c3,0,5.5-2.4,5.5-5.5V34.4C73.9,31.4,71.5,28.9,68.5,28.9z M68.5,72.5h-30V34.4h30V72.5z", Stroke = "red" } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets a HandleStrokeWidth property |
Property: Nodes[i].FixedUserHandles[i].HandleStrokeWidth <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, FixedUserHandles = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNodeFixedUserHandle>() { new DiagramNodeFixedUserHandle() { PathData = "M60.3,18H27.5c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2h5.5V23.5h32.7V18z M68.5,28.9h-30c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2c0,3,2.4,5.5,5.5,5.5h30c3,0,5.5-2.4,5.5-5.5V34.4C73.9,31.4,71.5,28.9,68.5,28.9z M68.5,72.5h-30V34.4h30V72.5z", HandleStrokeWidth=5 } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].FixedUserHandles[i].StrokeThickness <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, FixedUserHandles = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeFixedUserHandle>() { new NodeFixedUserHandle() { PathData = "M60.3,18H27.5c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2h5.5V23.5h32.7V18z M68.5,28.9h-30c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2c0,3,2.4,5.5,5.5,5.5h30c3,0,5.5-2.4,5.5-5.5V34.4C73.9,31.4,71.5,28.9,68.5,28.9z M68.5,72.5h-30V34.4h30V72.5z", StrokeThickness = 5 } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets a Margin property |
Property: Nodes[i].FixedUserHandles[i].Margin <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, FixedUserHandles = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNodeFixedUserHandle>() { new DiagramNodeFixedUserHandle() { PathData = "M60.3,18H27.5c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2h5.5V23.5h32.7V18z M68.5,28.9h-30c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2c0,3,2.4,5.5,5.5,5.5h30c3,0,5.5-2.4,5.5-5.5V34.4C73.9,31.4,71.5,28.9,68.5,28.9z M68.5,72.5h-30V34.4h30V72.5z", Margin = new UserHandleMargin() { Bottom = 10 } } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].FixedUserHandles[i].Margin <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, FixedUserHandles = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeFixedUserHandle>() { new NodeFixedUserHandle() { PathData = "M60.3,18H27.5c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2h5.5V23.5h32.7V18z M68.5,28.9h-30c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2c0,3,2.4,5.5,5.5,5.5h30c3,0,5.5-2.4,5.5-5.5V34.4C73.9,31.4,71.5,28.9,68.5,28.9z M68.5,72.5h-30V34.4h30V72.5z", Margin = new DiagramThickness() { Bottom = 10 } } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets a Offset property |
Property: Nodes[i].FixedUserHandles[i].Offset <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, FixedUserHandles = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNodeFixedUserHandle>() { new DiagramNodeFixedUserHandle() { PathData = "M60.3,18H27.5c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2h5.5V23.5h32.7V18z M68.5,28.9h-30c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2c0,3,2.4,5.5,5.5,5.5h30c3,0,5.5-2.4,5.5-5.5V34.4C73.9,31.4,71.5,28.9,68.5,28.9z M68.5,72.5h-30V34.4h30V72.5z", Offset = new UserHandleOffset() { X = 0, Y = 0 } } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].FixedUserHandles[i].Offset <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, FixedUserHandles = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeFixedUserHandle>() { new NodeFixedUserHandle() { PathData = "M60.3,18H27.5c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2h5.5V23.5h32.7V18z M68.5,28.9h-30c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2c0,3,2.4,5.5,5.5,5.5h30c3,0,5.5-2.4,5.5-5.5V34.4C73.9,31.4,71.5,28.9,68.5,28.9z M68.5,72.5h-30V34.4h30V72.5z", Offset = new DiagramPoint() { X = 0.5, Y=1} } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets a Padding property |
Property: Nodes[i].FixedUserHandles[i].Padding <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, FixedUserHandles = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNodeFixedUserHandle>() { new DiagramNodeFixedUserHandle() { PathData = "M60.3,18H27.5c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2h5.5V23.5h32.7V18z M68.5,28.9h-30c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2c0,3,2.4,5.5,5.5,5.5h30c3,0,5.5-2.4,5.5-5.5V34.4C73.9,31.4,71.5,28.9,68.5,28.9z M68.5,72.5h-30V34.4h30V72.5z", Padding = new DiagramThickness(){ Bottom = 10} } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].FixedUserHandles[i].Padding <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, FixedUserHandles = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeFixedUserHandle>() { new NodeFixedUserHandle() { PathData = "M60.3,18H27.5c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2h5.5V23.5h32.7V18z M68.5,28.9h-30c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2c0,3,2.4,5.5,5.5,5.5h30c3,0,5.5-2.4,5.5-5.5V34.4C73.9,31.4,71.5,28.9,68.5,28.9z M68.5,72.5h-30V34.4h30V72.5z", Padding = new IconPadding() { Bottom = 10 } } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
ExpandIcon for Node
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Defines a expand icon to be render for the node |
Property: Nodes[i].ExpandIcon Sets a ExpandIcon property as NodeExpandIcon <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, ExpandIcon = new NodeExpandIcon() { Shape = IconShapes.Minus } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].ExpandIcon Sets a ExpandIcon property as DiagramExpandIcon <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, ExpandIcon = new DiagramExpandIcon() { Shape = DiagramExpandIcons.Minus } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets a Margin property for expand icon |
Property: Nodes[i].ExpandIcon.Margin <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, ExpandIcon = new NodeExpandIcon() { Shape = IconShapes.Minus, Margin = new ExpandIconMargin() { Bottom = 10 } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].ExpandIcon.Margin <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, ExpandIcon = new DiagramExpandIcon() { Shape = DiagramExpandIcons.Minus, Margin = new DiagramThickness() { Bottom = 10 } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets a offset property for expand icon |
Property: Nodes[i].ExpandIcon.Offset <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, ExpandIcon = new NodeExpandIcon() { Shape = IconShapes.Minus, Offset = new IconOffset() { X = 0, Y = 0 } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].ExpandIcon.OffsetX, Nodes[i].ExpandIcon.OffsetY <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, ExpandIcon = new DiagramExpandIcon() { Shape = DiagramExpandIcons.Minus, OffsetX = 10, OffsetY = 10 } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets a Padding property for expand icon |
Property: Nodes[i].ExpandIcon.Padding <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, ExpandIcon = new NodeExpandIcon() { Shape = IconShapes.Minus, Padding = new IconPadding() { Bottom = 10 } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].ExpandIcon.Padding <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, ExpandIcon = new DiagramExpandIcon() { Shape = DiagramExpandIcons.Minus, Padding = new DiagramThickness() { Bottom = 10 } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets a custom content for an icon |
Property: Nodes[i].ExpandIcon.Content <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, ExpandIcon = new NodeExpandIcon() { Content = "<div>Custom Content</div>", Shape = IconShapes.Template } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: DiagramTemplates.DiagramExpandIconTemplate <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection"> <DiagramTemplates> <DiagramExpandIconTemplate> @{ if (context.Height != 0 && context.Width != 0) { <div style="height: 100%; width: 100%; background:#2766cc"></div> } } </DiagramExpandIconTemplate> </DiagramTemplates> </SfDiagramComponent> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, ExpandIcon = new DiagramExpandIcon() { Shape = DiagramExpandIcons.Template, Padding = new DiagramThickness() { Bottom = 10 } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
CollapseIcon for Node
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Defines a collapse icon to be render for the node |
Property: Nodes[i].CollapseIcon Sets a CollapseIcon property as NodeCollapseIcon <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, CollapseIcon = new NodeCollapseIcon() { Shape = IconShapes.Minus } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].CollapseIcon Sets a CollapseIcon property as DiagramCollapseIcon <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, CollapseIcon = new DiagramCollapseIcon() { Shape = DiagramCollapseIcons.Plus } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets a Margin property for collapse icon |
Property: Nodes[i].CollapseIcon.Margin <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, CollapseIcon = new NodeCollapseIcon() { Shape = IconShapes.Minus, Margin = new CollapseIconMargin() { Bottom = 10 } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].CollapseIcon.Margin <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, CollapseIcon = new DiagramCollapseIcon() { Shape = DiagramExpandIcons.Minus, Margin = new DiagramThickness() { Bottom = 10 } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets a offset property for collapse icon |
Property: Nodes[i].CollapseIcon.Offset <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, CollapseIcon = new NodeCollapseIcon() { Shape = IconShapes.Minus, Offset = new IconOffset() { X = 0, Y = 0 } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].ExpandIcon.OffsetX, Nodes[i].CollapseIcon.OffsetY <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, CollapseIcon = new DiagramCollapseIcon() { Shape = DiagramExpandIcons.Minus, OffsetX = 10, OffsetY = 10 } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets a Padding property for collapse icon |
Property: Nodes[i].CollapseIcon.Padding <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, CollapseIcon = new NodeCollapseIcon() { Shape = IconShapes.Minus, Padding = new IconPadding() { Bottom = 10 } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].CollapseIcon.Padding <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, CollapseIcon = new DiagramCollapseIcon() { Shape = DiagramExpandIcons.Minus, Padding = new DiagramThickness() { Bottom = 10 } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets a custom content for an icon |
Property: Nodes[i].CollapseIcon.Content <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, CollapseIcon = new NodeCollapseIcon() { Content = "<div>Custom Content</div>", Shape = IconShapes.Template } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: DiagramTemplates.DiagramCollapseIconTemplate <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection"> <DiagramTemplates> <DiagramCollapseIconTemplate> @{ if (context.Height != 0 && context.Width != 0) { <div style="height: 100%; width: 100%; background:#2766cc"></div> } } </DiagramCollapseIconTemplate> </DiagramTemplates> </SfDiagramComponent> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, CollapseIcon = new DiagramCollapseIcon() { Shape = DiagramExpandIcons.Template, Padding = new DiagramThickness() { Bottom = 10 } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Tooltip for Node
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Defines a tooltip to be render for the node |
Property: Nodes[i].Tooltip Sets a Tooltip property as NodeTooltip <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Tooltip = new NodeTooltip() { Content = "Node ToolTip" } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Tooltip Sets a Tooltip property as DiagramTooltip <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Tooltip = new DiagramTooltip() { Content = "Node ToolTip" } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets a Animation for the tooltip |
Property: Nodes[i].Tooltip.Animation <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Tooltip = new NodeTooltip() { Content = "Node ToolTip", Animation = new DiagramTooltipAnimation() { OpenAnimationSettings = new DiagramTooltipAnimationSettings() { Delay = 10, Duration = 30, Effect=Effect.FadeOut }, CloseAnimationSettings = new DiagramTooltipAnimationSettings() { Delay = 10, Duration = 30, Effect=Effect.FadeOut } }, } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Tooltip.AnimationSettings <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Tooltip = new DiagramTooltip() { Content = "Node ToolTip", AnimationSettings = new Syncfusion.Blazor.Popups.AnimationModel() { Open = new Syncfusion.Blazor.Popups.TooltipAnimationSettings() { Delay = 10, Duration = 50, Effect = Syncfusion.Blazor.Popups.Effect.FadeIn }, Close = new Syncfusion.Blazor.Popups.TooltipAnimationSettings() { Delay = 10, Duration = 50, Effect = Syncfusion.Blazor.Popups.Effect.FadeOut } } } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets a OpenOn property for the tooltip |
Property: Nodes[i].Tooltip.OpenOn <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Tooltip = new NodeTooltip() { Content = "Node ToolTip", OpenOn = TooltipMode.Auto } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: Nodes[i].Tooltip.OpensOn <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Tooltip = new DiagramTooltip() { Content = "Node ToolTip", OpensOn = "Auto" } }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Sets a RelativeMode property for the tooltip |
Property: Nodes[i].Tooltip.RelativeMode <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, Tooltip = new NodeTooltip() { Content = "Node ToolTip", RelativeMode= TooltipRelativeMode.Object }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Not supported |
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Defines a collection of connectors to be render in the diagram |
Property: Connectors <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { Id = "connector", SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { ID = "connector", SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Defines a unique id for the connector |
Property: Connectors[i].Id <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { Id = "connector", SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].ID <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { ID = "connector", SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Sets an Add info property for the connector |
Property: Connectors[i].AddInfo <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { AddInfo="Add additional information", Id = "connector", SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].AdditionalInfo <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { Dictionary<string, object> AddInformation = new Dictionary<string, object>(); AddInformation.Add("AddInformation", "Addition Information"); AdditionalInfo = AddInformation, ID = "connector", SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Sets the source point for the connector |
Property: Connectors[i].SourcePoint <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { Id = "connector", SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].SourcePoint <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { ID = "connector", SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Sets the target point for the connector |
Property: Connectors[i].TargetPoint <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { Id = "connector", SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].TargetPoint <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { ID = "connector", SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Defines whether the connector should be automatically position or not. Applicable if the layout option is enabled |
Property: Connectors[i].ExcludeFromLayout <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { ExcludeFromLayout = true, SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].CanAutoLayout <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { CanAutoLayout = true, SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Set’s DragSize property for connector |
Property: Connectors[i].DragSize <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { DragSize = new SymbolSizeModel(){ Height = 100, Width = 100}, SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: SymbolPalette.SymbolDragPreviewSize <SfSymbolPaletteComponent Height="300px" Width="200px" Palettes="@Palettes" SymbolDragPreviewSize="@symbolDragPreviewSize"></SfSymbolPaletteComponent> @code { DiagramObjectCollection<Palette> Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>(); DiagramSize symbolDragPreviewSize; DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase> PaletteNodes = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>(); DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase> PaletteConnectors = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { InitPaletteModel(); } private void InitPaletteModel() { symbolDragPreviewSize = new DiagramSize() {Width = 100, Height = 100 }; CreatePaletteNode(NodeFlowShapes.Terminator, "Terminator"); CreatePaletteConnector("Link1", ConnectorSegmentType.Orthogonal, DecoratorShape.Arrow); Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>() { new Palette(){Symbols =PaletteNodes, Title="Flow Shapes", ID="Flow Shapes" }, new Palette(){Symbols = PaletteConnectors, Title = "Connectors" , IsExpanded = true}, }; } private void CreatePaletteNode(NodeFlowShapes flowShape, string id) { Node node = new Node() { ID = id, Shape = new FlowShape() { Type = NodeShapes.Flow, Shape = flowShape }, Style = new ShapeStyle() {Fill="#6495ED", StrokeColor = "#757575" }, }; PaletteNodes.Add(node); } private void CreatePaletteConnector(string id, ConnectorSegmentType type, DecoratorShape decoratorShape) { Connector connector = new Connector() { ID = id, Type = type, SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() { X = 0, Y = 0 }, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint() { X = 100, Y = 100 }, Style = new ShapeStyle() { StrokeWidth = 1, StrokeColor = "#6495ED" }, TargetDecorator = new DecoratorSettings() { Shape = decoratorShape, Style = new ShapeStyle() { StrokeColor = "#6495ED", Fill = "#6495ED" } } }; PaletteConnectors.Add(connector); } }
Set’s PreviewSize property for connector |
Property: Connectors[i].PreviewSize <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { PreviewSize = new SymbolSizeModel(){ Height = 100, Width = 100}, SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: SymbolPalette.SymbolDragPreviewSize <SfSymbolPaletteComponent Height="300px" Width="200px" Palettes="@Palettes" SymbolDragPreviewSize="@symbolDragPreviewSize"></SfSymbolPaletteComponent> @code { DiagramObjectCollection<Palette> Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>(); DiagramSize symbolDragPreviewSize; DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase> PaletteNodes = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>(); DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase> PaletteConnectors = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { InitPaletteModel(); } private void InitPaletteModel() { symbolDragPreviewSize = new DiagramSize() {Width = 100, Height = 100 }; CreatePaletteNode(NodeFlowShapes.Terminator, "Terminator"); CreatePaletteConnector("Link1", ConnectorSegmentType.Orthogonal, DecoratorShape.Arrow); Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>() { new Palette(){Symbols =PaletteNodes, Title="Flow Shapes", ID="Flow Shapes" }, new Palette(){Symbols = PaletteConnectors, Title = "Connectors" , IsExpanded = true}, }; } private void CreatePaletteNode(NodeFlowShapes flowShape, string id) { Node node = new Node() { ID = id, Shape = new FlowShape() { Type = NodeShapes.Flow, Shape = flowShape }, Style = new ShapeStyle() {Fill="#6495ED", StrokeColor = "#757575" }, }; PaletteNodes.Add(node); } private void CreatePaletteConnector(string id, ConnectorSegmentType type, DecoratorShape decoratorShape) { Connector connector = new Connector() { ID = id, Type = type, SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() { X = 0, Y = 0 }, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint() { X = 100, Y = 100 }, Style = new ShapeStyle() { StrokeWidth = 1, StrokeColor = "#6495ED" }, TargetDecorator = new DecoratorSettings() { Shape = decoratorShape, Style = new ShapeStyle() { StrokeColor = "#6495ED", Fill = "#6495ED" } } }; PaletteConnectors.Add(connector); } }
Set’s SymbolInfo property for connector |
Property: Connectors[i].SymbolInfo <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SymbolInfo = new SymbolInfo(){ Fit = true }, SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: SymbolPalette.GetSymbolInfo <SfSymbolPaletteComponent Height="300px" Width="200px" Palettes="@Palettes" GetSymbolInfo="GetSymbolInfo"></SfSymbolPaletteComponent> @code { DiagramObjectCollection<Palette> Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>(); DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase> PaletteNodes = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>(); DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase> PaletteConnectors = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { InitPaletteModel(); } private void InitPaletteModel() { CreatePaletteNode(NodeFlowShapes.Terminator, "Terminator"); CreatePaletteConnector("Link1", ConnectorSegmentType.Orthogonal, DecoratorShape.Arrow); Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>() { new Palette(){Symbols =PaletteNodes, Title="Flow Shapes", ID="Flow Shapes" }, new Palette(){Symbols = PaletteConnectors, Title = "Connectors" , IsExpanded = true}, }; } private void CreatePaletteNode(NodeFlowShapes flowShape, string id) { Node node = new Node() { ID = id, Shape = new FlowShape() { Type = NodeShapes.Flow, Shape = flowShape }, Style = new ShapeStyle() {Fill="#6495ED", StrokeColor = "#757575" }, }; PaletteNodes.Add(node); } private void CreatePaletteConnector(string id, ConnectorSegmentType type, DecoratorShape decoratorShape) { Connector connector = new Connector() { ID = id, Type = type, SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() { X = 0, Y = 0 }, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint() { X = 100, Y = 100 }, Style = new ShapeStyle() { StrokeWidth = 1, StrokeColor = "#6495ED" }, TargetDecorator = new DecoratorSettings() { Shape = decoratorShape,<br> Style = new ShapeStyle() { StrokeColor = "#6495ED", Fill = "#6495ED" } } }; PaletteConnectors.Add(connector); } private SymbolInfo GetSymbolInfo(IDiagramObject symbol) { SymbolInfo SymbolInfo = new SymbolInfo(); string text = null; text = (symbol as Node).ID; SymbolInfo.Description = new SymbolDescription() { Text = text }; return SymbolInfo; } }
Set’s Visible property for connector |
Property: Connectors[i].Visible <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { Visible = true, SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].IsVisible <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { IsVisible = true, SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Set’s Margin property for connector |
Property: Connectors[i].Margin <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { Margin = new ConnectorMargin(){Bottom =10}, SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].Margin <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { Margin = new DiagramThickness(){ Bottom =10 }, SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Set’s FlipMode property for connector | Not supported |
Property: Connectors[i].FlipMode <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { FlipMode = DiagramFlipMode.All SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Set’s style property for connector |
Property: Connectors[i].Style <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { Style = new ConnectorShapeStyle(){Fill = "red", StrokeColor = "blue", StrokeDashArray = "2,2", Opacity = 0.9, StrokeWidth = 3}, SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].Style <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { Style = new ShapeStyle() { Fill = "red", StrokeColor = "blue", StrokeDashArray = "2,2", Opacity = 0.9, StrokeWidth = 3 } SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Connector Segments
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Sets the straight segment connector |
Property: Connectors[i].Segments Sets the segments as ObservableCollection<DiagramConnectorSegment> and defines the DiagramConnectorSegment as collection <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, Segments = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnectorSegment>() { new DiagramConnectorSegment(){ Type= DiagramSegments.Straight, Point= new StraightSegmentPoint(){X= 150, Y=120 } } } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].Segments Sets the segments as DiagramObjectCollection<ConnectorSegment> and defines the StraightSegment as collection <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { Segments = new DiagramObjectCollection<ConnectorSegment>() { new StraightSegment(){ Type = ConnectorSegmentType.Straight, Point= new DiagramPoint(){ X=100, Y=120 } } } SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Sets the orthogonal segment connector |
Property: Connectors[i].Segments Sets the segments as ObservableCollection<DiagramConnectorSegment> and defines the DiagramConnectorSegment as collection <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, Segments = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnectorSegment>() { new DiagramConnectorSegment(){ Type = DiagramSegments.Orthogonal, Direction = Direction.Left, Length= 100 } } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].Segments Sets the segments as DiagramObjectCollection<ConnectorSegment> and defines the OrthogonalSegment as collection <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { Segments = new DiagramObjectCollection<ConnectorSegment>() { new OrthogonalSegment(){ Type = ConnectorSegmentType.Orthogonal, Direction = Direction.Right, Length = 100 } } SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Sets the bezier segment connector based on control points |
Property: Connectors[i].Segments Sets the segments as ObservableCollection<DiagramConnectorSegment> and defines the DiagramConnectorSegment as collection <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, Segments = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnectorSegment>() { new DiagramConnectorSegment(){ Type = DiagramSegments.Bezier, Point = new StraightSegmentPoint(){X= 150, Y=120 }, Point1=new FirstSegmentPoint(){X=100, Y=100}, Point2 = new SecondSegmentPoint(){ X= 200, Y = 200 } } } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].Segments Sets the segments as DiagramObjectCollection<ConnectorSegment> and defines the BezierSegment as collection <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { Segments = new DiagramObjectCollection<ConnectorSegment>() { new BezierSegment(){ Type= ConnectorSegmentType.Bezier, Point=new DiagramPoint(){ X=100, Y=120 }, Point1=new DiagramPoint(){X=100, Y=100}, Point2=new DiagramPoint(){ X= 200, Y = 200} } } SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Sets the bezier segment connector based on control angle and distance |
Property: Connectors[i].Segments Sets the segments as ObservableCollection<DiagramConnectorSegment> and defines the DiagramConnectorSegment as collection <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, Segments = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnectorSegment>() { new DiagramConnectorSegment(){ Type = DiagramSegments.Bezier, Point = new StraightSegmentPoint(){X= 150, Y=120 }, Vector1=new FirstVector(){ Angle= 30, Distance=10}, Vector2 = new SecondVector(){Angle = 60, Distance=20} } } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].Segments Sets the segments as DiagramObjectCollection<ConnectorSegment> and defines the BezierSegment as collection <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { Segments = new DiagramObjectCollection<ConnectorSegment>() { new BezierSegment(){ Type= ConnectorSegmentType.Bezier, Point=new DiagramPoint(){ X=100, Y=120 }, Vector1 = new Vector(){ Angle = 30, Distance =10}, Vector2 = new Vector(){Angle = 60,Distance = 30 } }, } SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Connector Shape
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Defines the default bpmn association shapes in connector |
Property: Connectors[i].Shape Sets the shape as DiagramConnectorShape <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, Shape = new DiagramConnectorShape(){ Association = BpmnAssociationFlows.Default, BpmnFlow = BpmnFlows.Association, Type = ConnectionShapes.Bpmn } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].Shape Sets the shape as BpmnFlow <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { Shape = new BpmnFlow(){ Flow = BpmnFlowType.AssociationFlow }, SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Defines the BiDirectional bpmn association shapes in connector |
Property: Connectors[i].Shape Sets the shape as DiagramConnectorShape <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, Shape = new DiagramConnectorShape(){ Association = BpmnAssociationFlows.BiDirectional, BpmnFlow = BpmnFlows.Association, Type = ConnectionShapes.Bpmn } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].Shape Sets the shape as BpmnFlow <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { Shape = new BpmnFlow(){ Flow = BpmnFlowType.BiDirectionalAssociationFlow }, SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Defines the Directional bpmn association shapes in connector |
Property: Connectors[i].Shape Sets the shape as DiagramConnectorShape <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, Shape = new DiagramConnectorShape(){ Association = BpmnAssociationFlows.Directional, BpmnFlow = BpmnFlows.Association, Type = ConnectionShapes.Bpmn } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].Shape Sets the shape as BpmnFlow <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { Shape = new BpmnFlow(){ Flow = BpmnFlowType.DirectionalAssociationFlow }, SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Defines the normal bpmn sequence shapes in connector |
Property: Connectors[i].Shape Sets the shape as DiagramConnectorShape <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, Shape = new DiagramConnectorShape(){ BpmnFlow = BpmnFlows.Sequence, Sequence = BpmnSequenceFlows.Default, Type = ConnectionShapes.Bpmn } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].Shape Sets the shape as BpmnFlow <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { Shape = new BpmnFlow(){ Flow = BpmnFlowType.SequenceFlow }, SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Defines the conditional bpmn sequence shapes in connector |
Property: Connectors[i].Shape Sets the shape as DiagramConnectorShape <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, Shape = new DiagramConnectorShape(){ BpmnFlow = BpmnFlows.Sequence, Sequence = BpmnSequenceFlows.Conditional, Type = ConnectionShapes.Bpmn } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].Shape Sets the shape as BpmnFlow <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { Shape = new BpmnFlow(){ Flow = BpmnFlowType.ConditionalSequenceFlow }, SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Defines the Default bpmn sequence shapes in connector |
Property: Connectors[i].Shape Sets the shape as DiagramConnectorShape <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, Shape = new DiagramConnectorShape(){ BpmnFlow = BpmnFlows.Sequence, Sequence = BpmnSequenceFlows.Default, Type = ConnectionShapes.Bpmn } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].Shape Sets the shape as BpmnFlow <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { Shape = new BpmnFlow(){ Flow = BpmnFlowType.DefaultSequenceFlow }, SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Defines the Default bpmn Message shapes in connector |
Property: Connectors[i].Shape Sets the shape as DiagramConnectorShape <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, Shape = new DiagramConnectorShape(){ BpmnFlow = BpmnFlows.Message, Message = BpmnMessageFlows.Default, Type = ConnectionShapes.Bpmn } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].Shape Sets the shape as BpmnFlow <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { Shape = new BpmnFlow(){ Flow = BpmnFlowType.MessageFlow }, SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Defines the Initiating bpmn Message shapes in connector |
Property: Connectors[i].Shape Sets the shape as DiagramConnectorShape <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, Shape = new DiagramConnectorShape(){ BpmnFlow = BpmnFlows.Message, Message = BpmnMessageFlows.InitiatingMessage, Type = ConnectionShapes.Bpmn } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].Shape Sets the shape as BpmnFlow <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { Shape = new BpmnFlow(){ Flow = BpmnFlowType.InitiatingMessageFlow }, SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Defines the NonInitiating bpmn Message shapes in connector |
Property: Connectors[i].Shape Sets the shape as DiagramConnectorShape <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, Shape = new DiagramConnectorShape(){ BpmnFlow = BpmnFlows.Message, Message = BpmnMessageFlows.NonInitiatingMessage, Type = ConnectionShapes.Bpmn } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].Shape Sets the shape as BpmnFlow <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { Shape = new BpmnFlow(){ Flow = BpmnFlowType.NonInitiatingMessageFlow }, SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Defines the UML Classifier shape in connector |
Property: Connectors[i].Shape Sets the shape as DiagramConnectorShape <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, Shape = new DiagramConnectorShape(){ Type = ConnectionShapes.UmlClassifier, Relationship = ClassifierShape.Association, AssociationType = AssociationFlow.BiDirectional } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Not supported |
Defines the UML Activity shape in connector |
Property: Connectors[i].Shape Sets the shape as DiagramConnectorShape <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, Shape = new DiagramConnectorShape(){ Type = ConnectionShapes.UmlActivity, UmlActivityFlow = UmlActivityFlows.Exception } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Not supported |
Connector Source Decorator
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Defines the shape of the source decorator of the connector |
Property: Connectors[i].SourceDecorator.Shape Sets the shape as ConnectorSourceDecorator <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, SourceDecorator = new ConnectorSourceDecorator(){ Shape = DecoratorShapes.Diamond } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].SourceDecorator.Shape Sets the shape as DecoratorSettings <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { SourceDecorator = new DecoratorSettings(){ Shape = DecoratorShape.Diamond }, SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Defines the Pivot of the source decorator of the connector |
Property: Connectors[i].SourceDecorator.Pivot Sets the pivot as DecoratorPivot <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, SourceDecorator = new ConnectorSourceDecorator(){ Shape = DecoratorShapes.Diamond, Pivot = new DecoratorPivot(){X =0.5, Y=0.5 } } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].SourceDecorator.Pivot Sets the pivot as DiagramPoint <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { SourceDecorator = new DecoratorSettings(){ Shape = DecoratorShape.Diamond, Pivot = new DiagramPoint() { X = 0.5, Y = 0.5 } }, SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Defines the Style of the source decorator of the connector |
Property: Connectors[i].SourceDecorator.Style Sets the style as DecoratorShapeStyle <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, SourceDecorator = new ConnectorSourceDecorator(){ Shape = DecoratorShapes.Diamond, Style= new DecoratorShapeStyle(){ Fill = "red", StrokeColor = "blue", StrokeDashArray = "2,2", Opacity = 0.9, StrokeWidth = 3 } } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].SourceDecorator.Style Sets the style as ShapeStyle <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { SourceDecorator = new DecoratorSettings(){ Shape = DecoratorShape.Diamond, Style = new ShapeStyle() { Fill = "red", StrokeColor = "blue", StrokeDashArray = "2,2", Opacity = 0.9, StrokeWidth = 3 } }, SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Connector Target Decorator
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Defines the shape of the target decorator of the connector |
Property: Connectors[i].TargetDecorator.Shape Sets the shape as ConnectorTargetDecorator <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, TargetDecorator = new ConnectorTargetDecorator(){ Shape = DecoratorShapes.Diamond } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].TargetDecorator.Shape Sets the shape as DecoratorSettings <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { TargetDecorator = new DecoratorSettings(){ Shape = DecoratorShape.Diamond }, SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Defines the Pivot of the source decorator of the connector |
Property: Connectors[i].TargetDecorator.Pivot Sets the pivot as DecoratorPivot <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, TargetDecorator = new ConnectorTargetDecorator(){ Shape = DecoratorShapes.Diamond, Pivot = new DecoratorPivot(){X =0.5, Y=0.5 } } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].TargetDecorator.Pivot Sets the pivot as DiagramPoint <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { TargetDecorator = new DecoratorSettings(){ Shape = DecoratorShape.Diamond, Pivot = new DiagramPoint() { X = 0.5, Y = 0.5 } }, SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Defines the Style of the source decorator of the connector |
Property: Connectors[i].TargetDecorator.Style Sets the style as DecoratorShapeStyle <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, TargetDecorator = new ConnectorTargetDecorator(){ Shape = DecoratorShapes.Diamond, Style= new DecoratorShapeStyle(){ Fill = "red", StrokeColor = "blue", StrokeDashArray = "2,2", Opacity = 0.9, StrokeWidth = 3 } } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].TargetDecorator.Style Sets the style as ShapeStyle <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { TargetDecorator = new DecoratorSettings(){ Shape = DecoratorShape.Diamond, Style = new ShapeStyle() { Fill = "red", StrokeColor = "blue", StrokeDashArray = "2,2", Opacity = 0.9, StrokeWidth = 3 } }, SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Annotation for Connector
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Defines a collection of annotation to be render in the connector |
Property: Connectors[i].Annotations Sets a annotation property as ObservableCollection<DiagramConnectorAnnotation> <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, Annotations = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnectorAnnotation>(){ new DiagramConnectorAnnotation(){ Content = "label" } } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].Annotations Sets a annotation property as DiagramObjectCollection<PathAnnotation> <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { Annotations = new DiagramObjectCollection<PathAnnotation>(){new PathAnnotation(){ Content = "Label1" }}, SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Sets the AddInfo property for the connector |
Property: Connectors[i].Annotations[i].AddInfo <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, Annotations = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnectorAnnotation>(){ new DiagramConnectorAnnotation(){ AddInfo = "Addition Information, Content = "label" } } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].Annotations[i].AdditionalInfo <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Dictionary<string, object> AnnotationInfo = new Dictionary<string, object>(); AnnotationInfo.Add("AnnotationInfo", "Annotation's Addition Information"); Connector connector1 = new Connector() { Annotations = new DiagramObjectCollection<PathAnnotation>(){new PathAnnotation(){ AdditionalInfo=AnnotationInfo, Content = "Label1" }}, SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Sets the DragLimit property for the path annotation |
Property: Connectors[i].Annotations[i].DragLimit <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, Annotations = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnectorAnnotation>(){ new DiagramConnectorAnnotation(){ Content = "label", DragLimit = new ConnectorAnnotationDragLimit(){ Bottom = 50, Left = 50} } } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Not supported |
Sets the AnnotationType property for the annotation |
Property: Connectors[i].Annotations[i].AnnotationType <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, Annotations = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnectorAnnotation>(){ new DiagramConnectorAnnotation(){ Content = "label", AnnotationType = AnnotationType.String } } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].Annotations[i].UseTemplate Gets or sets a value indicating whether annotation should be rendered as a template using value defined in AnnotationTemplate property. <SfDiagramComponent Width="1200px" Height="700px" Connectors="@connectors"> <DiagramTemplates> <AnnotationTemplate> @if (context is Annotation annotation) { if (annotation.ID.Contains("TemplateAnnotation1")) { string ID = annotation.ID + "TemplateContent"; <div id="@ID" style="height: 100%; width: 100%; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;"><button>Button</button></div> } } </AnnotationTemplate> </DiagramTemplates> </SfDiagramComponent> @code { private DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> connectors = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { ID = "connector1", SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() { X = 100, Y = 20 }, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint() { X = 200, Y = 120 }, Annotations = new DiagramObjectCollection<PathAnnotation>() { new PathAnnotation() { ID = "TemplateAnnotation1", UseTemplate = true, Height = 30,Width = 60, Content = "Annotation" } }, }; connectors.Add(connector1); } }
Sets the Id property for the node |
Property: Connectors[i].Annotations[i].Id <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, Annotations = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnectorAnnotation>(){ new DiagramConnectorAnnotation(){ Id="ConnectorLabel", Content = "label" } } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].Annotations[i].ID <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Dictionary<string, object> AnnotationInfo = new Dictionary<string, object>(); AnnotationInfo.Add("AnnotationInfo", "Annotation's Addition Information"); Connector connector1 = new Connector() { Annotations = new DiagramObjectCollection<PathAnnotation>(){new PathAnnotation(){ ID="ConnectorLabel", Content = "Label1" }}, SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Sets the Hyperlink property for the annotation of the connector |
Property: Connectors[i].Annotations[i].Hyperlink <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, Annotations = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnectorAnnotation>(){ new DiagramConnectorAnnotation(){ Content = "label", Hyperlink = new ConnectorHyperlink(){ Color = 'red', Content = "Syncfusion", Link="https://blazor.syncfusion.com/" } } } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].Annotations[i].Hyperlink <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { Annotations = new DiagramObjectCollection<PathAnnotation>(){new PathAnnotation(){ Content = "Label1", Hyperlink = new HyperlinkSettings() {Color = "red", Content = "HyperlinkContent", Url = "https://blazor.syncfusion.com/" } }}, SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Sets the Style property for the annotation for the connector |
Property: Connectors[i].Annotations[i].Style <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, Annotations = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnectorAnnotation>(){ new DiagramConnectorAnnotation(){ Content = "label", Style = new AnnotationStyle() { Bold = true, Color = "orange", FontFamily = "Arial", FontSize = 20, Italic=true,TextAlign= TextAlign.Right, TextDecoration = TextDecoration.Underline,TextOverflow = TextOverflow.Ellipsis, TextWrapping = Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.TextWrap.WrapWithOverflow } } } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].Annotations[i].Style <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { Annotations = new DiagramObjectCollection<PathAnnotation>(){new PathAnnotation(){ Content = "Label1", Style = new TextStyle(){Bold = true, Color = "orange", FontFamily = "Arial", FontSize = 20, Italic=true,TextAlign= TextAlign.Right, TextDecoration = TextDecoration.Underline, TextOverflow = TextOverflow.Ellipsis,TextWrapping = Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram.TextWrap.WrapWithOverflow } }}, SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Sets the RotateAngle property for the annotation for the connector |
Property: Connectors[i].Annotations[i].RotateAngle <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, Annotations = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnectorAnnotation>(){ new DiagramConnectorAnnotation(){ Content = "label", RotateAngle = 10 } } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].Annotations[i].RotationAngle <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { Annotations = new DiagramObjectCollection<PathAnnotation>(){new PathAnnotation(){ Content = "Label1", RotationAngle = 10 }}, SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Sets the Margin property for the annotation of the connector |
Property: Connectors[i].Annotations[i].Margin <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, Annotations = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnectorAnnotation>(){ new DiagramConnectorAnnotation(){ Content = "label", Margin = new ConnectorAnnotationMargin(){ Bottom = 10} } } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].Annotations[i].Margin <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { Annotations = new DiagramObjectCollection<PathAnnotation>(){new PathAnnotation(){ Content = "Label1", Margin = new DiagramThickness(){ Left = 10 } }}, SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Sets the Template property for the annotation of the connector |
Property: Connectors[i].Annotations[i].Template <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, Annotations = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnectorAnnotation>(){ new DiagramConnectorAnnotation(){ Content = "label", AnnotationType = AnnotationType.Template, Template = "<div>Annotation template</div>" } } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].Annotations[i].UseTemplate Gets or sets a value indicating whether annotation should be rendered as a template using value defined in AnnotationTemplate property. <SfDiagramComponent Width="1200px" Height="700px" Connectors="@connectors"> <DiagramTemplates> <AnnotationTemplate> @if (context is Annotation annotation) { if (annotation.ID.Contains("TemplateAnnotation1")) { string ID = annotation.ID + "TemplateContent"; <div id="@ID" style="height: 100%; width: 100%; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;"><button>Button</button></div> } } </AnnotationTemplate> </DiagramTemplates> </SfDiagramComponent> @code { private DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> connectors = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { ID = "connector1", SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() { X = 100, Y = 20 }, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint() { X = 200, Y = 120 }, Annotations = new DiagramObjectCollection<PathAnnotation>() { new PathAnnotation() { ID = "TemplateAnnotation1", UseTemplate = true, Height = 30,Width = 60, Content = "Annotation" } }, }; connectors.Add(connector1); } }
Sets the Type property for the annotation |
Property: Connectors[i].Annotations[i].Type <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, Annotations = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnectorAnnotation>(){ new DiagramConnectorAnnotation(){ Content = "label", Type = AnnotationTypes.Path } } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
The annotation for both node and connector can be established through the Annotations property without specifying the type. |
Fixed User handle for Connector
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Defines a collection of fixed user handle to be render in the connector |
Property: Connectors[i].FixedUserHandles Sets a FixedUserHandles property as ObservableCollection<DiagramConnectorFixedUserHandle> <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, FixedUserHandles=new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnectorFixedUserHandle>() { new DiagramConnectorFixedUserHandle() { PathData = "M60.3,18H27.5c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2h5.5V23.5h32.7V18z M68.5,28.9h-30c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2c0,3,2.4,5.5,5.5,5.5h30c3,0,5.5-2.4,5.5-5.5V34.4C73.9,31.4,71.5,28.9,68.5,28.9z M68.5,72.5h-30V34.4h30V72.5z" } } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].FixedUserHandles Sets a FixedUserHandles property as DiagramObjectCollection<ConnectorFixedUserHandle> <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} FixedUserHandles = new DiagramObjectCollection<ConnectorFixedUserHandle>() { new ConnectorFixedUserHandle() { PathData = "M60.3,18H27.5c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2h5.5V23.5h32.7V18z M68.5,28.9h-30c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2c0,3,2.4,5.5,5.5,5.5h30c3,0,5.5-2.4,5.5-5.5V34.4C73.9,31.4,71.5,28.9,68.5,28.9z M68.5,72.5h-30V34.4h30V72.5z" } } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Sets a IconStrokeColor property |
Property: Connectors[i].FixedUserHandles[i].IconStrokeColor <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, FixedUserHandles=new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnectorFixedUserHandle>() { new DiagramConnectorFixedUserHandle() { PathData = "M60.3,18H27.5c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2h5.5V23.5h32.7V18z M68.5,28.9h-30c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2c0,3,2.4,5.5,5.5,5.5h30c3,0,5.5-2.4,5.5-5.5V34.4C73.9,31.4,71.5,28.9,68.5,28.9z M68.5,72.5h-30V34.4h30V72.5z", IconStrokeColor = "blue" } } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].FixedUserHandles[i].IconStroke <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} FixedUserHandles = new DiagramObjectCollection<ConnectorFixedUserHandle>() { new ConnectorFixedUserHandle() { PathData = "M60.3,18H27.5c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2h5.5V23.5h32.7V18z M68.5,28.9h-30c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2c0,3,2.4,5.5,5.5,5.5h30c3,0,5.5-2.4,5.5-5.5V34.4C73.9,31.4,71.5,28.9,68.5,28.9z M68.5,72.5h-30V34.4h30V72.5z", IconStroke= "blue" } } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Sets a IconStrokeWidth property |
Property: Connectors[i].FixedUserHandles[i].IconStrokeWidth <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, FixedUserHandles=new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnectorFixedUserHandle>() { new DiagramConnectorFixedUserHandle() { PathData = "M60.3,18H27.5c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2h5.5V23.5h32.7V18z M68.5,28.9h-30c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2c0,3,2.4,5.5,5.5,5.5h30c3,0,5.5-2.4,5.5-5.5V34.4C73.9,31.4,71.5,28.9,68.5,28.9z M68.5,72.5h-30V34.4h30V72.5z", IconStrokeWidth = 3 } } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].FixedUserHandles[i].IconStrokeThickness <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} FixedUserHandles = new DiagramObjectCollection<ConnectorFixedUserHandle>() { new ConnectorFixedUserHandle() { PathData = "M60.3,18H27.5c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2h5.5V23.5h32.7V18z M68.5,28.9h-30c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2c0,3,2.4,5.5,5.5,5.5h30c3,0,5.5-2.4,5.5-5.5V34.4C73.9,31.4,71.5,28.9,68.5,28.9z M68.5,72.5h-30V34.4h30V72.5z", IconStrokeThickness= 3 } } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Sets a HandleStrokeColor property |
Property: Connectors[i].FixedUserHandles[i].HandleStrokeColor <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, FixedUserHandles=new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnectorFixedUserHandle>() { new DiagramConnectorFixedUserHandle() { PathData = "M60.3,18H27.5c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2h5.5V23.5h32.7V18z M68.5,28.9h-30c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2c0,3,2.4,5.5,5.5,5.5h30c3,0,5.5-2.4,5.5-5.5V34.4C73.9,31.4,71.5,28.9,68.5,28.9z M68.5,72.5h-30V34.4h30V72.5z", HandleStrokeColor = "red" } } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].FixedUserHandles[i].Stroke <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} FixedUserHandles = new DiagramObjectCollection<ConnectorFixedUserHandle>() { new ConnectorFixedUserHandle() { PathData = "M60.3,18H27.5c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2h5.5V23.5h32.7V18z M68.5,28.9h-30c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2c0,3,2.4,5.5,5.5,5.5h30c3,0,5.5-2.4,5.5-5.5V34.4C73.9,31.4,71.5,28.9,68.5,28.9z M68.5,72.5h-30V34.4h30V72.5z", Stroke= "red" } } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Sets a HandleStrokeWidth property |
Property: Connectors[i].FixedUserHandles[i].HandleStrokeWidth <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, FixedUserHandles=new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnectorFixedUserHandle>() { new DiagramConnectorFixedUserHandle() { PathData = "M60.3,18H27.5c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2h5.5V23.5h32.7V18z M68.5,28.9h-30c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2c0,3,2.4,5.5,5.5,5.5h30c3,0,5.5-2.4,5.5-5.5V34.4C73.9,31.4,71.5,28.9,68.5,28.9z M68.5,72.5h-30V34.4h30V72.5z", HandleStrokeWidth = 5 } } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].FixedUserHandles[i].StrokeThickness <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} FixedUserHandles = new DiagramObjectCollection<ConnectorFixedUserHandle>() { new ConnectorFixedUserHandle() { PathData = "M60.3,18H27.5c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2h5.5V23.5h32.7V18z M68.5,28.9h-30c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2c0,3,2.4,5.5,5.5,5.5h30c3,0,5.5-2.4,5.5-5.5V34.4C73.9,31.4,71.5,28.9,68.5,28.9z M68.5,72.5h-30V34.4h30V72.5z", StrokeThickness= 5 } } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Sets a Padding property |
Property: Connectors[i].FixedUserHandles[i].Padding <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, FixedUserHandles=new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnectorFixedUserHandle>() { new DiagramConnectorFixedUserHandle() { PathData = "M60.3,18H27.5c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2h5.5V23.5h32.7V18z M68.5,28.9h-30c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2c0,3,2.4,5.5,5.5,5.5h30c3,0,5.5-2.4,5.5-5.5V34.4C73.9,31.4,71.5,28.9,68.5,28.9z M68.5,72.5h-30V34.4h30V72.5z", Padding = new IconPadding() { Bottom = 10 } } } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].FixedUserHandles[i].Padding <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} FixedUserHandles = new DiagramObjectCollection<ConnectorFixedUserHandle>() { new ConnectorFixedUserHandle() { PathData = "M60.3,18H27.5c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2h5.5V23.5h32.7V18z M68.5,28.9h-30c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2c0,3,2.4,5.5,5.5,5.5h30c3,0,5.5-2.4,5.5-5.5V34.4C73.9,31.4,71.5,28.9,68.5,28.9z M68.5,72.5h-30V34.4h30V72.5z", Padding = new DiagramThickness(){ Bottom =10} } } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Sets a Displacement property |
Property: Connectors[i].FixedUserHandles[i].Displacement <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, FixedUserHandles=new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnectorFixedUserHandle>() { new DiagramConnectorFixedUserHandle() { PathData = "M60.3,18H27.5c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2h5.5V23.5h32.7V18z M68.5,28.9h-30c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2c0,3,2.4,5.5,5.5,5.5h30c3,0,5.5-2.4,5.5-5.5V34.4C73.9,31.4,71.5,28.9,68.5,28.9z M68.5,72.5h-30V34.4h30V72.5z", Displacement = new ConnectorDisplacementPoint(){ X= 10, Y = 10 } } } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].FixedUserHandles[i].Displacement <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} FixedUserHandles = new DiagramObjectCollection<ConnectorFixedUserHandle>() { new ConnectorFixedUserHandle() { PathData = "M60.3,18H27.5c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2h5.5V23.5h32.7V18z M68.5,28.9h-30c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2c0,3,2.4,5.5,5.5,5.5h30c3,0,5.5-2.4,5.5-5.5V34.4C73.9,31.4,71.5,28.9,68.5,28.9z M68.5,72.5h-30V34.4h30V72.5z", Displacement = new DiagramPoint(){ X=10, Y =10} } } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Tooltip for Connector
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Defines a tooltip to be render for the connector |
Property: Connectors[i].Tooltip Sets a Tooltip property as ConnectorTooltip <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, Tooltip = new ConnectorTooltip() { Content = "Connector's ToolTip" } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].Tooltip Sets a Tooltip property as DiagramTooltip <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} Tooltip = new DiagramTooltip() { Content = "Connector ToolTip" } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Sets a Animation for the tooltip |
Property: Connectors[i].Tooltip <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, Tooltip = new ConnectorTooltip() { Content = "Connector ToolTip", Animation = new DiagramTooltipAnimation() { OpenAnimationSettings = new DiagramTooltipAnimationSettings() { Delay = 10, Duration = 30, Effect=Effect.FadeOut }, CloseAnimationSettings = new DiagramTooltipAnimationSettings() { Delay = 10, Duration = 30, Effect=Effect.FadeOut } }, } } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].Tooltip <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} Tooltip = new DiagramTooltip() { Content = "Connector ToolTip", AnimationSettings = new Syncfusion.Blazor.Popups.AnimationModel() { Open = new Syncfusion.Blazor.Popups.TooltipAnimationSettings() { Delay = 10, Duration = 50, Effect = Syncfusion.Blazor.Popups.Effect.FadeIn }, Close = new Syncfusion.Blazor.Popups.TooltipAnimationSettings() { Delay = 10, Duration = 50, Effect = Syncfusion.Blazor.Popups.Effect.FadeOut } } } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Sets a OpenOn property for the tooltip |
Property: Connectors[i].Tooltip.OpenOn <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, Tooltip = new ConnectorTooltip() { Content = "Connector ToolTip", OpenOn = TooltipMode.Auto } } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Property: Connectors[i].Tooltip.OpensOn <SfDiagramComponent Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public DiagramObjectCollection<Connector> ConnectorCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Connector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Connector connector1 = new Connector() { SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() {X=100, Y=100}, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint(){X=200,Y=200} Tooltip = new DiagramTooltip() { Content = "Connector ToolTip", OpensOn = "Auto" } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Sets a RelativeMode property for the tooltip |
Property: Connectors[i].Tooltip.RelativeMode <SfDiagram Connectors="ConnectorCollection" /> @code { public ConnectorCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramConnector>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramConnector connector1 = new DiagramConnector() { SourcePoint=new ConnectorSourcePoint(){X = 100, Y = 100}, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint(){X=200, Y=200}, Tooltip = new ConnectorTooltip() { Content = "Connector ToolTip", RelativeMode= TooltipRelativeMode.Object } } }; ConnectorCollection.Add(connector1); } }
Not supported |
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Defines a collection of swimlanes to be render in the diagram | Not supported |
Property: Swimlanes <SfDiagramComponent Height="600px" Swimlanes="@SwimlaneCollections" /> @code { DiagramObjectCollection<Swimlane> SwimlaneCollections = new DiagramObjectCollection<Swimlane>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { Swimlane swimlane = new Swimlane(){ OffsetX = 400, OffsetY = 200, Height = 120, Width = 450 }; SwimlaneCollections.Add(swimlane); } }
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Defines the type of the layout |
Property: Layout <SfDiagram Height="499px" Layout="@LayoutValue"> <DiagramDataSource Id="Name" ParentId="Category" DataSource="@DataSource"> </DiagramDataSource> </SfDiagram> @code { DiagramLayout LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { }; public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; protected override void OnInitialized() { LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { Type = LayoutType.HierarchicalTree, VerticalSpacing = 30, HorizontalSpacing = 30 }; } }
Property: Layout <SfDiagramComponent Width="100%" Height="810px"> <DataSourceSettings ID="Name" ParentID="Category" DataSource="DataSource"></DataSourceSettings> <Layout Type="LayoutType.HierarchicalTree" HorizontalSpacing="30" VerticalSpacing="30" /> </SfDiagramComponent> @code { public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; }
Sets the HorizontalSpacing for the layout |
Property: Layout.HorizontalSpacing <SfDiagram Height="499px" Layout="@LayoutValue"> <DiagramDataSource Id="Name" ParentId="Category" DataSource="@DataSource"> </DiagramDataSource> </SfDiagram> @code { DiagramLayout LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { }; public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; protected override void OnInitialized() { LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { Type = LayoutType.HierarchicalTree, VerticalSpacing = 30, HorizontalSpacing = 30 }; } }
Property: Layout.HorizontalSpacing <SfDiagramComponent Width="100%" Height="810px"> <DataSourceSettings ID="Name" ParentID="Category" DataSource="DataSource"></DataSourceSettings> <Layout Type="LayoutType.HierarchicalTree" HorizontalSpacing="30" VerticalSpacing="30" /> </SfDiagramComponent> @code { public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; }
Sets the VerticalSpacing for the layout |
Property: Layout.VerticalSpacing <SfDiagram Height="499px" Layout="@LayoutValue"> <DiagramDataSource Id="Name" ParentId="Category" DataSource="@DataSource"> </DiagramDataSource> </SfDiagram> @code { DiagramLayout LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { }; public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; protected override void OnInitialized() { LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { Type = LayoutType.HierarchicalTree, VerticalSpacing = 30, HorizontalSpacing = 30 }; } }
Property: Layout.VerticalSpacing <SfDiagramComponent Width="100%" Height="810px"> <DataSourceSettings ID="Name" ParentID="Category" DataSource="DataSource"></DataSourceSettings> <Layout Type="LayoutType.HierarchicalTree" HorizontalSpacing="30" VerticalSpacing="30" /> </SfDiagramComponent> @code { public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; }
Sets the HorizontalAlignment for the layout |
Property: Layout.HorizontalAlignment <SfDiagram Height="499px" Layout="@LayoutValue"> <DiagramDataSource Id="Name" ParentId="Category" DataSource="@DataSource"> </DiagramDataSource> </SfDiagram> @code { DiagramLayout LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { }; public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; protected override void OnInitialized() { LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { Type = LayoutType.HierarchicalTree, VerticalSpacing = 30, HorizontalSpacing = 30, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Auto, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Auto }; } }
Property: Layout.HorizontalAlignment <SfDiagramComponent Width="100%" Height="810px"> <DataSourceSettings ID="Name" ParentID="Category" DataSource="DataSource"></DataSourceSettings> <Layout Type="LayoutType.HierarchicalTree" HorizontalSpacing="30" VerticalSpacing="30" HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Auto /> </SfDiagramComponent> @code { public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; }
Sets the VerticalAlignment for the layout |
Property: Layout.VerticalAlignment <SfDiagram Height="499px" Layout="@LayoutValue"> <DiagramDataSource Id="Name" ParentId="Category" DataSource="@DataSource"> </DiagramDataSource> </SfDiagram> @code { DiagramLayout LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { }; public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; protected override void OnInitialized() { LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { Type = LayoutType.HierarchicalTree, VerticalSpacing = 30, HorizontalSpacing = 30, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Auto, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Auto }; } }
Property: Layout.VerticalAlignment <SfDiagramComponent Width="100%" Height="810px"> <DataSourceSettings ID="Name" ParentID="Category" DataSource="DataSource"></DataSourceSettings> <Layout Type="LayoutType.HierarchicalTree" HorizontalSpacing="30" VerticalSpacing="30" VerticalAlignment="VerticalAlignment.Auto" /> </SfDiagramComponent> @code { public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; }
Sets the Orientation for the layout |
Property: Layout.Orientation <SfDiagram Height="499px" Layout="@LayoutValue"> <DiagramDataSource Id="Name" ParentId="Category" DataSource="@DataSource"> </DiagramDataSource> </SfDiagram> @code { DiagramLayout LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { }; public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; protected override void OnInitialized() { LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { Type = LayoutType.HierarchicalTree, Orientation = LayoutOrientation.TopToBottom }; } }
Property: Layout.Orientation <SfDiagramComponent Width="100%" Height="810px"> <DataSourceSettings ID="Name" ParentID="Category" DataSource="DataSource"></DataSourceSettings> <Layout Type="LayoutType.HierarchicalTree" Orientation="LayoutOrientation.TopToBottom" /> </SfDiagramComponent> @code { public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; }
Align the layout within the bounds |
Property: Layout.Bounds <SfDiagram Height="499px" Layout="@LayoutValue"> <DiagramDataSource Id="Name" ParentId="Category" DataSource="@DataSource"> </DiagramDataSource> </SfDiagram> @code { DiagramLayout LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { }; public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; public class RectBounds { public double X { get; set; } public double Y { get; set; } public double Width { get; set; } public double Height { get; set; } } protected override void OnInitialized() { LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { Type = LayoutType.HierarchicalTree, Bounds = new RectBounds() { X = 0, Y = 0, Width = 1000, Height = 1000 } }; } }
Property: Layout.Bounds <SfDiagramComponent Width="100%" Height="810px"> <DataSourceSettings ID="Name" ParentID="Category" DataSource="DataSource"></DataSourceSettings> <Layout Type="LayoutType.HierarchicalTree" Orientation="LayoutOrientation.TopToBottom" Bounds="LayoutBounds" /> </SfDiagramComponent> @code { DiagramRect LayoutBounds = new DiagramRect() { X = 0, Y = 0, Width = 1000, Height = 1000 }; public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; }
Set the fixed node in the layout |
Property: Layout.FixedNode <SfDiagram Height="499px" Layout="@LayoutValue"> <DiagramDataSource Id="Name" ParentId="Category" DataSource="@DataSource"> </DiagramDataSource> </SfDiagram> @code { DiagramLayout LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { }; public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; public class RectBounds { public double X { get; set; } public double Y { get; set; } public double Width { get; set; } public double Height { get; set; } } protected override void OnInitialized() { LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { Type = LayoutType.HierarchicalTree, FixedNode="Diagram" }; } }
Property: Layout.FixedNode <SfDiagramComponent Width="100%" Height="810px"> <DataSourceSettings ID="Name" ParentID="Category" DataSource="DataSource"></DataSourceSettings> <Layout Type="LayoutType.HierarchicalTree" Orientation="LayoutOrientation.TopToBottom" FixedNode="Diagram" /> </SfDiagramComponent> @code { public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; }
Specifies the parent node of the layout |
Property: Layout.ParentId <SfDiagram Height="499px" Layout="@LayoutValue"> <DiagramDataSource Id="Name" ParentId="Category" DataSource="@DataSource"> </DiagramDataSource> </SfDiagram> @code { DiagramLayout LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { }; public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; public class RectBounds { public double X { get; set; } public double Y { get; set; } public double Width { get; set; } public double Height { get; set; } } protected override void OnInitialized() { LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { Type = LayoutType.HierarchicalTree, Root="Diagram" }; } }
Property: Layout.ParentID <SfDiagramComponent Width="100%" Height="810px"> <DataSourceSettings ID="Name" ParentID="Category" DataSource="DataSource"></DataSourceSettings> <Layout Type="LayoutType.HierarchicalTree" Orientation="LayoutOrientation.TopToBottom" Root="Diagram" /> </SfDiagramComponent> @code { public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; }
Specifies the margin for the layout |
Property: Layout.Margin <SfDiagram Height="499px" Layout="@LayoutValue"> <DiagramDataSource Id="Name" ParentId="Category" DataSource="@DataSource"> </DiagramDataSource> </SfDiagram> @code { DiagramLayout LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { }; public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; public class RectBounds { public double X { get; set; } public double Y { get; set; } public double Width { get; set; } public double Height { get; set; } } protected override void OnInitialized() { LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { Type = LayoutType.HierarchicalTree, Root="Diagram" Margin = new LayoutMargin(){Left = 30, Bottom = 30, Right = 30, Top=30} }; } }
Property: Layout.Margin <SfDiagramComponent Width="100%" Height="810px"> <DataSourceSettings ID="Name" ParentID="Category" DataSource="DataSource"></DataSourceSettings> <Layout Type="LayoutType.HierarchicalTree" Orientation="LayoutOrientation.TopToBottom" Root="Diagram"> <LayoutMargin Left="30" Right="30" Top="30" Bottom="30"></LayoutMargin> </Layout> </SfDiagramComponent> @code { public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; }
Specifies the arrangement for child node of the complex hierarchical layout |
Property: Layout.Arrangement <SfDiagram Height="499px" Layout="@LayoutValue"> <DiagramDataSource Id="Name" ParentId="Category" DataSource="@DataSource"> </DiagramDataSource> </SfDiagram> @code { DiagramLayout LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { }; public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; public class RectBounds { public double X { get; set; } public double Y { get; set; } public double Width { get; set; } public double Height { get; set; } } protected override void OnInitialized() { LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { Type = LayoutType.HierarchicalTree, Arrangement = ChildArrangement.Linear Margin = new LayoutMargin(){Left = 30, Bottom = 30, Right = 30, Top=30} }; } }
Property: Layout.LinearArrangement <SfDiagramComponent Width="100%" Height="810px"> <DataSourceSettings ID="Name" ParentID="Category" DataSource="DataSource"></DataSourceSettings> <Layout Type="LayoutType.HierarchicalTree" Orientation="LayoutOrientation.TopToBottom" LinearArrangement=true> <LayoutMargin Left="30" Right="30" Top="30" Bottom="30"></LayoutMargin> </Layout> </SfDiagramComponent> @code { public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; }
Specifies the connector are arrange in with or without overlapping in the complex hierarchical layout |
Property: Layout.ConnectionPointOrigin <SfDiagram Height="499px" Layout="@LayoutValue"> <DiagramDataSource Id="Name" ParentId="Category" DataSource="@DataSource"> </DiagramDataSource> </SfDiagram> @code { DiagramLayout LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { }; public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; public class RectBounds { public double X { get; set; } public double Y { get; set; } public double Width { get; set; } public double Height { get; set; } } protected override void OnInitialized() { LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { Type = LayoutType.HierarchicalTree, ConnectionPointOrigin = ConnectionPointOrigin.DifferentPoint, Margin = new LayoutMargin(){Left = 30, Bottom = 30, Right = 30, Top=30} }; } }
Property: Layout.SamePoint <SfDiagramComponent Width="100%" Height="810px"> <DataSourceSettings ID="Name" ParentID="Category" DataSource="DataSource"></DataSourceSettings> <Layout Type="LayoutType.HierarchicalTree" Orientation="LayoutOrientation.TopToBottom" SamePoint="false"> <LayoutMargin Left="30" Right="30" Top="30" Bottom="30"></LayoutMargin> </Layout> </SfDiagramComponent> @code { public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; }
Specifies the whether the connector’s segments must be customized based on the layout or not |
Property: Layout.ConnectorSegments <SfDiagram Height="499px" Layout="@LayoutValue"> <DiagramDataSource Id="Name" ParentId="Category" DataSource="@DataSource"> </DiagramDataSource> </SfDiagram> @code { DiagramLayout LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { }; public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; public class RectBounds { public double X { get; set; } public double Y { get; set; } public double Width { get; set; } public double Height { get; set; } } protected override void OnInitialized() { LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { Type = LayoutType.HierarchicalTree, ConnectorSegments = ConnectorSegments.Layout, Margin = new LayoutMargin(){Left = 30, Bottom = 30, Right = 30, Top=30} }; } }
Defines the connector segments based on the layout by using ConnectorCreating method |
Specifies the animation option when a node is expanded and collapse |
Property: Layout.EnableAnimation <SfDiagram Height="499px" Layout="@LayoutValue"> <DiagramDataSource Id="Name" ParentId="Category" DataSource="@DataSource"> </DiagramDataSource> </SfDiagram> @code { DiagramLayout LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { }; public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; protected override void OnInitialized() { LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { Type = LayoutType.HierarchicalTree, EnableAnimation = true }; } }
Not supported |
Specifies the maximum number of iteration of the layout |
Property: Layout.MaxIteration <SfDiagram Height="499px" Layout="@LayoutValue"> <DiagramDataSource Id="Name" ParentId="Category" DataSource="@DataSource"> </DiagramDataSource> </SfDiagram> @code { DiagramLayout LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { }; public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; protected override void OnInitialized() { LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { Type = LayoutType.HierarchicalTree, MaxIteration = 30 }; } }
Not supported |
Specifies the edge attraction and vertex repulsion forces |
Property: Layout.SpringFactor <SfDiagram Height="499px" Layout="@LayoutValue"> <DiagramDataSource Id="Name" ParentId="Category" DataSource="@DataSource"> </DiagramDataSource> </SfDiagram> @code { DiagramLayout LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { }; public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; protected override void OnInitialized() { LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { Type = LayoutType.HierarchicalTree, SpringFactor = 10 }; } }
Not supported |
Specifies the edge length of the layout |
Property: Layout.SpringLength <SfDiagram Height="499px" Layout="@LayoutValue"> <DiagramDataSource Id="Name" ParentId="Category" DataSource="@DataSource"> </DiagramDataSource> </SfDiagram> @code { DiagramLayout LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { }; public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; protected override void OnInitialized() { LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { Type = LayoutType.HierarchicalTree, SpringLength = 10 }; } }
Not supported |
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Defines the data source of the diagram for the layout |
Property: DiagramDataSource <SfDiagram Height="499px" Layout="@LayoutValue"> <DiagramDataSource Id="Name" ParentId="Category" DataSource="@DataSource"> </DiagramDataSource> </SfDiagram> @code { DiagramLayout LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { }; public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; protected override void OnInitialized() { LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { Type = LayoutType.HierarchicalTree, VerticalSpacing = 30, HorizontalSpacing = 30 }; } }
Property: DataSourceSettings <SfDiagramComponent Width="100%" Height="810px"> <DataSourceSettings ID="Name" ParentID="Category" DataSource="DataSource"></DataSourceSettings> <Layout Type="LayoutType.HierarchicalTree" HorizontalSpacing="30" VerticalSpacing="30" /> </SfDiagramComponent> @code { public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; }
Specifies the unique id for the data source |
Property: DiagramDataSource.Id <SfDiagram Height="499px" Layout="@LayoutValue"> <DiagramDataSource Id="Name" ParentId="Category" DataSource="@DataSource"> </DiagramDataSource> </SfDiagram> @code { DiagramLayout LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { }; public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; protected override void OnInitialized() { LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { Type = LayoutType.HierarchicalTree, VerticalSpacing = 30, HorizontalSpacing = 30 }; } }
Property: DataSourceSettings.ID <SfDiagramComponent Width="100%" Height="810px"> <DataSourceSettings ID="Name" ParentID="Category" DataSource="DataSource"></DataSourceSettings> <Layout Type="LayoutType.HierarchicalTree" HorizontalSpacing="30" VerticalSpacing="30" /> </SfDiagramComponent> @code { public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; }
Specifies the property that will be used to find the parent and child relationship of the data source |
Property: DiagramDataSource.ParentId <SfDiagram Height="499px" Layout="@LayoutValue"> <DiagramDataSource Id="Name" ParentId="Category" DataSource="@DataSource"> </DiagramDataSource> </SfDiagram> @code { DiagramLayout LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { }; public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; protected override void OnInitialized() { LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { Type = LayoutType.HierarchicalTree, VerticalSpacing = 30, HorizontalSpacing = 30 }; } }
Property: DataSourceSettings.ParentID <SfDiagramComponent Width="100%" Height="810px"> <DataSourceSettings ID="Name" ParentID="Category" DataSource="DataSource"></DataSourceSettings> <Layout Type="LayoutType.HierarchicalTree" HorizontalSpacing="30" VerticalSpacing="30" /> </SfDiagramComponent> @code { public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; }
Specifies the primary node of the layout from the data source |
Property: DiagramDataSource.Root <SfDiagram Height="499px" Layout="@LayoutValue"> <DiagramDataSource Id="Name" ParentId="Category" DataSource="@DataSource" Root="Diagram"> </DiagramDataSource> </SfDiagram> @code { DiagramLayout LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { }; public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; protected override void OnInitialized() { LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { Type = LayoutType.HierarchicalTree, VerticalSpacing = 30, HorizontalSpacing = 30 }; } }
Property: DataSourceSettings.Root <SfDiagramComponent Width="100%" Height="810px"> <DataSourceSettings ID="Name" ParentID="Category" DataSource="DataSource" Root="Diagram"></DataSourceSettings> <Layout Type="LayoutType.HierarchicalTree" HorizontalSpacing="30" VerticalSpacing="30" /> </SfDiagramComponent> @code { public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; }
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Specifies to mapping the collection of local data from data source fields |
Property: DiagramDataSource.DiagramDataMapSettings <SfDiagram Height="499px" Layout="@LayoutValue"> <DiagramDataSource Id="Name" ParentId="Category" DataSource="@DataSource"> <DiagramDataMapSettings> <DiagramDataMapSetting Property="Shape.TextContent" Field="Name"></DiagramDataMapSetting> <DiagramDataMapSetting Property="Style.StrokeColor" Field="FillColor"></DiagramDataMapSetting> <DiagramDataMapSetting Property="Style.Fill" Field="FillColor"></DiagramDataMapSetting> </DiagramDataMapSettings> </DiagramDataSource> </SfDiagram> @code { DiagramLayout LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { }; public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; protected override void OnInitialized() { LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { Type = LayoutType.HierarchicalTree, VerticalSpacing = 30, HorizontalSpacing = 30 }; } }
Property: Using the NodeCreating method to mapping from the data source fields to node <SfDiagramComponent Width="100%" Height="810px" ConnectorCreating="@OnConnectorCreating" NodeCreating="@OnNodeCreating"> <DataSourceSettings ID="Name" ParentID="Category" DataSource="DataSource"></DataSourceSettings> <Layout Type="LayoutType.HierarchicalTree" HorizontalSpacing="30" VerticalSpacing="30" /> </SfDiagramComponent> @code { public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; public void OnNodeCreating(IDiagramObject obj) { if (obj is Node) { Node node = obj as Node; HierarchicalDetails hierarchicalDetailsData = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize<HierarchicalDetails>(node.Data.ToString(), options); node.Style = new TextStyle() { Fill = hierarchicalDetailsData.FillColor, StrokeColor = hierarchicalDetailsData.FillColor, Color = "white", StrokeWidth = 2, }; node.BackgroundColor = "#659be5"; node.Shape = new TextShape() { Type = NodeShapes.Text, Content = hierarchicalDetailsData.Name }; node.Margin = new DiagramThickness() { Left = 10, Right = 10, Bottom = 10, Top = 10 }; } public void OnConnectorCreating(IDiagramObject obj) { if (obj is Connector) { Connector connector = obj as Connector; connector.Type = ConnectorSegmentType.Orthogonal; connector.Style = new ShapeStyle() { StrokeColor = "#6d6d6d", StrokeWidth = 1 }; } } }
| Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
| ——– | ——– | ——– |
| Defines the page settings of diagram | Property: DiagramPageSettings
| Property: PageSettings
| Defines the background properties of diagram | Property: DiagramPageSettings.DiagramBackground
<DiagramBackground />
` </DiagramPageSettings> <br>
</SfDiagram> | **Property:** *PageSettings.BackgroundStyle* <br><br>
` |
| Defines the background color of diagram elements | **Property:** *DiagramPageSettings.DiagramBackground.Color* <br><br>
` | **Property:** *PageSettings.BackgroundStyle.Background* <br><br>
` |
|Sets the source path of the background image| **Property:** *DiagramPageSettings.DiagramBackground.Source*<br><br>
` | **Property:** *PageSettings.BackgroundStyle.ImageSource* <br><br>
|Defines how to align the background image over the diagram area| **Property:** *DiagramPageSettings.DiagramBackground.Align*<br><br>
` | **Property:** *PageSettings.BackgroundStyle.ImageAlign* <br><br>
|Defines how the background image should be scaled/stretched| **Property:** *DiagramPageSettings.DiagramBackground.Scale*<br><br>
` | **Property:** *PageSettings.BackgroundStyle.ImageScale* <br><br>
| To specify the diagram content can fit in the diagram area in initial rendering | **Property:** *DiagramPageSettings.DiagramFitOptions*<br><br>
` | Use
FitToPage() method is used to bring the entire diagram in to the view. <br><br>
<SfDiagramComponent @ref=”@diagram”><br>
` <br>
@code {<br>
public SfDiagramComponent diagram;<br>
private void FitToPage()<br>
diagram.FitToPage(new FitOptions(){Mode = FitMode.Height});<br>
| To specify the diagram content can fit in the diagram area in initial rendering | **Property:** *DiagramPageSettings.PageSettingsMargin*<br><br>
` | **Property:** *PageSettings.PageMargin* <br><br>
Scroll Settings
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Defines the scroll settings of diagram |
Property: DiagramScrollSettings <SfDiagram> <DiagramScrollSettings></DiagramScrollSettings> </SfDiagram>
Property: ScrollSettings <SfDiagramComponent> <ScrollSettings></ScrollSettings> </SfDiagramComponent>
Set the limit of the scrollable range of diagram |
Property: DiagramScrollSettings.ScrollLimit <SfDiagram> <DiagramScrollSettings ScrollLimit="ScrollLimit.Diagram"></DiagramScrollSettings> </SfDiagram>
Property: ScrollSettings.ScrollLimit <SfDiagramComponent> <ScrollSettings></ScrollSettings ScrollLimit="ScrollLimitMode.Diagram"> </SfDiagramComponent>
Snap Settings
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Defines the snap settings of diagram |
Property: DiagramSnapSettings <SfDiagram> <DiagramSnapSettings></DiagramSnapSettings> </SfDiagram>
Property: SnapSettings <SfDiagramComponent> <SnapSettings></SnapSettings> </SfDiagramComponent>
Defines the minimum distance between selected object and the nearest object |
Property: DiagramSnapSettings.SnapObjectDistance <SfDiagram> <DiagramSnapSettings SnapObjectDistance="10"></DiagramSnapSettings> </SfDiagram>
Property: SnapSettings.SnapDistance <SfDiagramComponent> <SnapSettings SnapDistance="10"></SnapSettings> </SfDiagramComponent>
Defines the horizontal gridlines of the diagram |
Property: DiagramSnapSettings.HorizontalGridlines <SfDiagram> <DiagramSnapSettings> <HorizontalGridlines/> </DiagramSnapSettings> </SfDiagram>
Property: SnapSettings.HorizontalGridLines <SfDiagramComponent> <SnapSettings> <HorizontalGridLines/> </SnapSettings> </SfDiagramComponent>
Defines the vertical gridlines of the diagram |
Property: DiagramSnapSettings.VerticalGridlines <SfDiagram> <DiagramSnapSettings> <VerticalGridlines/> </DiagramSnapSettings> </SfDiagram>
Property: SnapSettings.VerticalGridLines <SfDiagramComponent> <SnapSettings> <VerticalGridLines/> </SnapSettings> </SfDiagramComponent>
Context Menu
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Defines the context menu of the diagram |
Property: DiagramContextMenuSettings <SfDiagram> <DiagramContextMenuSettings Show="true" \> </SfDiagram>
Property: ContextMenuSettings <SfDiagramComponent> <ContextMenuSettings Show="true" \> </SfDiagramComponent>
Defines the custom context menu items in the diagram |
Property: DiagramContextMenuSettings.Items <SfDiagram> ` <br> </SfDiagram><br><br> @code <br> {<br> List`{` ` new ContextMenuItemModel()` `{` `Text ="color", Id="color", Target =".e-elementcontent",` `Items = new List `{` `new ContextMenuItemModel(){ Text ="Red", Id="Red" },` `new ContextMenuItemModel(){ Text ="Yellow", Id="Yellow", }` `}` `}` `};` `}` | **Property:** *ContextMenuSettings.Items* ` ` ` `@code` `{` `List `{` ` new ContextMenuItem()` `{` `Text ="color", ID="color"` `Items = new List `{` `new ContextMenuItem(){ Text ="Red", ID="Red" },` `new ContextMenuItem(){ Text ="Yellow", ID="Yellow", }` `}` `}` `};` `}` |
While right click on the the diagram |
Event: DiagramEvents.OnContextMenuOpen <SfDiagram> <DiagramEvents OnContextMenuOpen="@OnContextMenuOpen"></DiagramEvents> ` <br> </SfDiagram><br><br> @code <br> {<br> public void OnContextMenuOpen(DiagramBeforeMenuOpenEventArgs args)<br> {<br> }<br> } | **Event:** *ContextMenuSettings.ContextMenuOpening * <br><br> ` ` <br><br> @code <br> {<br> public void ContextMenuOpening(DiagramMenuOpeningEventArgs args)<br> {<br> }<br> }` |
When the context menu item is clicked |
Event: DiagramEvents.ContextMenuItemClicked <SfDiagram> <DiagramEvents ContextMenuItemClicked="@ContextMenuItemClicked"></DiagramEvents> ` <br> </SfDiagram><br><br> @code <br> {<br> public void ContextMenuItemClicked(DiagramMenuEventArgs args)<br> {<br> }<br> } | **Event:** *ContextMenuSettings.ContextMenuItemClicked* <br><br> ` ` <br><br> @code <br> {<br> public void ContextMenuItemClicked(DiagramMenuClickEventArgs args)<br> {<br> }<br> }` |
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Notifies when a change is reverted or restored | Not supported |
Property DiagramHistoryManager.Undo and DiagramHistoryManager.Redo <SfDiagramComponent Width="800px" Height="800px"> <DiagramHistoryManager Undo="onCustomUndo" Redo="onCustomRedo"></DiagramHistoryManager> </SfDiagramComponent> @code { private void onCustomUndo(HistoryEntryBase entry) { (entry.RedoObject) = entry.UndoObject.Clone() as Node; (entry.UndoObject as Node).AdditionalInfo[(entry.UndoObject as Node).ID] = "Start"; entry.RedoObject = current; } private void onCustomRedo(HistoryEntryBase entry) { Node current = entry.UndoObject.Clone() as Node; (entry.UndoObject as Node).AdditionalInfo[(entry.UndoObject as Node).ID] = "Description"; entry.RedoObject = current; } }
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Defines the collection of selected items, the size and position of the selector |
Property: SelectedItems <SfDiagram Nodes="@NodeCollection" SelectedItems="@SelectedModel/> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { public Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.DiagramSelectedItems SelectedModel { get; set; } protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramUserHandle cloneHandle = new DiagramUserHandle() { Name = "clone", PathData = "M60.3,18H27.5c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2h5.5V23.5h32.7V18z M68.5,28.9h-30c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2c0,3,2.4,5.5,5.5,5.5h30c3,0,5.5-2.4,5.5-5.5V34.4C73.9,31.4,71.5,28.9,68.5,28.9z M68.5,72.5h-30V34.4h30V72.5z", Visible = true, Offset = 0, Side = Side.Bottom, Margin = new DiagramUserHandleMargin() { Top = 0, Bottom = 0, Left = 0, Right = 0 } }; SelectedModel = new Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.DiagramSelectedItems() { Constraints = SelectorConstraints.UserHandle, UserHandles = new ObservableCollection<DiagramUserHandle>() { cloneHandle } }; } DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node1", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Property: SelectionSettings <SfDiagramComponent Nodes="@NodeCollection" SelectionSettings="@selectionSettings"/> @code { DiagramSelectionSettings selectionSettings = new DiagramSelectionSettings(); public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> NodeCollection = new DiagramObjectCollection<Node>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { UserHandle cloneHandle = new UserHandle() { Name = "clone", PathData = "M60.3,18H27.5c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2h5.5V23.5h32.7V18z M68.5,28.9h-30c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2c0,3,2.4,5.5,5.5,5.5h30c3,0,5.5-2.4,5.5-5.5V34.4C73.9,31.4,71.5,28.9,68.5,28.9z M68.5,72.5h-30V34.4h30V72.5z", Visible = true, Offset = 0, Side = Direction.Bottom, Margin = new DiagramThickness() { Top = 0, Bottom = 0, Left = 0, Right = 0 } }; selectionSettings = new DiagramSelectionSettings() { Constraints = SelectorConstraints.UserHandle, UserHandles = new DiagramObjectCollection<UserHandle>() { cloneHandle } }; Node node1 = new Node() { Height = 100, Width = 100, ID = "node1", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); } }
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Defines the direction of the bridging for the connector |
Property: BridgeDirection <SfDiagram BridgeDirection="BridgeDirection.Top"/>
Property: BridgeDirection <SfDiagramComponent BridgeDirection="Direction.Top" />
Background Color
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Defines the background color of the diagram |
Property: BackgroundColor <SfDiagram BackgroundColor="red" />
Property: PageSettings.BackgroundStyle.Background <SfDiagramComponent> <PageSettings> <BackgroundStyle Background="LightGreen" /> </PageSettings> </SfDiagramComponent>
AddInfo for diagram
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Defines the add information of the diagram |
Property: AddInfo <SfDiagram AddInfo="Additional Information about the diagram" />
Not supported |
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Defines the rendering mode of the diagram |
Property: Mode <SfDiagram Mode="RenderingMode.Canvas" />
Not supported because only render the diagram in SVG element |
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Defines the precedence of the interactive tool |
Property: Tool <SfDiagram Tool="DiagramTools.ZoomPan" />
Property: InteractionController <SfDiagramComponent InteractionController="DiagramInteractions.ZoomPan" />
ZoomPan - allows users to pan the diagram. |
Property: Tool <SfDiagram Tool="DiagramTools.ZoomPan" />
Property: InteractionController <SfDiagramComponent InteractionController="DiagramInteractions.ZoomPan" />
MultipleSelect - allows users to select multiple nodes and connectors. It won’t allow selecting a single node/connector |
Property: Tool <SfDiagram Tool="DiagramTools.MultipleSelect" />
Property: InteractionController <SfDiagramComponent InteractionController="DiagramInteractions.MultipleSelect" />
SingleSelect - allows users to select one node or connector at a time. |
Property: Tool <SfDiagram Tool="DiagramTools.SingleSelect" />
Property: InteractionController <SfDiagramComponent InteractionController="DiagramInteractions.SingleSelect" />
DrawOnce - users to draw the drawing objects at once |
Property: Tool <SfDiagram Tool="DiagramTools.DrawOnce" />
Property: InteractionController <SfDiagramComponent InteractionController="DiagramInteractions.DrawOnce" />
ContinuousDraw - users to draw the drawing objects continuously |
Property: Tool <SfDiagram Tool="DiagramTools.ContinuousDraw" />
Property: InteractionController <SfDiagramComponent InteractionController="DiagramInteractions.ContinuousDraw" />
None - disables the selection, zooming, and interaction behavior of the diagram |
Property: Tool <SfDiagram Tool="DiagramTools.None" />
Property: InteractionController <SfDiagramComponent InteractionController="DiagramInteractions.None" />
Default - allow the users to select individual and multiple objects |
Property: Tool <SfDiagram Tool="DiagramTools.Default" />
Property: InteractionController <SfDiagramComponent InteractionController="DiagramInteractions.Default" />
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Override the global culture and localization value of the diagram component |
Property: Locale <SfDiagram Locale="en-US" />
Not supported because we change the culture in application or browser specifically. |
Enable Persistence
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Enable or disable persisting component’s state between page reloads |
Property: EnablePersistence <SfDiagram EnablePersistence="true" />
Not supported |
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Enable or disable rendering the component in right to left direction |
Property: EnableRtl <SfDiagram EnableRtl="false" />
Not supported |
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Defines the type of the property |
Property: ModelType <SfDiagram ModelType="" /> @code{ public class Node { public string Id { get; set; } public ArtificialIntelligence Data { get; set; } }; public Type Model = typeof(Node); public class ArtificialIntelligence { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Branch { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } }
Not supported |
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Provides a way to change the properties of all shapes that have been assigned to that layer |
Property: Layers <SfDiagram Height="600px" Nodes="@NodeCollection" Layers="@Layers" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>(); public ObservableCollection<DiagramLayer> Layers = new ObservableCollection<DiagramLayer>() { }; protected override void OnInitialized() { DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode() { Id = "node1", OffsetX = 300, OffsetY = 288, Width = 100, Height = 100, }; NodeCollection.Add(node1); string[] objects = new string[] { "node1" }; Layers.Add(new DiagramLayer() { Id = "Layer1", Visible = true, Objects = objects, Lock = true }); } }
Not supported |
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Enables or disables the serialization of the default values |
Property: DiagramSerializationSettings.PreventDefaults <SfDiagram><DiagramSerializationSettings PreventDefaults="false" /></SfDiagram>
Not supported |
Command Manager
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Defines the custom commands in the command manager |
Property: DiagramCommandManager.DiagramCommands <SfDiagram> <DiagramCommandManager> <DiagramCommands> <DiagramCommand Name="customGroup"> <DiagramKeyGesture Key="Keys.G" KeyModifiers="KeyModifiers.Control" /> </DiagramCommand> </DiagramCommands> </DiagramCommandManager> </SfDiagram>
Property: CommandManager.Commands <SfDiagramComponent> <CommandManager Commands="commands"/> </SfDiagramComponent> @code { DiagramObjectCollection<KeyboardCommand> commands; protected override void OnInitialized() { commands = new DiagramObjectCollection<KeyboardCommand>() { KeyboardCommand command = new KeyboardCommand() { Name = "customGroup", Gesture = new KeyGesture() { Key = DiagramKeys.G, Modifiers = ModifierKeys.Control } }; }; }
Triggers when the command executed |
Event: DiagramEvents.OnCommandExecuted <SfDiagram @ref="@Diagram"> <DiagramEvents OnCommandExecuted="@CommandExecute"></DiagramEvents> <DiagramCommandManager> <DiagramCommands> <DiagramCommand Name="customGroup"> <DiagramKeyGesture Key="Keys.G" KeyModifiers="KeyModifiers.Control" /> </DiagramCommand> </DiagramCommands> </DiagramCommandManager> </SfDiagram> @code { SfDiagram Diagram; public async Task CommandExecute(ICommandExecuteEventArgs args) { if (args.Gesture.KeyModifiers == KeyModifiers.Control && args.Gesture.Key == Keys.G) { await Diagram.Group(); } } }
Event: CommandManager.Execute <SfDiagramComponent @ref="@Diagram"> <CommandManager Commands="commands" Execute="@ExecuteCommand"/> </SfDiagramComponent> @code { SfDiagramComponent Diagram; DiagramObjectCollection<KeyboardCommand> commands; protected override void OnInitialized() { commands = new DiagramObjectCollection<KeyboardCommand>() { KeyboardCommand command = new KeyboardCommand() { Name = "customGroup", Gesture = new KeyGesture() { Key = DiagramKeys.G, Modifiers = ModifierKeys.Control } }; }; } public void ExecuteCommand(CommandKeyArgs obj) { if(obj.Name =="customGroup") { Diagram.Group(); } } }
Determines whether this command can execute in its current state | Not supported |
Event: CommandManager.CanExecute <SfDiagramComponent @ref="@Diagram"> <CommandManager Commands="commands" CanExecute="@CanExecute" Execute="@ExecuteCommand"/> </SfDiagramComponent> @code { SfDiagramComponent Diagram; DiagramObjectCollection<KeyboardCommand> commands; protected override void OnInitialized() { commands = new DiagramObjectCollection<KeyboardCommand>() { KeyboardCommand command = new KeyboardCommand() { Name = "customGroup", Gesture = new KeyGesture() { Key = DiagramKeys.G, Modifiers = ModifierKeys.Control } }; }; } public void CanExecute(CommandKeyArgs args) { args.CanExecute = true; } public void ExecuteCommand(CommandKeyArgs obj) { if(obj.Name =="customGroup") { Diagram.Group(); } } }
Node Defaults
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Default values for all the Nodes can be set using the method |
Property: NodeDefaults <SfDiagram NodeDefaults="@NodeDefaults"></SfDiagram> @code { DiagramNode NodeDefaults = new DiagramNode { Width = 70, Height = 70, Shape = new DiagramShape() { BasicShape = BasicShapes.Ellipse, CornerRadius = 10, Type = Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.Shapes.Basic } ,Style = new NodeShapeStyle() { StrokeColor = "transparent" }, Annotations = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNodeAnnotation>() { new DiagramNodeAnnotation() { Style = new AnnotationStyle() { Color = "white"} } } }; }
Event: NodeCreating <SfDiagramComponent NodeCreating="@NodeCreating"></SfDiagramComponent> @code { public void NodeCreating(IDiagramObject obj) { if (obj is Node) { Node node = obj as Node; node.Width = 70; node.Height = 70; node.Shape = new BasicShape() { Shape = NodeBasicShapes.Rectangle CornerRadius = 10, Type = shapes.Basic }; node.Style = new ShapeStyle() { StrokeColor = "transparent" }; node.Annotations = new DiagramObjectCollection<ShapeAnnotation>() { new ShapeAnnotation() { Style = new TextStyle(){ Color = "white"} } }; } } }
Connector Defaults
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Default values for all the connector can be set using the method |
Property: ConnectorDefaults <SfDiagram ConnectorDefaults="@ConnectorDefaults"></SfDiagram> @code { DiagramConnector ConnectorDefaults = new DiagramConnector() { Type = DiagramSegments.Orthogonal, Style = new ConnectorShapeStyle() { StrokeWidth = 2, StrokeColor = "#797979" } }; }
Event: ConnectorCreating <SfDiagramComponent ConnectorCreating="@OnConnectorCreating"></SfDiagramComponent> @code { public void OnConnectorCreating(IDiagramObject obj) { if (obj is Connector) { Connector connector = obj as Connector; connector.Type = ConnectorSegmentType.Orthogonal; connector.Style = new ShapeStyle() { StrokeColor = "#797979", StrokeWidth = 2 }; } } }
Ruler Settings
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Ruler provides a horizontal and vertical guide for measuring in the Diagram |
Property: DiagramRulerSettings <SfDiagram Width="600px" Height="600px"> <DiagramRulerSettings ShowRulers="true" /> </SfDiagram>
Not supported |
Diagram Constraints
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
ApiUpdate - Enables or disables the update through public API diagram |
Property: Constraints <SfDiagram Constraints="Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.DiagramConstraints.ApiUpdate" />
Property: Constraints <SfDiagramComponent Constraints="Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram.DiagramConstraints.ApiUpdate" />
Bridging - Enables or disables the Bridging support for the connector in the diagram |
Property: Constraints <SfDiagram Constraints="Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.DiagramConstraints.Bridging" />
Property: Constraints <SfDiagramComponent Constraints="Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram.DiagramConstraints.Bridging" />
LineRouting - Enables or disables the line routing for the diagram |
Property: Constraints <SfDiagram Constraints="Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.DiagramConstraints.LineRouting" />
Property: Constraints <SfDiagramComponent Constraints="Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram.DiagramConstraints.Routing" />
PageEditable - PageEditable enables or disables the page editing support for the diagram |
Property: Constraints <SfDiagram Constraints="Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.DiagramConstraints.PageEditable" />
Property: Constraints <SfDiagramComponent Constraints="Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram.DiagramConstraints.PageEditable" />
UserInteraction - Enables or disables the user interaction for the diagram |
Property: Constraints <SfDiagram Constraints="Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.DiagramConstraints.UserInteraction" />
Property: Constraints <SfDiagramComponent Constraints="Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram.DiagramConstraints.UserInteraction" />
Virtualization - Enables or disables the Virtualization support for the diagram |
Property: Constraints <SfDiagram Constraints="Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.DiagramConstraints.Virtualization" />
Not supported |
Zoom - Enables or disables the Zoom support for the diagram |
Property: Constraints <SfDiagram Constraints="Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.DiagramConstraints.Zoom" />
Property: Constraints <SfDiagramComponent Constraints="Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram.DiagramConstraints.Zoom" />
ZoomTextEdit - Enables or disables zooming the text box while editing the text |
Property: Constraints <SfDiagram Constraints="Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.DiagramConstraints.ZoomTextEdit" />
Property: Constraints <SfDiagramComponent Constraints="Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram.DiagramConstraints.ZoomTextEdit" />
PanX - Enables or disables the Panning X coordinate support for the diagram |
Property: Constraints <SfDiagram Constraints="Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.DiagramConstraints.PanX" />
Property: Constraints <SfDiagramComponent Constraints="Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram.DiagramConstraints.PanX" />
PanY - Enables or disables the Panning Y coordinate support for the diagram |
Property: Constraints <SfDiagram Constraints="Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.DiagramConstraints.PanY" />
Property: Constraints <SfDiagramComponent Constraints="Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram.DiagramConstraints.PanY" />
Pan - Enables or disables the panning both X and Y coordinates support for the diagram |
Property: Constraints <SfDiagram Constraints="Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.DiagramConstraints.Pan" />
Property: Constraints <SfDiagramComponent Constraints="Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram.DiagramConstraints.Pan" />
None - Disables all the diagram functionalities except rendering |
Property: Constraints <SfDiagram Constraints="Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.DiagramConstraints.None" />
Property: Constraints <SfDiagramComponent Constraints="Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram.DiagramConstraints.None" />
Default - Enables all default constraints to the diagram |
Property: Constraints <SfDiagram Constraints="Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.DiagramConstraints.Default" />
Property: Constraints <SfDiagramComponent Constraints="Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram.DiagramConstraints.Default" />
Tooltip - Enables or disables the Tooltip option for the diagram |
Property: Constraints <SfDiagram Constraints="Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.DiagramConstraints.Tooltip" />
Property: Constraints <SfDiagramComponent Constraints="Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram.DiagramConstraints.Tooltip" />
UndoRedo - Enables or disables the Undo/Redo option for the diagram |
Property: Constraints <SfDiagram Constraints="Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.DiagramConstraints.UndoRedo" />
Property: Constraints <SfDiagramComponent Constraints="Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram.DiagramConstraints.UndoRedo" />
Drawing Object
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Defines a shape or connector to be drawn in the diagram |
Property: DrawingObject <SfDiagram DrawingObject="@DrawingObject" /> @code { public object DrawingObject = new DiagramNode() { Shape = new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Basic, BasicShape = BasicShapes.Rectangle } }; }
Property: DrawingObject <SfDiagramComponent DrawingObject="@drawingObject" /> @code{ IDiagramObject drawingObject { get; set; } protected override void OnInitialized() { Node node = new Node() { Shape = new BasicShape() { Type = shapes.Basic, Shape = NodeBasicShapes.Rectangle } }; drawingObject = node; } }
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Defines the overview control |
Property: SfOverview <SfDiagram ID="diagram" Height="499px" Layout="@LayoutValue"> <DiagramDataSource Id="Name" ParentId="Category" DataSource="@DataSource"> <DiagramDataMapSettings> <DiagramDataMapSetting Property="Shape.TextContent" Field="Name"></DiagramDataMapSetting> <DiagramDataMapSetting Property="Style.StrokeColor" Field="FillColor"></DiagramDataMapSetting> <DiagramDataMapSetting Property="Style.Fill" Field="FillColor"></DiagramDataMapSetting> </DiagramDataMapSettings> </DiagramDataSource> </SfDiagram> <SfOverview Height="150px" SourceID="diagram" /> @code { DiagramLayout LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { }; public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; protected override void OnInitialized() { LayoutValue = new DiagramLayout() { Type = LayoutType.HierarchicalTree, VerticalSpacing = 30, HorizontalSpacing = 30 }; } }
Property: SfDiagramOverviewComponent <SfDiagramComponent ID="diagram" Width="100%" Height="810px" ConnectorCreating="@OnConnectorCreating" NodeCreating="@OnNodeCreating"> <DataSourceSettings ID="Name" ParentID="Category" DataSource="DataSource"></DataSourceSettings> <Layout Type="LayoutType.HierarchicalTree" HorizontalSpacing="30" VerticalSpacing="30" /> </SfDiagramComponent> <SfDiagramOverviewComponent Height="150px" SourceID="diagram"></SfDiagramOverviewComponent> @code { public class HierarchicalDetails { public string Name { get; set; } public string FillColor { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } } public List<object> DataSource = new List<object>() { new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Diagram", Category="",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Layout", Category="Diagram",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Tree layout", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Organizational chart", Category="Layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Hierarchical tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Radial tree", Category="Tree layout",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Mind map", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Family tree", Category="Hierarchical tree",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Management", Category="Organizational chart",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Human resources", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="University", Category="Management",FillColor="#659be5"}, new HierarchicalDetails(){ Name ="Business", Category="#Management",FillColor="#659be5"} }; public void OnNodeCreating(IDiagramObject obj) { if (obj is Node) { Node node = obj as Node; HierarchicalDetails hierarchicalDetailsData = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize<HierarchicalDetails>(node.Data.ToString(), options); node.Style = new TextStyle() { Fill = hierarchicalDetailsData.FillColor, StrokeColor = hierarchicalDetailsData.FillColor, Color = "white", StrokeWidth = 2, }; node.BackgroundColor = "#659be5"; node.Shape = new TextShape() { Type = NodeShapes.Text, Content = hierarchicalDetailsData.Name }; node.Margin = new DiagramThickness() { Left = 10, Right = 10, Bottom = 10, Top = 10 }; } public void OnConnectorCreating(IDiagramObject obj) { if (obj is Connector) { Connector connector = obj as Connector; connector.Type = ConnectorSegmentType.Orthogonal; connector.Style = new ShapeStyle() { StrokeColor = "#6d6d6d", StrokeWidth = 1 }; } } }
Symbol palette
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Create a symbol palette |
Property: SfSymbolPalette <SfSymbolPalette id="palettes" Height="600px" />
Property: SfSymbolPaletteComponent <SfSymbolPaletteComponent Height="600px" />
Add symbol group to palette |
Property Palettes <SfSymbolPalette Height="600px" Palettes="@Palettes" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<SymbolPalettePalette> Palettes; public ObservableCollection<Object> BasicShapes { get; set; } public ObservableCollection<Object> Connectors { get; set; } protected override void OnInitialized() { Palettes = new ObservableCollection<SymbolPalettePalette>(); //Initialize the basic shapes for the symbol palette BasicShapes = new ObservableCollection<Object>() { new DiagramNode() { Id = "Rectangle", Shape = new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Basic, BasicShape = Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.BasicShapes.Rectangle } }, new DiagramNode() { Id = "Ellipse", Shape = new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Basic, BasicShape = Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.BasicShapes.Ellipse } } }; Palettes.Add(new SymbolPalettePalette() { Id = "BasicShapes", Expanded = true, Symbols = BasicShapes, Title = "Basic Shapes" }); //Initializes connector symbols for the symbol palette. Connectors = new ObservableCollection<Object>() { new DiagramConnector() { Id = "Link1", Type = Segments.Orthogonal, SourcePoint = new ConnectorSourcePoint() { X = 0, Y = 0 }, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint() { X = 40, Y = 40 }, Style = new ConnectorShapeStyle() { StrokeWidth = 1 }, TargetDecorator = new ConnectorTargetDecorator() { Shape = DecoratorShapes.Arrow } }, new DiagramConnector() { Id = "Link2", Type = Segments.Straight, SourcePoint = new ConnectorSourcePoint() { X = 0, Y = 0 }, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint() { X = 40, Y = 40 }, Style = new ConnectorShapeStyle() { StrokeWidth = 1 }, TargetDecorator = new ConnectorTargetDecorator() { Shape = DecoratorShapes.Arrow } }, }; Palettes.Add(new SymbolPalettePalette() { Id = "Connectors", Expanded = true, Symbols = Connectors, Title = "Connectors" }); } }
Property Palettes <SfSymbolPaletteComponent Height="300px" Width="200px" Palettes="@Palettes"></SfSymbolPaletteComponent> @code { DiagramObjectCollection<Palette> Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>(); DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase> PaletteNodes = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>(); DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase> PaletteConnectors = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { InitPaletteModel(); } private void InitPaletteModel() { CreatePaletteNode(NodeFlowShapes.Terminator, "Terminator"); CreatePaletteConnector("Link1", ConnectorSegmentType.Orthogonal, DecoratorShape.Arrow); Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>() { new Palette(){Symbols =PaletteNodes, Title="Flow Shapes", ID="Flow Shapes" }, new Palette(){Symbols = PaletteConnectors, Title = "Connectors" , IsExpanded = true}, }; } private void CreatePaletteNode(NodeFlowShapes flowShape, string id) { Node node = new Node() { ID = id, Shape = new FlowShape() { Type = NodeShapes.Flow, Shape = flowShape }, Style = new ShapeStyle() {Fill="#6495ED", StrokeColor = "#757575" }, }; PaletteNodes.Add(node); } private void CreatePaletteConnector(string id, ConnectorSegmentType type, DecoratorShape decoratorShape) { Connector connector = new Connector() { ID = id, Type = type, SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() { X = 0, Y = 0 }, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint() { X = 100, Y = 100 }, Style = new ShapeStyle() { StrokeWidth = 1, StrokeColor = "#6495ED" }, TargetDecorator = new DecoratorSettings() { Shape = decoratorShape,<br> Style = new ShapeStyle() { StrokeColor = "#6495ED", Fill = "#6495ED" } } }; PaletteConnectors.Add(connector); } }
How to drag and drop symbols from palette to diagram | No properties require to drag and drop the symbols |
Property: Targets <SfSymbolPaletteComponent @ref="@PaletteInstance" Height="700px" /> <SfDiagramComponent @ref="@Diagram" Height="687px" /> @code { public SfDiagramComponent Diagram; public SfSymbolPaletteComponent PaletteInstance; protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender) { PaletteInstance.Targets = new DiagramObjectCollection<SfDiagramComponent> { Diagram }; } }
Defines the palette items are to be expanded or not |
Property: SymbolPalette.ExpandMode <SfSymbolPalette Height="600px" Palettes="@Palettes" ExpandMode="ExpandMode.Multiple" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<SymbolPalettePalette> Palettes; public ObservableCollection<Object> BasicShapes { get; set; } public ObservableCollection<Object> Connectors { get; set; } protected override void OnInitialized() { Palettes = new ObservableCollection<SymbolPalettePalette>(); //Initialize the basic shapes for the symbol palette BasicShapes = new ObservableCollection<Object>() { new DiagramNode() { Id = "Rectangle", Shape = new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Basic, BasicShape = Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.BasicShapes.Rectangle } }, new DiagramNode() { Id = "Ellipse", Shape = new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Basic, BasicShape = Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.BasicShapes.Ellipse } } }; Palettes.Add(new SymbolPalettePalette() { Id = "BasicShapes", Expanded = true, Symbols = BasicShapes, Title = "Basic Shapes" }); //Initializes connector symbols for the symbol palette. Connectors = new ObservableCollection<Object>() { new DiagramConnector() { Id = "Link1", Type = Segments.Orthogonal, SourcePoint = new ConnectorSourcePoint() { X = 0, Y = 0 }, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint() { X = 40, Y = 40 }, Style = new ConnectorShapeStyle() { StrokeWidth = 1 }, TargetDecorator = new ConnectorTargetDecorator() { Shape = DecoratorShapes.Arrow } }, new DiagramConnector() { Id = "Link2", Type = Segments.Straight, SourcePoint = new ConnectorSourcePoint() { X = 0, Y = 0 }, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint() { X = 40, Y = 40 }, Style = new ConnectorShapeStyle() { StrokeWidth = 1 }, TargetDecorator = new ConnectorTargetDecorator() { Shape = DecoratorShapes.Arrow } }, }; Palettes.Add(new SymbolPalettePalette() { Id = "Connectors", Expanded = true, Symbols = Connectors, Title = "Connectors" }); } }
Property: SfSymbolPaletteComponent .PaletteExpandMode <SfSymbolPaletteComponent Height="300px" Width="200px" Palettes="@Palettes" PaletteExpandMode="ExpandMode.Multiple"></SfSymbolPaletteComponent> @code { DiagramObjectCollection<Palette> Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>(); DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase> PaletteNodes = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>(); DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase> PaletteConnectors = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { InitPaletteModel(); } private void InitPaletteModel() { CreatePaletteNode(NodeFlowShapes.Terminator, "Terminator"); CreatePaletteConnector("Link1", ConnectorSegmentType.Orthogonal, DecoratorShape.Arrow); Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>() { new Palette(){Symbols =PaletteNodes, Title="Flow Shapes", ID="Flow Shapes" }, new Palette(){Symbols = PaletteConnectors, Title = "Connectors" , IsExpanded = true}, }; } private void CreatePaletteNode(NodeFlowShapes flowShape, string id) { Node node = new Node() { ID = id, Shape = new FlowShape() { Type = NodeShapes.Flow, Shape = flowShape }, Style = new ShapeStyle() {Fill="#6495ED", StrokeColor = "#757575" }, }; PaletteNodes.Add(node); } private void CreatePaletteConnector(string id, ConnectorSegmentType type, DecoratorShape decoratorShape) { Connector connector = new Connector() { ID = id, Type = type, SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() { X = 0, Y = 0 }, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint() { X = 100, Y = 100 }, Style = new ShapeStyle() { StrokeWidth = 1, StrokeColor = "#6495ED" }, TargetDecorator = new DecoratorSettings() { Shape = decoratorShape, Style = new ShapeStyle() { StrokeColor = "#6495ED", Fill = "#6495ED" } } }; PaletteConnectors.Add(connector); } }
Enables/Disables the animation while palette header is expanded/collapsed |
Property: SfSymbolPalette.EnableAnimation <SfSymbolPalette Height="600px" Palettes="@Palettes" EnableAnimation="true" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<SymbolPalettePalette> Palettes; public ObservableCollection<Object> BasicShapes { get; set; } public ObservableCollection<Object> Connectors { get; set; } protected override void OnInitialized() { Palettes = new ObservableCollection<SymbolPalettePalette>(); //Initialize the basic shapes for the symbol palette BasicShapes = new ObservableCollection<Object>() { new DiagramNode() { Id = "Rectangle", Shape = new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Basic, BasicShape = Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.BasicShapes.Rectangle } }, new DiagramNode() { Id = "Ellipse", Shape = new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Basic, BasicShape = Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.BasicShapes.Ellipse } } }; Palettes.Add(new SymbolPalettePalette() { Id = "BasicShapes", Expanded = true, Symbols = BasicShapes, Title = "Basic Shapes" }); //Initializes connector symbols for the symbol palette. Connectors = new ObservableCollection<Object>() { new DiagramConnector() { Id = "Link1", Type = Segments.Orthogonal, SourcePoint = new ConnectorSourcePoint() { X = 0, Y = 0 }, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint() { X = 40, Y = 40 }, Style = new ConnectorShapeStyle() { StrokeWidth = 1 }, TargetDecorator = new ConnectorTargetDecorator() { Shape = DecoratorShapes.Arrow } }, new DiagramConnector() { Id = "Link2", Type = Segments.Straight, SourcePoint = new ConnectorSourcePoint() { X = 0, Y = 0 }, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint() { X = 40, Y = 40 }, Style = new ConnectorShapeStyle() { StrokeWidth = 1 }, TargetDecorator = new ConnectorTargetDecorator() { Shape = DecoratorShapes.Arrow } }, }; Palettes.Add(new SymbolPalettePalette() { Id = "Connectors", Expanded = true, Symbols = Connectors, Title = "Connectors" }); } }
Not supported |
Defines the palette items are to be expanded or not |
Property: SymbolPalette.Palettes[i].Expanded <SfSymbolPalette Height="600px" Palettes="@Palettes" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<SymbolPalettePalette> Palettes; public ObservableCollection<Object> BasicShapes { get; set; } public ObservableCollection<Object> Connectors { get; set; } protected override void OnInitialized() { Palettes = new ObservableCollection<SymbolPalettePalette>(); //Initialize the basic shapes for the symbol palette BasicShapes = new ObservableCollection<Object>() { new DiagramNode() { Id = "Rectangle", Shape = new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Basic, BasicShape = Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.BasicShapes.Rectangle } }, new DiagramNode() { Id = "Ellipse", Shape = new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Basic, BasicShape = Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.BasicShapes.Ellipse } } }; Palettes.Add(new SymbolPalettePalette() { Id = "BasicShapes", Expanded = true, Symbols = BasicShapes, Title = "Basic Shapes" }); //Initializes connector symbols for the symbol palette. Connectors = new ObservableCollection<Object>() { new DiagramConnector() { Id = "Link1", Type = Segments.Orthogonal, SourcePoint = new ConnectorSourcePoint() { X = 0, Y = 0 }, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint() { X = 40, Y = 40 }, Style = new ConnectorShapeStyle() { StrokeWidth = 1 }, TargetDecorator = new ConnectorTargetDecorator() { Shape = DecoratorShapes.Arrow } }, new DiagramConnector() { Id = "Link2", Type = Segments.Straight, SourcePoint = new ConnectorSourcePoint() { X = 0, Y = 0 }, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint() { X = 40, Y = 40 }, Style = new ConnectorShapeStyle() { StrokeWidth = 1 }, TargetDecorator = new ConnectorTargetDecorator() { Shape = DecoratorShapes.Arrow } }, }; Palettes.Add(new SymbolPalettePalette() { Id = "Connectors", Expanded = true, Symbols = Connectors, Title = "Connectors" }); } }
Property: SymbolPalette.Palettes[i].IsExpanded <SfSymbolPaletteComponent Height="300px" Width="200px" Palettes="@Palettes"></SfSymbolPaletteComponent> @code { DiagramObjectCollection<Palette> Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>(); DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase> PaletteNodes = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>(); DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase> PaletteConnectors = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { InitPaletteModel(); } private void InitPaletteModel() { CreatePaletteNode(NodeFlowShapes.Terminator, "Terminator"); CreatePaletteConnector("Link1", ConnectorSegmentType.Orthogonal, DecoratorShape.Arrow); Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>() { new Palette(){Symbols =PaletteNodes, Title="Flow Shapes", ID="Flow Shapes" }, new Palette(){Symbols = PaletteConnectors, Title = "Connectors" , IsExpanded = true}, }; } private void CreatePaletteNode(NodeFlowShapes flowShape, string id) { Node node = new Node() { ID = id, Shape = new FlowShape() { Type = NodeShapes.Flow, Shape = flowShape }, Style = new ShapeStyle() {Fill="#6495ED", StrokeColor = "#757575" }, }; PaletteNodes.Add(node); } private void CreatePaletteConnector(string id, ConnectorSegmentType type, DecoratorShape decoratorShape) { Connector connector = new Connector() { ID = id, Type = type, SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() { X = 0, Y = 0 }, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint() { X = 100, Y = 100 }, Style = new ShapeStyle() { StrokeWidth = 1, StrokeColor = "#6495ED" }, TargetDecorator = new DecoratorSettings() { Shape = decoratorShape,<br> Style = new ShapeStyle() { StrokeColor = "#6495ED", Fill = "#6495ED" } } }; PaletteConnectors.Add(connector); } }
How to add the symbol description and appearance of the symbol |
Property: SymbolPalette.Palettes.Symbols[i].SymbolInfo <SfSymbolPalette Height="600px" Palettes="@Palettes" SymbolInfo="@symbolInfo" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<SymbolPalettePalette> Palettes; public ObservableCollection<Object> BasicShapes { get; set; } public ObservableCollection<Object> Connectors { get; set; } protected override void OnInitialized() { Palettes = new ObservableCollection<SymbolPalettePalette>(); //Initialize the basic shapes for the symbol palette BasicShapes = new ObservableCollection<Object>() { new DiagramNode() { Id = "Rectangle", Shape = new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Basic, BasicShape = Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.BasicShapes.Rectangle } }, new DiagramNode() { Id = "Ellipse",SymbolInfo = new SymbolInfo() { Description= new SymbolDescription { Text="Rectangle" } }, Shape = new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Basic, BasicShape = Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.BasicShapes.Ellipse } } }; Palettes.Add(new SymbolPalettePalette() { Id = "BasicShapes", Expanded = true, Symbols = BasicShapes, Title = "Basic Shapes" }); //Initializes connector symbols for the symbol palette. Connectors = new ObservableCollection<Object>() { new DiagramConnector() { Id = "Link1", Type = Segments.Orthogonal, SourcePoint = new ConnectorSourcePoint() { X = 0, Y = 0 }, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint() { X = 40, Y = 40 }, Style = new ConnectorShapeStyle() { StrokeWidth = 1 }, TargetDecorator = new ConnectorTargetDecorator() { Shape = DecoratorShapes.Arrow } }, new DiagramConnector() { Id = "Link2", Type = Segments.Straight, SourcePoint = new ConnectorSourcePoint() { X = 0, Y = 0 }, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint() { X = 40, Y = 40 }, Style = new ConnectorShapeStyle() { StrokeWidth = 1 }, TargetDecorator = new ConnectorTargetDecorator() { Shape = DecoratorShapes.Arrow } }, }; Palettes.Add(new SymbolPalettePalette() { Id = "Connectors", Expanded = true, Symbols = Connectors, Title = "Connectors" }); } }
Property: SymbolPalette.GetSymbolInfo <SfSymbolPaletteComponent Height="300px" Width="200px" Palettes="@Palettes" GetSymbolInfo="GetSymbolInfo"></SfSymbolPaletteComponent> @code { DiagramObjectCollection<Palette> Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>(); DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase> PaletteNodes = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>(); DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase> PaletteConnectors = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { InitPaletteModel(); } private void InitPaletteModel() { CreatePaletteNode(NodeFlowShapes.Terminator, "Terminator"); CreatePaletteConnector("Link1", ConnectorSegmentType.Orthogonal, DecoratorShape.Arrow); Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>() { new Palette(){Symbols =PaletteNodes, Title="Flow Shapes", ID="Flow Shapes" }, new Palette(){Symbols = PaletteConnectors, Title = "Connectors" , IsExpanded = true}, }; } private void CreatePaletteNode(NodeFlowShapes flowShape, string id) { Node node = new Node() { ID = id, Shape = new FlowShape() { Type = NodeShapes.Flow, Shape = flowShape }, Style = new ShapeStyle() {Fill="#6495ED", StrokeColor = "#757575" }, }; PaletteNodes.Add(node); } private void CreatePaletteConnector(string id, ConnectorSegmentType type, DecoratorShape decoratorShape) { Connector connector = new Connector() { ID = id, Type = type, SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() { X = 0, Y = 0 }, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint() { X = 100, Y = 100 }, Style = new ShapeStyle() { StrokeWidth = 1, StrokeColor = "#6495ED" }, TargetDecorator = new DecoratorSettings() { Shape = decoratorShape,<br> Style = new ShapeStyle() { StrokeColor = "#6495ED", Fill = "#6495ED" } } }; PaletteConnectors.Add(connector); } private SymbolInfo GetSymbolInfo(IDiagramObject symbol) { SymbolInfo SymbolInfo = new SymbolInfo(); string text = null; text = (symbol as Node).ID; SymbolInfo.Description = new SymbolDescription() { Text = text }; return SymbolInfo; } }
Add symbols to palette at runtime |
Method: SymbolPalette.AddPaletteItem <SfSymbolPalette Height="600px" Palettes="@Palettes" /> @code { public ObservableCollection<SymbolPalettePalette> Palettes; public ObservableCollection<Object> BasicShapes { get; set; } public ObservableCollection<Object> Connectors { get; set; } protected override void OnInitialized() { Palettes = new ObservableCollection<SymbolPalettePalette>(); //Initialize the basic shapes for the symbol palette BasicShapes = new ObservableCollection<Object>() { new DiagramNode() { Id = "Rectangle", Shape = new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Basic, BasicShape = Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.BasicShapes.Rectangle } }, new DiagramNode() { Id = "Ellipse", Shape = new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Basic, BasicShape = Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.BasicShapes.Ellipse } } }; Palettes.Add(new SymbolPalettePalette() { Id = "BasicShapes", Expanded = true, Symbols = BasicShapes, Title = "Basic Shapes" }); //Initializes connector symbols for the symbol palette. Connectors = new ObservableCollection<Object>() { new DiagramConnector() { Id = "Link1", Type = Segments.Orthogonal, SourcePoint = new ConnectorSourcePoint() { X = 0, Y = 0 }, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint() { X = 40, Y = 40 }, Style = new ConnectorShapeStyle() { StrokeWidth = 1 }, TargetDecorator = new ConnectorTargetDecorator() { Shape = DecoratorShapes.Arrow } }, new DiagramConnector() { Id = "Link2", Type = Segments.Straight, SourcePoint = new ConnectorSourcePoint() { X = 0, Y = 0 }, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint() { X = 40, Y = 40 }, Style = new ConnectorShapeStyle() { StrokeWidth = 1 }, TargetDecorator = new ConnectorTargetDecorator() { Shape = DecoratorShapes.Arrow } }, }; Palettes.Add(new SymbolPalettePalette() { Id = "Connectors", Expanded = true, Symbols = Connectors, Title = "Connectors" }); } Node decision = new Node() { ID = "Decision", Shape = new FlowShape() { Type = NodeShapes.Flow, Shape = NodeFlowShapes.Decision } }; SymbolPalette.AddPaletteItem("Flow Shapes", decision, false); }
Method: SymbolPalette.AddPaletteItem <SfSymbolPaletteComponent Height="300px" Width="200px" Palettes="@Palettes"></SfSymbolPaletteComponent> @code { DiagramObjectCollection<Palette> Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>(); DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase> PaletteNodes = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>(); DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase> PaletteConnectors = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { InitPaletteModel(); } private void InitPaletteModel() { CreatePaletteNode(NodeFlowShapes.Terminator, "Terminator"); CreatePaletteConnector("Link1", ConnectorSegmentType.Orthogonal, DecoratorShape.Arrow); Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>() { new Palette(){Symbols =PaletteNodes, Title="Flow Shapes", ID="Flow Shapes" }, new Palette(){Symbols = PaletteConnectors, Title = "Connectors" , IsExpanded = true}, }; } private void CreatePaletteNode(NodeFlowShapes flowShape, string id) { Node node = new Node() { ID = id, Shape = new FlowShape() { Type = NodeShapes.Flow, Shape = flowShape }, Style = new ShapeStyle() {Fill="#6495ED", StrokeColor = "#757575" }, }; PaletteNodes.Add(node); } private void CreatePaletteConnector(string id, ConnectorSegmentType type, DecoratorShape decoratorShape) { Connector connector = new Connector() { ID = id, Type = type, SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() { X = 0, Y = 0 }, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint() { X = 100, Y = 100 }, Style = new ShapeStyle() { StrokeWidth = 1, StrokeColor = "#6495ED" }, TargetDecorator = new DecoratorSettings() { Shape = decoratorShape,<br> Style = new ShapeStyle() { StrokeColor = "#6495ED", Fill = "#6495ED" } } }; PaletteConnectors.Add(connector); } Node decision = new Node() { ID = "Decision", Shape = new FlowShape() { Type = NodeShapes.Flow, Shape = NodeFlowShapes.Decision } }; SymbolPalette.AddPaletteItem("Flow Shapes", decision); }
Customize the preview size of the symbol |
Property: SymbolPalette.SymbolPaletteSymbolPreview <SfSymbolPalette Height="600px" Palettes="@Palettes"> <SymbolPaletteSymbolPreview Height="100" Width="100"/> </SfSymbolPalette> @code { public ObservableCollection<SymbolPalettePalette> Palettes; public ObservableCollection<Object> BasicShapes { get; set; } public ObservableCollection<Object> Connectors { get; set; } protected override void OnInitialized() { Palettes = new ObservableCollection<SymbolPalettePalette>(); //Initialize the basic shapes for the symbol palette BasicShapes = new ObservableCollection<Object>() { new DiagramNode() { Id = "Rectangle", Shape = new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Basic, BasicShape = Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.BasicShapes.Rectangle } }, new DiagramNode() { Id = "Ellipse", Shape = new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Basic, BasicShape = Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.BasicShapes.Ellipse } } }; Palettes.Add(new SymbolPalettePalette() { Id = "BasicShapes", Expanded = true, Symbols = BasicShapes, Title = "Basic Shapes" }); //Initializes connector symbols for the symbol palette. Connectors = new ObservableCollection<Object>() { new DiagramConnector() { Id = "Link1", Type = Segments.Orthogonal, SourcePoint = new ConnectorSourcePoint() { X = 0, Y = 0 }, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint() { X = 40, Y = 40 }, Style = new ConnectorShapeStyle() { StrokeWidth = 1 }, TargetDecorator = new ConnectorTargetDecorator() { Shape = DecoratorShapes.Arrow } }, new DiagramConnector() { Id = "Link2", Type = Segments.Straight, SourcePoint = new ConnectorSourcePoint() { X = 0, Y = 0 }, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint() { X = 40, Y = 40 }, Style = new ConnectorShapeStyle() { StrokeWidth = 1 }, TargetDecorator = new ConnectorTargetDecorator() { Shape = DecoratorShapes.Arrow } }, }; Palettes.Add(new SymbolPalettePalette() { Id = "Connectors", Expanded = true, Symbols = Connectors, Title = "Connectors" }); } }
Property: SymbolPalette.SymbolDragPreviewSize <SfSymbolPaletteComponent Height="300px" Width="200px" Palettes="@Palettes" SymbolDragPreviewSize="@symbolDragPreviewSize"></SfSymbolPaletteComponent> @code { DiagramObjectCollection<Palette> Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>(); DiagramSize symbolDragPreviewSize; DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase> PaletteNodes = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>(); DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase> PaletteConnectors = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { InitPaletteModel(); } private void InitPaletteModel() { symbolDragPreviewSize = new DiagramSize() {Width = 100, Height = 100 }; CreatePaletteNode(NodeFlowShapes.Terminator, "Terminator"); CreatePaletteConnector("Link1", ConnectorSegmentType.Orthogonal, DecoratorShape.Arrow); Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>() { new Palette(){Symbols =PaletteNodes, Title="Flow Shapes", ID="Flow Shapes" }, new Palette(){Symbols = PaletteConnectors, Title = "Connectors" , IsExpanded = true}, }; } private void CreatePaletteNode(NodeFlowShapes flowShape, string id) { Node node = new Node() { ID = id, Shape = new FlowShape() { Type = NodeShapes.Flow, Shape = flowShape }, Style = new ShapeStyle() {Fill="#6495ED", StrokeColor = "#757575" }, }; PaletteNodes.Add(node); } private void CreatePaletteConnector(string id, ConnectorSegmentType type, DecoratorShape decoratorShape) { Connector connector = new Connector() { ID = id, Type = type, SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() { X = 0, Y = 0 }, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint() { X = 100, Y = 100 }, Style = new ShapeStyle() { StrokeWidth = 1, StrokeColor = "#6495ED" }, TargetDecorator = new DecoratorSettings() { Shape = decoratorShape, Style = new ShapeStyle() { StrokeColor = "#6495ED", Fill = "#6495ED" } } }; PaletteConnectors.Add(connector); } }
Default settings for Node in Symbol palette |
Property: SfSymbolPalette.NodeDefaults <SfSymbolPalette Height="600px" Palettes="@Palettes" NodeDefaults="@PaletteNodeDefaults"/> @code { public ObservableCollection<SymbolPalettePalette> Palettes; public ObservableCollection<Object> BasicShapes { get; set; } public DiagramNode PaletteNodeDefaults; public ObservableCollection<Object> Connectors { get; set; } protected override void OnInitialized() { Palettes = new ObservableCollection<SymbolPalettePalette>(); //Initialize the basic shapes for the symbol palette BasicShapes = new ObservableCollection<Object>() { new DiagramNode() { Id = "Rectangle", Shape = new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Basic, BasicShape = Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.BasicShapes.Rectangle } }, new DiagramNode() { Id = "Ellipse", Shape = new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Basic, BasicShape = Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.BasicShapes.Ellipse } } }; Palettes.Add(new SymbolPalettePalette() { Id = "BasicShapes", Expanded = true, Symbols = BasicShapes, Title = "Basic Shapes" }); //Initializes connector symbols for the symbol palette. Connectors = new ObservableCollection<Object>() { new DiagramConnector() { Id = "Link1", Type = Segments.Orthogonal, SourcePoint = new ConnectorSourcePoint() { X = 0, Y = 0 }, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint() { X = 40, Y = 40 }, Style = new ConnectorShapeStyle() { StrokeWidth = 1 }, TargetDecorator = new ConnectorTargetDecorator() { Shape = DecoratorShapes.Arrow } }, new DiagramConnector() { Id = "Link2", Type = Segments.Straight, SourcePoint = new ConnectorSourcePoint() { X = 0, Y = 0 }, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint() { X = 40, Y = 40 }, Style = new ConnectorShapeStyle() { StrokeWidth = 1 }, TargetDecorator = new ConnectorTargetDecorator() { Shape = DecoratorShapes.Arrow } }, }; Palettes.Add(new SymbolPalettePalette() { Id = "Connectors", Expanded = true, Symbols = Connectors, Title = "Connectors" }); PaletteNodeDefaults = new DiagramNode() { Width = 100, Height = 100, Style = new NodeShapeStyle() { StrokeColor = "#3A3A3A" } }; } }
Property: SymbolPalette.NodeCreating <SfSymbolPaletteComponent Height="300px" Width="200px" Palettes="@Palettes" NodeCreating="OnNodeCreating"></SfSymbolPaletteComponent> @code { DiagramObjectCollection<Palette> Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>(); DiagramSize symbolDragPreviewSize; DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase> PaletteNodes = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>(); DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase> PaletteConnectors = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { InitPaletteModel(); } private void InitPaletteModel() { symbolDragPreviewSize = new DiagramSize() {Width = 100, Height = 100 }; CreatePaletteNode(NodeFlowShapes.Terminator, "Terminator"); CreatePaletteConnector("Link1", ConnectorSegmentType.Orthogonal, DecoratorShape.Arrow); Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>() { new Palette(){Symbols =PaletteNodes, Title="Flow Shapes", ID="Flow Shapes" }, new Palette(){Symbols = PaletteConnectors, Title = "Connectors" , IsExpanded = true}, }; } private void CreatePaletteNode(NodeFlowShapes flowShape, string id) { Node node = new Node() { ID = id, Shape = new FlowShape() { Type = NodeShapes.Flow, Shape = flowShape }, Style = new ShapeStyle() {Fill="#6495ED", StrokeColor = "#757575" }, }; PaletteNodes.Add(node); } private void CreatePaletteConnector(string id, ConnectorSegmentType type, DecoratorShape decoratorShape) { Connector connector = new Connector() { ID = id, Type = type, SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() { X = 0, Y = 0 }, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint() { X = 100, Y = 100 }, Style = new ShapeStyle() { StrokeWidth = 1, StrokeColor = "#6495ED" }, TargetDecorator = new DecoratorSettings() { Shape = decoratorShape, Style = new ShapeStyle() { StrokeColor = "#6495ED", Fill = "#6495ED" } } }; PaletteConnectors.Add(connector); } public void OnNodeCreating(IDiagramObject args) { Node node = obj as Node; node.Style.Fill = "#357BD2"; node.Style.StrokeColor = "White"; node.Style.Opacity = 1; } }
Default settings for connector in symbol palette |
Property: SfSymbolPalette.ConnectorDefaults <SfSymbolPalette Height="600px" Palettes="@Palettes" ConnectorDefaults="@ConnectorDefaults"/> @code { public ObservableCollection<SymbolPalettePalette> Palettes; public ObservableCollection<Object> BasicShapes { get; set; } public DiagramNode ConnectorDefaults; public ObservableCollection<Object> Connectors { get; set; } protected override void OnInitialized() { Palettes = new ObservableCollection<SymbolPalettePalette>(); //Initialize the basic shapes for the symbol palette BasicShapes = new ObservableCollection<Object>() { new DiagramNode() { Id = "Rectangle", Shape = new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Basic, BasicShape = Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.BasicShapes.Rectangle } }, new DiagramNode() { Id = "Ellipse", Shape = new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Basic, BasicShape = Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.BasicShapes.Ellipse } } }; Palettes.Add(new SymbolPalettePalette() { Id = "BasicShapes", Expanded = true, Symbols = BasicShapes, Title = "Basic Shapes" }); //Initializes connector symbols for the symbol palette. Connectors = new ObservableCollection<Object>() { new DiagramConnector() { Id = "Link1", Type = Segments.Orthogonal, SourcePoint = new ConnectorSourcePoint() { X = 0, Y = 0 }, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint() { X = 40, Y = 40 }, Style = new ConnectorShapeStyle() { StrokeWidth = 1 }, TargetDecorator = new ConnectorTargetDecorator() { Shape = DecoratorShapes.Arrow } }, new DiagramConnector() { Id = "Link2", Type = Segments.Straight, SourcePoint = new ConnectorSourcePoint() { X = 0, Y = 0 }, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint() { X = 40, Y = 40 }, Style = new ConnectorShapeStyle() { StrokeWidth = 1 }, TargetDecorator = new ConnectorTargetDecorator() { Shape = DecoratorShapes.Arrow } }, }; Palettes.Add(new SymbolPalettePalette() { Id = "Connectors", Expanded = true, Symbols = Connectors, Title = "Connectors" }); ConnectorDefaults = new DiagramConnector() { Type = DiagramSegments.Orthogonal, Style = new ConnectorShapeStyle() { StrokeWidth = 2, StrokeColor = "#797979" } }; } }
Property: SfSymbolPaletteComponent.ConnectorCreating <SfSymbolPaletteComponent Height="300px" Width="200px" Palettes="@Palettes" ConnectorCreating="OnConnectorCreating"></SfSymbolPaletteComponent> @code { DiagramObjectCollection<Palette> Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>(); DiagramSize symbolDragPreviewSize; DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase> PaletteNodes = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>(); DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase> PaletteConnectors = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { InitPaletteModel(); } private void InitPaletteModel() { symbolDragPreviewSize = new DiagramSize() {Width = 100, Height = 100 }; CreatePaletteNode(NodeFlowShapes.Terminator, "Terminator"); CreatePaletteConnector("Link1", ConnectorSegmentType.Orthogonal, DecoratorShape.Arrow); Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>() { new Palette(){Symbols =PaletteNodes, Title="Flow Shapes", ID="Flow Shapes" }, new Palette(){Symbols = PaletteConnectors, Title = "Connectors" , IsExpanded = true}, }; } private void CreatePaletteNode(NodeFlowShapes flowShape, string id) { Node node = new Node() { ID = id, Shape = new FlowShape() { Type = NodeShapes.Flow, Shape = flowShape }, Style = new ShapeStyle() {Fill="#6495ED", StrokeColor = "#757575" }, }; PaletteNodes.Add(node); } private void CreatePaletteConnector(string id, ConnectorSegmentType type, DecoratorShape decoratorShape) { Connector connector = new Connector() { ID = id, Type = type, SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() { X = 0, Y = 0 }, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint() { X = 100, Y = 100 }, Style = new ShapeStyle() { StrokeWidth = 1, StrokeColor = "#6495ED" }, TargetDecorator = new DecoratorSettings() { Shape = decoratorShape, Style = new ShapeStyle() { StrokeColor = "#6495ED", Fill = "#6495ED" } } }; PaletteConnectors.Add(connector); } public void OnConnectorCreating(IDiagramObject args) { Connector connector = obj as Connector; connector.Style.StrokeColor = "#357BD2"; connector.TargetDecorator.Style.StrokeColor = "#357BD2"; connector.Style.Opacity = 1; } }
Set the margin for the symbol |
Property: SfSymbolPalette.SymbolMargin <SfSymbolPalette Height="600px" Palettes="@Palettes"> <SymbolMargin Left="15" Bottom="15" Right="15" Top="15"></SymbolMargin> </SfSymbolPalette> @code { public ObservableCollection<SymbolPalettePalette> Palettes; public ObservableCollection<Object> BasicShapes { get; set; } public ObservableCollection<Object> Connectors { get; set; } protected override void OnInitialized() { Palettes = new ObservableCollection<SymbolPalettePalette>(); //Initialize the basic shapes for the symbol palette BasicShapes = new ObservableCollection<Object>() { new DiagramNode() { Id = "Rectangle", Shape = new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Basic, BasicShape = Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.BasicShapes.Rectangle } }, new DiagramNode() { Id = "Ellipse", Shape = new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Basic, BasicShape = Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.BasicShapes.Ellipse } } }; Palettes.Add(new SymbolPalettePalette() { Id = "BasicShapes", Expanded = true, Symbols = BasicShapes, Title = "Basic Shapes" }); //Initializes connector symbols for the symbol palette. Connectors = new ObservableCollection<Object>() { new DiagramConnector() { Id = "Link1", Type = Segments.Orthogonal, SourcePoint = new ConnectorSourcePoint() { X = 0, Y = 0 }, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint() { X = 40, Y = 40 }, Style = new ConnectorShapeStyle() { StrokeWidth = 1 }, TargetDecorator = new ConnectorTargetDecorator() { Shape = DecoratorShapes.Arrow } }, new DiagramConnector() { Id = "Link2", Type = Segments.Straight, SourcePoint = new ConnectorSourcePoint() { X = 0, Y = 0 }, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint() { X = 40, Y = 40 }, Style = new ConnectorShapeStyle() { StrokeWidth = 1 }, TargetDecorator = new ConnectorTargetDecorator() { Shape = DecoratorShapes.Arrow } }, }; Palettes.Add(new SymbolPalettePalette() { Id = "Connectors", Expanded = true, Symbols = Connectors, Title = "Connectors" }); } }
Property: SfSymbolPaletteComponent.SymbolMargin <SfSymbolPaletteComponent Height="300px" Width="200px" Palettes="@Palettes" SymbolMargin="@SymbolMargin"></SfSymbolPaletteComponent> @code { SymbolMargin SymbolMargin = new SymbolMargin { Left = 10, Right = 10, Top = 10, Bottom = 10 }; DiagramObjectCollection<Palette> Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>(); DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase> PaletteNodes = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>(); DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase> PaletteConnectors = new DiagramObjectCollection<NodeBase>(); protected override void OnInitialized() { InitPaletteModel(); } private void InitPaletteModel() { CreatePaletteNode(NodeFlowShapes.Terminator, "Terminator"); CreatePaletteConnector("Link1", ConnectorSegmentType.Orthogonal, DecoratorShape.Arrow); Palettes = new DiagramObjectCollection<Palette>() { new Palette(){Symbols =PaletteNodes, Title="Flow Shapes", ID="Flow Shapes" }, new Palette(){Symbols = PaletteConnectors, Title = "Connectors" , IsExpanded = true}, }; } private void CreatePaletteNode(NodeFlowShapes flowShape, string id) { Node node = new Node() { ID = id, Shape = new FlowShape() { Type = NodeShapes.Flow, Shape = flowShape }, Style = new ShapeStyle() {Fill="#6495ED", StrokeColor = "#757575" }, }; PaletteNodes.Add(node); } private void CreatePaletteConnector(string id, ConnectorSegmentType type, DecoratorShape decoratorShape) { Connector connector = new Connector() { ID = id, Type = type, SourcePoint = new DiagramPoint() { X = 0, Y = 0 }, TargetPoint = new DiagramPoint() { X = 100, Y = 100 }, Style = new ShapeStyle() { StrokeWidth = 1, StrokeColor = "#6495ED" }, TargetDecorator = new DecoratorSettings() { Shape = decoratorShape,<br> Style = new ShapeStyle() { StrokeColor = "#6495ED", Fill = "#6495ED" } } }; PaletteConnectors.Add(connector); } }
Enables/Disables search option in symbol palette |
Property: SfSymbolPalette.EnableSearch <SfSymbolPalette Height="600px" Palettes="@Palettes" EnableSearch="true"/> @code { public ObservableCollection<SymbolPalettePalette> Palettes; public ObservableCollection<Object> BasicShapes { get; set; } public ObservableCollection<Object> Connectors { get; set; } protected override void OnInitialized() { Palettes = new ObservableCollection<SymbolPalettePalette>(); //Initialize the basic shapes for the symbol palette BasicShapes = new ObservableCollection<Object>() { new DiagramNode() { Id = "Rectangle", Shape = new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Basic, BasicShape = Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.BasicShapes.Rectangle } }, new DiagramNode() { Id = "Ellipse", Shape = new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Basic, BasicShape = Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.BasicShapes.Ellipse } } }; Palettes.Add(new SymbolPalettePalette() { Id = "BasicShapes", Expanded = true, Symbols = BasicShapes, Title = "Basic Shapes" }); //Initializes connector symbols for the symbol palette. Connectors = new ObservableCollection<Object>() { new DiagramConnector() { Id = "Link1", Type = Segments.Orthogonal, SourcePoint = new ConnectorSourcePoint() { X = 0, Y = 0 }, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint() { X = 40, Y = 40 }, Style = new ConnectorShapeStyle() { StrokeWidth = 1 }, TargetDecorator = new ConnectorTargetDecorator() { Shape = DecoratorShapes.Arrow } }, new DiagramConnector() { Id = "Link2", Type = Segments.Straight, SourcePoint = new ConnectorSourcePoint() { X = 0, Y = 0 }, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint() { X = 40, Y = 40 }, Style = new ConnectorShapeStyle() { StrokeWidth = 1 }, TargetDecorator = new ConnectorTargetDecorator() { Shape = DecoratorShapes.Arrow } }, }; Palettes.Add(new SymbolPalettePalette() { Id = "Connectors", Expanded = true, Symbols = Connectors, Title = "Connectors" }); } }
Not supported |
Defines the symbols to be ignore in search option |
Property: SfSymbolPalette.IgnoreSymbolsOnSearch <SfSymbolPalette Height="600px" Palettes="@Palettes" IgnoreSymbolsOnSearch="@IgnoreSymbols"/> @code { public ObservableCollection<SymbolPalettePalette> Palettes; string[] IgnoreSymbols = new string[]{"Rectangle"}; public ObservableCollection<Object> BasicShapes { get; set; } public ObservableCollection<Object> Connectors { get; set; } protected override void OnInitialized() { Palettes = new ObservableCollection<SymbolPalettePalette>(); //Initialize the basic shapes for the symbol palette BasicShapes = new ObservableCollection<Object>() { new DiagramNode() { Id = "Rectangle", Shape = new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Basic, BasicShape = Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.BasicShapes.Rectangle } }, new DiagramNode() { Id = "Ellipse", Shape = new DiagramShape() { Type = Shapes.Basic, BasicShape = Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams.BasicShapes.Ellipse } } }; Palettes.Add(new SymbolPalettePalette() { Id = "BasicShapes", Expanded = true, Symbols = BasicShapes, Title = "Basic Shapes" }); //Initializes connector symbols for the symbol palette. Connectors = new ObservableCollection<Object>() { new DiagramConnector() { Id = "Link1", Type = Segments.Orthogonal, SourcePoint = new ConnectorSourcePoint() { X = 0, Y = 0 }, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint() { X = 40, Y = 40 }, Style = new ConnectorShapeStyle() { StrokeWidth = 1 }, TargetDecorator = new ConnectorTargetDecorator() { Shape = DecoratorShapes.Arrow } }, new DiagramConnector() { Id = "Link2", Type = Segments.Straight, SourcePoint = new ConnectorSourcePoint() { X = 0, Y = 0 }, TargetPoint = new ConnectorTargetPoint() { X = 40, Y = 40 }, Style = new ConnectorShapeStyle() { StrokeWidth = 1 }, TargetDecorator = new ConnectorTargetDecorator() { Shape = DecoratorShapes.Arrow } }, }; Palettes.Add(new SymbolPalettePalette() { Id = "Connectors", Expanded = true, Symbols = Connectors, Title = "Connectors" }); } }
Not supported |
Behavior | API in SfDiagram | API in SfDiagramComponent |
Triggers when a node, connector or diagram is clicked |
Event: Clicked <SfDiagram Height="600px"> <DiagramEvents Created = "OnCreated"/> </SfDiagram> @code { private void Clicked(IBlazorClickEventArgs args) { if (args.ActualObject != null) { Console.WriteLine("Clicked"); } } }
Event: Click <SfDiagramComponent Width = "1000px" Height="1000px" Click="click"/> @code { private void click(ClickEventArgs args) { if (args.ActualObject != null) { Console.WriteLine("Clicked"); } } }
Triggers when Diagram component is rendered |
Event: Created <SfDiagram @ref="@Diagram" Height="600px"> <DiagramEvents Created="OnCreated"/> </SfDiagram> @code { SfDiagram Diagram; private void OnCreated(object args) { Diagram.SelectAll(); } }
Event: Created <SfDiagramComponent @ref="@Diagram" Width = "1000px" Height="1000px" Created="OnCreated"/> @code { SfDiagramComponent Diagram; private void OnCreated(object args) { Diagram.SelectAll(); } }
Triggers when a custom entry change is reverted or restored(undo/redo) |
Event: CustomHistoryChanged <SfDiagram @ref="@Diagram" Height="600px"> <DiagramEvents CustomHistoryChanged="OnCustomHistoryChanged"/> </SfDiagram> @code { SfDiagram Diagram; private void OnCustomHistoryChanged(IBlazorCustomHistoryChangeArgs args) { } }
Events: DiagramHistoryManager.Undo and DiagramHistoryManager.Redo DiagramHistoryManager.Undo - Triggers when a custom entry change is reverted DiagramHistoryManager.Redo - Triggers when a custom entry change is restored <SfDiagramComponent Width="800px" Height="800px"> <DiagramHistoryManager Undo="onCustomUndo" Redo="onCustomRedo"></DiagramHistoryManager> </SfDiagramComponent> @code { private void onCustomUndo(HistoryEntryBase entry) { (entry.RedoObject) = entry.UndoObject.Clone() as Node; (entry.UndoObject as Node).AdditionalInfo[(entry.UndoObject as Node).ID] = "Start"; entry.RedoObject = current; } private void onCustomRedo(HistoryEntryBase entry) { Node current = entry.UndoObject.Clone() as Node; (entry.UndoObject as Node).AdditionalInfo[(entry.UndoObject as Node).ID] = "Description"; entry.RedoObject = current; } }
Triggers when the diagram layout is rendered completely |
Event: DataLoaded <SfDiagram @ref="@Diagram" Height="600px"> <DiagramEvents DataLoaded ="OnDataLoaded"/> </SfDiagram> @code { SfDiagram Diagram; private void OnDataLoaded(IDataLoadedEventArgs args) { } }
Event: DataLoaded <SfDiagramComponent @ref="@Diagram" Width = "1000px" Height="1000px" DataLoaded="OnDataLoaded"/> @code { SfDiagramComponent Diagram; private void OnDataLoaded(object args) { } }
Triggers when a symbol is dragged into diagram from symbol palette |
Event: DragEnter <SfDiagram @ref="@Diagram" Height="600px"> <DiagramEvents DragEnter ="OnDragEnter"/> </SfDiagram> @code { SfDiagram Diagram; private void OnDragEnter(IBlazorDragEnterEventArgs args) { } }
Event: DragStart <SfDiagramComponent @ref="@Diagram" Width = "1000px" Height="1000px" DragStart="OnDragStart"/> @code { SfDiagramComponent Diagram; private void OnDragStart(DragStartEventArgs args) { } }
Triggers when an element drags over another diagram element | Not supported |
Event: Dragging <SfDiagramComponent @ref="@Diagram" Width = "1000px" Height="1000px" Dragging="OnDragging "/> @code { SfDiagramComponent Diagram; private void OnDragging(DraggingEventArgs args) { } }
Triggers when a symbol is dragged outside of the diagram |
Event: DragLeave <SfDiagram @ref="@Diagram" Height="600px"> <DiagramEvents DragLeave ="OnDragLeave"/> </SfDiagram> @code { SfDiagram Diagram; private void OnDragLeave(IBlazorDragLeaveEventArgs args) { } }
Event: DragLeave <SfDiagramComponent @ref="@Diagram" Width = "1000px" Height="1000px" DragLeave="OnDragLeave"/> @code { SfDiagramComponent Diagram; private void OnDragLeave(DragLeaveEventArgs args) { } }
Triggers when a Fixed User Handle item is clicked |
Event: FixedUserHandleClick <SfDiagram @ref="@Diagram" Height="600px"> <DiagramEvents FixedUserHandleClick ="OnFixedUserHandleClick"/> </SfDiagram> @code { SfDiagram Diagram; private void OnFixedUserHandleClick(FixedUserHandleClickEventArgs args) { } }
Event: FixedUserHandleClick <SfDiagramComponent @ref="@Diagram" Width = "1000px" Height="1000px" FixedUserHandleClick ="OnFixedUserHandleClick"/> @code { SfDiagramComponent Diagram; private void OnFixedUserHandleClick(FixedUserHandleClickEventArgs args) { } }
Triggers when a change is reverted or restored(undo/redo) |
Event: HistoryChanged <SfDiagram @ref="@Diagram" Height="600px"> <DiagramEvents HistoryChanged ="OnHistoryChanged"/> </SfDiagram> @code { SfDiagram Diagram; private void OnHistoryChanged(IBlazorHistoryChangeArgs args) { } }
Event: HistoryChanged <SfDiagramComponent @ref="@Diagram" Width = "1000px" Height="1000px" HistoryChanged ="OnHistoryChanged"/> @code { SfDiagramComponent Diagram; private void OnHistoryChanged(HistoryChangedEventArgs args) { } }
Triggered when mouse enters a node/connector |
Event: MouseEnter <SfDiagram @ref="@Diagram" Height="600px"> <DiagramEvents MouseEnter="@MouseEnter"/> </SfDiagram> @code { SfDiagram Diagram; private void MouseEnter(IBlazorMouseEventArgs args) { } }
Event: MouseEnter <SfDiagramComponent @ref="@Diagram" Width = "1000px" Height="1000px" MouseEnter="@MouseEnter"/> @code { SfDiagramComponent Diagram; private void MouseEnter(DiagramElementMouseEventArgs args) { } }
Triggers when the mouse pointer rests on the node/connector | Not supported |
Event: MouseHover <SfDiagramComponent @ref="@Diagram" Width = "1000px" Height="1000px" MouseHover="@MouseHover"/> @code { SfDiagramComponent Diagram; private void MouseHover(DiagramElementMouseEventArgs args) { } }
Triggered when mouse leaves node/connector |
Event: MouseLeave <SfDiagram @ref="@Diagram" Height="600px"> <DiagramEvents MouseLeave="@MouseLeave"/> </SfDiagram> @code { SfDiagram Diagram; private void MouseLeave(IBlazorMouseEventArgs args) { } }
Event: MouseLeave <SfDiagramComponent @ref="@Diagram" Width = "1000px" Height="1000px" MouseLeave="@MouseLeave"/> @code { SfDiagramComponent Diagram; private void MouseLeave(DiagramElementMouseEventArgs args) { } }
Triggers before the connector’s source or target point is connect or disconnect from the source or target |
Event: OnConnectionChange Prevent the connection or disconnection of the connector by using Cancel arguments whether the State in Changing <SfDiagram @ref="@Diagram" Height="600px"> <DiagramEvents OnConnectionChange ="@OnConnectionChange"> </SfDiagram> @code { SfDiagram Diagram; private void OnConnectionChange(IBlazorConnectionChangeEventArgs args) { if(args.State == EventState.Changing){args.Cancel = true;} } }
Event: ConnectionChanging Prevent the connection or disconnection of the connector by using Cancel arguments <SfDiagramComponent ConnectionChanging="OnConnectionChanging"/> @code { SfDiagram Diagram; private void OnConnectionChanging(ConnectionChangingEventArgs args) { args.Cancel = true; } }
Triggers when the connector’s source or target point is connected or disconnected from the source or target |
Event: OnConnectionChange While the connection is changed then State is in Changed state <SfDiagram @ref="@Diagram" Height="600px"> <DiagramEvents OnConnectionChange ="@OnConnectionChange"> </SfDiagram> @code { SfDiagram Diagram; private void OnConnectionChange(IBlazorConnectionChangeEventArgs args) { if(args.State == EventState.Changed){ } } }
Event: ConnectionChanged <SfDiagramComponent ConnectionChanged="OnConnectionChanged"/> @code { SfDiagram Diagram; private void OnConnectionChanged(ConnectionChangedEventArgs args) {} }
Triggers when a node, connector or diagram model is clicked twice |
Event: OnDoubleClick <SfDiagram @ref="@Diagram" Height="600px"> <DiagramEvents OnDoubleClick ="@OnDoubleClick "> </SfDiagram> @code { SfDiagram Diagram; private void OnDoubleClick (IBlazorDoubleClickEventArgs args) { if(args.State == EventState.Changed){ } } }
Not supported |
Triggers when a symbol is dragged and dropped from the symbol palette to the drawing area |
Event: OnDrop <SfDiagram @ref="@Diagram" Height="600px"> <DiagramEvents OnDrop ="@OnDrop"> </SfDiagram> @code { SfDiagram Diagram; private void OnDrop(IBlazorDropEventArgs args) { } }
Event: DragDrop <SfDiagramComponent DragDrop="OnDragDrop"/> @code { SfDiagram Diagram; private void OnDragDrop(DropEventArgs args) {} }
Triggers when a user is pressing a key |
Event: OnKeyDown <SfDiagram @ref="@Diagram" Height="600px"> <DiagramEvents OnKeyDown ="@OnKeyDown"> </SfDiagram> @code { SfDiagram Diagram; private void OnKeyDown(IKeyEventArgs args) { } }
Event: KeyDown <SfDiagramComponent KeyDown="OnKeyDown"/> @code { SfDiagram Diagram; private void OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs args) {} }
Triggers when a user is release a key |
Event: OnKeyUp <SfDiagram @ref="@Diagram" Height="600px"> <DiagramEvents OnKeyUp ="@OnKeyUp"> </SfDiagram> @code { SfDiagram Diagram; private void OnKeyUp(IKeyEventArgs args) { } }
Event: KeyUp <SfDiagramComponent KeyUp="@OnKeyUp"/> @code { SfDiagram Diagram; private void OnKeyUp(KeyEventArgs args) {} }
Triggers while dragging the elements in the diagram |
Event: OnPositionChange <SfDiagram @ref="@Diagram" Height="600px"> <DiagramEvents OnPositionChange="@PositionChanged"> </SfDiagram> @code { SfDiagram Diagram; private void PositionChanged(IBlazorDraggingEventArgs args) { if(args.State == State.Progress){ args.Cancel = true; }} }
Event: PositionChanging <SfDiagramComponent PositionChanging="@PositionChanging"/> @code { private void PositionChanging(PositionChangingEventArgs args) {} }
Triggers when the node’s/connector’s position is changed |
Event: OnPositionChange <SfDiagram @ref="@Diagram" Height="600px"> <DiagramEvents OnPositionChange="@PositionChanged"> </SfDiagram> @code { SfDiagram Diagram; private void PositionChanged(IBlazorDraggingEventArgs args) { if(args.State == State.Completed){ args.Cancel = true; }} }
Event: PositionChanged <SfDiagramComponent PositionChanged="@PositionChanged"/> @code { private void PositionChanged(PositionChangedEventArgs args) {} }
Triggers before the diagram elements are rotated |
Event: OnRotateChange <SfDiagram @ref="@Diagram" Height="600px"> <DiagramEvents OnRotateChange="@OnRotateChange"> </SfDiagram> @code { SfDiagram Diagram; private void OnRotateChange(IRotationEventArgs args) { if(args.State == State.Progress){ args.Cancel = true; }} }
Event: RotationChanging <SfDiagramComponent RotationChanging="@RotationChanging"/> @code { private void RotationChanging(RotationChangingEventArgs args) { args.Cancel = true; } }
Triggers when the diagram elements are rotated |
Event: OnRotateChange <SfDiagram @ref="@Diagram" Height="600px"> <DiagramEvents OnRotateChange="@OnRotateChange"> </SfDiagram> @code { SfDiagram Diagram; private void OnRotateChange(IRotationEventArgs args) { if(args.State == State.Completed){ }} }
Event: RotationChanged <SfDiagramComponent RotationChanged="@RotationChanged"/> @code { private void RotationChanging(RotationChanged args) {} }
Triggers before a node is resize |
Event: OnSizeChange <SfDiagram @ref="@Diagram" Height="600px"> <DiagramEvents OnSizeChange="@OnSizeChange"> </SfDiagram> @code { SfDiagram Diagram; private void OnSizeChange(ISizeChangeEventArgs args) { if(args.State == State.Progress){ args.Cancel = true; }} }
Event: SizeChanging <SfDiagramComponent SizeChanging="@SizeChanging"/> @code { private void SizeChanging(SizeChangingEventArgs args) { args.Cancel = true; } }
Triggers when a node is resized |
Event: OnSizeChange <SfDiagram @ref="@Diagram" Height="600px"> <DiagramEvents OnSizeChange="@OnSizeChange"> </SfDiagram> @code { SfDiagram Diagram; private void OnSizeChange(ISizeChangeEventArgs args) { if(args.State == State.Completed){ }} }
Event: SizeChanged <SfDiagramComponent SizeChanged="@SizeChanged"/> @code { private void SizeChanged(SizeChangedEventArgs args) {} }
Triggers when a mouseDown on the user handle |
Event: OnUserHandleMouseDown <SfDiagram @ref="@Diagram" Height="600px"> <DiagramEvents OnUserHandleMouseDown="@OnUserHandleMouseDown"> </SfDiagram> @code { SfDiagram Diagram; private void OnUserHandleMouseDown(UserHandleEventsArgs args) { }
Use the custom tool option to handle the user handle mouse actions <SfDiagramComponent @ref="@Diagram" Height="640px" Nodes="@nodes" SelectionSettings="@selectionSettings" GetCustomTool="@GetCustomTool" /> @code { public SfDiagramComponent Diagram; public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> nodes { get; set; } UserHandle userhandle; UserHandle handle; DiagramSelectionSettings selectionSettings = new DiagramSelectionSettings(); protected override void OnInitialized() { InitDiagramModel(); } public InteractionControllerBase GetCustomTool(DiagramElementAction action, string id) { InteractionControllerBase tool = null; tool = new AddDeleteTool(Diagram); return tool; } public class AddDeleteTool : DragController { SfDiagramComponent sfDiagram; public AddDeleteTool(SfDiagramComponent Diagram) : base(Diagram) { sfDiagram = Diagram; } public override void OnMouseDown(DiagramMouseEventArgs args) { base.OnMouseDown(args); this.InAction = true; } public override void OnMouseMove(DiagramMouseEventArgs args) { base.OnMouseMove(args); this.InAction = true; } public override void OnMouseUp(DiagramMouseEventArgs args) { base.OnMouseUp(args); this.InAction = true; } public override void OnMouseLeave(DiagramMouseEventArgs args) { base.OnMouseLeave(args); this.InAction = true; } } private void InitDiagramModel() { handle = new UserHandle() { Name = "clone", PathData = "M60.3,18H27.5c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2h5.5V23.5h32.7V18z M68.5,28.9h-30c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2c0,3,2.4,5.5,5.5,5.5h30c3,0,5.5-2.4,5.5-5.5V34.4C73.9,31.4,71.5,28.9,68.5,28.9z M68.5,72.5h-30V34.4h30V72.5z", Visible = true, Offset = 0, Side = Direction.Bottom, Margin = new DiagramThickness() { Top = 0, Bottom = 0, Left = 0, Right = 0 } }; DiagramObjectCollection<UserHandle> cloneHandle = new <br> DiagramObjectCollection<UserHandle>() { handle }; selectionSettings.UserHandles = cloneHandle; userhandle = handle; userhandle.VisibleTarget = VisibleTarget.Node | VisibleTarget.Connector; } }
Triggers when a mouseEnter on the user handle |
Event: OnUserHandleMouseEnter <SfDiagram @ref="@Diagram" Height="600px"> <DiagramEvents OnUserHandleMouseEnter="@OnUserHandleMouseEnter"> </SfDiagram> @code { SfDiagram Diagram; private void OnUserHandleMouseEnter(UserHandleEventsArgs args) { }
Use the custom tool option to handle the user handle mouse actions <SfDiagramComponent @ref="@Diagram" Height="640px" Nodes="@nodes" SelectionSettings="@selectionSettings" GetCustomTool="@GetCustomTool" /> @code { public SfDiagramComponent Diagram; public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> nodes { get; set; } UserHandle userhandle; UserHandle handle; DiagramSelectionSettings selectionSettings = new DiagramSelectionSettings(); protected override void OnInitialized() { InitDiagramModel(); } public InteractionControllerBase GetCustomTool(DiagramElementAction action, string id) { InteractionControllerBase tool = null; tool = new AddDeleteTool(Diagram); return tool; } public class AddDeleteTool : DragController { SfDiagramComponent sfDiagram; public AddDeleteTool(SfDiagramComponent Diagram) : base(Diagram) { sfDiagram = Diagram; } public override void OnMouseDown(DiagramMouseEventArgs args) { base.OnMouseDown(args); this.InAction = true; } public override void OnMouseMove(DiagramMouseEventArgs args) { base.OnMouseMove(args); this.InAction = true; } public override void OnMouseUp(DiagramMouseEventArgs args) { base.OnMouseUp(args); this.InAction = true; } public override void OnMouseLeave(DiagramMouseEventArgs args) { base.OnMouseLeave(args); this.InAction = true; } } private void InitDiagramModel() { handle = new UserHandle() { Name = "clone", PathData = "M60.3,18H27.5c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2h5.5V23.5h32.7V18z M68.5,28.9h-30c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2c0,3,2.4,5.5,5.5,5.5h30c3,0,5.5-2.4,5.5-5.5V34.4C73.9,31.4,71.5,28.9,68.5,28.9z M68.5,72.5h-30V34.4h30V72.5z", Visible = true, Offset = 0, Side = Direction.Bottom, Margin = new DiagramThickness() { Top = 0, Bottom = 0, Left = 0, Right = 0 } }; DiagramObjectCollection<UserHandle> cloneHandle = new <br> DiagramObjectCollection<UserHandle>() { handle }; selectionSettings.UserHandles = cloneHandle; userhandle = handle; userhandle.VisibleTarget = VisibleTarget.Node | VisibleTarget.Connector; } }
Triggers when a mouseLeave on the user handle |
Event: OnUserHandleMouseLeave <SfDiagram @ref="@Diagram" Height="600px"> <DiagramEvents OnUserHandleMouseLeave="@OnUserHandleMouseLeave"> </SfDiagram> @code { SfDiagram Diagram; private void OnUserHandleMouseLeave(UserHandleEventsArgs args) { }
Use the custom tool option to handle the user handle mouse actions <SfDiagramComponent @ref="@Diagram" Height="640px" Nodes="@nodes" SelectionSettings="@selectionSettings" GetCustomTool="@GetCustomTool" /> @code { public SfDiagramComponent Diagram; public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> nodes { get; set; } UserHandle userhandle; UserHandle handle; DiagramSelectionSettings selectionSettings = new DiagramSelectionSettings(); protected override void OnInitialized() { InitDiagramModel(); } public InteractionControllerBase GetCustomTool(DiagramElementAction action, string id) { InteractionControllerBase tool = null; tool = new AddDeleteTool(Diagram); return tool; } public class AddDeleteTool : DragController { SfDiagramComponent sfDiagram; public AddDeleteTool(SfDiagramComponent Diagram) : base(Diagram) { sfDiagram = Diagram; } public override void OnMouseDown(DiagramMouseEventArgs args) { base.OnMouseDown(args); this.InAction = true; } public override void OnMouseMove(DiagramMouseEventArgs args) { base.OnMouseMove(args); this.InAction = true; } public override void OnMouseUp(DiagramMouseEventArgs args) { base.OnMouseUp(args); this.InAction = true; } public override void OnMouseLeave(DiagramMouseEventArgs args) { base.OnMouseLeave(args); this.InAction = true; } } private void InitDiagramModel() { handle = new UserHandle() { Name = "clone", PathData = "M60.3,18H27.5c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2h5.5V23.5h32.7V18z M68.5,28.9h-30c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2c0,3,2.4,5.5,5.5,5.5h30c3,0,5.5-2.4,5.5-5.5V34.4C73.9,31.4,71.5,28.9,68.5,28.9z M68.5,72.5h-30V34.4h30V72.5z", Visible = true, Offset = 0, Side = Direction.Bottom, Margin = new DiagramThickness() { Top = 0, Bottom = 0, Left = 0, Right = 0 } }; DiagramObjectCollection<UserHandle> cloneHandle = new <br> DiagramObjectCollection<UserHandle>() { handle }; selectionSettings.UserHandles = cloneHandle; userhandle = handle; userhandle.VisibleTarget = VisibleTarget.Node | VisibleTarget.Connector; } }
Triggers when a mouse up on the user handle |
Event: OnUserHandleMouseUp <SfDiagram @ref="@Diagram" Height="600px"> <DiagramEvents OnUserHandleMouseUp="@OnUserHandleMouseUp"> </SfDiagram> @code { SfDiagram Diagram; private void OnUserHandleMouseUp(UserHandleEventsArgs args) { }
Use the custom tool option to handle the user handle mouse actions <SfDiagramComponent @ref="@Diagram" Height="640px" Nodes="@nodes" SelectionSettings="@selectionSettings" GetCustomTool="@GetCustomTool" /> @code { public SfDiagramComponent Diagram; public DiagramObjectCollection<Node> nodes { get; set; } UserHandle userhandle; UserHandle handle; DiagramSelectionSettings selectionSettings = new DiagramSelectionSettings(); protected override void OnInitialized() { InitDiagramModel(); } public InteractionControllerBase GetCustomTool(DiagramElementAction action, string id) { InteractionControllerBase tool = null; tool = new AddDeleteTool(Diagram); return tool; } public class AddDeleteTool : DragController { SfDiagramComponent sfDiagram; public AddDeleteTool(SfDiagramComponent Diagram) : base(Diagram) { sfDiagram = Diagram; } public override void OnMouseDown(DiagramMouseEventArgs args) { base.OnMouseDown(args); this.InAction = true; } public override void OnMouseMove(DiagramMouseEventArgs args) { base.OnMouseMove(args); this.InAction = true; } public override void OnMouseUp(DiagramMouseEventArgs args) { base.OnMouseUp(args); this.InAction = true; } public override void OnMouseLeave(DiagramMouseEventArgs args) { base.OnMouseLeave(args); this.InAction = true; } } private void InitDiagramModel() { handle = new UserHandle() { Name = "clone", PathData = "M60.3,18H27.5c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2h5.5V23.5h32.7V18z M68.5,28.9h-30c-3,0-5.5,2.4-5.5,5.5v38.2c0,3,2.4,5.5,5.5,5.5h30c3,0,5.5-2.4,5.5-5.5V34.4C73.9,31.4,71.5,28.9,68.5,28.9z M68.5,72.5h-30V34.4h30V72.5z", Visible = true, Offset = 0, Side = Direction.Bottom, Margin = new DiagramThickness() { Top = 0, Bottom = 0, Left = 0, Right = 0 } }; DiagramObjectCollection<UserHandle> cloneHandle = new <br> DiagramObjectCollection<UserHandle>() { handle }; selectionSettings.UserHandles = cloneHandle; userhandle = handle; userhandle.VisibleTarget = VisibleTarget.Node | VisibleTarget.Connector; } }
Triggers once the node or connector property changed |
Event: PropertyChanged <SfDiagram @ref="@Diagram" Height="600px"> <DiagramEvents PropertyChanged="@PropertyChanged"> </SfDiagram> @code { SfDiagram Diagram; private void PropertyChanged(IBlazorPropertyChangeEventArgs args) { }
Event: PropertyChanged <SfDiagramComponent PropertyChanged="@PropertyChanged"/> @code { private void PropertyChanged(PropertyChangedEventArgs args) {} }
Triggers before the selection is change in the diagram |
Event: SelectionChanged <SfDiagram @ref="@Diagram" Height="600px"> <DiagramEvents SelectionChanged="@SelectionChanged"> </SfDiagram> @code { SfDiagram Diagram; private void SelectionChanged(IBlazorSelectionChangeEventArgs args) { }
Event: SelectionChanging <SfDiagramComponent SelectionChanging="@SelectionChanging"/> @code { private void SelectionChanging(SelectionChangingEventArgs args) {} }
Triggers when the selection is changed in the diagram |
Event: SelectionChanged <SfDiagram @ref="@Diagram" Height="600px"> <DiagramEvents SelectionChanged="@SelectionChanged"> </SfDiagram> @code { SfDiagram Diagram; private void SelectionChanged(IBlazorSelectionChangeEventArgs args) { if(args.State == State.Progress){} }
Event: SelectionChanged <SfDiagramComponent SelectionChanged="@SelectionChanged"/> @code { private void SelectionChanged(SelectionChangedEventArgs args) {} }
Triggers when the node and connector’s label is changing in the diagram |
Event: TextEdited <SfDiagram @ref="@Diagram" Height="600px"> <DiagramEvents TextEdited="@TextEdited"> </SfDiagram> @code { SfDiagram Diagram; private void TextEdited(IBlazorTextEditEventArgs args) { if(args.State == State.Progress){} }
Event: TextChanging <SfDiagramComponent TextChanging="@TextChanging"/> @code { private void TextChanging(TextChangeEventArgs args) {} }
Triggers when the node’s/connector’s label is changed in the diagram |
Event: TextEdited <SfDiagram @ref="@Diagram" Height="600px"> <DiagramEvents TextEdited="@TextEdited"> </SfDiagram> @code { SfDiagram Diagram; private void TextEdited(IBlazorTextEditEventArgs args) { if(args.State == State.Progress){} }
Event: TextChanged <SfDiagramComponent TextChanged="@TextChanged"/> @code { private void TextChanged(TextChangeEventArgs args) {} }
Triggers before the node/connector is add or remove from the diagram | Not supported |
Event: CollectionChanging <SfDiagramComponent CollectionChanging="@CollectionChanging"/> @code { private void CollectionChanging(CollectionChangingEventArgs args) {} }
Triggers when the node/connector is added or removed from the diagram | Not supported |
Event: CollectionChanged <SfDiagramComponent CollectionChanged="@CollectionChanged"/> @code { private void CollectionChanged (CollectionChangedEventArgs args) {} }
Triggers when the scrollbar is updated | Not supported |
Event: ScrollChanged <SfDiagramComponent ScrollChanged="@ScrollChanged"/> @code { private void ScrollChanged(ScrollChangedEventArgs args) {} }
Triggers when the connector’s segment collection is updated | Not supported |
Event: SegmentCollectionChange <SfDiagramComponent SegmentCollectionChange="@SegmentCollectionChange"/> @code { private void SegmentCollectionChange(SegmentCollectionChangeEventArgs args) {} }
Triggers while dragging the connector’s source end in the diagram | Not supported |
Event: SourcePointChanging <SfDiagramComponent SourcePointChanging="@SourcePointChanging"/> @code { private void SourcePointChanging(EndPointChangingEventArgs args) {} }
Triggers when the connector’s source point is changed | Not supported |
Event: SourcePointChanged <SfDiagramComponent SourcePointChanged="@SourcePointChanged"/> @code { private void SourcePointChanged(EndPointChangedEventArgs args) {} }
Triggers while dragging the connector’s source end in the diagram | Not supported |
Event: SourcePointChanging <SfDiagramComponent SourcePointChanging="@SourcePointChanging"/> @code { private void SourcePointChanging(EndPointChangingEventArgs args) {} }
Triggers while dragging the connector’s target end in the diagram | Not supported |
Event: TargetPointChanging <SfDiagramComponent TargetPointChanging="@TargetPointChanging"/> @code { private void TargetPointChanging(EndPointChangingEventArgs args) {} }
Triggers when the connector’s target point is changed | Not supported |
Event: TargetPointChanged <SfDiagramComponent TargetPointChanged="@TargetPointChanged"/> @code { private void TargetPointChanged(EndPointChangedEventArgs args) {} }