Localization and RTL in Blazor Dropdown Tree Component

27 Dec 20231 minute to read


The Localization library allows you to localize default text content of the Dropdown Tree. The Dropdown Tree component has static text for select all checkbox, no records element and action failure element that can be changed to other cultures (Arabic, Deutsch, French, etc.) by defining the locale value and translation object. You can refer How to enable Localization in Blazor application page for the introduction and configuring the localization.

You can modify the default value in .res file added to Resource folder. Enter the key value (Locale Keywords) in the Name column and the translated string in the Value column. The following list of keys and their values are used in the Dropdown Tree.

Locale key en-US (default culture) de (Deutsch culture)
DropDownTree_SelectAll Select All Wählen Sie Alle
DropDownTree_UnSelectAll Unselect All Alles wiederufen
DropDownTree_NoRecords No records found Keine Einträge vorhanden
DropDownTree_RequestFailed Request failed Die Anfrage ist fehlgeschlagen


Dropdown Tree component has RTL support. It helps to render the Dropdown Tree from right-to-left direction. Refer to the Right-To-Left Support topic to enable the RTL in Syncfusion Blazor components