Syncfusion® recommends using Blazor PDF Viewer (NextGen) Component which provides fast rendering of pages and improved performance. Also, there is no need of external Web service for processing the files and ease out the deployment complexity. It can be used in Blazor Server, WASM and MAUI applications without any changes.

Overview of Blazor PDF Viewer Component

13 Dec 20241 minute to read

The Blazor PDF Viewer component allows to view, print, and annotate the PDF files in your Blazor applications and its key features are,

  • Accurate and reliable rendering of PDF pages.
  • Provides easy page navigation with,
    • Thumbnail page view
    • Bookmark panel
    • Hyperlink navigation
    • Table of content navigation
  • Core interactions
    • Zooming and panning
    • Text searching
    • Text selection and copy
  • Print PDF file.
  • Annotate PDF with different types of annotations such as,
    • Highlight, underline, and strikeout annotation
    • Shape annotation: Rectangle, circle, polygon, line, and arrow.
    • Stamp annotation: Built-in and custom stamp
    • Measurement annotation
    • Free text annotation
    • Add a comment or note for all type of annotations
  • FormFilling
  • Handwritten Signature


Syncfusion® provides separate PDF Viewer component for Blazor Server and Blazor WebAssembly applications.

For Blazor WebAssembly App, use SfPdfViewer component in Syncfusion.Blazor.PdfViewer NuGet package. This component requires server-side processing to render the PDF files through web service.

For Blazor Server App, use the SfPdfViewerServer component in corresponding NuGet based on the operating system of the server you intend to host, as shown below.,

* For Windows, use Syncfusion.Blazor.PdfViewerServer.Windows

* For Linux, use Syncfusion.Blazor.PdfViewerServer.Linux

* For Mac (OSX), use Syncfusion.Blazor.PdfViewerServer.OSX


You can refer to the Blazor PDF Viewer feature tour page for its groundbreaking feature representations.