Essential Studio for Blazor Release Notes

November 15, 2022


Bug Fixes

  • #F175240 - Candle stock chart throws exception with ODataAdaptor issue has been resolved.
  • #I416301 - Axis label gets cut off when using label rotation issue has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I414842 - Reselection issue while using SelectedChipsChanged event callback with Delay in Chips component has been resolved.


Bug fixes

  • #F177913 - Issue with “The page gets very slow after binding the value change event to the component.” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I411736 - An issue in working of MovePanelAsync method in the DashboardLayout component has been resolved.


Bug fixes

#F178547 - Issue with “A console error occurred when selecting a month with 30 days or the current month, which has 31 days.” has been resolved.


Bug fixes

#I416016 - Issue with “While using two-way binding with AllowEdit set to false in mobile devices, a console error has occurred.” has been resolved.


Bug fixes

#I415987 - Now, the Added CssClass concatenation has the proper space in the Predefined Dialogs.


Bug Fixes

  • #I414794 – The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while opening the resaved RTF document.
  • #I416641 – Hanging issue has been resolved while opening a DOCX format document.
  • #I417177 – Table is now preserved properly while resaving a RTF format document.
  • #I416325 – The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while converting a RTF format document to image.
  • #I415336 – The InvalidcastException will no longer be thrown while executing mail merge in a Word document.
  • #I416738 – Contents are now preserved properly after executing mail merge in a Word document.


Bug fixes

  • #I392671 - Resolved the duplicate folder creation issue in the Navigation pane of Blazor File Manager while uploading large files.
  • #I418496, #I416361 - Resolved the Upload button icon issue with the Toolbar in the Blazor File Manager.


Bug fixes

  • #I413251 - Issue with “File uploader file list icons are not read properly with a screen reader.” has been resolved.

#I413194 - Issue with “The ValueChange event triggers multiple times when uploading multiple files.” has been resolved.



  • #F168527 - Provided event support for Detail Template while expanding and collapsing.

Events Provided

Event name Description
DetailsExpanding An Event that is raised when Detail template row is clicked to expand, you can also cancel this action by using Cancel property provided in the event args.
DetailsExpanded An Event that is raised after Detail Template row is expanded.
DetailsCollapsing An event that is raised when Detail Template row is clicked to collapse, you can also cancel this action by using Cancel property provided in the event args.
DetailsCollapsed An event that is raised after Detail Template row is collapsed.


Bug fixes

  • #I415178 - The issue with “Listbox Value property not updated properly When we multiselect the item with Itemtemplate” has been resolved.


Bug fixes

  • #I373388 - Provided the normal input textarea keyboard accessibility within the Blazor ListView component.


Bug fixes

#I410357 - Issue with “The input cursor is appended at the end of the MaskedTextBox.” has been resolved.


Bug fixes

#I396865 - Issue with “On mobile devices, the Dropdown Icon does not work properly.” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I412677 - The preservation issue will no longer occur when converting XPS to a PDF document.
  • #F176704 - The incorrect signature validation results will no longer occur while validating the signature.
  • #I415576 - The hanging issue will no longer occur when performing signature validation.
  • #I416147 - The header and footer alignments are added properly to the table of contents.
  • #I417772 - The extraction failure will no longer occur when extracting attachments from a PDF document.

Pivot Table

Bug fixes

  • #I404125 - Row headers are now displayed properly when text wrap is enabled in the pivot table.


Bug Fixes

  • #F178354 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while parsing the Picture bullet of SmartArt shape.
  • #F178354 - Placeholder shape is now preserved properly while converting a PowerPoint presentation to Image.

Rich Text Editor

Bug fixes

  • #I401171 - Now, the BeforeUploadImage event arguments do not display null values when you paste an image into the Rich Text Editor.
  • #I417787 - Now, the issue with the ‘Empty text area value of the Rich Text Editor has “<p>
    </p>” HTML string as Value Property’ has been resolved.


Bug fixes

  • #I416300 - An issue with Drag and Drop not working on previous/next page navigation has been fixed.


Bug fixes

  • #I415742 - Now, when the EnableReversePane property is set to true, resizing, collapsing, and expanding will work properly.


Bug fixes

  • #I416213 - An issue with Height of Nested tab is wrong when the icon in the main tab is set at top position has been fixed.


Bug fixes

  • #I413371 - Resolved the issue that occurs on the Tooltip Target while hovering over the overlapped elements.

Tree Grid

Bug Fixes

#I398712 - Resolved searched/filtered child records not bound properly to parent record after clearing the search/filter.
#I414003 - Resolved script error was thrown while adding a record using the web api adaptor.


Bug fixes

#I417799 - The Exception thrown in the TreeView component with cascading has been resolved.