Essential Studio for Blazor Release Notes

July 04, 2023


Bug Fixes

  • #I469447 - X-axis labels now render properly when the data is dynamically changed by date.


Bug fixes

  • #I470487 - The issue of the page scrolling to the top when the combobox popup width exceeds the device width has been resolved


Bug Fixes

  • #I473206 - The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while calling Unlink() API.
  • #I469054 - Table is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I475814 - Paragraph border is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I473173 - Table is now preserved properly while converting a DOCX format document to PDF.


Bug Fixes

  • #FB44808 - Resolved the issue where filtering the DateTime column would cause an exception when persistence is enabled.


Bug Fixes

  • #I473785 - NullReferenceException no longer occurs while drawing nested grids to the PDF document.

Pivot Table

Bug fixes

  • #I476966 - The issue with the pivot table’s field list popup not working properly while using the server-side engine in WASM is now fixed.

Rich Text Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #I471903, #F182969 - Now, pasting the content or the images into the Rich Text Editor works properly without any console errors.


Bug Fixes

  • #I474333 - An issue with start and end time offset values missed in month view when using OdataV4 adaptor has been fixed.
  • #I469999 - An issue with schedule editor window maintined in Dom when navigating the page has been fixed.
  • #I464313 - An issue with duplicate events rendered in agenda view has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I465154 - The issue of e-outline breaks when an icon is prepended to the textbox with the CSS classes e-bigger, e-small, and e-bigger e-small has been resolved.

Tree Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #I468758 - Resolved the issue on adding a new record in Batch edit mode where the row is added as new row at some other index even if we gave desired row position and index.


Bug Fixes

  • #I469052 - The marker border width and no fill style for the marker can be applied in a chart and the Excel document can be resaved properly.
  • #I473754 - Null reference exception thrown while parsing a filtered chart series is now resolved.
  • #I474444 - ReferToRange value calculation for invalid named ranges is optimized to improve the performance.
  • #I469009 - Application being hanged while parsing the vml shapes with whitespace is now resolved.