Essential Studio for Blazor Release Notes

February 15, 2024

Accumulation Chart

Bug Fix

  • #I549567, #F186461 - Datalabel is now displayed when the donut chart height is small.
  • #F186490 - Accumulation chart’s grouping separator is now functioning properly.


Bug Fixes

  • I#539008 - Crosshair and tooltip are now working properly after the chart has been zoomed and long-pressed.
  • #F186537 - Console error that occurred while zooming the stacked area chart has been fixed.
  • Console error in the chart when Invariant Globalization is enabled has been fixed.


Bug fixes

  • #I534889 - Fixed an issue where the value change event was triggered twice when using delay in the handler with AllowCustom enabled.

Dashboard Layout

Bug Fixes

  • #I549162 - The Dashboard Layout panel content not rendered when the EnablePersistence property is enabled has been resolved.

Data Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #I549532 - Resolved the issue where an empty record was rendered when performing cancel action using Remote Data.
  • #I551914 - Resolved the issue where Row Drag and drop with grouping was not working properly when using remote data.
  • #F186499 - Fixed the issue where only the last column error message was shown when using Custom Validation in the grid.
  • #F186127 - Resolved the issue where an exception was thrown when using the edit operation with the ODatav4Adaptor and expanding queries.
  • #I542461 - Fixed the issue where the ReorderRowAsync method did not work properly with Virtualization.
  • #I544548 - Resolved the issue where the header and content were misaligned while Scrolling when using the Detail template.
  • #I548567 - Fixed the issue where the Validation Error prompt width was not properly set when columns were located at the right end of the grid.

Date Range Picker

Bug Fixes

  • #F186510 - Fixed an issue where a Culture not found exception was thrown when selecting a date in the en-GH culture.


Bug Fixes

  • #F548114 - Fixed an issue where the dialog resized event not properly triggers when resizing the other dialog component in the same page.


Bug Fixes

  • #I548090 - The StackOverflowException will no longer be thrown while opening a DOCX format document.
  • #I552108 - List numbers are now preserved properly while converting a DOCX format document to PDF.

Bug fixes

  • #F186131 - Resolved the issue where an exception occurs when using Two-way binding with Dynamic DataSource.

Bug Fixes

  • #I548911 - The console error that occurs during the filtering operation in the web API adaptor Dropdown Tree sample has been resolved.

Gantt Chart

Bug fixes

  • #FB50804 - The issue where the ‘TaskbarEdited’ event args displayed null for previous data when editing the taskbar has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I552656 - The tooltip template will no longer flicker when hovering over a cell in the HeatMap.


Bug Fixes

  • #F186500 – The tooltip template for the markers will no longer disappear when TooltipDisplayMode is set to Click and hyperlinks in the template will be clickable.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #I550924- The “Search Completed” message popup now appears correctly when all search matches have been found.
  • #I516387- Resolved the issue of an extra space being visible at the bottom of the page while printing.
  • #I539561- Fixed the problem where attempting to pinch-zoom the document at a designated location resulted in improper pinch behavior.
  • #I539542- Resolved the problem in the Maui sample where adding ink annotation with zooming caused a switch from selection to pan mode when using the Apple Pencil.
  • #I544544- Smooth scrolling in the PDFViewer within the Maui Hybrid app has been restored. The issue affecting the scrolling performance has been successfully resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I549384 - Dynamic switching of the rangenavigator’s theme is now functioning correctly.

Rich Text Editor

Bug fixes

  • #I547516 - Now, when using the RichTextEditorFontSize, the Rich Text Editor is rendered properly without any script errors.

  • #I550883 - Now, the editor should work properly when using the resources property with the RichTextEditorIFrameSettings.

  • #I515735- Now, the insert link dialog opens based on the link position, preventing unwanted scrolling.


Bug Fixes

  • #I551315- An issue with the event timing is misplaced while printing has been resolved.
  • #I517931 - An issue with the grouping scheduler has frozen on the MAUI application has been resolved.

Tree Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #F50266 - Fixed an issue where dropping an item in the same place did not require a refresh.
  • #F49653 - Fixed an issue where rowdd between treegrid was still being performed even after cancelling the action in the RowDropping event.