Essential Studio for Blazor Release Notes

April 16, 2024


Bug Fixes

  • #I577387 - Resolved the issue where the page would freeze when typing in the AutoComplete.

  • #I565638 - Fixed issue where values were not updating properly in AutoComplete.


Bug Fixes

  • #F187673 - The issue of the Range Bar series height varying when scrolling the chart has been resolved.
  • #F187689 - Datalabel position is now proper for stacking column series when the position is set as ‘Outer’.
  • #I558464 - The issue of the OnSelectionChanged event triggered when removing the selection rectangle and scrolling the zoom scrollbar has been resolved.

Data Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #I575657, #FB52495 - Resolved the Index out of range exception when closing the dialog popup with a single column while using Dialog Editing.
  • #I575635, #FB52523 - Resolved the misalignment issue that occurred while moving the horizontal scrollbar when using Frozen Columns with Stacked Header.
  • #I572749, #FB52416 - Resolved the console error that occurred when opening the filter dialog after performing Filtering to the model class with a parameter-less constructor.

Date Range Picker

Bug Fixes

  • #FB52073 - The issue with StrictMode not working properly for presets in the DateRangePicker has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I577280 - MathML equation with page break is now horizontally aligned properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I572741 - Hanging issue will no longer occurs due to footnote while converting a Word document to PDF/Image.
  • #F187298 - MathML equations are now vertically aligned properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I572670 - Table row is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #F187262 - LaTeX contains N-Array with sub superscript is now preserved properly while calling AppendMath API.
  • The InvalidOperationException will no longer be thrown while opening a DOCX format document.
  • Watermark is now preserved properly while resaving a DOCX format document.

Bug Fixes

  • #I574217 - Fixed an issue where the border was not properly filled in the material and material3 themes when focusing on the component.

Linear Gauge

Bug fixes

  • #I572628 - Memory will no longer increase continuously when pointers and annotations are updated repeatedly with an infinity value.


Bug Fixes

  • #I575812 - Fixed the issue with stamp annotation is not visible after applying encryption to the PDF document.
  • #I558650 - Returning of null value of checkbox name when loading PDF document has been resolved.
  • #I567523 - The issue no longer occurs while flatten the watermark annotation.


Bug Fixes

  • #I573342 - The issue where Annotation is not in locked state when double clicking the locked Sticky note Annotation has been resolved.
  • #I573964 - The issue where “No Text Found” message is not getting displayed when searched for an unknown text for the second time in Mobile device has been resolved
  • #I573777 - Already Existing Sticky Note Annotation disappears on adding new Sticky Note Annotation with lock property enabled for the PDF Viewer document has been resolved


Bug Fixes

  • #I574872 - The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while converting a PPTX to PDF after removing hyperlink targeted slide.