Essential Studio for Blazor Release Notes

May 14, 2024


Bug Fixes

  • #F188022 - In a 100 percent stacked bar chart, when the YValue is set to 0, it is now visible in the tooltip.
  • #I585165 - The issue with the position of axis labels becoming improper after adding or removing the scroll bar when changing the zoom factor has been resolved.
  • #F187998 - The issue of an unhandled exception being thrown in the chart trendline series when the chart series’ visible property is set to false has been resolved.
  • #I583741 - The Pareto chart is now rendered in the order provided by the data source list.
  • #I568541 - The issue of range selection on iPhone performing the default iOS selection has been resolved.

Data Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #I583800 - Resolved the issue where an exception was thrown when using a sort comparer with the Lazy loading feature.
  • #I575494, #FB52698 - Resolved the issue where Filtering values were not persisted properly in three level Stacked headers.
  • #I581947, #FB53869 - Resolved the misalignment issue when exporting grouped records from a grid where IncludeHiddenColumn is set totrue in the ExcelExportProperties.
  • #I580664, #FB54517 - Fixed an exception that occurred when changing the color values in a numeric text box while using SfColor picker inside EditTemplate in the grid.
  • #I581424, #FB54235 - Resolved the exception with freeze line dragging with column Visible property as false and QueryCellInfoEvent.


Bug Fixes

  • #I582007 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while calling AcceptAll API.
  • #I581751 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while opening an RTF format document.
  • #I584046 - Table is now preserved properly while converting a DOC format document to PDF.
  • #I582713, #I586330 - The IndexOutOfRangeException will no longer thrown due to floating table while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I554691 - List number is now preserved properly while comparing two DOCX documents.
  • #IFB54520 – The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown due to paragraph break(\r\n) in Field code during Word to PDF conversion.
  • #I579838 - Table formatting’s are now preserved properly while converting a DOCX format document to PDF.
  • #I580659 - Bulleted paragraph is now positioned properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I582614 - Format revision inside inline content control is now preserved properly while comparing two DOCX documents.
  • #I582310 – The InvalidOperationException will no longer be thrown while resaving a DOCX format document.
  • #I581484HasChanges is now enabled properly for cell format revision after comparing two DOCX format documents.
  • Chart with theme color is now preserved properly while cloning the Word document.
  • Pareto chart with format axis is now preserved properly when cloning the Word document.
  • Default marker symbol of chart is now preserved properly while resaving the Word document.
  • Color mapping is now applied properly in the chart elements.

Bug Fixes

  • #I584212 - Fixed a bug causing console errors when using enumerable data with virtualization.

  • #I587136 - Fixed a bug related to implementing Data Fetching and Skeleton Display in Dropdowns with Query Property and Virtualization.

  • #I578785 - Fixed an issue where the dynamic value was not being updated in the dropdown list.


Bug Fixes

  • #I578563 - The issue with the ValueRemoved event not triggering properly has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I584794 - NullReference exception will no longer occur when manipulating existing layers in a PDF document.
  • #I585722 - NullReference exception that occurred when drawing scripted text in a PDF document.
  • #I585391 - NullReference exception no longer occurs when extracting text from a PDF.
  • #I583645 - Fixed text overlay issue during PDF to PDF/A conversion.
  • #I584025 - Fixed the extraction process that never ends in a particular PDF document.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #I578329 - The issue of Image based annotations getting faded on random clicks after adding the highlight annotation has been resolved.
  • #I579990 - The issue of Bookmark icon is in enabled state when loading the non-bookmark PDF document has been resolved.
  • #I578350, #I578354, #I583842 - The issue of exceptions occurring when adding a new annotation due to the clear mode not clearing the previously selected annotation, as well as the issue of SetAnnotationModeAsync None not clearing annotation modes for shape, stamp, sticky notes, and measure annotations, have been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • I582974 - Binary SVG images are now preserved properly while converting PowerPoint Slide to image.
  • I583660 - PowerPoint master slide will be reused properly while cloning and merging a PowerPoint slide with different picture.
  • The IPresentationChart.XPos and IPresentationChart.YPos properties will now return value properly.
  • Color mapping is now handled properly while parsing theme colors.
  • The InvalidCastException will no longer be thrown while cloning and merging the layout slide of PowerPoint presentation.
  • Chart with theme color is now preserved properly while cloning the PowerPoint presentation.
  • Pareto chart with format axis is now preserved properly when cloning the PowerPoint presentation.
  • Default marker symbol of chart is now preserved properly while resaving the PowerPoint presentation.
  • Color mapping is now applied properly in the chart elements.

Rich Text Editor

Bug fixes

  • #I579605 - Now, the editor scrolls to the cursor position after pasting content into the editor.

Stock Chart

Bug Fix

  • #I583376 - Observable collection data update is now working properly.

Tree Grid

Bug fixes

  • #F53133 - Fixed scroll jump issue when collapsing the last record in the virtualization sample.
  • #F54234 - Fixed an issue where the last row border was not appearing in the treegrid when placing a detail template.


Bug Fixes

  • #882731 - Performance delay issue is fixed while copying a large number of rows to another worksheet.
  • #882506 - Exception is no longer thrown while applying row filter to pivot table in Excel to PDF conversion.