Essential Studio® for Blazor Release Notes

October 29, 2024


Bug Fix

  • #I636949 - The chart now zooms correctly when performing selection zooming.
  • #I636948 - Resetting the chart after zooming and moving the axis scrollbars now functions correctly.
  • #I642695 - Chart striplines now update properly during live data updates.
  • #I639776, #I643859 - Live data updates are now functioning correctly across multiple charts and updating charts in multiple tabs.


  • #I628991, #I619065 - Support has been provided to improve the datetime axis algorithm for rectangle series chart types.

Bug Fixes

  • I642929 - Resolved the problem of FormItem duplication when the IsEnabled property is changed dynamically

Date Picker

Bug Fixes

  • #I645776 - The issue preventing users from pasting dates in the Masked Datepicker has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I640622 – Table is now preserved properly while converting DOCX format document to PDF.
  • #I639390 - TOC page number is now preserved properly after calling UpdateTableOfContents API.
  • #I573604 – The ** ArgumentOutOfRangeException** will no longer be thrown while calling GetText API.
  • #I641559, #I641507 - Custom group shape is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I637244 - Table cell with TextWrap disabled cell is now preserved properly while converting DOCX format document to PDF.
  • #I636231 - Optimized Syncfusion.Drawing.SkiaSharpHelper.get_FontStream() for improved performance while converting a Word document to PDF.

Bug Fixes

  • #I643453 - Fixed the issue where the e-outline CSS broke when using the Material3 theme alongside the e-bigger CSS.

Data Grid

Bug fixes

  • #I643910, #FB62388 - Fixed an issue where an Exception was thrown when Filtering a grid column with byte or unsigned property using out-of-range values.

  • #I642351, #FB62233 - Fixed an issue where Right-clicking to open Context Menu did not clear the previous row Selection when using ColumnType as CheckBox with mode set to Both in Grid.

  • #I638421, #FB62293 - Fixed an issue In Safari on Mac, when Column Virtualization is enabled, the column scroll behaves like Infinite Scrolling.


Bug fixes

  • Marker templates with varying shapes are now accurately positioned when identical coordinates are provided in the Maps.
  • Markers are rendered accurately when zooming and panning occurs before the marker animation completes.


Bug fixes

  • #I29036 - The issue where args.Value returns null in the ValueChange event arguments when TValue is set as ICollection has been resolved.

  • #I638533 - Resolved an issue where the selected item would change upon opening and closing the popup.


Bug Fixes

  • #I642476 – Resolved the Format Exception issue that occurred during text extraction.
  • #I641667 – Resolved the NullException issue while importing annotations in JSON format.
  • #I639619 – Resolved the Preservation issue that occurred when converting a PDF to PDF/A Conformance in a specific document.
  • #I641133 – Resolved the Exception that occurred while merging PDF documents.
  • #I635316 – Resolved the Incorrect bounds issue that occurred while loading rubber stamp annotations in a PDF document.
  • #I641529 – Resolved the issue where Free Text Annotations were not preserved properly after flattening.
  • #F61625 – Resolved the issue where Check Box fields changed to landscape mode while flattening form fields.
  • #I638515 – Resolved the issue where removing form fields did not work properly for a specific document.
  • #I639307 – Resolved the Format Exception issue that occurred while loading and saving a specific PDF document.

Pivot Table

Bug fixes

  • #F194665 - The issue with pivot table throws an exception when opening the drill-through dialog in the production environment has now been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • Table border color is now preserved properly while converting the cloned PowerPoint presentation to PDF.
  • Table text hyperlink color is now preserved properly while converting the cloned PowerPoint presentation to PDF
  • Table text font name and color is now preserved properly while converting the cloned PowerPoint presentation to PDF.
  • The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while converting the cloned slide as Image which contains a line break and table.

Rich Text Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #I643173 - Now, the resize functionality is working properly after switching to code view in the Rich Text Editor.

  • Now, the issue with image resizing in the IFrame editor, particularly when the editor area is small, has been resolved.

Tree Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #I642454 - Resolved an issue with the GetTotalItemsCountAsync method not returning the correct total item count after filtering rows.
  • #I645889 - The cloned element value is now shown properly for template columns while row dragging action is performed.