Add/Remove Toolbar items in Blazor Toolbar Component

8 Oct 20214 minutes to read

Toolbar items can be added or removed dynamically by iteration of Toolbar Items using conditional foreach loop.

In the following demo, initially there are five toolbar as the ToolbarItems has five items. On clicking the Add Item button, a new item is added to the ToolbarItems results in adding sixth toolbar to the Toolbar component. On clicking the Remove Item, the first item of the ToolbarItems has been removed which results in removing the first toolbar of the Toolbar component.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Buttons

<SfButton @onclick="AddItemClick" Content="Add Item"></SfButton>
<SfButton @onclick="RemoveItemClick" Content="Remove Item"></SfButton>
<br />
<br />

        @foreach (ToolbarData Item in ToolbarItems)
            <ToolbarItem PrefixIcon=@(Item.PrefixIcon) Text=@(Item.Text) TooltipText=@(Item.TooltipText)></ToolbarItem>

@code {
    public class ToolbarData
        public string PrefixIcon { get; set; }
        public string Text { get; set; }
        public string TooltipText { get; set; }
    List<ToolbarData> ToolbarItems = new List<ToolbarData>()
        new ToolbarData
        PrefixIcon = "e-icons e-cut",
        Text = "Cut",
        TooltipText = "Cut"
        new ToolbarData
        PrefixIcon = "e-icons e-copy",
        Text = "Copy",
        TooltipText = "Copy"
        new ToolbarData
        PrefixIcon = "e-icons e-paste",
        Text = "Paste",
        TooltipText = "Paste"
        new ToolbarData
        PrefixIcon = "e-icons e-bold",
        Text = "Bold",
        TooltipText = "Bold"
        new ToolbarData
        PrefixIcon = "e-icons e-underline",
        Text = "Underline",
        TooltipText = "Underline"
    void AddItemClick()
        ToolbarItems.Add(new ToolbarData
            PrefixIcon = "e-icons e-italic",
            Text = "Italic",
            TooltipText = "Italic"
    void RemoveItemClick()
        if (ToolbarItems.Count > 0)

Adding or Removing Blazor Toolbar Items