Enabling Tab key navigation in Blazor Toolbar Component

13 Jan 20234 minutes to read

The TabIndex property of a Toolbar item is used to enable tab key navigation for the item. By default, the user can switch between items using the arrow keys, but the TabIndex property allows you to switch between items using the Tab and Shift+Tab keys as well.

To use the TabIndex property, you need to set it for each Toolbar item that you want to enable tab key navigation. The [TabIndex] property should be set to a positive integer value. A value of 0 or a negative value will disable tab key navigation for the item.

For example, to enable tab key navigation for two Toolbar items, you can use the following code:

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations
<SfToolbar Width="600">
        <ToolbarItem SuffixIcon="e-icons e-cut" Text="Cut" TabIndex=1 ></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem SuffixIcon="e-icons e-copy" Text="Copy" TabIndex=2 ></ToolbarItem>

With the above code, the user can switch between the two Toolbar items using the Tab and Shift+Tab keys, in addition to using the arrow keys. The items will be navigated in the order specified by the TabIndex values.
If you set the TabIndex value to 0 for all Toolbar items, tab key navigation will be based on the element order rather than the TabIndex values. For example:

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations
<SfToolbar Width="600">
        <ToolbarItem SuffixIcon="e-icons e-cut" Text="Cut" TabIndex=0 ></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem SuffixIcon="e-icons e-copy" Text="Copy" TabIndex=0 ></ToolbarItem>
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations
<SfToolbar Width="600">
        <ToolbarItem SuffixIcon="e-icons e-cut" Text="Cut" TabIndex=0 ></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem SuffixIcon="e-icons e-copy" Text="Copy" TabIndex=0 ></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem SuffixIcon="e-icons e-paste" Text="Paste" TabIndex=0></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Type="ItemType.Separator"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem SuffixIcon="e-icons e-bold" Text="Bold" TabIndex=0 ></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem SuffixIcon="e-icons e-underline" Text="Underline" TabIndex=0 ></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem SuffixIcon="e-icons e-italic" Text="Italic" TabIndex=0 ></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem SuffixIcon="e-icons e-paint-bucket" Text="Color-Picker" TabIndex=0 ></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Type="ItemType.Separator"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem SuffixIcon="e-icons e-list-unordered" Text="Bullets" TabIndex=0 ></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem SuffixIcon="e-icons e-list-ordered" Text="Numbering" TabIndex=0 ></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Type="ItemType.Separator"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem SuffixIcon="e-icons e-sort-ascending" Text="Sort A - Z" TabIndex=0 ></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem SuffixIcon="e-icons e-sort-descending" Text="Sort Z - A" TabIndex=0 ></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Type="ItemType.Separator"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem SuffixIcon="e-icons e-upload-1" Text="Upload" TabIndex=0 ></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem SuffixIcon="e-icons e-download" Text="Download" TabIndex=0 ></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Type="ItemType.Separator"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem SuffixIcon="e-icons e-increase-indent" Text="Text Indent" TabIndex=0 ></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem SuffixIcon="e-icons e-decrease-indent" Text="Text Outdent" TabIndex=0 ></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Type="ItemType.Separator"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem SuffixIcon="e-icons e-erase" Text="Clear" TabIndex=0 ></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem SuffixIcon="e-icons e-refresh" Text="Reload" TabIndex=0 ></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem SuffixIcon="e-icons e-export" Text="Export" TabIndex=0 ></ToolbarItem>

Blazor Toolbar with TabIndex