Syncfusion® recommends using Blazor Diagram Component which provides better performance than this diagram control. Blazor Diagram Component will be actively developed in the future.

Interaction in Blazor Diagram Component

29 Nov 20246 minutes to read

The port can be dragged in the diagram area and create the connector over the port by using the port constraints.


Diagram provides the support to drag the port interactively, it can be dragged out of the node bounds.

The following code explains how to drag the port.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams
@using System.Collections.ObjectModel

<SfDiagram Height="600px" Nodes="@NodeCollection">

    public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>() { };

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        // A node is created and stored in nodes array.
        DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode()
            // Position of the node
            OffsetX = 250,
            OffsetY = 250,
            // Size of the node
            Width = 100,
            Height = 100,
            Style = new NodeShapeStyle() { Fill = "#6BA5D7", StrokeColor = "white" },
            // Initialize port collection
            Ports = new ObservableCollection<DiagramPort>()
                new DiagramPort()
                    Id = "port1",
                    Offset = new NodePortOffset() { X = 0.5, Y = 0.5 },
                    Visibility = PortVisibility.Visible,
                    //Set the style for the port
                    Style= new PortShapeStyle(){ Fill = "gray", StrokeColor = "black"},
                    // Sets the shape of the port as Circle
                    Width = 12,
                    Height = 12,
                    Shape = PortShapes.X,
                    // Enable drag operation for Port
                    Constraints = PortConstraints.Default|PortConstraints.Drag

Port Drag


Diagram provides the support to draw the connector in the port.

The following code explains how to draw the connector by using the port constraints.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagrams
@using System.Collections.ObjectModel

<SfDiagram Height="600px" Nodes="@NodeCollection">

    public ObservableCollection<DiagramNode> NodeCollection = new ObservableCollection<DiagramNode>() { };
    protected override void OnInitialized()
        // A node is created and stored in nodes array.
        DiagramNode node1 = new DiagramNode()
            // Position of the node
            OffsetX = 250,
            OffsetY = 250,
            // Size of the node
            Width = 100,
            Height = 100,
            Style = new NodeShapeStyle() { Fill = "#6BA5D7", StrokeColor = "white" },
            // Initialize port collection
            Ports = new ObservableCollection<DiagramPort>()
                new DiagramPort()
                    Id = "port1",
                    Offset = new NodePortOffset() { X = 1, Y = 0.5 },
                    Visibility = PortVisibility.Visible,
                    //Set the style for the port
                    Style = new PortShapeStyle(){ Fill = "gray", StrokeColor = "black"},
                    // Sets the shape of the port as Circle
                    Width = 12,
                    Height = 12,
                    Shape = PortShapes.Circle,
                    // Enable drag operation for Port
                    Constraints = PortConstraints.Default | PortConstraints.Draw

Port Draw

See also