Getting Started with Blazor Pager Component

30 Jan 202413 minutes to read

This section briefly explains about how to include Blazor Pager component in your Blazor Server App and Blazor WebAssembly App using Visual Studio.


Create a new Blazor App in Visual Studio

You can create a Blazor Server App or Blazor WebAssembly App using Visual Studio via Microsoft Templates or the Syncfusion Blazor Extension.

Install Syncfusion Blazor Navigations and Themes NuGet in the App

To add Blazor Pager component in the app, open the NuGet package manager in Visual Studio (Tools → NuGet Package Manager → Manage NuGet Packages for Solution), search and install Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations and Syncfusion.Blazor.Themes. Alternatively, you can utilize the following package manager command to achieve the same.

Install-Package Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations -Version 26.2.4
Install-Package Syncfusion.Blazor.Themes -Version 26.2.4


Syncfusion Blazor components are available in Refer to NuGet packages topic for available NuGet packages list with component details.

Register Syncfusion Blazor Service

Open ~/_Imports.razor file and import the Syncfusion.Blazor and Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations namespace.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations

Now, register the Syncfusion Blazor Service in the ~/Program.cs file of your Blazor Server App or Blazor WebAssembly App.

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web;
using Syncfusion.Blazor;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

// Add services to the container.

var app = builder.Build();
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Hosting;
using Syncfusion.Blazor;

var builder = WebAssemblyHostBuilder.CreateDefault(args);

builder.Services.AddScoped(sp => new HttpClient { BaseAddress = new Uri(builder.HostEnvironment.BaseAddress) });

await builder.Build().RunAsync();

Add stylesheet and script resources

The theme stylesheet and script can be accessed from NuGet through Static Web Assets. Reference the stylesheet and script in the <head> of the main page as follows:

  • For .NET 6 Blazor Server app, include it in ~/Pages/_Layout.cshtml file.

  • For .NET 7 Blazor Server app, include it in the ~/Pages/_Host.cshtml file.

  • For Blazor WebAssembly app, include it in the ~/index.html file.

    <link href="_content/Syncfusion.Blazor.Themes/bootstrap5.css" rel="stylesheet" />
    <script src="_content/Syncfusion.Blazor.Core/scripts/syncfusion-blazor.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>


Check out the Blazor Themes topic to discover various methods (Static Web Assets, CDN, and CRG) for referencing themes in your Blazor application. Also, check out the Adding Script Reference topic to learn different approaches for adding script references in your Blazor application.

Add Blazor Pager component

Here, the Pager component is integrated with the ListView component. So, the first ListView component is added in the ~/Pages/Index.razor file. Refer here to create the Syncfusion ListView component.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Lists

<SfListView DataSource="@ListData" TValue="DataModel">
        <ListViewFieldSettings TValue="DataModel" Id="Id" Text="Name"></ListViewFieldSettings>

@code {
    List<DataModel> ListData = new List<DataModel>();
    protected override void OnInitialized()
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Nancy, Berlin, France" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Andrew, Madrid, Germany" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Janet, London, Brazil" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Margaret, Marseille, Belgium" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Steven, Cholchester, Switzerland" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Laura , Tsawassen, Venezuela" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Robert, Tacoma, Austria" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Michael, Redmond, Mexico" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Albert, Kirkland, USA" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Nolan, London, Sweden" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Jennifer, Berlin, Finland" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Carter, Madrid, Italy" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Allison, Marseille, Spain" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "John, Tsawassen, UK" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Susan, Redmond, Ireland" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Lydia, Cholchester, Portugal" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Kelsey, London, Canada" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Jessica, Kirkland, Denmark" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Robert, Berlin, Austria" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Shelley, Tacoma, Poland" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Vanjack, Tsawassen, Norway" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "shelley, Cholchester, Argentina" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Lydia, Kirkland, Finland" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Jessica, Madrid, Sweden" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Nolan, London, UK" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Jennifer, Redmond, Italy" });
    public class DataModel
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Id { get; set; }

In the previous sample, the list view items are rendered. The Pager component provides an option to split this list view data set into sectioned pages and view them page by page. So, the Pager component is added in the ~/Pages/Index.razor file as follows.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations

<SfPager PageSize=5 NumericItemsCount=4 TotalItemsCount=25>

Based on the PageSize property of the pager, the list view items are bound to the current page. In the following code sample, the PageSize is defined as “5” so that the first five items from the data source of the list view will be displayed on the current page using the Skip and Take values.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Data
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Lists

<div class="col-lg-12 control-section sb-property-border">
    var listData = ListData.Skip(SkipValue).Take(TakeValue).ToList();
    <SfListView DataSource="@listData" TValue="DataModel" HeaderTitle="Contacts" ShowHeader="true">
        <ListViewFieldSettings TValue="DataModel" Id="Id" Text="Name"></ListViewFieldSettings>
    <SfPager PageSize=5 NumericItemsCount=4 TotalItemsCount=25>

@code {
    public int SkipValue;
    public int TakeValue = 5;
    List<DataModel> ListData = new List<DataModel>();
    protected override void OnInitialized()
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Nancy, Berlin, France" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Andrew, Madrid, Germany" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Janet, London, Brazil" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Margaret, Marseille, Belgium" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Steven, Cholchester, Switzerland" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Laura , Tsawassen, Venezuela" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Robert, Tacoma, Austria" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Michael, Redmond, Mexico" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Albert, Kirkland, USA" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Nolan, London, Sweden" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Jennifer, Berlin, Finland" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Carter, Madrid, Italy" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Allison, Marseille, Spain" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "John, Tsawassen, UK" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Susan, Redmond, Ireland" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Lydia, Cholchester, Portugal" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Kelsey, London, Canada" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Jessica, Kirkland, Denmark" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Robert, Berlin, Austria" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Shelley, Tacoma, Poland" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Vanjack, Tsawassen, Norway" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "shelley, Cholchester, Argentina" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Lydia, Kirkland, Finland" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Jessica, Madrid, Sweden" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Nolan, London, UK" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Jennifer, Redmond, Italy" });
    public class DataModel
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Id { get; set; }

Through the navigation of the pager items, view the items in the list view page by page. This can be achieved by using the ItemClick event of the Pager. In the ItemClick event of the Pager, the SkipValue and TakeValue are calculated using the PageSize property and arguments of the ItemClick event (CurrentPage, PreviousPage). Based on these details, view the items in the list view page by page.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Data
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Lists

<div class="col-lg-12 control-section sb-property-border">
    var listData = ListData.Skip(SkipValue).Take(TakeValue).ToList();
    <SfListView @ref="@List" DataSource="@listData" TValue="DataModel" HeaderTitle="Contacts" ShowHeader="true">
        <ListViewFieldSettings TValue="DataModel" Id="Id" Text="Name"></ListViewFieldSettings>
    <SfPager @ref="@Page" PageSize=5 NumericItemsCount=4 TotalItemsCount=25 ItemClick="Click">
@code {
    SfPager Page;
    public SfListView<DataModel> List { get; set; }
    public int SkipValue;
    public int TakeValue = 5;
    List<DataModel> ListData = new List<DataModel>();
    protected override void OnInitialized()
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Nancy, Berlin, France" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Andrew, Madrid, Germany" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Janet, London, Brazil" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Margaret, Marseille, Belgium" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Steven, Cholchester, Switzerland" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Laura , Tsawassen, Venezuela" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Robert, Tacoma, Austria" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Michael, Redmond, Mexico" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Albert, Kirkland, USA" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Nolan, London, Sweden" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Jennifer, Berlin, Finland" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Carter, Madrid, Italy" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Allison, Marseille, Spain" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "John, Tsawassen, UK" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Susan, Redmond, Ireland" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Lydia, Cholchester, Portugal" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Kelsey, London, Canada" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Jessica, Kirkland, Denmark" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Robert, Berlin, Austria" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Shelley, Tacoma, Poland" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Vanjack, Tsawassen, Norway" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "shelley, Cholchester, Argentina" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Lydia, Kirkland, Finland" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Jessica, Madrid, Sweden" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Nolan, London, UK" });
        ListData.Add(new DataModel { Name = "Jennifer, Redmond, Italy" });
    public void Click(PagerItemClickEventArgs args)
        SkipValue = (args.CurrentPage * Page.PageSize) - Page.PageSize;
        TakeValue = Page.PageSize;
    public class DataModel
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Id { get; set; }
Blazor Pager with ListView


View Sample in GitHub.