Essential Studio for Blazor Release Notes

February 21, 2023


Bug Fixes

  • #F180367 - EnableRtl is now working properly in pie chart.
  • #I433471 - Pie chart legend highlight is now proper with zero values.


Bug Fixes

  • #I433015 - Chart category axis range is now proper on data update.


Bug Fixes

  • #I434197 - HeaderDistance and FooterDistance API values are now updated properly after calling EnsureMinimal.
  • #I434575 - Nested IF field is now updated properly after calling UpdateDocumentFields method.
  • #I432482 - Font substitution is now invoked properly for the missing “Arial Narrow” font while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I436714 - Cropped picture is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.

Gantt Chart

Bug Fixes

  • #I434763 - Issue on scrolling to the last row has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I432017 - Issue with “Grid vertical scrolling not working work in virtualization, when grouping is enabled” is resolved.
  • #I433068, #F180327, #I438346 - Issue with “Column header and content is not aligned properly” is resolved.
  • #I434769 - Issue with “Records not rendering properly, when using RowHeight with virtualization” has been resolved.
  • #I434479 - Issue with “Null Reference Exception caused by a Checkbox filter on a nullable property in combination with Format during filtering” has been resolved.
  • #I436708 - “Null Reference Exception throws in custom Validation, while displaying the built-in validation message tooltip when a record is saved” has been resolved.
  • #I434715 - Exception thrown when filtering a complex column, using ODataV4Adaptor has been resolved.
  • #F180159 - Exception throws on performing row drag and drop between grid to other components” has been resolved.
  • #FB37613 - Issue with “When dynamically changing IsFrozen property, frozen and movable table doesn’t rendered properly” has been resolved. 


Bug Fixes

  • #F180395 - Alpha value will now be appropriately applied to the font color.


Bug fixes

  • #I434946 - An issue with multi dragging does not work with resource timeline view has been fixed.