Essential Studio for Blazor Release Notes

September 05, 2023


Bug Fixes

  • #I494821 - The issue with the DatetimeCategory axis and trendline exception has been resolved in the latest version when rendering the chart.
  • #I496997 - Shared tooltip marker exploding issue in mobile devices has been resolved.
  • #I496229 - The ‘Select Component’ data change has now been reflected in the Accumulation Chart.
  • #I497075 - Expanding the X-axis label in a column chart in Pivot Chart no longer causes an exception.

Circular Gauge

Bug fixes

  • #I492569 - When many axes are set in Circular Gauge, an exception will no longer be thrown if annotation is present in only one of them.

Data Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #I495100 - “Resolved the issue where Exception was thrown when filtering in AdaptiveUI mode with Menu filtering”.
  • #F184338 - Resolved the issue where using oDataV4Adaptor with persistence throws an exception after performing filtering.
  • #I492004 - Resolved the issue where manually resetting persistence caused frozen columns to not align properly, after performing resize and filtering actions.


Bug Fixes

  • #I494137 - List number is now preserved properly while converting a DOCX format document to HTML.
  • #I495363 - Section column width is now preserved properly while converting a DOCX format document to PDF.

Bug Fixes

  • #I484939 - Fixed an issue where the databound event was firing multiple times for a datasource provided in the onInitialized lifecycle method.


Bug fixes

  • #I495168 - When the HeatMap component is placed inside the Dashboard Layout panel and resized, it is now responsive.
  • #I497916 - Exceptions will no longer be thrown when an empty data source is assigned to the HeatMap.


Bug fixes

  • #I495168 - When the HeatMap component is placed inside the Dashboard Layout panel and resized, it is now responsive.
  • #I497916 - Exceptions will no longer be thrown when an empty data source is assigned to the HeatMap.

Linear Gauge

Bug fixes

  • #I488855 - Existing pointers are not removed from the Linear Gauge when the pointer is added dynamically by clearing the existing pointer.


Bug fixes

  • #I487839 - When various colors are applied to a single color-mapping object of a sublayer shape map, the legend shape is now properly drawn.
  • #I494247 - When using online maps and resizing the browser, the Maps component is now responsive.

Pivot Table

Bug fixes

  • #I498002 - An exception occurs during filtering when there are no fields in the pivot table’s column axis has now been fixed.

Rich Text Editor

Bug fixes

  • #I491918 - Now, the URL links pasted in the Rich Text Editor will open in the new browser tab properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #F183846 - The issue that caused the edit form submit event to be triggered when saving events to the scheduler through the quick popup has been fixed.
  • #F184191 - An issue with event quick info popup not closed on work cell click, when Readonly property is set to true has been fixed.

Time Picker

Bug Fixes

  • #I489129 - Fixed an issue where the cursor would not maintain its position at the end when pressing the end key in the timepicker popup.


Bug fixes

  • #I495178 - The height alignment issue while enable the AllowTextWrap property in the TreeView has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I492252 - Object disposed exception thrown while resaving the Excel document with pivot table and conditional formatting is now resolved.
  • #I485011 - Text is copied properly when the source and destination ranges are same in CopyTo method.
  • #I490015 - Space between the cells with no borders and gridlines is now rendered properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #I492448 - Chart legend text area color is now rendered properly in Excel to PDF conversion when default style applied in the text block.