Essential Studio for Blazor Release Notes

March 05, 2024


Bug Fixes

  • #I554899 - Closing the dashboard panel that contains the rendered chart no longer causes console errors.
  • #I558464 - Selection rectangle is now removed after zooming or drilldown.

Data Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #I556864 - Resolved the issue where white space occurred, while switching the visibility of the columns using the Column Chooser with Frozen Columns.
  • #I554224 - Resolved the issue where focus was not maintained properly, when using the Enter key from a Grid Header.
  • #I552081 - Resolved the issue where the filter popup did not close properly on external click on scrollbar in grid.
  • #F50717 - Fixed the issue where the clear icon is not showing when focusing on the filter bar after filtering programmatically.
  • #F50947 - Fixed the issue where DateOnly column type was not working properly, when filtering with the ODatav4 Adaptor.
  • #I555843, #F51121 - Resolved the accessibility issue occurring due to aria-describedby label in the data grid.
  • #F51298 - Resolved the null exception thrown while rendering the grid, without the Height property.


Bug Fixes

  • #I558389 – DocIO resaved DOCX document containing SmartArt is now opened properly in Open XML SDK.
  • #I555449 - RTL direction parentheses are now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I555187 - The ArgumentException will no longer be thrown while saving a document after calling ImportContent API.
  • #I555998 - The NullReferenceException will no longer thrown while calling UpdateWordCount API.
  • #I556175 - Memory usage is now optimized properly for repeated conversions of Word documents to PDFs with embedded fonts.
  • #I554697 - Revisions are now preserved properly while opening a DOCX format document.
  • #I552394 – The ** NullReferenceException** will no longer thrown while converting a Word document to PDF with track changes.
  • #I554133 - Comments are now preserved properly after executing mail merge.
  • #I555762 - Comments text body is now preserved properly while converting a RTF format document to DOCX.
  • #I552274 - Table is now positioned properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I555167 - Chart axis title is now preserved properly while converting Word document to image.
  • #I555167 - Dotted lines are now preserved properly while converting Word document to pdf.
  • #I555167 - Chart legend items between space is now preserved properly while converting Word document to PDF.

Bug fixes

  • #F186597 - Fixed issue with bind value returning incorrect data when changing dropdown value with confirmation dialog.

Gantt Chart

Bug Fixes

  • #I560983 - The issue on german localization content has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I555542, #F186703 – The map size will now be proper when the Maps component with legend is placed within the dashboard layout panel.


Bug fixes

  • #I557085 - Fixed an issue where the group header was not rendering properly after selecting a value and scrolling the popup.

Pivot Table

Bug fixes

  • #I560386 - An exception occurs when applying filtering when the pivot table renders with calculated field has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I556500 - Hyperlink URL will now be added properly when the URL contains “@” symbol.
  • #I558243 - PowerPoint Presentation will no longer be corrupted when clone and merge the PowerPoint Presentation with 2003 excel.
  • #I555167 - Chart axis title is now preserved properly while converting PowerPoint presentation to image.
  • #I555167 - Dotted lines are now preserved properly while converting PowerPoint presentation to pdf.
  • #I555167 - Chart legend items between space is now preserved properly while converting PowerPoint presentation to PDF.

Rich Text Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #I873087 - The issue with tables losing their formatting when pasted into Rich Text Editor has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I553877 - An issue related to the cell height not being adjusted based on the MaxEventsPerRow has been resolved.

Tree Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #F51022 - Fixed delay in rendering while scrolling and Expand/Collapse with multiple levels of records.