Essential Studio for Blazor Release Notes

September 18, 2024



  • Added the following new components in preview mode to Blazor:
  • Fluent 2 High contrast theme support added for Syncfusion Blazor components, providing a modern and visually appealing user interface.

  • The Bootstrap 5 theme used in all Syncfusion Blazor Components has been upgraded to Bootstrap 5.3, bringing enhanced styling and features

  • Provided lightweight theme files (e.g., fluent2-lite.css) to optimize performance by excluding bigger size styles.

Smart Paste Button Preview

The Blazor Smart Paste Button is used to auto fill the form from the user’s clipboard. This Component enhances user experience by simplifying data entry and minimizing manual input for forms.

Explore the demo here

Key features

  • Clipboard Integration: Seamlessly pulls data from the clipboard, reducing the need for manual typing.
  • Auto-Fill Capability: Automatically populates multiple form fields in one click, saving time and effort.
  • Smart Data Parsing: Intelligently recognizes and formats clipboard data to match the form’s required fields.

Smart Textarea Preview

The Blazor Smart Textarea is an advanced component designed to elevate the text input experience by providing intelligent autocomplete suggestions for entire sentences. This innovative feature enhances user productivity by predicting and offering relevant completions based on the context of what is being typed.

Explore the demo here

Key features

  • Intelligent Autocomplete: Automatically suggests whole sentence completions based on user input and predefined configurations.
  • Context-Aware Predictions: Enhances typing efficiency by predicting the most relevant text completions in real-time.
  • Seamless Integration: Easily integrates into existing Blazor applications, providing a smooth and intuitive user experience.
  • Customizable Configuration: Allows for tailored suggestions, adapting to specific application needs and user behaviors.

AI AssistView Preview

The Blazor AI AssistView is a versatile and modern UI tool designed to seamlessly integrate AI services into your web applications. It enables users to send prompts, execute commands through a feature-rich toolbar, and effortlessly display AI-generated responses in a user-friendly interface.

Explore the demo here

Key features

  • Built-in toolbars: Predefined toolbar items like copy, edit, and like/dislike for easy interaction with prompts and responses.
  • Prompt suggestions: Supports initial or on-demand prompt suggestions with a customizable header.
  • Header toolbar: Allows adding toolbar items in the header with options for executing custom commands.
  • Custom views: Extensive customization options for creating personalized views in addition to the built-in assist view.
  • Customization: Allows customizing the default appearance, including prompts, responses, and more, to suit your needs.



  • Support is provided to highlight a series when it becomes visible by clicking on its respective legend, provided the EnableHighlight legend property is enabled.
  • The chart now supports animation for stacked series when toggling their visibility by clicking on the legend.
  • Now, the marker is animated along with its respective series when enabling animation and marker for the series in the chart.

Bug Fixes

  • #I627310 - The pivot chart is now rendered properly when updating the series dynamically.
  • #I629814 - The chart series and its respective legend are now properly selected and deselected when performing selection using the legend.
  • #I628991 - In the chart, the yearly varied data is now properly displayed with both year and month in the axis labels.



  • An option has been added to display recent colors in the palette view of the color picker, enabling users to quickly access and select their most recently used colors. This feature can be enabled using the ShowRecentColors property, which renders recent colors as tiles at the bottom of the color palette.

Bug Fixes

  • F194213 - Fixed the issue where the “Refresh” and “Submit” actions were not functioning in the data form.

Date Picker


Multiple Date Input Formats

  • The DatePicker allows users to input date values in various valid formats, enhancing the user experience by offering flexibility in specifying date formats for parsing. A new API called InputFormats has been introduced to handle custom date input formats, allowing users to specify the expected format(s) for parsing date values. For example, InputFormats='new string[] { "dd/MM/yyyy", "MM/dd/yyyy", "yyyy-MM-dd" }'. Please find the demo link here.

Bug Fixes

  • #FB60808 - The issue preventing users from manually removing special dates has been resolved.

  • #F194139 - The issue causing an exception during the rendering of the DatePicker with the Mask property enabled has been resolved.

Date Range Picker


Multiple Date Input Formats

  • The DateRangePicker allows users to input date values in various valid formats, enhancing the user experience by offering flexibility in specifying date formats for parsing. A new API called InputFormats has been introduced to handle custom date input formats, allowing users to specify the expected format(s) for parsing date values. For example, InputFormats='new string[] { "dd/MM/yyyy", "MM/dd/yyyy", "yyyy-MM-dd" }'. Please find the demo link here.

Date Time Picker


Time Restriction

  • The DateTimePicker used provides options to define the range of selectable times through the MinTime and MaxTime properties. These properties ensure that users can only select times within the specified range, while times outside this range are restricted. Please find the demo link here.

Multiple Date and Time Input Formats

  • The DateTimePicker allows users to input date and time values in various valid formats, enhancing the user experience by offering flexibility in specifying date and time formats for parsing. A new API called InputFormats has been introduced to handle custom date and time input formats, allowing users to specify the expected format(s) for parsing date and time values. For example, InputFormats='new string[] { "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm", "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm", "yyyy-MM-dd hh mm tt" }'. Please find the demo link here.



  • Flowchart layout support has been provided to visually represent processes, workflows, systems, or algorithms. This feature automatically creates flowcharts by arranging diagram elements in a clear, logical, and visually appealing manner. It leverages an advanced layout algorithm to automatically position nodes and connectors, whether they are sourced from the Nodes, Connectors, or business objects defined in the DataSource. To enable this feature, set the Flowchart enum value in the Type and FlowchartLayoutSettings properties of the Layout. Explore the demo here.

  • Support for importing and exporting mind map and flowchart diagrams using Mermaid syntax has been provided. Mermaid syntax is a Markdown-inspired language that automatically generates diagrams. This feature allows you to create mind map and flowchart diagrams directly from Mermaid syntax data, simplifying the visualization of complex ideas and processes without manual drawing. Additionally, you can export your mind map and flowchart diagrams back to Mermaid syntax, enabling easy sharing, editing, and use across various platforms. You can use the following methods of the SfDiagramComponent:

  • #I318806 - CRUD action support has been provided, allowing you to perform operations like adding, editing, or deleting data in the DataSource at runtime. You can use the following methods of the SfDiagramComponent:

  • Support has been provided to show or hide tooltips when the mouse hovers over any fixed user handle, port, or user handle. You can enable tooltip support for these elements using the following properties:

  • Support has been added for specifying the connection direction for ports. The ConnectionDirection property of a Port allows users to specify the direction in which a connector should establish a connection. This can be either to the port (incoming) or from the port (outgoing). Explore the demo here.

  • Scroll padding support has been provided to extend the spacing between diagram elements and the edges of the viewport. The ScrollPadding property of ScrollSettings allows users to specify the desired spacing.Explore the demo here.

  • Provided style customization support for Snap line. The SnapLineStyle property of SnapSettings allows users can adjust the appearance of these snapping lines to enhance visibility or match specific aesthetic preferences. Explore the demo here.

  • IsSticky tooltip support has been provided for diagram elements, ensuring that tooltips remain visible while hovering over nodes, connectors, swimlanes, ports, user handles, and fixed user handles. This enhancement allows tooltips to consistently display relevant information. Explore the demo here.

  • Support has been provided to change the segment thumb shape with style customization for the orthogonal and bezier thumbs of the connector. To enable this feature, set the Shape enum value in the SegmentThumbSettings property for both the SfDiagramComponent and Connector classes. Additionally, set the connector constraints to DragSegmentThumb to enable segment thumbs. Explore the demo here.

Bug fixes

  • #F188586 - The gradient color of the node now changes correctly at runtime.
  • #FB60442 - The position of the node group and its sub-nodes is now rendered correctly when rotating the node group.

Breaking Changes

The following SfDiagramComponent methods was marked as obsolete from 2024 Volume 3 release.

SfDiagramComponent Comments
EndUpdate This method is deprecated, use EndUpdateAsync method instead.
AddDiagramElements This method is deprecated, use AddDiagramElementsAsync method instead.
DoLayout This method is deprecated, use DoLayoutAsync method instead.
ShowTooltip This method is deprecated, use ShowTooltipAsync method instead.
HideTooltip This method is deprecated, use HideTooltipAsync method instead.
RefreshDataSource This method is deprecated, use RefreshDataSourceAsync method instead.
LoadDiagram This method is deprecated, use LoadDiagramAsync method instead.
AddChild This method is deprecated, use AddChildAsync method instead.



  • #I542378 - WordArt effects such as shadows, reflections, glows, bevels, 3D rotations, and transformations are now properly preserved in DOCX format documents.
  • Enhanced HTML to Word conversion to handle HTML files that do not meet XML standards.
  • Added the new Metafile renderer specific for .NET cross platforms that renders the metafile images as raster image (PNG). Using this library the metafile images present in the Word documents are now preserved in the converted PDF and images. This converter now supports only EMF formats.

Document Editor


  • #I420700, #I425501, #I476988, #I508922, #I542244, #I556252, #I600435 - Added shapes support feature which allows you to preserve shapes in Word documents when opening and saving them in the Word Processor. Please refer to the documentation and demo for more details.

Bug Fixes

  • #I620849 - Resolved the paragraph contextual spacing issue when copy pasting RTF content.
  • #I622060 - Resolved the issue when saving the document in docx format and reopening in Microsoft Word.
  • #I620502 - Resolved the unable to preview attached word document and page becomes unresponsive issue.

Bug Fixes

  • #I60534 - Resolved the issue where the OnClose and Closed events were incorrectly triggered after the popup opening was prevented in the OnOpen event.

File Manager


  • The Pagination feature is implemented in File Manager to load files and folders as pages. This enhances the user experience while loading large number of files and folders.This feature can be enabled by setting AllowPaging to true.
  • The Backspace key navigation support is provided for File Manager to navigate to the previous path in File Manager. To navigate to the previous path programmatically, you can use the TraverseBackward method.
  • The File Manager supports for selecting files and folders in specific ranges through mouse drag as like File Explorer. This can be enabled through EnableRangeSelection property.
  • #FB22674- SharePoint file service has been implemented to connect as back-end with Blazor File Manager.
  • #I597754 - Provided a new property UploadMode to determine whether the upload can be performed through form submit method or using HTTP client instance.By setting this property to UploadMode.HttpClient, you can handle the upload operation using the HTTP client instance, which allows you to authorize the upload response.

Gantt Chart

Bug fixes

  • #I626496 - Fixed a bug where data annotations were not functioning in the Gantt chart add/edit dialog’s segment tab when no segment records were present.

  • #I627818 - The issue with the resource assignment data source not updating correctly when a resource is removed has been fixed. Additionally, the problem where task resources were removed when updating the task’s start date using the UpdateRecordById method has also been resolved.

  • #FB58581 - The issue where records would jump during vertical scrolling in row virtualization mode in the Gantt chart has been resolved.


  • Added support for exporting the Gantt Chart data to PDF files, enabling users to generate printable reports or share data in a standardized format. For a demonstration of this feature, please refer to the demo here.

  • The Gantt Chart now supports localized text for Dependency types (FS, FF, SF, SS), enhancing readability and providing greater localization flexibility.

  • The Zooming feature in the timeline has been enhanced to include touch support and mouse wheel interaction. Users can now perform zoom-in and zoom-out actions by pinching in/out on the chart pane or using the mouse wheel in combination with the ‘Ctrl’ key. Explore the demo here.

Breaking changes

  • The behavior of the LoadChildOnDemand property in the Gantt Chart has been modified. Previously, when this property was set to true, both parent and child records were loaded simultaneously. Now, when set to true, parent records will initially be rendered in a collapsed state, with child records being loaded only when the parent row is expanded. Additionally, the default value of LoadChildOnDemand has been changed from false to true.

  • The localization text for the default en-US culture has been changed from Days to days.Refer to the DurationUnit documentation.

  • Revamped the OverScanCount feature behavior to address issues related to incorrect row rendering during virtual scrolling and flickering when the scrollbar size changes. The changes address how the number of elements rendered in the DOM is calculated.

Example ScrollBar Position Previous Behavior Current Behavior
PageSize: 80, OverscanCount: 20, Total Records: 1000, Top (Initial Rendering) During initial rendering, with the scrollbar at the top of the Gantt chart, the number of DOM elements was calculated as PageSize + OverscanCount. During initial rendering, with the scrollbar at the top of the Gantt chart, the number of DOM elements is now calculated as PageSize + (OverscanCount * 2), since no elements are added at the top and additional elements are added at the bottom.
  Center of the Gantt chart While scrolling to the middle of the Gantt chart, the number of DOM elements was calculated as OverscanCount + PageSize + OverscanCount. While scrolling to the middle of the Gantt chart, the number of DOM elements is now calculated as OverscanCount + PageSize + OverscanCount.
  Bottom of the Gantt chart While scrolling to the bottom of the Gantt chart, the number of DOM elements was calculated as OverscanCount + PageSize. While scrolling to the bottom of the Gantt chart, the number of DOM elements is now calculated as (OverscanCount * 2) + PageSize, since no elements are added at the bottom and additional elements are added at the top.

Data Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #I616277, #FB60038 - Introduced the new UpdatePageSizeAsync method to dynamically handle PageSize changes in the Grid.

  • #I625241, #FB60687 - Resolved an unhandled exception that occurred when tabbing after entering the first record in a grid with only one column.

  • #F193904, #FB60471 - Addressed the issue where Filtering and Sorting icons were not displaying in Vertical Row Mode when using a Custom Toolbar.

  • #I631254, #FB61179 - Resolved the issue where all checkboxes were checked after removing a filter value.

Breaking Changes

  • #I582683, #FB59023 - Revamped the OverScanCount feature behavior to address issues related to incorrect row rendering during virtual scrolling and flickering when the scrollbar size changes. The changes address how the number of elements rendered in the DOM is calculated.
Example ScrollBar Position Previous Behavior Current Behavior
PageSize: 80, OverscanCount: 20, Total Records: 1000, Top (Initial Rendering) During initial rendering, with the scrollbar at the top of the grid, the number of DOM elements was calculated as PageSize + OverscanCount. During initial rendering, with the scrollbar at the top of the grid, the number of DOM elements is now calculated as PageSize + (OverscanCount * 2), since no elements are added at the top and additional elements are added at the bottom.
  Center of the grid While scrolling to the middle of the grid, the number of DOM elements was calculated as OverscanCount + PageSize + OverscanCount. While scrolling to the middle of the grid, the number of DOM elements is now calculated as OverscanCount + PageSize + OverscanCount.
  Bottom of the Grid While scrolling to the bottom of the grid, the number of DOM elements was calculated as OverscanCount + PageSize. While scrolling to the bottom of the grid, the number of DOM elements is now calculated as (OverscanCount * 2) + PageSize, since no elements are added at the bottom and additional elements are added at the top.

Image Editor


  • Redact support - The Redact support in the Image Editor allows users to effortlessly conceal sensitive information by applying blur or pixel effect to specific areas of an image. Ideal for maintaining privacy in photos. This feature is particularly valuable for protecting privacy and complying with data protection regulations, making it easier to securely share images without compromising sensitive information. This option is enabled by default in the Image Editor. Users can programmatically draw redactions using the public method [DrawRedactAsync], delete them with [DeleteRedactAsync], and select redactions using [SelectRedactAsync].

Explore the demo here.

  • Text annotation enhancement - The enhanced Text Annotation feature in the Image Editor allows users to customize their annotations with fill color, outline color, and outline width. Ideal for making text stand out and improving readability, this tool ensures that your annotations are both clear and visually appealing for any image. Users can programmatically draw text with these enhancements by using the existing public method DrawTextAsync and specifying these values as parameters.

Explore the demo here.

  • Rectangle annotation enhancement - The enhanced Rectangle Annotation feature in the Image Editor now includes support for adjusting the border radius, allowing users to create annotations with rounded or sharp corners. This enhancement provides greater flexibility in customizing the look of your annotations, adding a touch of style and refinement to your visual content. Users can programmatically draw rectangle with this enhancement by using the existing public method DrawRectangleAsync and specifying this values as parameter.

Explore the demo here.

InPlace Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #I621992 - Fixed a console error that occurred when selecting a date inside the In-place Editor with TValue set to DateOnly in the localization sample.



  • Asynchronous Data Update: Introduced the UpdateViewDataAsync(IEnumerable<TValue> data) method, allowing for asynchronous updates to the Kanban board with the provided data. This feature ensures that the board’s layout is refreshed dynamically, reflecting the latest data without requiring a full page reload. Ideal for scenarios with real-time data changes or user-driven updates.

Linear Gauge

Bug fixes

  • #I626081 - Exceptions will no longer occur when multiple pointers are declared in the axis with the same Minimum and Maximum values.
  • #I617594 - Script errors will no longer occur during the initial rendering of the Linear Gauge in the Blazor WASM application.


Bug fixes

  • When a cluster is expanded, marker templates are now properly spaced in the Maps.

Breaking changes

  • The Offset property in the MapsMarkerClusterSettings is now deprecated and will no longer be supported.



  • The Mention provides options for individual items to be in either an enabled or disabled state for specific scenarios. Once an item is disabled, it cannot be selected as a value for the component. This is particularly useful for disabling options such as out-of-stock products or inactive account types. To configure the disabled item columns, use the ‘MentionFieldSettings.Disabled’ property. Please find the demo link here.

MultiColumn Combobox Preview

The MultiColumn ComboBox component is a versatile input control that enables users to select a single value from a list of items displayed in multiple columns. This component comes equipped with a rich array of features including data binding, grouping, templates, filtering, sorting, and more.For additional information, please view the demo here

Key features

  • Data Binding: The MultiColumn ComboBox can be seamlessly bound to a local or server-side data source, facilitating easy access to complex data structures.View Demo

  • Multiple Columns: Users can view data in multiple columns, which provides a structured and organized interface for easier selection and an enhanced user experience.

  • Grouping: Items can be organized into logical groups, improving user experience and making it simpler to locate items within the dropdown.View Demo

  • Filtering: Users can quickly filter items in the MultiColumn ComboBox by typing in the search box. This feature is compatible with both local and remote data sources, offering flexibility for various use cases.View Demo

  • Paging: Navigate through a large set of data using paging, which divides data into pages for more efficient loading and display. View Demo

  • Sorting: The items in the MultiColumn ComboBox can be displayed in ascending or descending order, enhancing data readability and overall user experience.View Demo

  • Templates: Users can customize the appearance of the MultiColumn ComboBox using templates for column headers, content, no records message and more.View Demo

  • Virtualization: The component efficiently manages large datasets through virtualization, which loads data on-demand to improve performance and reduce load times.View Demo

OTP Input


  • A new AutoFocus property has been introduced to manage the auto-focus functionality of the OTP Input.

    <SfOtpInput AutoFocus="true"></SfOtpInput>
  • Introduced the new TextTransform property, an enum type, allows you to control the casing of the OTP Input values, including options for upper case, lower case, or none.

    <SfOtpInput TextTransform="TextTransform.Uppercase"></SfOtpInput>
  • The Index property has been added to the OnFocus, OnBlur, and OnInput event arguments, providing the current index of the OTP Input field for more precise event handling.

    <SfOtpInput OnBlur="@OnBlured" OnFocus="OnFocused" OnInput="@OnInput"></SfOtpInput>
        private void OnBlured(OtpFocusOutEventArgs args)
            // Get the index of the current Otp input
            var inputIndex = args.Index;
        private void OnFocused(OtpFocusInEventArgs args)
            // Get the index of the current Otp input
            var inputIndex = args.Index;
        private void OnInput(OtpInputEventArgs args)
            // Get the index of the current Otp input
            var inputIndex = args.Index;



  • #I580902 – Added support for applying a cloud border style to circle and ellipse annotations in PDF.
  • #FB47463 – Added support for rendering Arabic Extended (A, B, and C) and Presentation Forms (A, B) blocks in PDF documents.

Bug Fixes

  • #I623635 – Fixed the issue where the text color changed during the conversion of PDF files to PDFA-3B.
  • #I627078 – Fixed the issue where a preservation error occurs during the conversion of PDF to PDF/A for specific documents.
  • #F189049 – Fixed the issue where IsDocumentModified returns an incorrect result after validating the existing PDF signature.
  • #I627792 – An exception no longer occurs when retrieving the free text annotation in an existing PDF document.

Breaking Changes

  • #I611735 – Caret Annotations (subtype /caret) are now marked as unsupported and will no longer be retained in the annotation collection of a PDF document. Previously, these annotations were incorrectly treated as PdfTextMarkupAnnotation, despite not being fully supported.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #I607858- Now loading a new document works even when the search box from a previous document is still open.
  • #I612312- Text in the text area field is now properly saved in the downloaded document without unnecessary newline characters.
  • #I617459- Fixed an issue where page width and height were set to 0 in Azure and dimensions now correctly display as expected.
  • #I611476- Fixed issue where the Zoom drop-down field incorrectly triggered password recommendations.
  • #I619512- Annotations can no longer be added via right-click in the PDF Viewer, preventing unintended interactions.
  • #I620724- FreeText annotation position is now correctly updated in specific PDFs when added programmatically.
  • #I621669- Resolved issue where certain documents failed to load in the Blazor PDF Viewer.
  • #I613460- Improved the performance of deleting multiple annotations using the DeleteAnnotationsAsync method in Blazor WASM, reducing the time taken for deletion.

Pivot Table


  • The conditional formatting UI now includes an option that allows the user to apply conditional formatting to the grand total values dynamically. Check out the demo here.

Bug fixes

  • #I624743 - The issue with formatting not being applied to the tooltip and Legend in the pivot chart has been fixed.
  • #I623706 - The issue with Arabic culture text not appearing in exported PDF document when using virtualization has been fixed.
  • #I627406 - The translation of “more items.” “Search to refine further” is now properly translated for Italian culture in the filter dialog.
  • #I627147 - DateTime formatting for date field members now applies correctly across cultures in the filter dialog UI.
  • #I627798 - Pivot Table bound with a single value field are now properly exported to PDF file format.
  • #I609271, #I583743 - The Pivot Table performance in the WASM application has been improved for UI operations.



  • Added the new Metafile renderer specific for .NET cross platforms that renders the metafile images as raster image (PNG). Using this library the metafile images present in the PowerPoint documents are now preserved in the converted PDF and images. This converter now supports only EMF formats.

Bug Fixes

  • The PowerPoint presentation will no longer be corrupted while cloning and merging the slide with Equation type OLE object.
  • The PowerPoint presentation will no longer be corrupted while cloning and merging the master slide that contains an OLEObject with a VML drawing shape.

Range Selector

Bug Fix

  • #I628658 - The Range Navigator tooltip is now properly rendered when handling the TooltipRender event with the tooltip display mode set to Always.

Rich Text Editor


  • Added support for including meta tags in the iframe’s head by configuring the RichTextEditorIFrameSettings.MetaTags property. This feature allows customization of the meta tags to help mitigate XSS attacks.

  • Introduced a new Sandbox property in RichTextEditorIFrameSettings that controls the restrictions applied to the content embedded in the iframe. This provides enhanced security by allowing you to specify sandbox options.

  • Import Export: This feature enables users to export the Rich Text Editor’s content into PDF or Word documents, as well as import Word content directly into the Rich Text Editor.

  • Preselect feature now available for Format, Font Name, Font Size, Numbered/Bulleted Lists, and Alignments, enhancing the ability to easily identify the format and style applied to selected elements in the Rich Text Editor.

  • #584991 - Added support for Remove URL in RichTextEditorImageSettings property. This helps to configure the URL to remove the image when the uploaded image is removed or the insert dialog is canceled.

Bug Fixes

  • #I626078 - Now the shortcut to apply strike through format will work properly.

  • #I584991 - Now the ImageDelete event will be triggered properly when the image with text content is removed.

  • #I621958 - Now, when pressing the Backspace key on indented text, the indentation is decreased by one level in the Rich Text Editor.

  • #I627640 - Now, when the editor content is focused out of the Rich Text Editor with Markdown editor mode, sanitizing the content works properly.



  • Provided new keyboard shortcuts to open the editor window and navigate to today’s date.
Keys Description
Shift + Alt + N To open a new editor window.
Shift + Alt + Y To navigate today date.

Bug Fixes

  • #I627264 - An issue with sidebar component API sample while enabling closeOnDocumentClick has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I621489 - Resolved the accessibility issue with hidden elements focus in the Slider component.

Time Picker


Multiple Time Input Formats

  • The TimePicker allows users to input time values in various valid formats, enhancing the user experience by offering flexibility in specifying time formats for parsing. A new API called InputFormats has been introduced to handle custom time input formats, allowing users to specify the expected format(s) for parsing time values. For example, InputFormats='new string[] { "hh:mm", "hh mm" }'. Please find the demo link here.

Tree Grid

Bug fixes

  • #I626604 - Resolved an exception and reordering issue when adding and saving records after deleting all records on initial render.

  • #I610460 - Resolved an issue where the content appeared Grey out after collapsing and then expanding a single root parent record with virtualization enabled.

  • #I632136 - Resolved an exception that occurred when using the toolbar with a custom adaptor in the Tree Grid.


  • #I590407 - Improved the vertical scroll bar behavior to retain its position at the point when a new record is added, ensuring a smoother and more consistent user experience during data entry and record management.

  • #I593616 - Implemented a new method GetTotalItemsCountAsync to get the total number of records rendered in the Tree Grid based on the PageSizeMode.

Breaking changes

  • The behavior of the LoadChildOnDemand property in the Tree Grid has been modified. Previously, when this property was set to true, both parent and child records were loaded simultaneously. Now, when set to true, parent records will initially be rendered in a collapsed state, with child records being loaded only when the parent row is expanded. Additionally, the default value of LoadChildOnDemand has been changed from false to true.
  • Revamped the OverScanCount feature behavior to address issues related to incorrect row rendering during virtual scrolling and flickering when the scrollbar size changes. The changes address how the number of elements rendered in the DOM is calculated.
Example ScrollBar Position Previous Behavior Current Behavior
PageSize: 80, OverscanCount: 20, Total Records: 1000, Top (Initial Rendering) During initial rendering, with the scrollbar at the top of the grid, the number of DOM elements was calculated as PageSize + OverscanCount. During initial rendering, with the scrollbar at the top of the tree grid, the number of DOM elements is now calculated as PageSize + (OverscanCount * 2), since no elements are added at the top and additional elements are added at the bottom.
  Center of the tree grid While scrolling to the middle of the tree grid, the number of DOM elements was calculated as OverscanCount + PageSize + OverscanCount. While scrolling to the middle of the tree grid, the number of DOM elements is now calculated as OverscanCount + PageSize + OverscanCount.
  Bottom of the tree grid While scrolling to the bottom of the tree grid, the number of DOM elements was calculated as OverscanCount + PageSize. While scrolling to the bottom of the tree grid, the number of DOM elements is now calculated as (OverscanCount * 2) + PageSize, since no elements are added at the bottom and additional elements are added at the top.


Bug Fixes

  • #I626316 - Provided an option to prevent navigation action in TreeView component. To prevent navigation action set Cancel as true in TreeView component NodeSelecting or NodeSelected event.


Bug Fixes

  • #I623935 - Fixed an issue where CurrentRequest and CustomFormData were not sent properly when set inside the OnChunkUploadStart and OnUploadStart events.

  • #I626974 - Fixed an issue where the Blazor File Uploader’s ValueChange event was triggered for files that had already been uploaded.



  • #I538363 - Provided support for tagged PDF in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #I509277 - Provided support for creating a zip file with different passwords for each item.
  • #I607192 - Provided support for adding XML maps to the Excel document.
  • Provided support for importing XML data into Excel worksheet.
  • Added the new Metafile renderer specific for .NET cross platforms that renders the metafile images as raster image (PNG). Using this library the metafile images present in the Excel documents are now preserved in the converted PDF and images. This converter now supports only EMF formats.

Bug Fixes

  • #I617604 - The exception is no longer thrown when loading an Excel document with large decimal values.
  • #I560994 - Performance has been improved when converting Excel documents to PDF with large cell ranges.
  • #I621798 - A Lambda function that contains a named range is now preserved properly when resaving the Excel document.