Essential Studio® for Blazor Release Notes
February 07, 2023
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where an exception was thrown and selected dates were not removed when attempting to remove dates using theRemoveDatesAsync
Bug Fixes
- The SubTitle property is now accepted by the HTML string value
Bug Fixes
- Console error thrown in pivot chart has been resolved. -
- Unable to customize chart properties using OnLegendItemRender event has been resolved. -
- Chart secondary axis is now hidden when visibility is false. -
- Console error on dynamic update of chart legend color has been resolved. -
- Stacked column is now proper with secondary log axis for line series.
Bug fixes
- The issue with the “Min
date property not working when changing it dynamically “ has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Now, the Esc key keeps the button focused while closing the dialog.
Bug Fixes
– The header and footer are now preserved properly after callingUpdateAlternateChunks
API. -
– The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while converting a Word document to PDF. -
- Hanging issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF. -
- Table border is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF. -
- Table is now preserved properly while converting a RTF format document to PDF. -
- The InvalidOperationException will no longer thrown while resaving a DOCX format document. -
- Formula field is now updated properly after callingUpdateDocumentFields
API. -
- List number is now preserved properly while converting a DOCX format document to PDF. -
- Hanging issue has been resolved while opening a Strict Open XML document. -
- The NullReferenceException will no longer thrown while callingUpdateWordCount
Bug fixes
- The issue of the Blazor File Manager component becoming uninteractive when canceling theBeforePopupOpen
event has been resolved. -
- The FileManager component’sOnSend
event binding issue has been fixed. -
- The issue with the Blazor File Manager component Upload not functioning properly when more than one HTTP header is present has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- Exception throws while performing Excel filtering on columns with DateTimeoffset type is fixed. -
- Console error throws while scrolling when sticky header is enabled and bound to an observable collection has been resolved. -
- Issue with “Content length exceed exception thrown during CRUD operations in the DOTNet7 framework” is fixed. -
- Issue with “Exception thrown while using multiple foreign key columns with the same field name in the same grid during reordering” has been resolved. -
- Issue with “filtered data not being displayed in grid, when virtual mask row is enabled” is fixed. -
- Issue with “RowDragStarting event is not triggering while performing Drag and Drop” has been resolved. -
- Provided support for triggering the QueryCellInfo event when editing using a command column.
Bug fixes
- The issue with “Value not update and ValueChange event not triggered properly in listbox” has been resolved.
Bug fixes
- Exception will no longer be thrown when the GeoJSON data with “null” geometry values are loaded asShapeData
Bug fixes
- The issue with the MentionChar property in the Mention control not accepting characters like “[” and causing script errors has been resolved.”
Bug fixes
- The issue with “Input element got focusing out when we opening the submenu of menu using mouse hover” has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with incorrect display of double value in Syncfusion NumericTextBox Blazor component.
Pivot Table
Bug fixes
- An exception that occurred while creating group settings via the grouping UI has now been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while parsing an Ole Object of group shape. - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while closing a PowerPoint presentation with empty section.
Bug fixes
- An issue with quick popup automatically opens when switching between two scheduler in device mode has been fixed. -
- An issue with current date not highlighted when adding resources dynamically in month view has been fixed.
Tree Grid
Bug Fixes
- Resolved frozen line not moving when we enable theFrozenColumns
property in the tree grid. -
- Resolved cell focus was lost while pressing the Ctrl + C key. -
- Resolved an issue where the column width in the tree grid was not updating properly after being resized. -
with remote data is working properly in the tree grid. -
- Fixed an issue with row drag and drop where records were not being dropped properly when dropped to the bottom of the last row. -
- Resolved script error when using checkbox column in the tree grid within a dialog. -
- Resolved script error when expanding all items in custom adaptor withoutHasChildMapping
Bug Fixes
- #I429889 - Excel document being corrupted while copying worksheet with embedded objects using AddCopy is now resolved.
- #I430295 - Cell values from CSV document are now returned properly when retrived through GetValueRowCol method.
- #I431117 - Multiple pivot tables are now rendered prperly in Excel to PDF conversion.
- #I431684, #I433865, #F180306 - Unexpected tag exception being thrown while parsing external link is now resolved.
- #I431624 - Paragraph text set through HTMLString property is now preserved properly in Excel document.
- #I430587 - String value being preserved as date time while exporting data table to Excel using template marker in French culture is now resolved.
- #I426961 - Bar chart axis postion in now rendered properly while enabling maximum value option.