Essential Studio for Blazor Release Notes
Syncfusion Blazor components is now compatible with .NET 8 RC versions.
Introducing the new Blazor Server and WASM Organization Chart Layout, a showcase web application that allows you to create an organizational chart that visually conveys a company’s internal structure by detailing the roles, responsibilities, and relationships between individuals within an entity. Check out the Server demo link , WASM demo link and GitHub source here.
Introducing the new Blazor Server and WASM Mind Map Layout, a showcase web application that allows you to create mind map, a type of spider diagram, is used to visually organize information around a central concept. It helps show the relationships between groups of information. Check out the Server demo link , WASM demo link and GitHub source here.
Introducing the new Blazor Server and WASM BPMN Viewer and Editor, a showcase web application that allows you to create a business process model and notation (BPMN) diagram is like a flowchart for complex business processes, used for sharing process information across organizations and industries. Check out the Server demo link , WASM demo link and GitHub source here.
- Provided the
method to avoid unnecessary re-rendering of the Accordion component. This method internally overrides theShouldRender
method of the Accordion to prevent rendering.
Breaking Changes
Following deprecated methods were removed, and it’s mandatory to use the following alternatives instead.
Deprecated Method Name | Alternative Method Name |
Select | SelectAsync |
Accumulation Chart
- Provided support to prevent the data labels from overlapping.
Bug fixes
- Breadcrumb accessibility issue resolved.
Breaking Changes
- The
property has been deprecated and will no longer be used.
- Provided the
method to avoid unnecessary re-rendering of the Carousel component. This method internally overrides theShouldRender
method of the Carousel to prevent rendering.
- Provided support to get the X-axis and Y-axis values as arguments in theOnCrosshairMove
event. -
- Provided support to get theBase64
string when exporting the chart component inSVG
, andPDF
formats. -
- Provided support to prevent the overlapping of Y-axis labels.
Dashboard Layout
Breaking Changes
The Resizing
event has been marked as deprecated due to concerns about its impact on the performance of the component.
Data Grid
feature provides support to pre-rendering of extra rows in DOM before and after the viewport of the grid. This optimization reduces the frequency of rendering during vertical scrolling, resulting in a smoother and more efficient user experience.<SfGrid DataSource="@GridData" Height="410" RowHeight="38" OverscanCount="5" EnableVirtualization="true" > ...... </SfGrid>
- Enhanced the performance of lazy loading, while grouping the foreignkey column in the DataGrid. -
- Provided support for loading the next set of data on-demand when the vertical scrollbar reaches the end of the scroller. Say goodbye to traditional pagination, and seamlessly load large datasets into the Grid. With the addition ofGridInfiniteScrollSettings
, you now have the flexibility to customize data loading when infinite scrolling is enabled. Check out the demo here. -
- Introduced new event support, which triggers when the column menu is rendered in the DataGrid. This event enhances your customization options, allowing you to take action when the column menu is displayed, providing a more interactive and tailored user experience.
Event Information
Event Name | Argument Name | Properties | Description |
OnColumnMenuOpen | ColumnMenuOpenEventArgs | Cancel, Column, Items, Left, ParentItem, Top, ColumnMenuIndex | Provided event support for when the column menu is opened by clicking the column menu icon in the grid column. |
- Provided support for passing theEditedData
property in CommandClickEventArgs in the Data Grid. This support empowers you to conveniently retrieve and work withEditedData
, further customizing your data operations.<SfGrid @ref="grid" DataSource="@Orders"> <GridEvents CommandClicked="OnCommandClicked" TValue="Order"></GridEvents> ........ </SfGrid> @code { SfGrid<Order> grid; public void OnCommandClicked(CommandClickEventArgs<Order> args) { if (args.EditedData != null) { var editedData = args.EditedData; } } }
- Introduced support for new data types within the Enum ColumnType. This enhancement adds greater flexibility and functionality to our platform by including the following data types:- Integer
- Long
- Double
- Decimal
<SfGrid DataSource="@Orders"> <GridColumns> <GridColumn Type="ColumnType.Integer"></GridColumn> <GridColumn Type="ColumnType.Double"></GridColumn> <GridColumn Type="ColumnType.Long"></GridColumn> <GridColumn Type="ColumnType.Decimal"></GridColumn> </GridColumns> </SfGrid>
Provided support for the ScrollIntoViewAsync method for selecting records by passing the row index parameter. This feature streamlines the selection process, making it more intuitive and efficient.
<button id="ScrollIntoView" @onclick="Scroll">ScrollIntoView</button> <SfGrid @ref="grid" DataSource="@Orders"> ........ </SfGrid> @code{ SfGrid<Order> grid; private async Task Scroll() { await grid.ScrollIntoViewAsync(2,3); } }
- Introduced new event support for actions performed within the grid. These new events significantly expand your ability to tailor and enhance your interactions within the grid, providing you with more control and flexibility. Below, you will find the corresponding event names and event argument details.
Event Information
Event Name | Argument Name | Properties | Description |
PageChanging | GridPageChangingEventArgs | Cancel, CurrentPage, PreviousPage, CurrentPageSize, TotalPages. | Gets or sets the event callback that is raised before paging action is performed in the grid. |
PageChanged | GridPageChangedEventArgs | CurrentPage, PreviousPage, CurrentPageSize, TotalPages. | Gets or sets the event callback that is raised after paging action is performed in the grid. |
Sorting | SortingEventArgs | Cancel, IsCtrlKeyPressed, Action, ColumnName, Direction, SortedColumns. | An event that is invoked before a sorting action is performed or a column is removed from sorting in the grid or when the sort column direction changes from Ascending to Descending or vice versa for the same column. |
Sorted | SortedEventArgs | Action, ColumnName, Direction, SortedColumns. | An event callback that is raised after sorting action is performed in the grid. |
Searching | SearchingEventArgs | Cancel, SearchText. | Gets or sets the event callback that is raised before the search action is performed in the grid. |
Searched | SearchedEventArgs | SearchText | Gets or sets the event callback that is raised after the search action is performed in the grid. |
Grouping | GroupingEventArgs | Cancel, Action, ColumnName. | An event callback that is raised after grouping action or un-grouping action is performed in the grid. |
Grouped | GroupedEventArgs | Action, ColumnName. | An event callback that is raised after grouping or ungrouping action is performed in the grid. |
RowCreating | RowCreatingEventArgs | Cancel, Data, Index, EditContext | Gets or sets the event callback that is raised before the add action is performed in the grid. |
RowCreated | RowCreatedEventArgs | Data, Index, EditContext | Gets or sets the event callback that is raised after the add action is performed in the grid. |
RowUpdating | RowUpdatingEventArgs | Cancel, IsShiftKeyPressed, KeyCode, Data, Index, PreviousData, PrimaryKeys, PrimaryKeyValue | Gets or sets the event callback that is raised before the save action is performed in the grid. |
RowUpdated | RowUpdatedEventArgs | Data, Index, PreviousData, PrimaryKeys, PrimaryKeyValue | Gets or sets the event callback that is raised after the save action is performed in the grid. |
RowDeleting | RowDeletingEventArgs | Cancel, Datas, PrimaryKeys | Gets or sets the event callback that is raised before the delete action is performed in the grid. |
RowDeleted | RowDeletedEventArgs | Datas, PrimaryKeys | Gets or sets the event callback that is raised after the delete action is performed in the grid. |
EditCanceling | EditCancelingEventArgs | Cancel, Data, PreviousData, PrimaryKeys, Index | Gets or sets the event callback that is invoked before the cancel action is performed in the grid, specifically when using normal and dialog edit modes. |
EditCanceled | EditCanceledEventArgs | Data, PreviousData, PrimaryKeys, Index | Gets or sets the event callback that is invoked after the cancel action is performed in the grid, specifically when using normal and dialog edit modes. |
Filtering | FilteringEventArgs | Cancel, PreventFilterQuery, FilterPredicates, ColumnName | Gets or sets the event callback that is raised before the filtering or clear filtering action is performed in the grid. |
Filtered | FilteredEventArgs | FilterPredicates, ColumnName | Gets or sets the event callback that is raised after the filtered or clear filtered action is performed in the grid. |
FilterDialogOpening | FilterDialogOpeningEventArgs | Cancel, ColumnName, CheckboxListData, FilterChoiceCount, FilterOperators | Gets or sets the event callback that is raised before the filter dialog is opened in the grid. |
FilterDialogOpened | FilterDialogOpenedEventArgs | ColumnName, CheckboxListData, FilterChoiceCount | Gets or sets the event callback that is raised after the filter dialog is opened in the grid. |
ColumnReordering | ColumnReorderingEventArgs | Cancel, ReorderingColumns, ToColumn | Gets or sets the event callback that is raised when columns reordering action is performed in the grid. |
ColumnReordered | ColumnReorderedEventArgs | ReorderingColumns, ToColumn | Gets or sets the event callback that is raised when columns are reordered in the grid. |
ColumnVisibilityChanging | ColumnVisibilityChangingEventArgs | Cancel, VisibleColumns, HiddenColumns | Gets or sets the event callback that is raised when the grid’s column visibility is changing. |
ColumnVisibilityChanged | ColumnVisibilityChangedEventArgs | VisibleColumns, HiddenColumns | Gets or sets the event callback that is raised when the grid’s column visibility is changed. |
CheckBoxFilter Searching | CheckboxFilterSearchingEventArgs | CheckboxListData, ColumnName, SearchText | Gets or sets the event callback that is raised when values get filtered using the search bar in checkbox and Excel filter. |
OnRowEditStart | OnRowEditStartEventArgs | Cancel, PreventDataClone | Gets or sets the event callback that is raised before an editing action is performed in the grid. |
RowEditing | RowEditingEventArgs | Cancel, PrimaryKeys, PrimaryKeyValue, Data, Index, EditContext, ForeignKeyData | Gets or sets the event callback that is raised before the edit action is performed in the grid. |
RowEdited | RowEditedEventArgs | PrimaryKeys, PrimaryKeyValue, Data, Index, EditContext, ForeignKeyData | Gets or sets the event callback that is raised after the edit action is performed in the grid. |
- Improved the accessibility support for the DataGrid component to meet the web accessibility standards.
Newly added the
attribute to the group expand/collapse icon element. This attribute will displayexpanded
when the caption row is expanded andcollapsed
when it’s collapsed.<tr class="" style="" aria-selected="false" data-uid="grid-row30"> <td class="e-recordplusexpand " tabindex="0" data-uid="gridcell-164" ej-mappingname="CustomerID" ej-mappingvalue="ALFKI" aria-expanded="true"> <a class="e-icons e-gdiagonaldown e-icon-gdownarrow" href="javascript:void(0)" title="expanded"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class="" style="" aria-selected="false" data-uid="grid-row17"> <td class="e-recordpluscollapse " tabindex="-1" data-uid="gridcell-25543" ej-mappingname="OrderID" ej-mappingvalue="10001" aria-expanded="false"> <a class="e-icons e-gnextforward e-icon-grightarrow" href="javascript:void(0)" title="collapsed"></a> </td> ... </tr>
- Newly added the
attribute to the ungroup icon located within the Grouped header element. -
Newly added the
attributes to the sort icon located within the Grouped header element.<div class="e-grid-icon e-groupheadercell " tabindex="0"> <div ej-mappingname="OrderID"> <span class="e-grouptext" aria-label="sort the grouped column" tabindex="-1">Order ID</span> <span class="e-groupsort e-icons e-ascending e-icon-ascending " role="button" aria-label="sort the grouped column Order ID" tabindex="0"></span> <span class="e-ungroupbutton e-icons e-icon-hide " role="button" title="Ungroup by this column" style="" tabindex="0" aria-label="Ungroup by this column"></span> </div> </div>
Breaking Changes
- The Type property in GridColumn component, Enum ColumnType.Number is marked as deprecated since we introduced new number data types such as
. - The
element, previously used for filter bar, has been updated to<td>
. -
attribute has been updated fromsearch
for the filter bar<input>
element.<th class="e-filterbarcell" e-mappinguid="grid-column2375"> <div class="e-filterdiv e-fltrinputdiv"> <span class="e-input-group e-control-container e-control-wrapper "> <input id="CategoryName_filterBarcell" autocomplete="on" type="search" class="e-control e-textbox e-lib e-input" name="CategoryName_filterBarcell" role="search" aria-disabled="false" tabindex="0"> <span class="e-clear-icon e-clear-icon-hide" aria-label="close" role="button"></span> </span> </div> </th>
<td class="e-filterbarcell" e-mappinguid="grid-column1"> <div class="e-filterdiv e-fltrinputdiv"> <span class="e-input-group e-control-container e-control-wrapper "> <input id="CustomerID_filterBarcell" autocomplete="on" type="search" class="e-control e-textbox e-lib e-input" name="CustomerID_filterBarcell" role="searchbox" aria-label="Search" aria-disabled="false" tabindex="0"> <span class="e-clear-icon e-clear-icon-hide" aria-label="close" role="button"></span> </span> </div> </td>
Data Manager
- Provided support to bind data by using GraphQL service. It requires below configuration in SfDataManager component to work with GraphQL service.<SfDataManager Url="https://yourUrl" GraphQLAdaptorOptions=@adaptorOptions Adaptor="Adaptors.GraphQLAdaptor"></SfDataManager>
Date Picker
Breaking Changes
- The
property has been deprecated and will no longer be used.
Full screen popup functionality has now implemented in Date Picker component, exclusively for mobile devices. When the FullScreen
property is set to true
, the popup will take up the whole screen and it is available in all theme layouts. This allows users to swipe or scroll through months, years, and decades in full screen mode, depending on the direction of the navigation button. This feature is accessible in both Portrait and Landscape mode.
Date Range Picker
Breaking Changes
- The
property has been deprecated and will no longer be used.
Full screen popup functionality has now implemented in Date Range Picker component, exclusively for mobile devices. When the FullScreen
property is set to true
, the popup will take up the whole screen and it is available in all theme layouts. This allows users to swipe or scroll through months, years, and decades in full screen mode, depending on the direction of the navigation button. This feature is accessible in both Portrait and Landscape mode.
Date Time Picker
Breaking Changes
- The
property has been deprecated and will no longer be used.
Full screen popup functionality has now implemented in Date Time Picker component, exclusively for mobile devices. When the FullScreen
property is set to true
, the popup will take up the whole screen and it is available in all theme layouts. This allows users to swipe or scroll through months, years, and decades in full screen mode, depending on the direction of the navigation button. This feature is accessible in both Portrait and Landscape mode.
Bug fixes
- TheBringIntoView
function now functions properly to bring the diagram object into the viewport. -
- The hierarchical layout diagram now renders correctly when the initial diagram is collapsed. -
- The annotationHorizontalAlignment
now work properly. -
- Accessibility now works properly for the diagram, and theDiagramUserHandleDiv
element ID is rendered only once. -
- The HTML template now positions properly when dragging a group node. -
- HTML nodes within a node group are now rendered properly in the SymbolPalette.
- Compare two DOCX format documents and highlight the differences including insertion, deletion, and formatting changes.
Document Editor
- Introduced support for table titles and descriptions which is essential for accessibility. It provide a way for people using a screen reader or other assistive technology to understand the content of the table without having to see it. Kindly refer our online demo.
Gantt Chart
- Introduced Multi-taskbar support in resource view Gantt Chart. This feature allows you to visualize multiple tasks assigned to each resource within a row when the records are collapsed. Find the demo link here. -
Improved the user interface for taskbar resizing and moving actions in the Gantt Chart. Now, when users perform taskbar resizing or dragging, a cloned element is displayed instead of updating the original taskbar element. This cloned element remains visible until the action is completed, providing users with a clear representation of the changes they are making. Find the demo link here.
- HeatMap’s axis labels can now include line break characters.
- Label templates can be displayed in place of cell labels to provide additional information.
Image Editor
Provided Support for image annotations, including the ability to insert and display multiple images alongside the main image being edited, is now provided through the annotation button in the toolbar. The DrawImageAsync method is employed to seamlessly incorporate these additional images into the primary image.
The addition of frame support allows for the application of decorative borders or frames around images, enhancing their visual appeal. This functionality can be accessed through the toolbar and is complemented by the DrawFrameAsync method, enabling users to apply various types of frames to their images.
Resizing support has been introduced, enabling the adjustment of image size and dimensions for diverse purposes like printing or web display. This feature is accessible through the toolbar and is complemented by the ImageResizeAsync method, allowing users to modify image dimensions while preserving or disregarding aspect ratios as needed.
Bug Fixes
- Now, the dialog is opened properly when swimlane is enabled with an empty row. -
- Now, inserting data into the Kanban component through the WebApiAdaptor with an empty value works properly.
- Now it is possible to draw and display the appropriate polygon shapes over the main layer of the Maps component using the user-provided data source. - An animated transition will now occur on the initial rendering of data labels and not during any dynamic updates.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with “the close icon being misaligned when the content alignment was set to centre” has been resolved.
- Improved the accessibility support for the Pager component to meet the web accessibility standards.
attribute has been added to the pager container<div>
element.<div class="e-pagercontainer" role="navigation" aria-label="Page Navigation"> ... </div>
- Added support for paginating the PdfHTMLTextElement in .NET core.
- Added text only redaction support in the PDF document.
- #I488916 - Added support to create PdfTilingBrush with specified inner and outer boundaries region.
- Added support to extract images from the existing signature field’s appearance.
Bug Fixes
- #I491729 - Fixed an issue where FindText does not work properly for a specific PDF document.
- #I491312 - Preservation issue no longer occurs while drawing PdfTemplate.
- #I493348 - Exception no longer occurs when inserting pages into the PDF document.
- #I492409 - Null reference exception no longer occurs while getting the popup annotation Icon.
- #I492417 - Finding text with text search option “WholeWords” is now working properly.
- #I493428 - Fixed the text shaping problem that occurred when drawing Bengali script content to the PDF document.
- #F180488 - Fixed an issue where the Timestamp Signer root and intermediate certificates were not being extracted properly from the DSS.
- #I485690 - Pagination bounds height is now preserved properly while drawing the PDF grid.
PDF Viewer
Bug fixes
- Now, The PDF Viewer component is rendered in the MAUI (iOS and Catalyst). -
- The console errors that occurred while running the deployed Azure sample in a Linux environment have been resolved. -
- The bookmark navigation is now functioning correctly. -
- The script error when destroying the PDF Viewer with ‘AnnotationSettings’ has been fixed. -
- The issue of PDF Viewer scroll jumping when clicking on annotations has been resolved. -
- Spaces after the colon are no longer removed when importing free text annotations. -
- The script error triggered by pressing the escape key due to the absence of a null check for the targetClassList key in tabElemet has been resolved. -
- The issue where button form elements were not rendering on any page other than the first page has been resolved. - The issue where the print child window was not closing when the parent window closed has been resolved.
Pivot Table
Introduced single page mode, which allows only the current view page to be displayed during virtual scrolling operations when virtualization is enabled in the pivot table. It enhances the pivot table’s performance, especially in the Blazor WASM application, when making UI actions like drill up/down, sorting, filtering, and more, which occur two times faster than in earlier versions. This is done by rendering only the rows and columns relevant to the current viewport for display in the pivot table. Check out the demo here.
<SfPivotView ID="Pivot" TValue="PivotVirtualData" Width="1000" EnableVirtualization="true"> <PivotViewVirtualScrollSettings AllowSinglePage="true"></PivotViewVirtualScrollSettings> . . . . </SfPivotView>
- Convert the PowerPoint animations to images based on the sequence of entrance animations.
Rich Text Editor
- Provided the
method support to enhance the performance of the Rich Text Editor by preventing unnecessary re-rendering of the component.
Bug fixes
- Now, pressing theAlt + F10
key in the Rich Text Editor focuses the toolbar properly. -
- Now, theValueChange
event works properly while setting theEnabled
property to false by default in Rich Text Editor.
- Provided on-demand data loading support usingEnableLazyLoading
property, that allows users to retrieve events from remote services for the current view port alone and retrieve the remaining data on demand while scrolling, which improves the performance and usability of the Scheduler component. -
- ProvidedOnVirtualScrollStart
event support to notify the resource virtual scrolling actions of Scheduler. -
- Provided support to customize the header and footer of editor window.
Breaking Changes
Following deprecated methods were removed, and it’s mandatory to use the following alternatives instead.
Deprecated Method Name | Alternative Method Name |
AddEvent | AddEventAsync |
ChangeCurrentView | ChangeCurrentViewAsync |
ChangeDate | ChangeDateAsync |
CloseQuickInfoPopup | CloseQuickInfoPopupAsync |
CollapseResource | CollapseResourceAsync |
DeleteEvent | DeleteEventAsync |
ExpandResource | ExpandResourceAsync |
ExportToExcel | ExportToExcelAsync |
ExportToICalendar | ExportToICalendarAsync |
GetBlockEvents | GetBlockEventsAsync |
GetMaxEventId | GetMaxEventIdAsync |
GetEvents | GetEventsAsync |
GetSelectedCells | GetSelectedCellsAsync |
GetSelectedEvents | GetSelectedEventsAsync |
GetTargetCell | GetTargetCellAsync |
GetTargetEvent | GetTargetEventAsync |
HideSpinner | HideSpinnerAsync |
ImportICalendar | ImportICalendarAsync |
IsSlotAvailable | IsSlotAvailableAsync |
OpenEditor | OpenEditorAsync |
PrintAsync | |
RefreshEvents | RefreshEventsAsync |
SaveEvent | SaveEventAsync |
ScrollTo | ScrollToAsync |
ScrollToResource | ScrollToResourceAsync |
SetWorkHours | SetWorkHoursAsync |
OpenQuickInfoPopup | OpenQuickInfoPopupAsync |
ShowSpinner | ShowSpinnerAsync |
PDF Viewer (NextGen)
Bug fixes
- Signatures are now visible even when a form element is placed over them. -
- Highlight, Underline, and Strikethrough are now functional in MAUI (Android / iOS). -
- The issue of memory out of bounds exception occurring when loading multiple documents has been resolved. - The issue where the print child window was not closing when the parent window closed has been resolved.
- The issue of the comment panel not being responsive when the document has more annotations in the Wasm environment has been resolved
Bug fix
- Exception that occurs when running the sparkline chart on an Android device has been resolved.
Stock Chart
- Provided the TooltipPosition property to enable tooltips to move along with the mouse. Check out the demo here.
Code Example
<StockChartTooltipSettings Enable="true" TooltipPosition="TooltipPosition.Nearest"></StockChartTooltipSettings>
Breaking Changes
- By default, the series type and trendline dropdowns have been removed from the stock chart period selector. However, you can still add them to the list upon request or as needed. This modification provides a cleaner interface and reduces clutter in the stock chart period selector.
- By default, the tooltip for the range selector in the stock chart has been removed. Instead, the tooltip will now appear only when you move the slider.
- The print option has been removed from the period selector because it is already available in the export dropdown. This modification provides a cleaner interface and reduces clutter in the stock chart’s period selector.
Breaking Changes
Following deprecated methods were removed, and it’s mandatory to use the following alternatives instead.
Deprecated Method Name | Alternative Method Name |
EnableTab | EnableTabAsync |
HideTab | HideTabAsync |
Select | SelectAsync |
Disable | DisableAsync |
Refresh | RefreshAsync |
Bug Fixes
- An issue in which the Tab Header was receiving focus during the selection of an SfTab item, leading to unexpected scrolling, has been resolved.
Time Picker
Full screen popup functionality has now implemented in Time Picker component, exclusively for mobile devices. When the FullScreen
property is set to true
, the popup will take up the whole screen and it is available in all theme layouts.This feature is accessible in both Portrait and Landscape mode.
- Provided the
method to avoid unnecessary re-rendering of the Toolbar component. This method internally overrides theShouldRender
method of the Toolbar to prevent rendering.
Breaking Changes
Following deprecated methods were removed, and it’s mandatory to use the following alternatives instead.
Deprecated Method Name | Alternative Method Name |
HideItem | HideItemAsync |
Disable | DisableAsync |
RefreshOverflow | RefreshOverflowAsync |
Refresh | RefreshAsync |
Breaking Changes
Following deprecated methods were removed, and it’s mandatory to use the following alternatives instead.
Deprecated Method Name | Alternative Method Name |
Open | OpenAsync |
Close | CloseAsync |
Refresh | RefreshAsync |
RefreshPosition | RefreshPositionAsync |
Tree Grid
- Improved the initial rendering performance of the Tree Grid by up to 35%. This enhancement results in a faster and more responsive loading experience for users.
Visual Studio Extensions
- Provided more flexibility while generating the code sample for DataGrid, TreeGrid, and Gantt chart controls from Syncfusion Blazor Code Generator. This empowers users to generate Syncfusion control samples seamlessly, even when their applications are not bound to any data source.
- #I353374 - Autoshapes are now supported in Excel to Image conversion.
- #I464512 - Data bar conditional formatting with gradient fill is now supported in Excel to PDF conversion.
- #I398064, #I475638 - Provided support for creating threaded comments while creating Excel documents and in Excel to PDF conversion.
- #I431117, #I485598 - Provided support to skip the pivot table subtotal in Excel to PDF conversion.
- Provided support for adding scenarios in the What-If Analysis scenario manager.