Essential Studio® for Blazor Release Notes
Bug Fixes
- The console error that occurred when dynamically inserting a series and ordering it has been resolved, and the series are now sorted properly. -
- Chart series are now rendered properly when toggling the legend after data editing. -
- Axis labels are rendered properly on an inversed axis when zooming and panning the chart. -
- Axis labels are now visible when theIntervalType
is set toMonths
on the datetime axis.
Dashboard Layout
Bug Fixes
- Resolved the issue where the dynamically added EnablePersistence property was not working.
Data Grid
Bug Fixes
#I620533, FB60306
- Fixed an issue where repeated rows were rendered on scroll instead of masked rows in Grid VirtualMaskRow. -
#I618898, #FB60259
- Fixed an issue where the Sub-ContextMenu position was incorrect when opening from the bottom of the Grid. -
#I618481, #FB60139
- Resolved an issue where the Command Column was not Persisted properly when used with FreezeLineMoving in Grid. -
#I608401, #FB60020
- Fixed an issue where the Target ID was not assigned properly during RowDragAndDrop between components. -
#I616993, #FB60207
- Fixed an issue where the Column Chooser dialog remained open during window resizing. -
#F189208, #FB59411
- Fixed an issue where the Aggregate was not shown in the Group Caption row when the left-most column was aggregated.
Bug Fixes
- List number is now preserved properly while converting a DOCX format document to PDF. -
- Character formatting is now preserved properly for text after equation while resaving a DOCX format document.
DropDown List
Bug Fixes
- Resolved the issue where the dropdown list would freeze when using the keyboard.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a performance issue that occurred during multiselect when selecting 25k data entries with virtualization enabled. -
- Resolved an issue where the MultiSelect Component experienced significant slowdowns when selecting items. -
- Fixed an issue where deselecting all records required unselecting each record individually instead of allowing a single action to do it all at once.
Numeric TextBox
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the Numeric Textbox with a nullable integer did not reset its value when StrictMode was set to false.
Bug Fixes
– Fixed the issue where Free text Annotation was not preserved properly after flattening the annotation. -
– Fixed the issue where unwanted spaces were added during text extraction.
Bug Fixes
- The PowerPoint presentation will no longer be corrupted when saving the source document after adding cloned slides to the destination document.
- The PowerPoint presentation will no longer be corrupted while cloning and merging a PowerPoint shape with target slide as hyperlink.
- The PowerPoint presentation will no longer be corrupted while resaving a PowerPoint with chart containing shapes.
Rich Text Editor
Bug fixes
- Now, The character is not duplicated after switching to the Chinese language in the Rich Text Editor.
Bug Fixes
- Now, the issue with stepper status not updated properly when setting the activeStep value initially has been resolved.
Tree Grid
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue where the drag-and-drop functionality stopped working after collapsing records. -
- Fixed an issue where the numeric text box in the tree grid could not be manually edited using keypress. -
- Resolved whitespace issues with a single root parent after expanding or collapsing records, when using virtualization. -
- Resolved performance issues that occurred during collapsing actions while using virtualization. -
- Resolved an issue where the border suggestion appeared incorrectly when dragging a record from the first component to the second component without specifying a TargetID. -
- Fixed an issue where deleted records were not updated properly in theDataSource
. -
- Fixed an issue where the validation message was not displaying correctly when utilizing the custom validator component.
Bug Fixes
- The issue where multiple draggable elements were created during the drag action with the Menu component in the TreeView template has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Chart series are now rendered correctly when a chart data point has the error type #N/A in PDF conversion.
- An argument out of range exception will no longer be thrown when inserting a picture into a worksheet.
- Exception will no longer be thrown while parsing threaded comments that have the same person’s name.