Getting Started with Rich Text Editor in Blazor

20 Jun 202415 minutes to read

This section briefly explains about how to include Blazor Rich Text Editor component in your Blazor Server App and Blazor WebAssembly App using Visual Studio.

To get start quickly with Blazor Rich Text Editor components, you can check on this video or GitHub sample.


You can also explore our Blazor Rich Text Editor example to knows how to render and configure the rich text editor tools.


Create a new Blazor App in Visual Studio

You can create a Blazor Server App or Blazor WebAssembly App using Visual Studio via Microsoft Templates or the Syncfusion Blazor Extension.

Install Syncfusion Blazor Rich Text Editor and Themes NuGet in the App

To add Blazor Rich Text Editor component in the app, open the NuGet package manager in Visual Studio (Tools → NuGet Package Manager → Manage NuGet Packages for Solution), search and install Syncfusion.Blazor.RichTextEditor and Syncfusion.Blazor.Themes. Alternatively, you can utilize the following package manager command to achieve the same.

Install-Package Syncfusion.Blazor.RichTextEditor -Version 27.1.48
Install-Package Syncfusion.Blazor.Themes -Version 27.1.48


Syncfusion Blazor components are available in Refer to NuGet packages topic for available NuGet packages list with component details.

Register Syncfusion Blazor Service

Open ~/_Imports.razor file and import the Syncfusion.Blazor and Syncfusion.Blazor.RichTextEditor namespace.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.RichTextEditor

Now, register the Syncfusion Blazor Service in the ~/Program.cs file of your Blazor Server App or Blazor WebAssembly App.

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web;
using Syncfusion.Blazor;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

// Add services to the container.

var app = builder.Build();
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Hosting;
using Syncfusion.Blazor;

var builder = WebAssemblyHostBuilder.CreateDefault(args);

builder.Services.AddScoped(sp => new HttpClient { BaseAddress = new Uri(builder.HostEnvironment.BaseAddress) });

await builder.Build().RunAsync();

Add stylesheet and script resources

The theme stylesheet and script can be accessed from NuGet through Static Web Assets. Reference the stylesheet and script in the <head> of the main page as follows:

  • For .NET 6 Blazor Server app, include it in ~/Pages/_Layout.cshtml file.

  • For .NET 7 Blazor Server app, include it in the ~/Pages/_Host.cshtml file.

  • For Blazor WebAssembly app, include it in the ~/index.html file.

    <link href="_content/Syncfusion.Blazor.Themes/bootstrap5.css" rel="stylesheet" />
    <script src="_content/Syncfusion.Blazor.Core/scripts/syncfusion-blazor.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>


Check out the Blazor Themes topic to discover various methods (Static Web Assets, CDN, and CRG) for referencing themes in your Blazor application. Also, check out the Adding Script Reference topic to learn different approaches for adding script references in your Blazor application.

Add Blazor Rich Text Editor component

Add the Syncfusion Blazor Rich Text Editor component in the ~/Pages/Index.razor file.

    <p>Rich Text Editor allows to insert images from online source as well as local computer where you want to insert the image in your content.</p>
    <p><b>Get started Quick Toolbar to click on the image</b></p>
    <p>It is possible to add custom style on the selected image inside the Rich Text Editor through quick toolbar.</p>
  • Press Ctrl+F5 (Windows) or +F5 (macOS) to launch the application. This will render the Syncfusion Blazor Rich Text Editor component in your default web browser.
Blazor Rich Text Editor Component

Configure the Toolbar

Configure the toolbar with the tools using RichTextEditorToolbarSettings.Items property as your application requires.

    <RichTextEditorToolbarSettings Items="@Tools" />
    <p>The Rich Text Editor component is WYSIWYG ('what you see is what you get') editor that provides the best user experience to create and update the content. Users can format their content using standard toolbar commands.</p>
    <p><b> Key features:</b></p>
        <li><p> Provides <b>IFRAME</b> and <b>DIV</b> modes </p></li>
        <li><p> Capable of handling markdown editing.</p></li>
        <li><p> Contains a modular library to load the necessary functionality on demand.</p></li>
        <li><p> Provides a fully customizable toolbar.</p></li>
        <li><p> Provides HTML view to edit the source directly for developers.</p></li>
        <li><p> Supports third - party library integration.</p></li>
        <li><p> Allows preview of modified content before saving it.</p></li>

@code {
    private List<ToolbarItemModel> Tools = new List<ToolbarItemModel>()
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.Bold },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.Italic },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.Underline },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.StrikeThrough },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.FontName },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.FontSize },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.Separator },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.FontColor },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.BackgroundColor },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.Separator },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.Formats },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.Alignments },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.Separator },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.LowerCase },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.UpperCase },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.SuperScript },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.SubScript },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.Separator },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.OrderedList },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.UnorderedList },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.Outdent },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.Indent },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.Separator },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.CreateLink },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.Image },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.CreateTable },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.Separator },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.ClearFormat },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.Print },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.SourceCode },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.FullScreen },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.Separator },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.Undo },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.Redo }
Blazor Rich Text Editor with Toolbar

The Image inserts an image into Rich Text Editor’s content area, and the Link links an external resources such as website URLs to the selected text in the Rich Text Editor’s content respectively.

Specifies the items to be rendered in quick toolbar based on the target elements such as image, link and table element. The quick toolbar opens to customize the element by clicking the target element.

    <RichTextEditorToolbarSettings Items="@Tools" />
    <RichTextEditorQuickToolbarSettings Image="@Image" Link="@Link" />
    <p>Rich Text Editor allows to insert images from online source as well as local computer where you want to insert the image in your content.</p>
    <p><b>Get started Quick Toolbar to click on the image</b></p>
    <p>It is possible to add custom style on the selected image inside the Rich Text Editor through quick toolbar.</p>
    <img alt='Logo' style='width: 300px; height: 300px; transform: rotate(0deg);' src='' />

@code {
    private List<ToolbarItemModel> Tools = new List<ToolbarItemModel>()
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.Bold },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.Italic },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.Underline },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.Separator },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.Formats },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.Alignments },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.Separator },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.CreateLink },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.Image },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.Separator },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.SourceCode },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.Separator },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.Undo },
        new ToolbarItemModel() { Command = ToolbarCommand.Redo }
    private List<ImageToolbarItemModel> Image = new List<ImageToolbarItemModel>()
        new ImageToolbarItemModel() { Command = ImageToolbarCommand.Replace },
        new ImageToolbarItemModel() { Command = ImageToolbarCommand.Align },
        new ImageToolbarItemModel() { Command = ImageToolbarCommand.Caption },
        new ImageToolbarItemModel() { Command = ImageToolbarCommand.Remove },
        new ImageToolbarItemModel() { Command = ImageToolbarCommand.OpenImageLink },
        new ImageToolbarItemModel() { Command = ImageToolbarCommand.HorizontalSeparator },
        new ImageToolbarItemModel() { Command = ImageToolbarCommand.EditImageLink },
        new ImageToolbarItemModel() { Command = ImageToolbarCommand.RemoveImageLink },
        new ImageToolbarItemModel() { Command = ImageToolbarCommand.Display },
        new ImageToolbarItemModel() { Command = ImageToolbarCommand.AltText },
        new ImageToolbarItemModel() { Command = ImageToolbarCommand.Dimension }
    private List<LinkToolbarItemModel> Link = new List<LinkToolbarItemModel>()
        new LinkToolbarItemModel() { Command = LinkToolbarCommand.Open },
        new LinkToolbarItemModel() { Command = LinkToolbarCommand.Edit },
        new LinkToolbarItemModel() { Command = LinkToolbarCommand.UnLink }
Blazor Rich Text Editor with Image

Retrieve the formatted content

To retrieve the editor contents in HTML format, use the Value property of Rich Text Editor, and to fetch the editor content as plain text, use the GetText method of Rich Text Editor.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Buttons
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.RichTextEditor
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Popups

<SfButton @onclick="@GetValue">Get Value</SfButton>
<SfButton @onclick="@GetText">Get Text</SfButton>

<br />
<SfDialog @ref="DialogObj" @bind-Visible="@Visibility" Content="@Content" Header="@Header" Target="#target" Height="200px"
          Width="400px" ShowCloseIcon="true">
        <DialogButton Content="Ok" IsPrimary="true" OnClick="@DlgButtonClick" />

<SfRichTextEditor @ref="RteObj" Value="@RteValue" />

@code {
    SfRichTextEditor RteObj;
    SfDialog DialogObj;
    private string Content;
    private bool Visibility = false;
    private string Header = "Rich Text Editor's Value";
    private string RteValue = @"<p>Rich Text Editor allows to insert images from online source as well as local computer where you want to insert the image in your content.</p><p><b>Get started Quick Toolbar to click on the image</b></p><p>It is possible to add custom style on the selected image inside the Rich Text Editor through quick toolbar.</p><img alt='Logo' style='width: 300px; height: 300px; transform: rotate(0deg);' src='' />";
    private async Task GetValue()
        this.Content = this.RteValue;
        await this.DialogObj.ShowAsync();
    private async Task GetText()
        this.Content = await this.RteObj.GetTextAsync();
    private async Task DlgButtonClick(object arg)
        await this.DialogObj.HideAsync();

Retrieve the number of characters

To retrieve the maximum number of characters in the Rich Text Editor’s content, use the GetCharCount method of the Rich Text Editor.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Buttons
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.RichTextEditor
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Popups

<SfButton @onclick="@GetCharCount">Get Char Count</SfButton>

<br />
<SfDialog @ref="DialogObj" @bind-Visible="@Visibility" Content="@Content" Header="@Header" Target="#target" Height="200px"
          Width="400px" ShowCloseIcon="true">
        <DialogButton Content="Ok" IsPrimary="true" OnClick="@DlgButtonClick" />

<SfRichTextEditor @ref="RteObj" />

@code {
    SfRichTextEditor RteObj;
    SfDialog DialogObj;
    private string Content;
    private bool Visibility = false;
    private string Header = "Rich Text Editor's Value";
    private string RteValue = @"<p>Rich Text Editor allows to insert images from online source as well as local computer where you want to insert the image in your content.</p><p><b>Get started Quick Toolbar to click on the image</b></p><p>It is possible to add custom style on the selected image inside the Rich Text Editor through quick toolbar.</p><img alt='Logo' style='width: 300px; height: 300px; transform: rotate(0deg);' src='' />";
    private async Task GetCharCount()
        this.Content = await this.RteObj.GetCharCountAsync();
        await this.DialogObj.ShowAsync();
    private async Task DlgButtonClick(object arg)
        await this.DialogObj.HideAsync();

See also