Item Configuration in Blazor Toolbar Component

1 Apr 202415 minutes to read

The Blazor Toolbar can be rendered by defining a list of items. Items can be constructed with the following built-in command types or item template.

  • Align
  • CssClass
  • Disabled
  • HtmlAttributes
  • Id
  • Overflow
  • PrefixIcon
  • ShowAlwaysInPopup
  • ShowTextOn
  • SuffixIcon
  • TabIndex
  • Template
  • Text
  • TooltipText
  • Type
  • Visible
  • Width


It specifies the location for aligning Toolbar items on the Toolbar. Each command will be aligned according to the Align property. The possible values are:

  1. Left: To align commands to the left side of the Toolbar.

  2. Center: To align commands at the center of the Toolbar.

  3. Right: To align commands to the right side of the Toolbar.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations

        <ToolbarItem Text="Home" Align="ItemAlign.Left"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Text="My Home Page" Align="ItemAlign.Center"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Text="Search" Align="ItemAlign.Right"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Text="Settings" Align="ItemAlign.Right"></ToolbarItem>

Aligning Blazor Toolbar Item

To optimize the alignment of Toolbar items without using Align property, utilize the Spacer in toolbar. Refer here to integrate spacer in Toolbar.


Single or multiple CSS classes can be added to the Toolbar commands using the Toolbar item CssClass property. Refer Set command customization for snippet and output.


It specifies whether an item should be disabled or not. Refer Enable/Disable Toolbar item for snippet and output.


It is used to add custom attributes to the Toolbar command. Supports HTML attributes such as style, class, etc. Refer Set command customization for snippet and output.


It specifies the unique ID to be used with button or input element of the Toolbar items.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations

        <ToolbarItem Id="Home" Text="Home" Align="ItemAlign.Left"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Text="My Home Page" Align="ItemAlign.Center"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Text="Search" Align="ItemAlign.Right"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Text="Settings" Align="ItemAlign.Right"></ToolbarItem>

Blazor Toolbar Item with Id


It Specifies the Toolbar command display area when an element’s content is too large to fit available space. This is applicable only to Popup mode. The possible values are:

  1. Show: Always shows the item as the primary priority on the Toolbar.

  2. Hide: Always shows the item as the secondary priority on the popup.

  3. None: No priority for display, and as per normal order moves to popup when content exceeds.

Refer Responsive Mode for snippet and output.


It defines single or multiple classes separated by space used to specify an icon for the button. The icon will be positioned before the text content if the text is available, otherwise the icon alone will be rendered. Refer Customize the Scrolling distance for snippet and output.


It defines the priority of items to display it in popup always. It allows to maintain toolbar item on popup always but it does not work for the toolbar priority items.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations

<SfToolbar Width="300px" OverflowMode="OverflowMode.Popup">
        <ToolbarItem Text="Cut" ShowAlwaysInPopup=true TooltipText="Cut"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Text="Copy" TooltipText="Copy"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Text="Paste" TooltipText="Paste"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Text="Bold" TooltipText="Bold"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Text="Underline" TooltipText="Underline"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Text="Italic" TooltipText="Italic"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Text="Color Picker" TooltipText="Color-Picker"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Text="Align Left" TooltipText="Align-Left"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Text="Align Right" TooltipText="Align-Right"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Text="Align Center" TooltipText="Align-Center"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Text="Align Justify" TooltipText="Align-Justify"></ToolbarItem>

Displaying Blazor Toolbar Item in Popup


It specifies where the button text will be displayed on popup mode of the Toolbar. The possible values are:

  1. Toolbar: Text will be displayed on Toolbar only.

  2. Overflow: Text will be displayed only when content overflows to popup.

  3. Both: Text will be displayed on popup and Toolbar.

Refer Responsive Mode for snippet and output.


It defines single/multiple classes separated by space used to specify an icon for the button. The icon will be positioned after the text content if text is available.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations

<SfToolbar Width="600">
        <ToolbarItem SuffixIcon="e-icons e-cut" Text="Cut"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem SuffixIcon="e-icons e-copy" Text="Copy"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem SuffixIcon="e-icons e-paste" Text="Paste"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Type="ItemType.Separator"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem SuffixIcon="e-icons e-bold" Text="Bold"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem SuffixIcon="e-icons e-underline" Text="Underline"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem SuffixIcon="e-icons e-italic" Text="Italic"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem SuffixIcon="e-icons e-paint-bucket" Text="Color-Picker"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Type="ItemType.Separator"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem SuffixIcon="e-icons e-list-unordered" Text="Bullets"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem SuffixIcon="e-icons e-list-ordered" Text="Numbering"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Type="ItemType.Separator"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem SuffixIcon="e-icons e-sort-ascending" Text="Sort A - Z"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem SuffixIcon="e-icons e-sort-descending" Text="Sort Z - A"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Type="ItemType.Separator"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem SuffixIcon="e-icons e-upload-1" Text="Upload"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem SuffixIcon="e-icons e-download" Text="Download"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Type="ItemType.Separator"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem SuffixIcon="e-icons e-increase-indent" Text="Text Indent"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem SuffixIcon="e-icons e-decrease-indent" Text="Text Outdent"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Type="ItemType.Separator"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem SuffixIcon="e-icons e-erase" Text="Clear"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem SuffixIcon="e-icons e-refresh" Text="Reload"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem SuffixIcon="e-icons e-export" Text="Export"></ToolbarItem>

Blazor Toolbar displays Icon in Suffix Item


you can refer here to integrate the syncfusion icons in toolbar component.


The Toolbar supports adding TabIndex commands using the TabIndex property.TabIndex property can be given as the HTML element.
Refer Tab key navigation toolbar items for snippet and output.


The Toolbar supports adding template commands using the Template property. Template property can be given as the HTML element or RenderFragment. Refer Set item-wise custom template for snippet and output.


It is used to specify the text to be displayed on the Toolbar button. Refer Getting Started for the snippet and output.


It is used to specify the text to be displayed on hovering the Toolbar button.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations

        <ToolbarItem Text="Cut" TooltipText="Cut"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Text="Copy" TooltipText="Copy"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Text="Paste" TooltipText="Paste"></ToolbarItem>
        //To separate the Toolbar items
        <ToolbarItem Text="Bold" TooltipText="Bold"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Text="Underline" TooltipText="Underline"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Text="Italic" TooltipText="Italic"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Text="Color-Picker" TooltipText="Color Picker"></ToolbarItem>

Blazor Toolbar Item with Tooltip


It specifies the types of command to be rendered in the Toolbar. Supported types are:

  1. Button: Creates the Button control with its given properties like text, prefixIcon, etc.

  2. Separator: Adds a horizontal line that separates the Toolbar commands.

  3. Input: Creates an input element that is applicable to template rendering with Syncfusion controls like DropDownList, AutoComplete, etc.

  4. Spacer: Adds a space within the Toolbar item. Spacer can be used to align the Toolbar items to the left, center, and right.


Button is the default command Type, and it can be rendered by using the Text property.
Properties of the button command type:

Property Description
Text The text to be displayed for the button.
ID The ID of the button to be rendered. If the ID is not given, auto ID is generated.
PrefixIcon Defines the class used to specify an icon for the button. The icon is positioned before the text if the text is available or the icon alone button is rendered.
SuffixIcon Defines the class used to specify an icon for the button. The icon is positioned after the text if text is available. If both PrefixIcon and SuffixIcon are specified, only the PrefixIcon is considered.
Width Used to set the width of the button.

Refer Set Blazor Tooltip to the commands for snippet and output.


The Separator type adds a vertical separation between the Toolbar’s Single/Multiple commands.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations

    <ToolbarItem Text="Cut"></ToolbarItem>
    <ToolbarItem Text="Copy"></ToolbarItem>
    <ToolbarItem Type="ItemType.Separator"></ToolbarItem>
    <ToolbarItem Text="Paste"></ToolbarItem>
    <ToolbarItem Type="ItemType.Separator"></ToolbarItem>
    <ToolbarItem Text="Undo"></ToolbarItem>
    <ToolbarItem Text="Redo"></ToolbarItem>


If Separator is added as the first or the last item, it will not be visible.

Blazor Toolbar Item with Separator


The Input type is only applicable for adding Template elements when the Template property is defined as an object. Input type creates an input element internally that acts as the container for Syncfusion input based components.


  • The NumericTextBox component can be included by importing the @using Syncfusion.Blazor.Inputs package into the ~/_Imports.razor file.

  • Initialize the NumericTextBox in Template property, where the Toolbar item Type is set as Input.

  • Related NumericTextBox component properties can also be configured as given below.

<SfNumericTextBox Format="n2"></SfNumericTextBox>
  • The DropDownList component can be included by importing the @using Syncfusion.Blazor.DropDowns package into the ~/_Imports.razor file.

  • Initialize the DropDownList in Template property, where the Toolbar item Type is set as Input.

  • Related DropDownList component properties can also be configured as given below.

<SfDropdownList Width="100"></SfDropdownList>


  • The RadioButton component can be included by importing the @using Syncfusion.Blazor.Buttons package into the ~/_Imports.razor file.

  • Initialize the RadioButton in Template property, where the Toolbar item Type is set as Input.

  • Related RadioButton component properties can also be configured as given below.

<SfRadioButton Label="Option 1" Name="Default"></SfRadioButton>

The following code explains how to add NumericTextBox, DropDownList, RadioButton and CheckBox components to the Toolbar.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Inputs
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.DropDowns
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Buttons

        <ToolbarItem Type="ItemType.Input">
            <SfNumericTextBox Width="150" Value=1 Format="c2"></SfNumericTextBox>
        <ToolbarItem Type="ItemType.Input">
                <SfDropDownList TValue="string" ID="Games" DataSource="@SportsData" Width="120" Index="2" TItem="Games">
                    <DropDownListFieldSettings Value="Text"></DropDownListFieldSettings>
        <ToolbarItem Type="ItemType.Input">
                <SfCheckBox Checked="true" Label="CheckBox"></SfCheckBox>
        <ToolbarItem Type="ItemType.Input">
                <SfRadioButton Label="Radio" Name="default" Value="Radio" @bind-Checked="CheckedValue"></SfRadioButton>

@code {
    private string CheckedValue = "Radio";
    public class Games
        public string Id { get; set; }
        public string Text { get; set; }
    List<Games> SportsData = new List<Games> {
    new Games() { Id= "Game2", Text= "Badminton" },
    new Games() { Id= "Game4", Text= "Cricket" },
    new Games() { Id= "Game5", Text= "Football" },
    new Games() { Id= "Game6", Text= "Golf" },
    new Games() { Id= "Game10", Text= "Tennis"}

Blazor Toolbar Item with Other Components



You can refer here to integrate the spacer in Toolbar component.


It specifies whether an item should be hidden or not.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations

        <ToolbarItem Text="Cut" Visible=false></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Text="Copy"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Type="ItemType.Separator"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Text="Paste"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Type="ItemType.Separator"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Text="Undo"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Text="Redo"></ToolbarItem>

Hiding Blazor Toolbar Item


It specifies the width of the Toolbar button commands.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations

        <ToolbarItem Text="Cut" Width="50px"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Text="Copy"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Type="ItemType.Separator"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Text="Paste"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Type="ItemType.Separator"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Text="Undo"></ToolbarItem>
        <ToolbarItem Text="Redo"></ToolbarItem>

Blazor Toolbar Item with Custom Width