Essential Studio for Blazor Release Notes

March 25, 2025



  • Syncfusion Blazor Components are now compatible with .NET 10 Preview.

  • SpeechToText component has been added as new component in Syncfusion Blazor Library.

  • The following components have been developed to meet industry standards and are now marked production-ready:

    • Ribbon
    • Sankey Diagram

Breaking changes

  • Syncfusion Blazor components will no longer support .NET 6 and .NET 7 as it has reached its end of support cycle. We recommend upgrading to .NET 8 or .NET 9 to take advantage of new features and components.

  • Fixed an issue in Syncfusion Blazor Components related to Dependency Injection in .NET 9 by changing the service registration of IComponentActivator from Singleton to Scoped, ensure to preventing potential conflicts in dependency injections.


Bug fixes

  • #FB65917 - An issue where accordion items were collapsed, but still retained the “active” state, causing inconsistent styling, has been resolved.

Accumulation Chart


  • Support has been added for customizing the position of the chart title to either the top, bottom, left, or right of the chart by setting the Position property in the AccumulationChartTitleStyle.

AI AssistView


  • #I683078 - Now we have provided support for built-in toolbar item actions when rendered as custom items.

  • Now we have provided streaming support in the Blazor AI AssistView which enables dynamic updates of the responses as chunks by using the new UpdateResponseAsync() method.

Explore the demo here

  • Now we have provided a new event ResponseStopped which triggers when the stop responding button is clicked.



  • #I665832 - Added support for displaying a tooltip that provides information about the data point closest to the cursor by enabling ShowNearestTooltip in the ChartTooltipSettings.
    Explore the demo here.

  • #I639625, #F194644 - Added support for customizing the exported Excel document through the Exporting event which is triggered before exporting the chart data.

  • Enhanced interaction by allowing users to highlight the corresponding series when hovering over a data point. This is done by enabling the EnableHighlight property in the ChartTooltipSettings, thereby improving clarity with the tooltip.
    Explore the demo here.

  • Added support for highlighting the entire range of data points on a category axis, when the crosshair is displayed, by enabling HighlightCategory property in the ChartCrosshairSettings, enhancing visibility.
    Explore the demo here.

  • Enabled customization of the corner radius for individual data points in rectangle-shaped series using the OnPointRender event which is triggered during point rendering, enhancing the chart’s appearance.

  • Support has been added for customizing the position of the chart title to either the top, bottom, left, or right of the chart by setting the Position property in the ChartTitleStyle.

Chat UI


  • Now we have provided two methods ScrollToMessageAsync and FocusAsync for the Blazor Chat UI:

    • ScrollToMessageAsync(string messageId) – Scrolls to the specific message using its unique ID, allowing users to quickly navigate to the messages.

    • FocusAsync – Sets focus on the input textarea, enabling seamless message typing without manual interaction.

Context Menu

Bug Fixes

  • #I693138 - Fixed an issue where the scrolling function was still invoked for default menu rendering despite the EnableScrolling property being set to false.

  • #I691884 - Resolved an unhandled exception that occurred when rapidly navigating between menu items in the Menu component.

Dashboard Layout


  • #FB41586 -The Blazor Dashboard Layout component allows users to get and set persisted states using GetPersistDataAsync and SetPersistDataAsync methods, as well as reset the persist state to the initial state of the panels using ResetPersistDataAsync method.

Data Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #I700460 - Fixed an issue in the adaptive layout DataGrid where some column headers were not displayed correctly when the row rendering mode was set to vertical.

  • #I702032, #FB66193 - Provided support for an optional parameter in the GetFilteredRecordsAsync method. This parameter enables a strict filtering mode, ensuring that records are retrieved only when a filtering or searching action is performed in the DataGrid; otherwise, an empty list is returned.

    Code Example:

      <SfGrid @ref="@GridRef" DataSource="@GridData" AllowFiltering="true">
      @code {
          public SfGrid<OrdersDetails> GridRef { get; set; }
          public async Task ButtonClick()
              var Filteredrecords = await GridRef.GetFilteredRecordsAsync(true); // Enables strict filtering in DataGrid.


  • #I632059, #FB62783 - Provided support for moving the TextAlign attribute from inline styles to CSS classes to enhance DataGrid performance.

  • #I664345, #FB63983 - Provided support for retaining unsaved changes while performing RowDragAndDrop. With this enhancement, the DataGrid preserves unsaved changes even after row reordering, ensuring data integrity and a seamless user experience.

  • #I607805, #FB60569 - Improved the sorting performance of ForeignKey Columns in the DataGrid for faster and more efficient data processing.

  • #I262639, #FB11606 - Provided support for the FixedColumn feature, allowing specific columns to remain fixed at the start of the DataGrid while preventing them from being reordered or grouped.

  • #I650253,#FB62862 - Provided support for Frozen Columns alongside the Detail Template feature. This enhancement allows specific columns to remain fixed while expanding and displaying the detail template, improving data visibility and usability. Please find the demo link here.

  • #FB60977 - Provided support for the AutoFit feature to set a specified column width in the DataGrid, ensuring that the column retains its defined width without expanding to fill the DataGrid container, even if the container width is larger. Please find the demo link here.

  • #FB62810 - Provided support for AllowResizing when frozen columns are enabled with Grouping in the DataGrid.

  • #I636633, #FB61731 - Provided support to prevent hidden columns from rendering in the DOM to improve performance, especially when multiple columns are hidden. This behavior can be controlled using the ShouldRenderHiddenColumns property in the DataGrid. By default, it is set to true, but it can be set to false as needed.

  • RowUpdatedEventArgs: Provided event support to differentiate whether the save action is performed for a new row or an edit operation in the RowUpdating and RowUpdated events.

Performance Benchmark

The following table compares data binding performance metrics from our benchmark tests using 1,000 rows, 10 columns, and a page size of 50 records:

Release Version Data Binding Time Performance Improvement
2024 Volume 4 ~788 ms -
2025 Volume 1 ~598 ms ~24% faster

Testing environment: Chrome 120, Windows 11, Ryzen 5 processor, 16GB RAM.

Breaking Changes

  • To enhance DataGrid performance, the data-rowindex and data-colindex attributes have been removed from the tr and td elements in the DataGrid. Instead, use aria-rowindex and aria-colindex attributes. You can achieve similar functionality by using aria-rowindex - 1 and aria-colindex - 1 as an alternative.

  • #I628986 - The aria-label attribute has been removed from template and command columns to optimize rendering efficiency.

  • #I694272 - Refactored ExportToExcelAsync, ExportToCsvAsync, and ExportToPdfAsync by removing unnecessary parameters. Additionally, the MultipleExportproperty has been removed from ExcelExportProperties. Furthermore, the ExcelExport, CsvExport, and PdfExport methods have been refactored to remove unnecessary parameters that were marked as obsolete four releases ago. These methods are no longer supported, so any code using them needs to be updated accordingly.



Container Support (#I399752)

This Container feature allows users to group multiple nodes and connectors, providing a structured layout to manage complex diagrams. Containers support dragging, resizing, and customization, including headers and text styling. They help maintain an organized layout without permanently merging elements, making them ideal for workflows, BPMN diagrams, and system designs. Effortlessly manage grouped elements while ensuring clarity and flexibility in your diagrams. You can check out the documentation link here.

Demo: Container Support

Toggle selection for diagram elements

This CanToggleSelection feature allows users to toggle the selection state of diagram elements, including nodes, connectors, groups, and swimlanes, by clicking on them at runtime. If an element is already selected, clicking it again will unselect it, enhancing interaction flexibility. You can check out the documentation link here.

Control annotation rotation

By default, annotations rotate along with the node when the rotator thumb is used. This RotationReference feature introduces an option to keep annotations fixed to the page or rotate them along with the node, providing greater flexibility in diagram customization. You can check out the documentation link here.

Highlight multiple selection

This feature improves the visibility of selected diagram elements by rendering a highlighted border around them during multiple selections. The first selected element stands out with a border that is twice as thick as the others, making it easier to identify and manage selections effectively. You can check out the documentation link here.

Performance Improvements

  • Optimized the initial rendering performance for diagrams with nodes containing annotations and connectors, providing a smoother experience.
Performance Benchmark Comparison
Environment Scenario Performance Improvement
Server 1,000 Nodes, 1,000 Connectors, 1,000 Annotations 60% Faster
  5,000 Nodes, 5,000 Connectors, 5,000 Annotations 75% Faster
  10,000 Nodes, 10,000 Connectors, 10,000 Annotations 86.6% Faster
WebAssembly (WASM) 1,000 Nodes, 1,000 Connectors, 1,000 Annotations 31.2% Faster
  5,000 Nodes, 5,000 Connectors, 5,000 Annotations 85.3% Faster
  10,000 Nodes, 10,000 Connectors, 10,000 Annotations 74.1% Faster

Bug fixes

  • #I642024 - Page breaks now update correctly when a node moves between quadrants.
  • #I688870 - Node preview is now updated properly after changing the RotationAngle property programmatically.
  • #I691088 - Snapping will no longer work when drawing shapes if SnapConstraints is set to None.
  • #I690936 - The OldValue property in SelectionChanging and SelectionChanged events now returns the correct deselected nodes.
  • #I690933 - The SelectionChanging and SelectionChanged events now trigger correctly when deselecting nodes using Ctrl + Click.
  • #I691712 - Null pointer exceptions will no longer occur when loading diagrams containing swimlanes with nodes.
  • #I693016 - Node preview alignment is now properly adjusted when drawing with different Pivot properties.



  • Create, modify, and remove SmartArt graphics programmatically in DOCX format documents.
  • #I566560, #I581206, #I173017, #I156416, #I191034, #I227776, #I379957, #I383384, #I440935, #I150127, #I153359, #I181911, #I211893, #I222043, #I223360, #I223422, #I223516, #I246325, #I247941, #I248366, #I282726, #I293680, #I335826, #I350137, #F180343, #FB28962 - SmartArt graphics are now preserved when converting DOCX format documents to PDFs and images.
  • Improved rendering of EMF+ and EMF+ Dual images when converting Word documents to PDFs and images.
  • Added APIs to open and save Word documents using a file path in .NET 8.0 and later.

Document Editor


  • #I690626 - Added support for preserving hidden text.
  • #I553919 - Introduced a new API to obtain the start and end hierarchical index of a text selection.

File Manager


  • #FB63528 - The File Manager now supports to set authorization header for the get image file operation. This feature allows you to secure the image file retrieval process by including an authorization header in the request. This can be enabled by setting UseImageAsUrl value as false in BeforeImageLoadEventArgs of BeforeImageLoad event.

Bug Fixes

  • #F196347 - Resolved the renaming issue with special character(&) in the File Manager component.

Gantt Chart

Bug fix

  • Fixed an issue where the splitter separator size did not change dynamically when setting the separator size in the sample.


  • #FB63244 - Provided text label support in Gantt Chart PDF export with new properties in PdfLabelSettings for enhanced customization.

Breaking changes

  • To improve performance and meet accessibility standards, we have removed the data-row index and data-col index attributes from the <tr> and <td> elements in the TreeGrid and Gantt Chart sections of the component. Instead, use aria-row index and aria-col index attributes. This change enhances rendering speed, but if you previously relied on the removed attributes, update your implementation accordingly. You can achieve similar functionality by using aria-row index - 1 and aria-col index - 1 as an alternative.

  • The following properties, events, methods, and APIs that were deprecated in previous releases have now been removed. Where applicable, suitable alternatives have been provided to ensure a smooth transition.

Class Deprecated Type Recommended Alternative
TaskbarEditedEventArgs<TValue> Cancel Property Cancel - Use the cancel property in the TaskbarEditingEventArgs to cancel the taskbar editing action.
GanttActionEventArgs<TValue> ModifiedRecords Property ModifiedTaskData - Represents a list of modified task data objects in the gantt chart.
SfGantt<TValue> EnableVirtualization API EnableRowVirtualization - Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable row virtualization on the grid. When enabled, only the rows visible within the viewport are rendered and on vertical scrolling, subsequent rows are loaded. EnableTimelineVirtualization - Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable timeline virtualization on the chart side. When enabled, only the timeline cells in the current viewport are rendered and subsequent timeline cells are loaded dynamically on horizontal scrolling.
GanttEvents<TValue> OnRowDragStart Event RowDragStarting - Raised when row dragging starts for reordering. Receives a RowDragStartingEventArgs object with details about the dragged rows.
SfGantt<TValue> GetRecordByID Method GetTaskByID - Retrieves a record from the data source based on the given ID.
SfGantt<TValue> GetHierarchicalData Method GetCurrentViewRecords - Retrieves a list of all records that are currently displayed in the view.



  • #I568499 - Online maps, such as OpenStreetMap and Azure Maps, can now be zoomed with a smooth transition by setting the AnimationDuration.
  • #I513663, #F170203 - The smoothness of pinch zooming in the online maps displayed in Blazor Maps has been improved.



  • #I645793 - Now, the Mention component supports triggering the suggestion popup without requiring a leading space. When RequireLeadingSpace is set to false, the popup appears as the mention character is typed continuously, enhancing flexibility in user input. By default, the suggestion popup appears only when there is a leading space before typing the mention character.



  • Added support for defining custom structure elements with role mapping when generating accessible PDF documents.
  • #I565184 – Added support for generating well-tagged standard-compliant PDF documents.
  • #I565184 – Added support for generating PDFs compliant with Universal Accessibility Level 2 (PDF/UA-2) standards.
  • #I662486, #I587085 – Added support for generating PDF documents compliant with ZUGFeRD version 2.3.2.
  • #I677046 – Added support for applying Hatch Brush patterns in PDF documents.

Breaking Changes

  • PDF-to-image conversion - Starting with v29.x.x, if you reference Syncfusion PdfToImageConverter assemblies from trial setup or from the NuGet feed, include a license key in your projects. Refer to this Link for generating and registering a Syncfusion license key in your application to use the components without a trail message.

PDF Viewer

Bug fixes

  • #I681926 - The issue where a web service error occurred while loading the provided document has been resolved in the Blazor PDF Viewer.
  • #I683175 - The issue where the save functionality failed on the second edit when using multiple PdfViewer instances in Blazor has been resolved.
  • #I684122 - The stability issue with transparent PNG custom stamp overlays has been resolved in the PDF Viewer.
  • #I687510 - The issue where signature creation did not work when EnableTextMarkupAnnotation was disabled has been resolved in SfPdfViewer2.
  • #I688071 - The issue causing slowness when loading PDFs and the additional scrollbar appearance has been resolved in the PDF Viewer.
  • #I690287 - The issue where the MoveSignature and ResizeSignature events did not trigger has been resolved in SfPdfViewer2.
  • #I690118 - The issue where GetDocumentAsync did not reflect the updated signature position has been resolved in the PDF Viewer.
  • #I690758 - The issue with customizing the “Add Signature” dialog has been resolved in the PDF Viewer.
  • #I692739 - The issue where disabling toolbar items did not work properly in mobile mode has been resolved in the Blazor PDF Viewer.
  • #I692768 - The issue where an exception occurred when double-clicking a signature in mobile mode has been resolved in the Blazor PDF Viewer.
  • #I693781 - The issue where an exception occurred when opening and closing the thumbnail panel while annotations were disabled has been resolved in the Blazor PDF Viewer.
  • #I665981 - The issue where setting transparency for FreeText annotations caused the save process to fail has been resolved in the PDF Viewer.


  • #I323437,#I369378 - Blazor PDF Viewer now provides built-in Form Designer support, allowing users to add, edit, and delete form fields in a PDF document. With this enhancement, users can dynamically design and modify interactive forms directly within the PDF Viewer.

The supported form field types include:

  • Button – Customizable action buttons to trigger events or scripts.
  • TextBox – Enables users to enter custom text.
  • Password Field – Similar to a TextBox but masks input for secure data entry.
  • CheckBox – Allows users to select or deselect an option.
  • Radio Button – Enables users to choose a single option from multiple choices.
  • DropDown – Provides a dropdown list of predefined options with an editable input field.
  • List Box – Displays a list of selectable items.
  • Signature Field – Enables users to add digital signatures to the document.

This feature enhances user interaction by enabling seamless form customization within the PDF Viewer.

  • #I685714 - We have added support for custom fonts in Free Text Annotations. Users can load and save custom fonts using system-installed fonts, browser fonts, or specify them through the FallbackFontCollection API if not available locally. Additionally, the FontFamilies property allows adding custom font families to the Font Family dropdown in the Annotation Toolbar.

Breaking Changes

  • With this release, the Form Designer toolbar button is now included by default in the Primary Toolbar of the Blazor PDF Viewer. This change ensures easier access to form editing features without requiring manual configuration.

Pivot Table

Bug Fixes

  • This release enhances the usability and stability of the Pivot Table by addressing issues in the following modules: Column Customization, Pivot Chart, Exporting, Grouping, Filtering, Calculated Field, Event Handling, and Virtual Scrolling.



  • #I686548 - Preserve shapes as PDF text form fields when converting PowerPoint to PDF.
  • Improved rendering of EMF+ and EMF+ Dual images when converting PowerPoint to PDFs and images.



  • Now we have provided support for the Contextual tabs and Key tips in the Blazor Ribbon component.

    • Contextual tabs - Allows users to display additional tab groups dynamically based on user interactions using the RibbonContextualTab tag under the RibbonContextualTabs tag. This feature enhances UI flexibility by showing relevant commands only when needed, keeping it organized.

      Explore the demo here

      Explore the documentation here

    • Key tips - It enables users to navigate and activate ribbon items using keyboard shortcuts by using the EnableKeyTips property and KeyTip property for the ribbon items. This makes it easy to access ribbon items without relying on a mouse.

      Explore the demo here

      Explore the documentation here

Rich Text Editor


  • Inline Code Formatting: This feature allows users to format code snippets within text by wrapping them in the <code> element, ensuring they are displayed in a monospace font for better readability.
    To enable inline code formatting in the toolbar, add the InlineCode command to the ToolbarItemModel . By including this toolbar item, users can easily apply inline code formatting without manually wrapping text in <code> tags. Check out the online demo here

Bug Fixes

  • #I690576 - Now, when dynamically changing the readonly property in the RTE, the creation of multiple new lines is prevented when pressing the Enter key.

  • #I695423 - Now, the StatusText argument of the OnImageUploadFailed event works properly in the Rich Text Editor, reflecting updates in the Insert Image dialog when an upload fails.

  • #I942858 - Now, the Rich Text Editor works properly when setting the EnableAutoUrl to true, making inserted links relative when using the image quick toolbar to insert links.

  • #I942861 - Now, the Rich Text Editor works properly when setting the Enable property of the RichTextEditorQuickToolbarSettings to false, preventing a script error when focusing inside the editor.

  • #I696167 - Now, inserting an image in the Rich Text Editor works properly when the SaveFormat is set to Base64 and no temporary image file is added to the working directory in the WPF application.



  • #I354565 - Provided support to enables clipboard functionality for appointments, allowing them to be copied using keyboard shortcuts and pasted onto the Scheduler by setting AllowClipboard property as true. When set to true, users can use keyboard shortcuts to cut, copy appointments and paste them into different time slots.
Keys Description
Ctrl + X To cut the selected appointment.
Ctrl + C To copy the selected appointment.
Ctrl + V To paste the cut/copied appointment.

Methods CutAsync, CopyAsync, and PasteAsync have been implemented to allow users to perform clipboard actions on appointments.

Explore the demo here

Bug fixes

  • #687721 - An issue where the scroller was not the moved to the current date automatically in the Timeline month view has been resolved.

SpeechToText Preview

The Blazor SpeechToText component provides seamless voice-to-text conversion in web applications. It features real-time transcription with interim results, multilingual recognition, customizable buttons and tooltips, and error handling, ensuring intuitive and accessible speech recognition.

Explore the demo here
Explore the documentation here


  • Real-time transcription: Instantly captures spoken input and converts it into text, ensuring smooth speech recognition.
  • Interim results: Provides partial transcriptions as the user speaks, offering dynamic real-time experience before finalizing the text.
  • Multilingual recognition: Supports multiple languages allowing users to transcribe speech in their preferred language.
  • Tooltips: Tooltips display information about start and stop actions, guiding users throughout the speech recognition process.
  • Appearance: Supports predefined styles and allows customization of content and icons to meet the application’s design and user preferences.



  • Introduced ShouldReinitialize property to support Blazor’s stream rendering feature, ensuring proper tab synchronization during progressive content loading while maintaining backward compatibility.

Tree Grid


  • Enhanced TreeGrid Performance
    • Removed unnecessary attributes and inline styles, resulting in a leaner HTML structure for faster rendering.
    • Improved data processing performance in the Blazor TreeGrid as part of the 2025 Volume 1 release.

Performance Benchmark

The following table compares data binding performance metrics from our benchmark tests using 1,000 rows, 10 columns, and a page size of 50 records:

Release Version Data Binding Time Performance Improvement
2024 Volume 4 ~1736 ms -
2025 Volume 1 ~890 ms ~49% faster

Testing environment: Chrome 120, Windows 11, Intel i7 processor, 16GB RAM

Breaking Changes

  • To enhance Tree Grid performance, we have removed the data-row index and data-colindex attributes from the tr and td elements. Instead, use the aria-row index and aria-colindex attributes.
  • Refactored ExportToExcelAsync, ExportToCsvAsync, and ExportToPdfAsync by removing unnecessary parameters. Additionally, the MultipleExportproperty has been removed from ExcelExportProperties. Furthermore, the ExcelExport, CsvExport, and PdfExport methods have been refactored to remove redundant parameters that were marked as obsolete four releases ago. These methods are no longer supported, so any code using them needs to be updated accordingly.



  • #I648033 - Added support for configuring custom headers in the Uploader component by using the HttpClientInstance property for customization.

Visual Studio Code Extensions

Breaking Changes

  • Syncfusion Blazor Template Studio no longer supports .NET 6.0 and .NET 7.0.

Visual Studio Extensions

Breaking Changes

  • Syncfusion Blazor Template Studio no longer supports .NET 6.0 and .NET 7.0.



  • Added file path overloads to the Open, Save, and Convert APIs, allowing direct file path usage instead of FileStream.
  • Introduced the GetCellValue method for efficient cell value reading in Excel documents.
  • Improved performance for opening, reading, creating, and saving Excel documents.
  • Enhanced support for preserving EMF Plus images in Excel to PDF/Image conversions.
  • Upgraded SkiaSharp to version v3.116.1 in XlsIORenderer for improved Excel to PDF/Image conversions.