Essential Studio for Blazor Release Notes

September 26, 2023

Bug fixes

  • #F46249 - Exception and termination occurs when using AutoPlay has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I498053 - All labels are now displayed when the scroll bar is scrolled up and down quickly in lazy loading.
  • #I497965 - The scrollbar now functions properly when the live chart is zoomed in.
  • #I500828 - The tooltip font size is now correctly applied when it is set in the ChartTooltipTextStyle.
  • #I502330 - MultiColoredLine series tooltip and markers are now displayed properly after zooming the chart.
  • #I502573 - Scrollbar zooming now functions correctly when resizing the width of the scrollbar.

Circular Gauge

Bug Fixes

  • #I500672 - Exceptions will no longer be thrown when the axes in Circular Gauge are dynamically added.


Bug fixes

  • #F183956 - Resolved issue with “Cast is not valid” error being thrown when binding TItem as KeyValuePair<string, string>.

Dashboard Layout

Bug Fixes

  • #I500366 - The overlapping issue in the Blazor Dashboard Layout component has been resolved.

Data Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #493861 - Resolved the issue, where the validation tooltip content was not aligning properly when the cell width was too small.
  • #I495952 - Resolved the issue, when using a non-nullable datetime column, the filtering was not working properly.
  • #I497869 - Resolved the issue where the filter operator was not working properly while showing suggestions in the SfAutoComplete component rendered inside the Excel filter.
  • #I492248 - Fixed the issue where the footer aggregate was not rendering correctly when using adaptive layout in mobile mode and in vertical row rendering mode.
  • #I501345 - Resolved the issue where initial grouping did not work properly when the grid was bound with column template and column visibility.
  • #I497352 - Fixed the issue where the tooltip was not displayed properly when the grid was rendered inside the SfDialog.
  • #FB46848 - Resolved the issue where template columns were exported without considering the column visibility during PDF Export.

Date Picker

Bug Fixes

  • #F499859 - Issue with “null exception occurs when we try to clear a value on a datepicker when the TValue is set as DateTime and ShowClearButton as false” has been resolved.

  • #I494907 - Fixed an issue where the error class was not being added when manually typing a disabled date and then focusing out of the component.

  • #I500284 - Fixed the issue where the tooltip title was not being updated correctly in the Month and Year View of the DatePicker.


Bug Fixes

  • #I495120 - Table is now preserved properly while converting a DOCX format document to PDF.
  • #I494803 - Paragraph spacing is now preserved properly while converting a DOCX format document to HTML in German culture.
  • #I499455 - Text inside content control is now replaced properly while calling Replace API.
  • #I495434 - Picture in alternate chunk document is now preserved properly after calling UpdateAlternateChunks API.
  • #I495128 - Text in the frame is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I498173 - Spacing is now preserved properly between the Arabic characters while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I496752 - ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while converting a Word document to PDF with empty drop-down form fields.
  • #I497692 - Hanging issue will no longer occurs while converting a Word document to PDF with a frame.
  • #I498959 - ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while converting a Word document to PDF with RTL text.
  • #I500471 - Center alignment in table cell is now applied properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • Footnote content is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.

File Manager

Bug Fixes

  • #F46729 - Issue with the triggering of “OnFileOpen” event when selecting any item in context menu has been resolved.

  • #I501807 - The issue with the AutoClose property of the Blazor File Manager component has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I499803 - Exceptions will no longer be thrown when the axis label in the DateTime axis is set to the first day of the month.

Numeric TextBox

Bug Fixes

  • #I502082 - Fixed an issue where the paste function was not working correctly on the NumericTextbox when the copied value contained a space.


Bug Fixes

  • #I486967 - The preservation issue no longer occurs when filling out the form field in the specific PDF.
  • #I498568 - Preservation issues no longer occur when converting PDF to PDF/A.
  • #I499042 - The preservation issue no longer occurs after utilizing DrawPdfTemplate.


Bug Fixes

  • #I498933 - Hanging will no longer occurs while opening a PowerPoint presentation with SmartArt effects.
  • #I501486 - Video file tag is now added properly while saving a PowerPoint presentation with video.
  • #I502705 - Gradient line is now preserved properly while converting a PowerPoint presentation to image.


Bug Fixes

  • #F184520 - An issue where weekly recurrence events were not rendered beyond their first occurrence when scheduled on the different first day of the week has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • Resolved the issue with the tooltip’s position while the target is hidden.


Bug Fixes

  • #I499551 - The issue “selection is not updated in the UI while using the TreeViewEvents” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I490580 - Fixed an issue where the status code was returning ‘1’ during the second file upload in the OnActionComplete event.

  • #I494104 - Fixed an issue where deleting or removing a file from the uploader list using the keyboard did not remove the file.

  • #I493496 - Fixed an issue where uploading files with multiple ampersands in the name would trigger a ‘File Name Not Allowed’ error.



  • #F493517 - Support for CHOOSEROWS function is provided.
  • #F492253 - Provided the support for importing HashSet object collection.

Bug Fixes

  • #I496843 - Xml exception is thrown while parsing the vml shapes with shape type is now resolved.
  • #I493517 - LET formula with unwanted braces in resaved Excel document issue is now resolved.
  • #I495101 - No exception is raised while parsing a combinational chart that includes pie or doughnut series.
  • #I497555 - Application hanging while parsing the VML shape with absoluteAnchor tag is now resolved.
  • #I490211 - Pivot table is rendered properly while using the subtotal type as counta.
  • #I499257 - Border is visible for right column and bottom row in worksheet to image conversion.
  • #I497876 - Template marker repeat and merge arguments is now working properly while using single instance.
  • #I499068 - System not implemented exception is thrown while saving the Excel document is now resolved.
  • #I498203 - Index out of range exception is thrown while parsing cell styles is now resolved
  • #I490211 - Exception will not be thrown during pivot table layout if cell value has greater than int32.
  • #I498613 - While re-saving an excel file contains sheet with background and embedded Image is not corrupted.
  • #FB46240 - Not implemented exception is thrown while parsing line properties of chart labels having extLst tag is now resolved.